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Thai vs Filipina

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I have had one filipina girlfriend. In my opinion she out distanced any thai woman I have ever known.even my present wife. She kept the house immaculate,she kept herself looking good all day,she cooked every meal,was always available for sex, She appreciated everything I did for her.Always saved me money on purchases by comparison shopping for me. She was amazing. The reason we are not together today is I wouldnot get married in Canada with Canada's divorce laws being what they are. And she wouldnot move back to Phillipines to marry and live as I wanted. So the relationship ended.

Good for her. Sounds like she already had a personal goal, and the ability to stay on mission, despite her romantic feelings toward you. Sounds like my kind of "partnership" girl. Sadly, I doubt you'll ever find a girl with that level of "grit" (fortitude), in the LOS.

As the years move progressively along, you'll probably come to realize, that the loss was definitely on your part.coffee1.gif

You are absolutely right. She was a real catch,but I should mention all her friends that were married to Canucks were the same as her. So I got the feeling there are a lot of filipina women out there like her. But none the less I would not get married in Canada, She had her agenda I had mine..

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I have had one filipina girlfriend. In my opinion she out distanced any thai woman I have ever known.even my present wife. She kept the house immaculate,she kept herself looking good all day,she cooked every meal,was always available for sex, She appreciated everything I did for her.Always saved me money on purchases by comparison shopping for me. She was amazing. The reason we are not together today is I wouldnot get married in Canada with Canada's divorce laws being what they are. And she wouldnot move back to Phillipines to marry and live as I wanted. So the relationship ended.

Good for her. Sounds like she already had a personal goal, and the ability to stay on mission, despite her romantic feelings toward you. Sounds like my kind of "partnership" girl. Sadly, I doubt you'll ever find a girl with that level of "grit" (fortitude), in the LOS.

As the years move progressively along, you'll probably come to realize, that the loss was definitely on your part.coffee1.gif

You are absolutely right. She was a real catch,but I should mention all her friends that were married to Canucks were the same as her. So I got the feeling there are a lot of filipina women out there like her. But none the less I would not get married in Canada, She had her agenda I had mine..

It is a SHAME!

Love & mutual respect reign far above material stuff.

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I was with a Thai girl for several years and now I have a Filipino girlfriend. What I'm enjoying about my Filipino girl is that she is much more educated and is fluent in English. We can talk about things that I could never talk to my Thai girlfriend about. Plus, she has yet to ask me for money. My experience is that Filipino people are hard workers, however, they are a poor people. It is interesting to me that she can make more money in Thailand as a teacher than she can in the Philippines. From my experience, I take a Filipino girl over a Thai or Lao girl any day.

Now, ask me again in a few years.

Good luck.

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Fabricus, on 03 Oct 2015 - 12:25, said:

I once had a GF from the PI. She was an upper class girl from Manila. She lived and worked in BKK; her parents sent her money every month to supplement her income.

She used to call me five times a day. The fifth call killed me: she'd be crying her eyes out and saying how much she loved me. In the end I really hated her.

Your relationship with the Thai girl is over. Move out, and move on.

Your best bet is to enjoy Thailand and focus less on little girlies. Most Thai girls are rather dull.

Thailand is extraordinary in that it has so much to offer. Explore it; discover it; savor it!

I a leaving with mygirl friend now wife for more than 9 years , she is some time hormonaly Moody but most of the time it is is funny to leave with.

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Filipinas are all about family and friends. Eventually you will go insane listening to her and her filipina mates speaking Tagalog/lish whenever they are together. And while a filipina will never ask you for money for her, when Uncle Nino needs a new truck...you need to deliver because 12 years ago Uncle Nino drove her sister to the store for emergency meds and saver her life. If you don't buy Uncle Nino the truck...you will be forever tainted and she and her friends will nspeak about what scum you are...all while you sit there and listen to it all. Thai women are predictable but trustworthy, filipinas are smarter intellectually but also much more street smart and cannot be trusted. Just some experience from both here in and in the states (Jersey city, NJ) where a large philipino community resides.

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I was with a Thai girl for several years and now I have a Filipino girlfriend. What I'm enjoying about my Filipino girl is that she is much more educated and is fluent in English. We can talk about things that I could never talk to my Thai girlfriend about. Plus, she has yet to ask me for money. My experience is that Filipino people are hard workers, however, they are a poor people. It is interesting to me that she can make more money in Thailand as a teacher than she can in the Philippines. From my experience, I take a Filipino girl over a Thai or Lao girl any day.

Now, ask me again in a few years.

Good luck.

Are you equating education with English proficiency? Because this does not apply in Thailand. English proficiency in Thailand has nothing to do with level of education. An uneducated Filipina or Thai bargirl can speak more passable English than a respectable Thai with a PhD. It sounds like you cannot speak Thai. If you could, then you'd be able to have a higher level of conversation with your Thai GF.

I'd agree that if you can only speak English, you're better off with a typical Filipina over a Thai.

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My experience, for what it's worth:

Thai women. Money only flows one way. Filipinos different, but those I met did not have money, spent any she did have on me, and really tried to be accommodating. Different. Yes, it is impossible to discuss with Thai women. They set their own agenda according to their Thai family, peers and traditions. No discussion. No information either. Extracting any information was a struggle, and any question was usually replied to by a question. This is not the "Western" understanding of a relationship. I think all women are the same, the only difference being cultural.

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It sounds like she has the balls in the relationship and moving in with her is like being married hence everything has changed (no sex or communication).

If women are in their 30s without kids there is usually a bad reason, where it doesnt sound like you will ever be happy with this thai girl.

Independent women that are westernised aren't relationship material (60-70% chance of divorce in the west today). Find yourself a family oriented woman that lets you play the provider role and lets you be a man and lead. These women want you to be happy and put their needs second.

I think you need to learn more about women first where a good place to ask questions like this are at www.rooshvforum.com

A womam that holds sex in a serious relationship is doing it for power over you. A normal thai woman would never do th is! She would want you to be happy where all women know thay men have sexually needs.

If you want your balls back, take charge, tell her this is how it is or im leaving. To punish a woman when she is bad and isnt listening to you, you withdraw all your attention. Women are like children, they crave attention and it drives them crazy when they don't get it from their man. Move out into your own domain and let her come to you under your rules. In her house, she is in charge. A woman is attracted to a provider and a man that takes charge over his life! Are you showing any of these qualities?!?

Edited by fitnesspm
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It is a SHAME!

Love & mutual respect reign far above material stuff.

I would suggest you are slightly out of touch with the female species.

As he's housebound and living in the jungle, I would suggest he's out of touch with reality.

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Oh no, please...not again.

All Thai women are stupid.

All Filipino women love western music.

All British women can neck a pint of beer in 10 seconds

All French women smoke

All expats in Thailand make decisions in life based on random generalisations of a given country's female population.

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Thai v Filipina?

Been there - 1 week - 8 days too long.

Food - a dog wouldn't eat it.

Women - all yours!

Filipina food is great if you are adventurous and not the normal western idea of it must be meat and three veg.

Bulaloa beef stew with marrowbone is delicious, spicy sisig and spicy gambas are as good.

Liven in anila for a total of three years on and off and always found plenty of good food and my Thai girlfriend also enjoyed the local dishes.

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It has been many years.

Had a s/t g/f in Oz.

Went to PI post Marcos - stayed at the swish hotel in Manila. Only Christian staff & of course an orchestra played in the afternoon.

When you left & arrived at the hotel, security checked.

Couldn't wait to depart!

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Oh evnI asked myself this questions many times and at the end this is my opinion based on my personal experience which of course may differ from others.

OP the kind of Thai GF you have got isnt bad rather rare for many, and l must say you are lucky to some extend.

Dated few Filipinas, from their elite society to down ordinary girls, for fun they are better and wittier. Some how mostly are very materialistic or as some would say Gold diggers. ( pls bare in mind exceptions are always there but exceptions can not be an example).

though i really hate to generalize but Thai's are perhaps less demanding than the filipinas.

Beauty wise, statistics wise Filipna are better but life style or cleanliness, thai women are far better.

and to compare this two countries...oh well that will be totally different thread all together.

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Let's look at Thai vs Filipina vs Khmer.

Thais, alright in small doses, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Thai women. I was married to a Thai for 22 years, I still don't really know why it crashed and burned.

Filipinas, can lie cheat and steal fluently, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Filipino women. I had a few Filipina GF's but had my fingers burnt every time.

Khmers, many are from very poor backgrounds and appreciate everything without asking for anything. I've been with the same girl 7 years, every day is a delight.

Ultimately there is no defintive answer, it's an individual decision and one man's meat.......

This guy nailed it.

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What a bunch of generalizations, oversimplifications, sweeping statements, and just plain personal opinion and biases? So, I might as well add mine.

I have had considerable experience with both Thai and Philippine women. I first came to both countries almost 50 years ago, and have continued my visits and long-term resident stays in both countries. I've had numerous female acquaintances and a few long-term live-in lovers from both countries—bar girls, college girls, hi-so girls, girls with good jobs and girls with no jobs; smart and dumb, good and bad, tall and short, thin and thick, light and dark, young and not so young, moneyed and penniless, sweet and devious, genuine and psychotic.

I married a Filipina. Why? She satisfied my personal selection criteria better than all the others. However, the deciding factor was she truly cared for me; or maybe she was just better able to make me believe that, and she still is. Whatever, she has proven herself worth my decision time and again.

I did not marry her because she was Filipina; just like I would not marry someone because they were Thai. I chose the person. The only way to find true love is to decide what you want and get out there and find her. Don't limit your hunting grounds. If you limit yourself to the bars, you will only find bar girls.

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"Should I just go and see for myself during the next visa run?"....is that a serious question? The alternative is to base your life on other peoples opinions..... and what then?

Edited by dotpoom
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"Should I just go and see for myself during the next visa run?"....is that a serious question? The alternative is to base your life on other peoples opinions..... and what then?

Go yourself! Only way.

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