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Hungary’s Muslims and Jews see no problem taking in refugees


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Hungary’s Muslims and Jews see no problem taking in refugees
By Adrian Lancashire | With BEATRIX ASBOTH


BUDAPEST: -- How will they fit in? What influence will religion have? Refugees entering Hungary by the thousands might want to move on, to Germany or Sweden, but the EU’s quota distribution system will restrict their choice. Hungary will end up granting asylum to some, with all sides needing to adapt.

The great majority of the refugees are Muslims. The Christian-based societies of Central and Eastern Europe have limited experience of Muslim communities of any size, and of course the same goes for the Jewish populations in these countries.

We asked the Organisation of Muslims in Hungary about its view of a common future with new arrivals.

The Organisation’s Chairman, Zoltán Sulok, said: “One way to integrate Muslim refugees is to treat them fairly. That is very important. If I look at this topic from the point of view of our religion, it is of the greatest importance that they can correctly practice and understand their religion, Islam.”

In historically Christian Hungary, Muslims number only 30-50 thousand. Not all census respondents declare their religion.

Both Muslims and Jews in Hungary account for far less than one percent of the population.

There are fewer than 50,000 Jews here today; more than half a million were deported to extermination camps in WWII.

The national statistics office noted more than 60,000 asylum applications in Hungary in the first six months of this year, mostly by people from Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

András Heisler, the Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary, says: “If we look at history, we find many examples when Jews and Muslims lived together in peace and harmony, a valuable community. I don’t think we should be afraid of living together again.”

Sulok underscores that sufferers of conflicts arriving in Hungarian society face a stark contrast:

“Many people in Europe, especially here, in Central-Eastern Europe, forget that if somebody comes from Afghanistan, for example, he or she comes from war. People in Afghanistan have been living in war since 1979. The generation coming here has never lived in a normal society, like ours.”

Heisler said: “I do not think that we should be afraid of others’ religion. We should be afraid of terrorism. And that is the government’s and the European Union’s responsibility — to pick out terrorists from the crowd of migrants and refugees. It is their job to minimise the risk and danger.”

Hungary’s Catholic authorities declined our proposal for an interview.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-07

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Thats ok let Israel take the Syrians, it will never happen

Some countries have prioritised Syrian / Iraqi Christian refugees from the camps bordering Syria, has Israel made any such offer of assistance?

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The story is about HUNGARY. It is NOT about Israel.

There are enough threads about Israel for obsessive Israel demonizers to enjoy their endless sport.


Edited by simple1
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Non story as far as I can see. It has been made clear that the required countries are the likes of Germany and Sweden Or Else, not some turnip republic in the middle of nowhere. Beggars can be choosers in this day and age, don't you know?

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The Organisation’s Chairman, Zoltán Sulok, said: “One way to integrate Muslim refugees is to treat them fairly. That is very important. If I look at this topic from the point of view of our religion, it is of the greatest importance that they can correctly practice and understand their religion, Islam.”

Ominous words, here, because we know from direct experience what "correctly practice" means and what it means is the body count goes up, murders, rapes, assaults, demands for change in food, marriage, etc. Since when do the 30,000 muslims referred to in this story get to make the laws for 10 million Hungarian citizens? Answer: when one million of their fellow "refugees" come plowing across the border.

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The story is about HUNGARY. It is NOT about Israel.

There are enough threads about Israel for obsessive Israel demonizers to enjoy their endless sport.

here we go again with the stop persecuting jews rhetoric

“any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong." Henry Kissinger

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"If I look at this topic from the point of view of our religion, it is of the greatest importance that they can correctly practice and understand their religion, Islam.”

and if Christian refugees will appear in Arab country? would locals pay so much attention to let them practice there own religion - Christianity?

I doubt it. lol

those greeting and inviting "refugees" are just "useful idiots" (Vladimir Lenin's term) who will gladly donate "refugees" ropes which they will happily use to hang European infidels.

this stupid story repeats again and again since the fall of Rome.

why do people never learn?!

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Thats ok let Israel take the Syrians, it will never happen

Some countries have prioritised Syrian / Iraqi Christian refugees from the camps bordering Syria, has Israel made any such offer of assistance?

Israel is not so stupid. Europe and US did that to Syria. Now you are paying the price by letting these Muslims into your own home.

finally European leftists, who tried to force other countries to contaminate their population with Muslim illegal immigrants, are now paying the harsh price.

and I am really happy about it.

fall of Europe will be a good lesson for a civilized mankind what left ideas lead to.

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God Plese give some extra powers to handle this situation

God helps those who help themselves, but not just waiting for somebody to help.

for decades you, Europeans, were ranting about human rights, obligation of those who succeed to feed those who didn't, guilt of a white man etc

now pay the price for contaminating the World with these sick destructive ideas - take them all to your homes and deal with them there!

all civilized humanity is cheering Europe up to get even more migrants - to realize how wrong left-liberal ideas, multiculturalism, feminism, minority dictatorship, political correctness are.

and if to be able to do this World will have to loose Europe - it worth the lesson!

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Dear Europe!

For decades you were ranting about equal human rights, obligation to feed those in need, multiculturalism etc. Now it's a chance for you to prove that your political beliefs are more important than reality for you - kill yourself by letting crowds of Muslims in!

your example will teach many future generations (especially those who didn't learn from the previous example - collapse of the Soviet Union) where universal suffrage and left ideology leads to...

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Thats ok let Israel take the Syrians, it will never happen

Some countries have prioritised Syrian / Iraqi Christian refugees from the camps bordering Syria, has Israel made any such offer of assistance?

Israel is not so stupid. Europe and US did that to Syria. Now you are paying the price by letting these Muslims into your own home.

finally European leftists, who tried to force other countries to contaminate their population with Muslim illegal immigrants, are now paying the harsh price.

and I am really happy about it.

fall of Europe will be a good lesson for a civilized mankind what left ideas lead to.

Did you read my post?

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Britain has taken many refugees over hundreds of years, and many helped to make the country prosper, starting with the French Huguenots fleeing the Inquisition, who made Nottingham the lace making centre of the world. None of them demanded handouts. The Jews paid for and built their own Synagogues. The East Europeans who settled after WW2 paid for their own social clubs and Orthodox churches.

Compare them to the 300,000 Muslims living in Greece, (before the present hordes arrived). They whinged and whined that Athens was the only European capital without a mosque. Tip for them. Stick 10 Euros each of your benefit handouts into a kitty, and pay for the bloody thing yourselves.

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Dear Europe!

For decades you were ranting about equal human rights, obligation to feed those in need, multiculturalism etc. Now it's a chance for you to prove that your political beliefs are more important than reality for you - kill yourself by letting crowds of Muslims in!

your example will teach many future generations (especially those who didn't learn from the previous example - collapse of the Soviet Union) where universal suffrage and left ideology leads to...

Don't confuse the European people with the European politicians, who generally don't live on the same planet as the rest of us, although many of those from eastern Europe are talking sense.

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Dear Europe!

For decades you were ranting about equal human rights, obligation to feed those in need, multiculturalism etc. Now it's a chance for you to prove that your political beliefs are more important than reality for you - kill yourself by letting crowds of Muslims in!

your example will teach many future generations (especially those who didn't learn from the previous example - collapse of the Soviet Union) where universal suffrage and left ideology leads to...

Don't confuse the European people with the European politicians, who generally don't live on the same planet as the rest of us, although many of those from eastern Europe are talking sense.

European politicians were elected by European people. so these people are totally responsible for action of their leaders.

Or there is no democracy in Europe? be careful, US will know it and drop you it's winged democratizers with TNT equivalent...

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