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bars closing at 12 am


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No-one said that grown up countries don't have any regulations.

However, most developed countries allow the sale of alcohol after midnight, which is what the topic is about. I can't think of any that don't, do


What was said was that If a business wants to sell late, early or both, it should be allowed to, that is pretty close to no regulations.

For the exact regulations, maybe midnight is early, but in most Western cities with a population similar to Chiang Mai, I cannot find a bar with outdoor serving, live music, and open until midnight on every single day of the week, but I can find that easily in Chiang Mai.

Even in larger Western cities, it can be a challenge to find a place that is open past midnight on weeknights, even harder to find a disco.

So Chiang Mai is not really more restrictive than your typical Western city with a population of 2-300k people. The main difference seems to be that some venues are able to ignore the rules for longer periods, making expats think that this is how things should be, rather than be concerned about a system where rules are not the same for everyone (although Im sure there exists different licenses for bars/discos, as there also do in the West).

Agree. It's getting tiresome listening to these foreigners whining/whinging about how Thais run their country when things back home aren't much different. It's simple...if things are so much better elsewhere, they should freakin go there. I have no problem at all with bars shutting down at midnight. If you can't do all you need to do before midnight, tough!

Firstly.. I dont know where you come from, but it IS much different.. Nightclubs elsewhere go on far later.. And as is being pointed out many times.. Nightclubs in Thailand go on far later. So 'how Thais run their country' isnt the issue is it ?? Its how this city is changing, not for the better.. and costing Thais economically.

Secondly, and the point is crucial enough to bear repeating.. Its a change in policy.. It isnt 'how Thais have run the country' under previous governments.. Its how an unelected Junta seem intent on punishing one specific area.. Its a change, not something thats always been that way.. Negative changes get reactions.


"Negative changes get reactions."

Are you saying enforcing the law is a negative change. LOL

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Agree. It's getting tiresome listening to these foreigners whining/whinging about how Thais run their country when things back home aren't much different. It's simple...if things are so much better elsewhere, they should freakin go there. I have no problem at all with bars shutting down at midnight. If you can't do all you need to do before midnight, tough!

Firstly.. I dont know where you come from, but it IS much different.. Nightclubs elsewhere go on far later.. And as is being pointed out many times.. Nightclubs in Thailand go on far later. So 'how Thais run their country' isnt the issue is it ?? Its how this city is changing, not for the better.. and costing Thais economically.

Secondly, and the point is crucial enough to bear repeating.. Its a change in policy.. It isnt 'how Thais have run the country' under previous governments.. Its how an unelected Junta seem intent on punishing one specific area.. Its a change, not something thats always been that way.. Negative changes get reactions.


"Negative changes get reactions."

Are you saying enforcing the law is a negative change. LOL

Isnt that obvious.. Yes I am saying this current level of enforcement is a LARGE negative change.. And not only for us as customers..

Its damaging the local economy.. Its putting businesses and people out of work.. Its not happening in other places.. and it hasnt happened at other times..

Even the Purachai social order campaign back in what ?? 2002 ?? it was 1am..

Simply because something is a law on the books, a law thats been routinely ignored for decades, does not mean that sudden (and random) enforcement of that law is a good thing.

It may be 'the law' but in no other Thai town, with any amount of tourism, is it enforced.. Phuket, Samui, Hua Hin, Bangkok, Pattaya, etc etc.. None of them are forced to suffer this 'law'..

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well maybe the problem is the other areas not enforcing tbe law, if they are staying open beyond legally allowed hours, or are you saying that the legal curfew hours in Chiang Mai are earlier than other places?

I am baffled you could understand otherwise.. Nowhere is it applied at midnight except here and perhaps Udon.. Tho it was more like 12:30 - 1 in Udon last visit..

Pattaya or Phuket its 4 even 5 am..

Samui its about 3 but they have clubs which go late..

Bangkok its 2.. Same Hua Hin..

If you count towns with a significant tourism element no where closes like Chiang Mai does.. Saying its the law, while no where else does it, and it wasnt applied here before is kind of missing the point !!

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Agree. It's getting tiresome listening to these foreigners whining/whinging about how Thais run their country when things back home aren't much different. It's simple...if things are so much better elsewhere, they should freakin go there. I have no problem at all with bars shutting down at midnight. If you can't do all you need to do before midnight, tough!

I know, right? The audacity of people discussing their viewpoints in an online discussion forum.....wait, what?

Wait a minute, are you chastising me for giving MY viewpoint?? Sorry, but where I come from, it's perfectly acceptable to express oneself, e.g., complain about the complainers. Unless you have issues with freedom of speech.

You don't have freedom of speech. Whatever gave you the idea that you did?

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well maybe the problem is the other areas not enforcing tbe law, if they are staying open beyond legally allowed hours, or are you saying that the legal curfew hours in Chiang Mai are earlier than other places?

I am baffled you could understand otherwise.. Nowhere is it applied at midnight except here and perhaps Udon.. Tho it was more like 12:30 - 1 in Udon last visit..

Pattaya or Phuket its 4 even 5 am..

Samui its about 3 but they have clubs which go late..

Bangkok its 2.. Same Hua Hin..

If you count towns with a significant tourism element no where closes like Chiang Mai does.. Saying its the law, while no where else does it, and it wasnt applied here before is kind of missing the point !!

i wouldn't say i was I'm baffled more just trying to clarify what the exact case is and you haven't managed to appease my so called bafflement.

What is the law exactly and is it a national law? Do other towns have different local licensing hours as per the local laws or perhaps exceptions that have been passed by local authorities and are as such in the law?

just because something has never been enforced strictly doesn't mean to say its ok or legal to break such as opening late beyond licensing hours permitted.

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The law is and has been for at least 20 years 12 midnight.. Except for a couple of special entertainment zones where its 1am..

Thats nationwide..

And never been enforced before.

Pointing out that its 'the law' when no where else suffers the same enforcement of that 'law' is missing the point.

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Agree. It's getting tiresome listening to these foreigners whining/whinging about how Thais run their country when things back home aren't much different. It's simple...if things are so much better elsewhere, they should freakin go there. I have no problem at all with bars shutting down at midnight. If you can't do all you need to do before midnight, tough!

I know, right? The audacity of people discussing their viewpoints in an online discussion forum.....wait, what?

Wait a minute, are you chastising me for giving MY viewpoint?? Sorry, but where I come from, it's perfectly acceptable to express oneself, e.g., complain about the complainers. Unless you have issues with freedom of speech.

No, I'm mocking you for complaining about others who exercise their right to to free speech.

Brave of you to double down on your hypocrisy, though.

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So if you or others don't like it then do something about it or live with it. Whenever I've been unhappy in a job I've looked for another. Im sure if people don't like bars closing early enough that it seriously bothers them, then I would expect them to move or be constantly unhappy. Bar owners the same if its not working out look to get out even if you have to take a loss as is normal in business when trade suffers.

I would personally prefer a 2am cut off but i just start my evening earlier if I want more drinking time. I do agree that its lost some of its nightlife appeal compared to a few years ago which is disappointing. That said if thats a major drag to people I am sure they will go elsewhere or curb their activities. Underground rave anyone? lol

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So if you or others don't like it then do something about it or live with it. Whenever I've been unhappy in a job I've looked for another. Im sure if people don't like bars closing early enough that it seriously bothers them, then I would expect them to move or be constantly unhappy. Bar owners the same if its not working out look to get out even if you have to take a loss as is normal in business when trade suffers.

I would personally prefer a 2am cut off but i just start my evening earlier if I want more drinking time. I do agree that its lost some of its nightlife appeal compared to a few years ago which is disappointing. That said if thats a major drag to people I am sure they will go elsewhere or curb their activities. Underground rave anyone? lol

That's exactly what I'm doing, time to try another country out.

I doubt I'm the only one, I've read of others who are doing the same thing.

Which is bad for everyone, less customers = prices go up, that's how it works in Thailand.


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Bye, bye!

No, just "au revoir", these muppets will get booted eventually.

LOL So you are saying that the people upholding the law will get booted.


If it is illegal activities being accepted that turns you on try Burma.


I just wet through the whole thread out of 105 posts there was only 50 posters and they were not all that bent out of shape about it. Some thought it was a good idea and some were indifferent to it.

Not going to read them all but I would bet that half of them that are concerned about it are not that upset by it.

Edited by northernjohn
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Was out and about in Loi Kroh ast night (Aust v Wales) and there were a heap of places, dare I say the majority open till 1.00pm on Loi Kroh. Up until about 12.30 it was all go then police started doing rounds, bars toned it down, some closed or partially closed shutters, some just turnedout a few lights....but they were open and poloce did not seem to have a big issue with it as long as not in your face or noisy type. Heaps of tuk tuks still oustide boxing bar leading up to 1.00 am ....and more than a a few patrons in the darkened complex.

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So if you or others don't like it then do something about it or live with it. Whenever I've been unhappy in a job I've looked for another. Im sure if people don't like bars closing early enough that it seriously bothers them, then I would expect them to move or be constantly unhappy. Bar owners the same if its not working out look to get out even if you have to take a loss as is normal in business when trade suffers.

And as thats exactly whats happening.. Thats having a effect on the local economy.. Bars closing, nightclubs closing, jobs lost, food stalls and late night eating options gone, etc etc..

Thais who live here are supposed to just abandon homes and families because of some new interpretation thats not applied anywhere else ??

There was also larger investment new nightclub in the late stages of development who have had to shutter that idea, something a city of thise size would really have done with. Again, jobs, economic activity, plus a modern dance music centric scene lacking.

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where are u headin'

I'm a veering between Cambodia and Vietnam at the moment.

(Well not literally, obviously, but I could have been because their bloody bars are open past midnight).

Vietnam is a pretty attractive option, IMO. Lots to like about that country, not just talking about bars.

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Was out and about in Loi Kroh ast night (Aust v Wales) and there were a heap of places, dare I say the majority open till 1.00pm on Loi Kroh. Up until about 12.30 it was all go then police started doing rounds, bars toned it down, some closed or partially closed shutters, some just turnedout a few lights....but they were open and poloce did not seem to have a big issue with it as long as not in your face or noisy type. Heaps of tuk tuks still oustide boxing bar leading up to 1.00 am ....and more than a a few patrons in the darkened complex.

Was down at the moat end.. refused a drink, and flouro strip lights on in the bar at 11:55.. Wouldnt even let me get a fast one to make up for my mates slow drinks and hadnt even hit the witching hour.

Soi boxing no bars actively open after maybe 12:15.. We caught the last drink in lollipop then and a lock in at the 'used to be late night' fish bar was done by 1:15 ish.. Far from 'police not minding' he was as usual crapping it about customers being too noisy while cops outside or people wanting to get in or out via the shutter. Fish bar always was one that was full on til 3 or 4..

The fact theres people milling about and looking for somewhere to spend their money doesnt mean its 'open'.. Being locked into a quiet bar simply to be able to get a drink at 1am all feels a bit desperate and takes the fun out of the whole thing. Theres a big difference between being able to sneak a drink somewhere and being out for some fun.

I tell you where is busy with Thais.. Maccas is doing gangbusters late night trade as everyones looking for somewhere to be or something to do at that hour. Crowds sat at the outdoor tables.. Thats just sad.

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Phnom Penh has a ton of them, Sihanoukville a decent fistful, Battambang has none whatsoever.

PP has a tonne of problems and issues.. But its nightlife is just great.. Good bars, good restaurants.. Wine bars.. Good DJ-centric nightclubs with lots of mid and even occasional high end names touring.

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Simply because something is a law on the books, a law thats been routinely ignored for decades, does not mean that sudden (and random) enforcement of that law is a good thing.

It may be 'the law' but in no other Thai town, with any amount of tourism, is it enforced.. Phuket, Samui, Hua Hin, Bangkok, Pattaya, etc etc.. None of them are forced to suffer this 'law'..

Has it really been ignored for decades? I think some select places have been able to ignore it, but over the last 4 or so years, I have lived near 3 different bar areas, and all of them closed at midnight, which was a big relief, because the noise pollution from these places are terrible.

As for what other cities can do, based on what I have read (unofficial sources), it seems to be down to the police district, as two different entertainment zones in Bangkok operate under different rules.

As for Pattaya, Patong (Phuket), and Samui, these places exist largely because of the tourism/nightlife, so it’s understandable that they would operate under different rules. Chiang Mai has never been about nightlife, and a lot of locals would likely be bothered if it evolved into a new Patong, Samui, or Pattaya.

In the West it’s not uncommon to see cities’ old industrial areas turned into the nightlife area, as these are generally non-residential areas, so no-one is bothered by the noise. Chiang Mai is not really able to follow that model, and due to the warm climate, many bars are open air bars, so they are far more annoying for the neighbours than in many other places.

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Has it really been ignored for decades? I think some select places have been able to ignore it, but over the last 4 or so years, I have lived near 3 different bar areas, and all of them closed at midnight, which was a big relief, because the noise pollution from these places are terrible.

Where were these 3 bar areas ?? Because I tour around a lot.. and from the islands.. Patts.. Bangkok.. Hua Hin.. Udon.. Nong Khai.. Hell even sleepy little backwaters like Loei or Pai had bars till 1 and a club till 2 plus..

If your trying to compare Chiang Mai to mae hong son (yes that closed at midnight except for the karaoke bars).. Or some other rural town.. its hardly like for like is it ?? Chiang Mai is Thailands 'second capital' and even tho census says its further down the population stats than my eyes tell me, its a vibrant modern city, with a good young student population. Its not nakhon nowhere.

As for Pattaya, Patong (Phuket), and Samui, these places exist largely because of the tourism/nightlife, so it’s understandable that they would operate under different rules. Chiang Mai has never been about nightlife, and a lot of locals would likely be bothered if it evolved into a new Patong, Samui, or Pattaya.

If you dont think large parts of Chiang Mais economy are based on tourism your dreaming.

Also as I keep trying to say its not so much about getting a desperate drink somewhere behind a lock in shutter.. Its the vibe thats being killed.. Niman used to be far more vibrant and jumping than it is currently.. Clubs are going under reducing options (I admit, I liked Monkey.. Was my favorite pick) and a whole package of economic effects that are in large part from trying to stamp out bits of unofficial economy as a social design by the current lot that cant win elections. When the police tried to operate normal policy of leniency they got instantly transferred off the job. Its top down control !!

I notice Oxide and the Santitham bars over that side off tanin are still doing good trade. Less effected than my eyes say Niman is.. No Idea how Differ or the clubs there are holding up.. But another year of this and I predict a lot of retrenchment in the local industry.

In the West it’s not uncommon to see cities’ old industrial areas turned into the nightlife area, as these are generally non-residential areas, so no-one is bothered by the noise. Chiang Mai is not really able to follow that model, and due to the warm climate, many bars are open air bars, so they are far more annoying for the neighbours than in many other places.

I dont see how that opinion stacks up in the face of facts tho.. Lets say outside of downtown the rooftop bars on star avenue mall (or on top of Maya).. Or the many beer garden / big screen football bars on middle ring Rd.. The live music ones outside Promenada.. The (slightly hostess'y setup) ones on canal Rd Ratchapeuk.. The ones fronting homepro junction hang dong.. These are EXACTLY what your saying.. Out of town, in commercial not prime resident (as much as Thailand separates it) not bothering anyone especially, and designed for locals.. Hell Kiss Wang Deang way out of the city a few kms after promenada was heaving with Thais 100s of them right into the night and not another farang face in sight.. Gone now.

If this was about being earlier noise control and pushing the later night action out of residential into the commercial or ring roads.. That was entirely possible, but if anything those bars have been hit the hardest as they seemed to operate on the late trade of people leaving town after dinner and drinks and having a few closer to home, or for some the late night EPL football. That whole segment has been driven out of operation. Shame as there were some good bars popping up on the middle ring previously.

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LivinLOS, your posts on this subject are on the mark.


I just keep trying to emphasize this is about a lot more than a few grubby girly bars on Loy Khroh.. Or the ability of finding a lock in to score a secret drink which of course will remain possible..

Last night at 1:30ish there must have been almost a 100 Thais sat in macdonalds.. Fiddling with their cellphones.. No music, no vibe, flouro strip lighting.. In a damn Maccas just for somewhere open to hang out.. Thats pretty sad indictment of a city this sizes nightlife options !!

They need to control noise.. fine.. They need to have some control and establish favorite tolerated places out of the city center.. fine.. But show some common sense.. Expecting to have some social options at 1am on a friday and Saturday night isnt a lot for a city with this many universities etc to expect ??

I also would guess that theres an economic factor to the 'vibe' I am picking up too..

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Bye, bye!

No, just "au revoir", these muppets will get booted eventually.

LOL So you are saying that the people upholding the law will get booted.


If it is illegal activities being accepted that turns you on try Burma.


I just wet through the whole thread out of 105 posts there was only 50 posters and they were not all that bent out of shape about it. Some thought it was a good idea and some were indifferent to it.

Not going to read them all but I would bet that half of them that are concerned about it are not that upset by it.

Where have I said that "illegal activities turn me on". Don't be absurd.

I'm simply saying that in most countries in the world, there are not these ridiculous laws, such as not being able to buy alcohol from 2-5 *unless* you buy in bulk, or not being able to buy alcohol 300m from a university, or not being able to have a drink because midnight is soooooooooooooo late.

So until the chumps screwing it up are gone (and they will be eventually), I'll just go somewhere where they aren't so dumb.

I'll still go to Pattaya for golf though, that doesn't appear to be run by morons.

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Its fkin insane what they are doing there are thousands of tourists here and they are bemused by what is happening and the ones I talekd to said its crazy they cannot go to a nightclub and have to go to the hotel at 12am they are on holiday and want to party a bit they understand the bars closing down at closing time but the fact that clubs are also closed down also its INSANE

I got home at 4.30am this morning and can find places to entertain myself but these visitors probably wont be back

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Its getting boring now. I was having a great time at reggae bar yesterday but off course they had to stop at 12.

The 1 hour more made them a lot of extra money and was always just enough for me to get pissed.

I hope this stops soon.

Ow and the booze bottles are of the shells again in all the Loi Kroh bars.

Can not show , can show , can not show ,facepalm.gif

Edited by terminatorchiangmai
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Bye, bye!

No, just "au revoir", these muppets will get booted eventually.

LOL So you are saying that the people upholding the law will get booted.


If it is illegal activities being accepted that turns you on try Burma.


I just wet through the whole thread out of 105 posts there was only 50 posters and they were not all that bent out of shape about it. Some thought it was a good idea and some were indifferent to it.

Not going to read them all but I would bet that half of them that are concerned about it are not that upset by it.

Where have I said that "illegal activities turn me on". Don't be absurd.

I'm simply saying that in most countries in the world, there are not these ridiculous laws, such as not being able to buy alcohol from 2-5 *unless* you buy in bulk, or not being able to buy alcohol 300m from a university, or not being able to have a drink because midnight is soooooooooooooo late.

So until the chumps screwing it up are gone (and they will be eventually), I'll just go somewhere where they aren't so dumb.

I'll still go to Pattaya for golf though, that doesn't appear to be run by morons.

Just stop bitching about the laws being up held and dragging in the rest of the world rite back to the 1980's.

If I needed a drink as bad as it seems many on this thread do after 12:00 I would be out of here like a flash. I have no proof of it but I would say that less than one tourist in 100 comes to Chiang Mai for the night life. Hint you don't like the night life in Chiang Mai and you seem to prefer the Golf courses in Pattaya which has all the night life one can handle plus...............

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