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What's Your Biggest Challenge "hassle" With Day to Day Living in Pattaya


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hmmmm.... can't think of anything really.

I think rain is my biggest gripe.

All others are minor and can usually be overcome quite easily.

okay yes!

two things:

- the beaches which I think are hideous and filthy - instead I have to drive to hat sai kheo every time I want to go to a nice beach


- the lack of really nice, quiet places where to sit down and relax. Pattaya is cramped and busy almost everywhere as well as not nice enough everywhere. When will they build a well maintained park?

I agree. A nice, quiet, GREEN park... with squirrels... would be quite relaxing.

Until all the mobile, semi-permanent and permanent vendors move in and occupy every 6 inches of free space. facepalm.gif Thailand HATES a space vaccuum, especially on the streets!

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1. Knowing many Thais carry a firearm.

2.Thais "thinking" they're in control of their motor vehicles and motor bikes.

Complete rudeness (especially in terms of noise pollution), first-class stupidity among the vast majority of the population, dealing with the worst slices (Thais and Farangs) of humanity, horrible infrastructure, terrible traffic problems, liars and thieves, predators and addicts of all types, terrible beaches and polluted water, and an almost complete lack of green space.

So, still better than where you come from then!

Oh no, not at all. Where I come from is massively better than this place. So, why am I here? The global organization that I work for wants me here (along with a Thai wife). I will be out of here like a flash of light when a transfer comes through. It is not all bad; it is just not a place that is for me. I saw through the fake smiles a long time ago. Right now, the worst thing, IMHO, is noise pollution.

I do agree that there is a lot of noise pollution here, get some earplugs till you can go home to your quiet country, they really can help with sleeping if you are living in a noisy area. Light pollution is also bad and eye shades at night do help. It all depends where you live (in any country) and it's always possible to move, even vertically. But shame that even with a Thai wife you miss out on all the wonderful genuine smiles in Thailand though. One thing about fake smiles, I have almost never been smiled at by a young lady whist she deliberately cheated me out of change, or stealing from my goods as they were packed, etc as frequently happens in European countries. Even the UK. Yes it happens occasionally here, but compared to say HK, Malaysia, Singapore, PI or other Asian countries it is much rarer. if you mean smiles from young (and not so young) ladies sitting outside various establishments, if you are a hansum enough man they will be genuine. Try putting your fat wallet in your shirt pocket.

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hmmmm.... can't think of anything really.

I think rain is my biggest gripe.

All others are minor and can usually be overcome quite easily.

okay yes!

two things:

- the beaches which I think are hideous and filthy - instead I have to drive to hat sai kheo every time I want to go to a nice beach


- the lack of really nice, quiet places where to sit down and relax. Pattaya is cramped and busy almost everywhere as well as not nice enough everywhere. When will they build a well maintained park?

I agree. A nice, quiet, GREEN park... with squirrels... would be quite relaxing.

Until all the mobile, semi-permanent and permanent vendors move in and occupy every 6 inches of free space. facepalm.gif Thailand HATES a space vaccuum, especially on the streets!

Agreed, since it would be a small park, no need for vendors of any kind inside, they can make their business at the gates.

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I love the thrill of driving in Thailand...it is an intense exciting experience...trying to see in every direction at once...needing eyes in the side and back of your head...dodging motorcycles coming head on against the flow of traffic...and the relief of actually getting to your destination with only minor scraps and bruises...even an orgasm is not nearly as satisfying...smile.png

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You can wake up each morning and make a decision that all things are bad or you can accept them. I came here years ago did my research on many places in this country and numerous other SouthEast Asia Countries and because of the numerous benefits especially cost of living compared to that at home, and a large variety of places to eat and venues to spend a night out, I decided on Pattaya.

I also understand that this is a THIRD WORLD country, so right away I'am not going to get upset about all the things that are not the same as they are at home, If I wanted things that way I'd stay at home and a lot of the Moaners here should have, Unfortunately Thats the only bad part of this place.

If you travel to any Third world country you will find everything the same. The Thai's are not going to do anything just to suit the retired expat living here or the Tourist, although the tourist will be higher on the list as they spend more. In any Third World Country its mostly about Politicians and Bureaucrats doing what they can to appease the locals / Thai voters and put Money into there pocket.

Being Happy here is Easy, Accept it for what it is and enjoy it, because anytype of change to anything looking like you might have enjoyed back home is going to be very slow in happening and it won't be in our lifetime if it does happen.


Couldn't have put it better myself, looking forward to retiring their myself instead of driving a computer all day in the UK. Dull, dull, dull

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1.grumpy expats that complain about almost everything....

2. mototcy motocy every 20 meters

3.hello massage handsome man

Can't understand your objection to being called "handsome man". Unless you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.

Yes, insincere, but still fun.

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I love the thrill of driving in Thailand...it is an intense exciting experience...trying to see in every direction at once...needing eyes in the side and back of your head...dodging motorcycles coming head on against the flow of traffic...and the relief of actually getting to your destination with only minor scraps and bruises...even an orgasm is not nearly as satisfying...smile.png

Sounds like you need to upgrade your girlfriends. Or perhaps the Viagra is fake.....rolleyes.gif

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The humidity. As I plant more bananas, coconuts, dragon fruit, star fruit trees etc and put orchids in the trees, I find I need to sit down for a bit and contemplate the beauty of my garden, the chickens and ducks, 5 stray cats that have adopted me and the beauty of my wonderful wife. After lots of water, I get back into it.

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I miss all the nice Russian folk. Good thing the Chinese are starting to show up in higher numbers.....Maybe Thailand will catch a break and be able to increase the amount of millions of fun loving people from the sub-continent as well......

I am in Pattaya right now and I'm surprised at the lack of Chinese who are here compared

to about 2 months ago.

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How the city lacks infrastructure - not proactive in taking care of a growing city of traffic and towering condos. How so called engineers can allow projects not 100% completed. (Look at the dug up sidewalk in front of Best Grocery store near the Dolphin round-about... ) The hole and pile of blocks will be there the next two years at least. All of the sidewalks have holes, piled up sand or dirt --#hitty job done by amateuers.

It is nothing to do with amateurs, it is just typical Thai stupidity. they also take months to

resurface some main roads all over Thailand working on about 5 Ks at a time, leaving the roads rutted for weeks, and dangerous to motorbikes.

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There are many pro's and con's to living in Thailand which must be balanced out.

Now that I am married with a child life priorities have developed / altered and with it so have the pro's and con's.

As such the greatest challenge I find on a day to day basis is not compromising on the Safety of my Infant Son.

This means:

No Taxis (as they have no seatbelt and no car seat) - we have to travel everywhere in our Car with out son in his Car seat.

Walking anywhere means compromising safety as there are no sidewalks - we are forced to either push the pushchair down the road, or along a obstacle littered pavement while having motorcycles avoid us - Thus we are still forced to travel everywhere in a car.

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Now that I am married with a child life priorities have developed / altered and with it so have the pro's and con's.

As such the greatest challenge I find on a day to day basis is not compromising on the Safety of my Infant Son.

This means:

No Taxis (as they have no seatbelt and no car seat) - we have to travel everywhere in our Car with out son in his Car seat.

Walking anywhere means compromising safety as there are no sidewalks - we are forced to either push the pushchair down the road, or along a obstacle littered pavement while having motorcycles avoid us - Thus we are still forced to travel everywhere in a car.

Falang worry too much.


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Looking at fat westerners wherever i go!

Westernise take away outlets such as Mc Donalds, Burger King. It's all poisonous food that make you depressed, emotional and have no energy. It has corrupted the Thai cultural cause the women are getting fat cause of it!

Edited by fitnesspm
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