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The best hospital for stomach cancer in Bangkok or in Thailand?

My close relative, a Grandma in her 70s has stomach cancer. Her daughter had been taking her all over places and hospitals for treatments, but it seems strange that her daughter keeps on saying there's only 1 hospital in Khonkhean that treats stomach cancers or any other cancers. Is this true or is she just lying to family members because she wants to spend less and at the same time make it seems she's all out and doing everything in her power and financial power to take care of her mother so that way she can inherit more will?l

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You would be correct there is a dedicated Cancer hospital in BKK close to Victory monument.

Unfortunately stomach cancer is very rarely detected I until well advanced. Read the American Cancer Society web site.

My friends wife mid 40 ,s has this diagnosed in January and was at stage 4... Whent to BKK for surgery to remove stomache after a lot of run around, They opened her up but 2 place had secondary cancer,, one being the liver in a spot inoperable. They did nothing

Sewed her up ,,, next step chemo @ 40.000baht each time. The course is 12 sessions. She had cancer insurance and is a government employee, but that does not cover all the costs.

I am afraid at 70 I doubt she is strong enough for any of this, Let her go with dignity and peace.

Almost forgot, need an MRI at least twice and this ranges in cost from around 16000 baht to 40000 baht a time location dependant.

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ask Sheryl, how do you know she has stomach cancer ? I would think it not so much the hospital as finding an oncologist, for that part of the body, and I'd guess your gonna have more choices in BKK

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Grandma is at the end of the road, and there is not much that can be done. Let her die in peace.

There is a range of different stomach cancers. Some of them can be kept in check with medication (specifically enzyme inhibitors) providing for many more years of productive life. So this may well not be "the end of the road" and there may be "much that can be done". So I'd suggest you avoid pronouncing people terminally ill and potentially causing unnecessary distress when you're clearly don't know what you're writing about.

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Stomach cancer is unfortunately very common in Thailand and there are many large hospitals which can provide treatment. It is however true that in Khon Khaen area there is only one government hospital that can do so and this is Srinagarind, the hospital attached to Khon Kaen Univ. Not only is this the only goverent hospital in that region able to treat this but it is also the best hospital thete inclusive of private ones.

There are options in Bangkok both public and private but very unlikely to offer more than can be obtained at Srinakarind.

If the patient is Thai then going outside the chain of referral from whete she is registeted will mean having to pay out of pocket for care that would otherwise have been free.

It is unfortunately true that by the time it is diagnosed stomach cancer is often incurable.

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