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Palestinians barred from visiting Jerusalem’s Old City amid tension


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Palestinians barred from visiting Jerusalem’s Old City amid tension

JERUSALEM: -- Palestinians are being barred from visiting Jerusalem’s Old City amid a spate of deadly violence.

Only those living in the area are being allowed in. Israelis, schoolchildren and business owners also have access.

Thousands of police officers have been deployed, amid the heightened tensions.

Noor a-din Mohammad Biaa, a Jerusalem resident, said that it is a Jewish holiday and people are going to pray.

“I want to go and visit my parents’ house and they’re not allowing me to enter,” he claimed.

He said that he lives in the Jerusalemn neighbourhood of Anatta.

Another Jerusalem resident, Mussa, added: “They didn’t let me in because there is a lot of problems here in Jerusalem, because of the security situation. They do not let us get into the Old City.”

A Palestinian is said to have stabbed an Israeli teenager early on Sunday before being shot dead by police. It came just hours after a similar assault killed two people in the city.

Last week an Israeli couple was shot dead in a suspected Palestinian attack in the West Bank.

Israeli Prime MInister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to convene an emergency meeting with security officials on Sunday and a security cabinet meeting on Monday.

Palestinian men under 50 are also being restricted from entering the al-Aqsa mosque for prayers.

Tensions have been inflamed by frequent clashes between Palestinian rock-throwers and Israeli security forces at the compound.

Palestinians have said they fear increasing visits by Jewish groups to the compound, revered by Jews as the site of Biblical temples, are eroding Muslim religious control there.

Israel has pledged to maintain Muslim prayer rights at al-Aqsa but, citing security concerns, has frequently banned young Muslim men from entering the area.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-05
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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

In my youth I use to have a mule, an old beast of burden he was, no matter how he was prodded, poked

and poked, hit with small stick, he wouldn't budge, stubborn and stupid he was, like a mule if you like,

no matter what have I tried to be nice and reasoned with him, a mule he was and so he remained,

has he was easier to handle like other farm animals, life would have been much better for him, but mules

are what they are, stupid beast of burden....

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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

I agree. If they'd stop stabbing Israeli citizens things would go better for them. As it is, the UN should run them back into the desert where they came from. whistling.gif

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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

In my youth I use to have a mule, an old beast of burden he was, no matter how he was prodded, poked

and poked, hit with small stick, he wouldn't budge, stubborn and stupid he was, like a mule if you like,

no matter what have I tried to be nice and reasoned with him, a mule he was and so he remained,

has he was easier to handle like other farm animals, life would have been much better for him, but mules

are what they are, stupid beast of burden....


False analogy fallacy. What have farmyard animals got to do with barring people from the Old City.


Pure hate speech.

If Netanyahu wants to calm things down...err, we do all want that don't we?...why doesn't he use this window of opportunity to do something conciliatory like follow up this ban on Palestinians visiting the Old City, with a month long moratorium on Jews visiting Haram Al Sharif. Give everyone a chance to cool down.

Edited by dexterm
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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

In my youth I use to have a mule, an old beast of burden he was, no matter how he was prodded, poked

and poked, hit with small stick, he wouldn't budge, stubborn and stupid he was, like a mule if you like,

no matter what have I tried to be nice and reasoned with him, a mule he was and so he remained,

has he was easier to handle like other farm animals, life would have been much better for him, but mules

are what they are, stupid beast of burden....

You tried reasoning with a mule? In what language?

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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

I agree. If they'd stop stabbing Israeli citizens things would go better for them. As it is, the UN should run them back into the desert where they came from. whistling.gif

You're either suggesting the Israelis ought to be run out into the desert, or you are admitting Palestine is a state.

Horrid suggestion if the former....Israel has a right to exist and Israelis to live there.

Well done, if the latter.

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Why do you say that UN should push the Palestinians to the desert? They where living there before before!

1931 there where 175,000 Jews and 760,000 Muslims living in what was then Palestine a British protectorate. After WWII UN basically gave half the area to the Jews to live in and form a Jewish state butI srael have occupied the land designated for the Palestinians sins then.

With a thinking like that then it would also be OK to say:

UN should send the Jews back to 1945 Germany.

All white people should be sent back to UK from Australia.

UN should send all white people back to Europe from north and south America.

The same with this of giving the art stolen by the Nazis back to descendants of the past owners if that should go for everything and everyone.. Then most museum's would be half empty because of everything that has been stolen from somewhere at some time.

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Why do you say that UN should push the Palestinians to the desert? They where living there before before!

1931 there where 175,000 Jews and 760,000 Muslims living in what was then Palestine a British protectorate. After WWII UN basically gave half the area to the Jews to live in and form a Jewish state butI srael have occupied the land designated for the Palestinians sins then.

With a thinking like that then it would also be OK to say:

UN should send the Jews back to 1945 Germany.

All white people should be sent back to UK from Australia.

UN should send all white people back to Europe from north and south America.

The same with this of giving the art stolen by the Nazis back to descendants of the past owners if that should go for everything and everyone.. Then most museum's would be half empty because of everything that has been stolen from somewhere at some time:

Almost everything from Egypt.

Hoards of gold from south American.

Artefacts from China and Asia.

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Why do you say that UN should push the Palestinians to the desert? They where living there before before!

1931 there where 175,000 Jews and 760,000 Muslims living in what was then Palestine a British protectorate. After WWII UN basically gave half the area to the Jews to live in and form a Jewish state butI srael have occupied the land designated for the Palestinians sins then.

With a thinking like that then it would also be OK to say:

UN should send the Jews back to 1945 Germany.

All white people should be sent back to UK from Australia.

UN should send all white people back to Europe from north and south America.

The same with this of giving the art stolen by the Nazis back to descendants of the past owners if that should go for everything and everyone.. Then most museum's would be half empty because of everything that has been stolen from somewhere at some time:

Almost everything from Egypt.

Hoards of gold from south American.

Artefacts from China and Asia.

It took you three posts to get it right, but you finally did... and it's spot on.

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Adele Bennett, the widow of Aharon Bennett, 21, described how after the Palestinian had stabbed her and her husband Saturday night in the Old City of Jerusalem, she ran off in search of help still with the terrorists knife in her back. When she pleaded for help, Arab passersby laughed, and spat at her and hoped she would die. Chief Rabbi Lau who visited the widow in hospital read out this account at the Bennett funeral in Jerusalem Sunday. Their child was slightly hurt. Rabbi Nehamia Lavi, who came to the couples aid, was himself stabbed to death.

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Adele Bennett, the widow of Aharon Bennett, 21, described how after the Palestinian had stabbed her and her husband Saturday night in the Old City of Jerusalem, she ran off in search of help still with the terrorists knife in her back. When she pleaded for help, Arab passersby laughed, and spat at her and hoped she would die. Chief Rabbi Lau who visited the widow in hospital read out this account at the Bennett funeral in Jerusalem Sunday. Their child was slightly hurt. Rabbi Nehamia Lavi, who came to the couples aid, was himself stabbed to death.

An absolute tragedy for everybody involved.

This bloody nightmare will continue until the Israelis are willing to live within their 1967 borders and stop displacing and killing Palestinians.

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It appears that the Israel security has tightened since several terrorist attacks .I would hope that any government would do the same.It appears that groups want to cause problems.I see that people are not banned from the old city only certain groups .

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After two Palestinian stabbing attacks in Jerusalem, police Sunday closed the Old City to Palestinian entry, other than residents, shop-owners and schoolchildren. Entry to Temple Mount is restricted to men over 50 with access at one point, Lions Gate.

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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

In my youth I use to have a mule, an old beast of burden he was, no matter how he was prodded, poked

and poked, hit with small stick, he wouldn't budge, stubborn and stupid he was, like a mule if you like,

no matter what have I tried to be nice and reasoned with him, a mule he was and so he remained,

has he was easier to handle like other farm animals, life would have been much better for him, but mules

are what they are, stupid beast of burden....


False analogy fallacy. What have farmyard animals got to do with barring people from the Old City.


Pure hate speech.

If Netanyahu wants to calm things down...err, we do all want that don't we?...why doesn't he use this window of opportunity to do something conciliatory like follow up this ban on Palestinians visiting the Old City, with a month long moratorium on Jews visiting Haram Al Sharif. Give everyone a chance to cool down.

Lets ban the Christians from the old city while your at it! Give everyone a chance to clam down. The Arabs want to start something fine, Israel will finish it. simple.

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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

The UN Europe and England better do something about the Millions of Muslims taken over Europe and England than a couple Palestinians being the denial the right to kill Jews

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Prod, prod, prod. Poke and try to get a reaction so as to have an excuse to release deadly force again.

The UN really needs to do something about this rogue aggressive state.

In my youth I use to have a mule, an old beast of burden he was, no matter how he was prodded, poked

and poked, hit with small stick, he wouldn't budge, stubborn and stupid he was, like a mule if you like,

no matter what have I tried to be nice and reasoned with him, a mule he was and so he remained,

has he was easier to handle like other farm animals, life would have been much better for him, but mules

are what they are, stupid beast of burden....


False analogy fallacy. What have farmyard animals got to do with barring people from the Old City.


Pure hate speech.

If Netanyahu wants to calm things down...err, we do all want that don't we?...why doesn't he use this window of opportunity to do something conciliatory like follow up this ban on Palestinians visiting the Old City, with a month long moratorium on Jews visiting Haram Al Sharif. Give everyone a chance to cool down.

Lets ban the Christians from the old city while your at it! Give everyone a chance to clam down. The Arabs want to start something fine, Israel will finish it. simple.

You misread what I wrote and your response doesn't make any sense....Christians?...banned from Old City...why???
Israel are the occupiers and land thieves according to international law, so I don't know how the Palestinians could have "started it".
The problem is that Israeli violent over reaction won't finish it. It will only exacerbate and escalate the situation, create more bitterness, the frustration will fester and Israel will still be looking over its shoulder until its makes a permanent internationally recognized just peace agreement within secure borders...the only kind worth having for a prosperous constructive future.... anything else is mere band aid until the next round of violence.
Edited by dexterm
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It's perfectly possible to let the Jewish, Muslim and Christian people to visit their temples, churches or mosques without seeing eachother.

Depends on wich streets, gates and check points you isolate one from eachother by partitioning the whole area for peace reasons.

Like this, you won't have any clashes.

Reading this news from OP looks like they all join together on the same parking lot and segregation is made just before the entrances ?

Why is there no honest reporting about the timeline of latest UN recognition of Palestine, coming ICC court prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity for both !, and the provocation of both groups in front of their places of worship ?

Edited by Thorgal
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Should this Palestinian eruption be called an Intifada?

As Hillary Clinton might say -- what difference does it make what it's called ... something is happening.

As the situation there is polarized, so will the reaction here.

The experts in the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the IDF, as well as media analysts, continue to argue over the definition. What should we call the violence? Intifada? Not an intifada? Grassroots terror? Stone intifada? The sad truth is that the name doesn't matter. What's important is the reality, and no less important - the recognition of that reality.

And the reality is that the West Bank and Jerusalem are burning. They have been burning for several months, even for as long as a year.


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The problem is a tough one. I think the root of the problem has to do with the idea that a Thai soi dog doesn't love her puppies as much as a pure bred house dog loves hers. This notion was planted in the minds of many Israelis by Golda Meir in the 60's. Some line she made about when "Palestinians love their kids, yada, yada, yada". In my view, that was a very stupid line and certainly one you would not expect from a world leader. It was not true then and it is not true now. I could find hundreds of photos of Palestinian children with half their heads blown off and to actually believe that those dead kid's Mom and Dad love theirs less than an Israeli parent loves theirs, is a hate crime.

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The problem is a tough one. I think the root of the problem has to do with the idea that a Thai soi dog doesn't love her puppies as much as a pure bred house dog loves hers. This notion was planted in the minds of many Israelis by Golda Meir in the 60's. Some line she made about when "Palestinians love their kids, yada, yada, yada". In my view, that was a very stupid line and certainly one you would not expect from a world leader. It was not true then and it is not true now. I could find hundreds of photos of Palestinian children with half their heads blown off and to actually believe that those dead kid's Mom and Dad love theirs less than an Israeli parent loves theirs, is a hate crime.

Say the entire quote instead of posting inflammatory rubbish. The quote still resonates. But who do you think you're fooling? You just tried to divert this thread from the actual topic. It's not about rehashing the famous Golda Meir quote. Been there, done that about 100 times on this forum ... give it a rest.

Also, I somehow don't think there is any credibility for morality lectures about "hate crimes" from an individual who has openly admitted that he is sometimes rolleyes.gif racist towards Jews when it serves his purposes.

Edited by Jingthing
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Should this Palestinian eruption be called an Intifada?

As Hillary Clinton might say -- what difference does it make what it's called ... something is happening.

As the situation there is polarized, so will the reaction here.

The experts in the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the IDF, as well as media analysts, continue to argue over the definition. What should we call the violence? Intifada? Not an intifada? Grassroots terror? Stone intifada? The sad truth is that the name doesn't matter. What's important is the reality, and no less important - the recognition of that reality.

And the reality is that the West Bank and Jerusalem are burning. They have been burning for several months, even for as long as a year.


Why are the West Bank and Jerusalem "burning"?

Is it because they are essentially occupied territories?

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Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. As far as Judea and Samaria, there are narratives that make sense from both sides. There is no doubt there is a real conflict. But is terrorism against Jews the answer for the Palestinians?

I've decided to start calling that area Judea and Samaria not necessarily as an endorsement of the politics of the settler movement but in a more ironic way ... if the Palestinians can say they have a nation state when they actually don't and they refuse to directly negotiate with Israel .... seems fair play.

Things have certainly gone south:

As quoted at the funeral of recent Jewish terror victims on the current situation: “Whoever speaks about peace is stupid. There’s no other word. The people of Israel need to wake up.”

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Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. As far as Judea and Samaria, there are narratives that make sense from both sides. There is no doubt there is a real conflict. But is terrorism against Jews the answer for the Palestinians?

I've decided to start calling that area Judea and Samaria not necessarily as an endorsement of the politics of the settler movement but in a more ironic way ... if the Palestinians can say they have a nation state when they actually don't and they refuse to directly negotiate with Israel .... seems fair play.

Things have certainly gone south:

As quoted at the funeral of recent Jewish terror victims on the current situation: “Whoever speaks about peace is stupid. There’s no other word. The people of Israel need to wake up.”

Israel may claim Jerusalem as its capital, but the world does not recognise it. Even the US has its embassy in Tel Aviv. East Jerusalem is not part of Israel, how can it be part of its capital?

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