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West Bank clashes intensify between Palestinians and Israeli forces


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West Bank clashes intensify between Palestinians and Israeli forces


JERUSALEM: -- Unrest in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem has intensified as a 24-hour strike is announced in Bethlehem.

The action was taken in response to the killing of a 13-year-old Palestinian boy during clashes with Israeli forces on Monday.

He was reportedly shot in the chest.

As many as 170 Palestinians have been injured in the West Bank since Sunday.

Thousands attended the funeral as the boy was laid to rest.

As the violence continues the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu is coming under pressure from far-right elements to crack down hard on Palestinian protesters.

Four Israelis have been killed in the latest spate of unrest.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-07

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?
Edited by dexterm
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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

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Funny, checking the history of that region it was called Palestine (and the Levant) through most of the 19th century and the 20th century until 1949 when the Khazarians invaded that region from Europe, et al. and started terrorist campaigns and murdering people (Stern gang , et al). Of course, the revision history prevalent in the West now has it down different but, the Atlases of the time disagree. The British sold it out for the wars they were losing (see Balfour Declaration as the initial agreement) which of course, the British had no right to do so but, then that has never stopped an imperial power before. There is an old Abe Lincoln expression that is appropriate here regards that comment, "You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time but, you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

Times are a changin' and people are learning the truth and reality.

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

So a blue eyed fair haired Jew from New York who just stepped off the plane having never clapped eyes on the place before, waves a gun and a bible at the olive skinned Palestinian whose family have farmed the land for centuries and who probably has more Hebrew blood in his little finger than the Jew in his entire body, ... says, "Thanks for caretaking the land for the last 2,000 years. I am a chosen person and I have here in this popular work of fiction the original lease from my imaginary supernatural friend. Now clear off to that refugee camp. This is mine."
..and that folks is the warped logic on which racist supremacist Zionism is based.
And it gets worse. "If you or your children object to my confiscation, I will shoot your 13 year old child."
That is the injustice that Palestinians are protesting in the OP, and that is the injustice that I and many others globally are angry about too.
Edited by dexterm
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^^^ Historically Palestine was a region that encompassed all or some of several countries in the area. There never was a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. That name was hijacked by Yassar Arafat in the 1960's and only then did these people begin to be called Palestinians by their own modern choice.

There never was and still isn't a nation called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians.

This isn't "their homeland" as some would try to trick you into believing. It is the Old City of Jerusalem in East Jerusalem which historically belonged to the Israelis.


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So a blue eyed fair haired Jew from New York who just stepped off the plane having never clapped eyes on the place before, waves a gun and a bible at the olive skinned Palestinian whose family have farmed the land for centuries and who probably has more Hebrew blood in his little finger than the Jew in his entire body, ... says, "Thanks for caretaking the land for the last 2,000 years. I am a chosen person and I have here in this popular work of fiction the original lease from my imaginary supernatural friend. Now clear off to that refugee camp. This is mine."
..and that folks is the warped logic on which racist supremacist Zionism is based.


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^^^ Historically Palestine was a region that encompassed all or some of several countries in the area. There never was a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. That name was hijacked by Yassar Arafat in the 1960's and only then did these people begin to be called Palestinians by their own modern choice.

There never was and still isn't a nation called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians.

This isn't "their homeland" as some would try to trick you into believing. It is the Old City of Jerusalem in East Jerusalem which historically belonged to the Israelis.


In 43AD it was called Palestina.

In 1887 it was called Palestine

I don't feel like posting those maps again

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Early Israel used a shock and awe offense supported by Moshe Dayan, Ben Gurion, et al. It may have been appropriate for the new country to act as a deterrence. They however, are the controlling power with nuclear weapons. The deterrence that was needed 1948 is no longer needed.

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^^^ Historically Palestine was a region that encompassed all or some of several countries in the area. There never was a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. That name was hijacked by Yassar Arafat in the 1960's and only then did these people begin to be called Palestinians by their own modern choice.

There never was and still isn't a nation called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians.

This isn't "their homeland" as some would try to trick you into believing. It is the Old City of Jerusalem in East Jerusalem which historically belonged to the Israelis.


There were no such people as Israelis until 1948.

The Palestinian flag flies outside the UN, 70% of the world's countries recognize the State of Palestine with more soon to follow, and it would have had full statehood at the UN a few months ago but for the last minute lobbying by the US. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Personally, I think it is a tragic waste of life that a 13 year old boy gets shot in the chest by a fully armed Israeli soldier, when there are so many other non lethal ways of controlling crowds.

I think the way to go for Palestinians is non violent civil disobedience, flood the social media with images of their daily humiliations, beatings and murder at the hands of the iDF, then take the war crimes to the ICC.

Israel is worried that the Palestinians are winning the peace.

Edited by dexterm
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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

So a blue eyed fair haired Jew from New York who just stepped off the plane having never clapped eyes on the place before, waves a gun and a bible at the olive skinned Palestinian whose family have farmed the land for centuries and who probably has more Hebrew blood in his little finger than the Jew in his entire body, ... says, "Thanks for caretaking the land for the last 2,000 years. I am a chosen person and I have here in this popular work of fiction the original lease from my imaginary supernatural friend. Now clear off to that refugee camp. This is mine."
..and that folks is the warped logic on which racist supremacist Zionism is based.
And it gets worse. "If you or your children object to my confiscation, I will shoot your 13 year old child."
That is the injustice that Palestinians are protesting in the OP, and that is the injustice that I and many others globally are angry about too.

You are joking yes!

Any injustice the Palestinians may feel is a result of their own activities. They have themselves to blame. Tell me how does a Palestinian have more jewish blood in his little finger than a Jew has in his entire body?

Really quite pathetic.

You even get a like from an admitted racist. Say's it all about your racist posts.

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Funny, checking the history of that region it was called Palestine (and the Levant) through most of the 19th century and the 20th century until 1949 when the Khazarians invaded that region from Europe, et al. and started terrorist campaigns and murdering people (Stern gang , et al). Of course, the revision history prevalent in the West now has it down different but, the Atlases of the time disagree. The British sold it out for the wars they were losing (see Balfour Declaration as the initial agreement) which of course, the British had no right to do so but, then that has never stopped an imperial power before. There is an old Abe Lincoln expression that is appropriate here regards that comment, "You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time but, you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Times are a changin' and people are learning the truth and reality.

Well obviously you have been fooled with this BS.

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

Perfect reply thank you DexterM..beat me to the punch.

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

Substitute "place where they live" for homeland and answer the question then.

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Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

So a blue eyed fair haired Jew from New York who just stepped off the plane having never clapped eyes on the place before, waves a gun and a bible at the olive skinned Palestinian whose family have farmed the land for centuries and who probably has more Hebrew blood in his little finger than the Jew in his entire body, ... says, "Thanks for caretaking the land for the last 2,000 years. I am a chosen person and I have here in this popular work of fiction the original lease from my imaginary supernatural friend. Now clear off to that refugee camp. This is mine."
..and that folks is the warped logic on which racist supremacist Zionism is based.
And it gets worse. "If you or your children object to my confiscation, I will shoot your 13 year old child."
That is the injustice that Palestinians are protesting in the OP, and that is the injustice that I and many others globally are angry about too.

You are joking yes!

Any injustice the Palestinians may feel is a result of their own activities. They have themselves to blame. Tell me how does a Palestinian have more jewish blood in his little finger than a Jew has in his entire body?

Really quite pathetic.

You even get a like from an admitted racist. Say's it all about your racist posts.

Didn't you say "That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did"? If they don't have a homeland, how can they be Palestinians? They are ARABS, and have to live in Palestine to be called Palestinians.

Where does he say Jewish blood? He said Hebrew. Do you not know that Arabs and ancient Jews are from the same bloodline- both Semites?

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

You really do need to zip-it, sir! ~ before you open a can of worms (on this forum) that you're obviously not knowledgeable enough to deal with. Just a word to the wisecoffee1.gif

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^^^ Historically Palestine was a region that encompassed all or some of several countries in the area. There never was a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. That name was hijacked by Yassar Arafat in the 1960's and only then did these people begin to be called Palestinians by their own modern choice.

There never was and still isn't a nation called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians.

This isn't "their homeland" as some would try to trick you into believing. It is the Old City of Jerusalem in East Jerusalem which historically belonged to the Israelis.


which historically belonged to the Israelis.

So, according to your logic, the Picts can go into England, and demand their land back, the American Indians can demand to have New York back, and everyone in the whole world can go to that place in Africa where humans started and demand to live there, based on historical occupation. 5555555555555555555555555555

News flash, the Bible does not confer ownership rights on the Jewish people to the area known as Palestine since Roman times as it is not a recognised legal document.

The only "right" they have to the area that they were given in 1948 is that conferred by the UN. They have no "rights" to any land outside the 1948 border and only occupy it by force of arms, which is why it is known by most of the world as an ILLEGAL occupation.

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

You really do need to zip-it, sir! ~ before you open a can of worms (on this forum) that you're obviously not knowledgeable enough to deal with. Just a word to the wisecoffee1.gif

The STUPIDITY begins whistling.gif

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

Substitute "place where they live" for homeland and answer the question then.

Pre 1967 Jerusalem and the West bank was Jordanian. So where they live now should be Jordan. But as Jordan gave up sovereignty over those areas. They are definitely not living in the right place. They should go home to Jordan. Simple

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The Palestinians just don't "get it".

Oh I think they do "get it"...the question is ...do you?
What would you do if your homeland were invaded by a foreign army 48 years ago, then they proceeded to transfer their own population there, stealing your land and destroying your home, humiliate, beat, and kill your friends and family on a daily basis. Then herd you into refugee camps just like they did to your grandparents when they stole their land 67 years ago. And even though this contravenes all international laws, the world does absolutely nothing, except supply arms to the invaders.
I'd be pretty angry about it as are the Palestinians in the OP justifiably so. Or would you just roll over and do nothing?

That's the point, they don't have a homeland and never did. They can't have what was never theirs in the first place.

You really do need to zip-it, sir! ~ before you open a can of worms (on this forum) that you're obviously not knowledgeable enough to deal with. Just a word to the wisecoffee1.gif

Which worms would they be? cheesy.gif

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^^^ Historically Palestine was a region that encompassed all or some of several countries in the area. There never was a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. That name was hijacked by Yassar Arafat in the 1960's and only then did these people begin to be called Palestinians by their own modern choice.

There never was and still isn't a nation called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians.

This isn't "their homeland" as some would try to trick you into believing. It is the Old City of Jerusalem in East Jerusalem which historically belonged to the Israelis.


In 43AD it was called Palestina.

In 1887 it was called Palestine

I don't feel like posting those maps again

Why begin at 43AD?

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Funny, checking the history of that region it was called Palestine (and the Levant) through most of the 19th century and the 20th century until 1949 when the Khazarians invaded that region from Europe, et al. and started terrorist campaigns and murdering people (Stern gang , et al). Of course, the revision history prevalent in the West now has it down different but, the Atlases of the time disagree. The British sold it out for the wars they were losing (see Balfour Declaration as the initial agreement) which of course, the British had no right to do so but, then that has never stopped an imperial power before. There is an old Abe Lincoln expression that is appropriate here regards that comment, "You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time but, you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Times are a changin' and people are learning the truth and reality.

You just know that an argument is clapped out when Bob Dylan lyrics are thrown into the wash.

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Funny, checking the history of that region it was called Palestine (and the Levant) through most of the 19th century and the 20th century until 1949 when the Khazarians invaded that region from Europe, et al. and started terrorist campaigns and murdering people (Stern gang , et al). Of course, the revision history prevalent in the West now has it down different but, the Atlases of the time disagree. The British sold it out for the wars they were losing (see Balfour Declaration as the initial agreement) which of course, the British had no right to do so but, then that has never stopped an imperial power before. There is an old Abe Lincoln expression that is appropriate here regards that comment, "You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time but, you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Times are a changin' and people are learning the truth and reality.

You just know that an argument is clapped out when Bob Dylan lyrics are thrown into the wash.

Robert Zimmerman, aka. Bob Dylan did not coin that expression,duh! It was Abraham Lincoln. Capiche????

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^^^ Historically Palestine was a region that encompassed all or some of several countries in the area. There never was a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. That name was hijacked by Yassar Arafat in the 1960's and only then did these people begin to be called Palestinians by their own modern choice.

There never was and still isn't a nation called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians.

This isn't "their homeland" as some would try to trick you into believing. It is the Old City of Jerusalem in East Jerusalem which historically belonged to the Israelis.


There were no such people as Israelis until 1948.

The Palestinian flag flies outside the UN, 70% of the world's countries recognize the State of Palestine with more soon to follow, and it would have had full statehood at the UN a few months ago but for the last minute lobbying by the US. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Personally, I think it is a tragic waste of life that a 13 year old boy gets shot in the chest by a fully armed Israeli soldier, when there are so many other non lethal ways of controlling crowds.

I think the way to go for Palestinians is non violent civil disobedience, flood the social media with images of their daily humiliations, beatings and murder at the hands of the iDF, then take the war crimes to the ICC.

Israel is worried that the Palestinians are winning the peace.

The problem with the Palestinians is that they are all heart (feelings, no brain-work), and cannot control their penchant toward demonstrating emotional, reactionary behavior. Meanwhile, the Israeli government is coldly calculating every move, on a level of pure thought. The thinkers always win, both the war & the peacecoffee1.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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^^^ Historically Palestine was a region that encompassed all or some of several countries in the area. There never was a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. That name was hijacked by Yassar Arafat in the 1960's and only then did these people begin to be called Palestinians by their own modern choice.

There never was and still isn't a nation called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians.

This isn't "their homeland" as some would try to trick you into believing. It is the Old City of Jerusalem in East Jerusalem which historically belonged to the Israelis.


There were no such people as Israelis until 1948.

The Palestinian flag flies outside the UN, 70% of the world's countries recognize the State of Palestine with more soon to follow, and it would have had full statehood at the UN a few months ago but for the last minute lobbying by the US. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Personally, I think it is a tragic waste of life that a 13 year old boy gets shot in the chest by a fully armed Israeli soldier, when there are so many other non lethal ways of controlling crowds.

I think the way to go for Palestinians is non violent civil disobedience, flood the social media with images of their daily humiliations, beatings and murder at the hands of the iDF, then take the war crimes to the ICC.

Israel is worried that the Palestinians are winning the peace.

The problem with the Palestinians is that they are all heart (feelings, no brain-work), and cannot control their penchant toward demonstrating emotional, reactionary behavior. Meanwhile, the Israeli government is coldly calculating every move, on a level of pure thought. The thinkers always win, both the war & the peacecoffee1.gif

cheesy.gif The arabs are all Heart. Bleeding hearts hahahahahahahaha

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