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Immigration Promenada One Stop Service v2


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Regarding O-A retirement extensions, I have received conflicting information from CNX I/O & visa agents regarding absence from principal place of residence for more than 24 hours.

It does not matter who you believe. It is a matter of who signs the passport document.

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Report to Bangkok. It is my understanding that officers from Bangkok were up after the Erawan bombing to check for any irregular procedures.

Send a video to local and national papers interviewing those being turned away. It is now over 100 days since online bookings were turned off, so as Nancy said they are now servicing fewer customers each day.

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I was at Immigration Promenada this morning to observe the queue ticket distribution for retirement extensions. High season is here.

They are still distributing just 20 tickets despite no longer having to service appointments made with the defunct on-line queue system.

Today 17 people in the retirement queue did not receive a queue number and they were told to come back tomorrow. Of course, they weren't given a queue ticket for tomorrow -- they were just told to come back. Some of the 17 protested rather firmly and said it was their second or third time at coming out early to get a queue ticket. The people turned away had arrived as early as 5:45 am.

I talked with a visa agent waiting in the queue. She told me that she had been turned away the previous day. She wasn't one of the "Lucky 20" A Visa Agent! She had arrived at 5 am yesterday. She said 22 people were turned away yesterday.

They still just have ONE officer processing retirement extensions.

The earliest arrival today came at 3 am. He said they don't turn on the exterior lights at Promenada until 4 am. This is a safety problem.

The visa agents all seem to arrive at 5 am. For those who think the visa agents have an unfair advantage -- consider this: With the exception of G4T (the visa agency next to the Immigration Promenada office that doesn't seem to need queue tickets) all other visa agents have to send someone to sit in the queue with us "retail" customers. One agent per customer. If they have three customers doing retirement extensions that day, then they have to send three people to sit in the queues. And they don't send one person and two bookbags, either. I arrived early and saw the visa agents sitting together. As if by prior agreement, they all arrive around 5 am. even from different companies.

So, if you want to be certain to get a queue ticket for a retirement extension, it looks like these are your options during High Season:

1. arrive at Immigration Promenada before 5 am

2. employ a reputable visa agent, with an office, website, office in town to send someone to go get a queue ticket for you

3. waltz in sometime in the morning and go see G4T, in the office next to the copy shop at Imm. Prom. They didn't have employees sitting in the retirement extension queue and several of the people turned away today when in to see them and were told that G4T could get them in for their retirement extensions today at 1 pm.

This is like the person that likes 20 teaspoon fulls of sugar in their cup of tea and it becomes easier to pour the tea into the sugar bowl. How soon will it be when the agents become full to capacity and immigration starts placing limits on them? Or one day we find that the agents have been closed down? It`s looking more and more that immigration is trying to limit the numbers of retirees in Chiang Mai.

Maybe it would be better to form some sort of delegation and talk to the people in Bangkok, because it seems to be reaching a stage where there is nothing to lose.

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Regarding O-A retirement extensions, I have received conflicting information from CNX I/O & visa agents regarding absence from principal place of residence for more than 24 hours.

It does not matter who you believe. It is a matter of who signs the passport document.

I asked about this yesterday when I was at Imm. Prom. and also talked with our condo's juristic person mgr. Both have the same story. When you leave the country your "housemaster" must file another TM 30 but not if you travel elsewhere in Thailand. Our condo office files the TM 30s on-line and does a "print screen" so we have a document to staple in our passport if asked to prove they've filed.

To me, the answer doesn't make sense. If you travel within Thailand and stay in a hotel, wouldn't the hotel file a TM 30? Doesn't that cancel the TM 30 that the condo office has filed? Everyone says no, only if I leave the country. OK, I'll count on that "print screen" in my passport to save me if questioned.

Incidentally, Hubby recently did his retirement extension, using O.S. Thai Visa. O.S. Thai Visa made sure he had his TM 30 receipt in his passport -- but it was an old receipt! We hadn't told our condo office that we'd exited and re-entered the country at the time he got the receipt. We didn't know at the time you were suppose to do this. Nobody bothered to look this up at Imm. Prom, either.

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While we're on the subject of stuff you're suppose to do but no one knows about. When someone dies the executor of their estate or next-of-kin is suppose to cancel their visa. The hospital, consulate, police, no one "official" takes care of this.

I've heard recent stories of widows and widowers receiving a knock on their door from Immigration, asking if they know the whereabouts of their late spouse. Well, that's not the way the question is put. It's more like, they show a copy of the photo page of the deceased's passport and say "do you know this person? We have no record of him/'her leaving the country, yet s/he hasn't filed a 90 day report or obtained a visa extension for over a year."

Once the status of the deceased is explained --- AND a copy of the death certificate is produced -- the Immigration officers are very apologetic and there is no fine. But, it has been an emotional visit for some people..

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I asked about this yesterday when I was at Imm. Prom. and also talked with our condo's juristic person mgr. Both have the same story. When you leave the country your "housemaster" must file another TM 30 but not if you travel elsewhere in Thailand. Our condo office files the TM 30s on-line and does a "print screen" so we have a document to staple in our passport if asked to prove they've filed.

To me, the answer doesn't make sense.

To me, a lot of this makes no sense. I've rented the same townhouse for almost 5 years and I believe (but don't know for sure) that the owner filed a TM-30 when I started renting. Two weeks ago, I flew over to Burma for a few days and the owner wasn't even aware I was gone. So the owner is required to file a new TM-30 every time I hop over to Burma, KL, Laos, or wherever?

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I asked about this yesterday when I was at Imm. Prom. and also talked with our condo's juristic person mgr. Both have the same story. When you leave the country your "housemaster" must file another TM 30 but not if you travel elsewhere in Thailand. Our condo office files the TM 30s on-line and does a "print screen" so we have a document to staple in our passport if asked to prove they've filed.

To me, the answer doesn't make sense.

To me, a lot of this makes no sense. I've rented the same townhouse for almost 5 years and I believe (but don't know for sure) that the owner filed a TM-30 when I started renting. Two weeks ago, I flew over to Burma for a few days and the owner wasn't even aware I was gone. So the owner is required to file a new TM-30 every time I hop over to Burma, KL, Laos, or wherever?

Yup, that's what they said. Both the officer at Imm. Prom. and our condo juristic person mgr is saying the same thing. Just for international travel -- when you're stamped out of the country, but not for in-country travel.

I agree, ti makes no sense.

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I asked about this yesterday when I was at Imm. Prom. and also talked with our condo's juristic person mgr. Both have the same story. When you leave the country your "housemaster" must file another TM 30 but not if you travel elsewhere in Thailand. Our condo office files the TM 30s on-line and does a "print screen" so we have a document to staple in our passport if asked to prove they've filed.

To me, the answer doesn't make sense.

To me, a lot of this makes no sense. I've rented the same townhouse for almost 5 years and I believe (but don't know for sure) that the owner filed a TM-30 when I started renting. Two weeks ago, I flew over to Burma for a few days and the owner wasn't even aware I was gone. So the owner is required to file a new TM-30 every time I hop over to Burma, KL, Laos, or wherever?

Yup, that's what they said. Both the officer at Imm. Prom. and our condo juristic person mgr is saying the same thing. Just for international travel -- when you're stamped out of the country, but not for in-country travel.

I agree, ti makes no sense.

well that'

s funny ,my wife went to russia for 2 months. cam back did her 90 day and no one ever asked for anything.we also did our yearly the same day no one asked us for anything and our owner was in china ,at the time .our juristic office needs a ok from owners ,

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I was at Immigration Promenada this morning to observe the queue ticket distribution for retirement extensions. High season is here.

They are still distributing just 20 tickets despite no longer having to service appointments made with the defunct on-line queue system.

Today 17 people in the retirement queue did not receive a queue number and they were told to come back tomorrow. Of course, they weren't given a queue ticket for tomorrow -- they were just told to come back. Some of the 17 protested rather firmly and said it was their second or third time at coming out early to get a queue ticket. The people turned away had arrived as early as 5:45 am.

I talked with a visa agent waiting in the queue. She told me that she had been turned away the previous day. She wasn't one of the "Lucky 20" A Visa Agent! She had arrived at 5 am yesterday. She said 22 people were turned away yesterday.

They still just have ONE officer processing retirement extensions.

The earliest arrival today came at 3 am. He said they don't turn on the exterior lights at Promenada until 4 am. This is a safety problem.

The visa agents all seem to arrive at 5 am. For those who think the visa agents have an unfair advantage -- consider this: With the exception of G4T (the visa agency next to the Immigration Promenada office that doesn't seem to need queue tickets) all other visa agents have to send someone to sit in the queue with us "retail" customers. One agent per customer. If they have three customers doing retirement extensions that day, then they have to send three people to sit in the queues. And they don't send one person and two bookbags, either. I arrived early and saw the visa agents sitting together. As if by prior agreement, they all arrive around 5 am. even from different companies.

So, if you want to be certain to get a queue ticket for a retirement extension, it looks like these are your options during High Season:

1. arrive at Immigration Promenada before 5 am

2. employ a reputable visa agent, with an office, website, office in town to send someone to go get a queue ticket for you

3. waltz in sometime in the morning and go see G4T, in the office next to the copy shop at Imm. Prom. They didn't have employees sitting in the retirement extension queue and several of the people turned away today when in to see them and were told that G4T could get them in for their retirement extensions today at 1 pm.

that is very correct, wife and i where there at 4 am and where first in both Q's before the agents even got there. and yes its very dark there, no lights but we had flash lights ,lol there really has to be a better way . seem's like they are trending to just agents. like russia . you can only get a visa threw an agent for that country. that would make there job easier and possible faster for all . who knows

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It's a disgrace, and shameful. Jomtien process retirement visas, same day service without the need for visa-agents, even if you arrive mid-morning. Why the f*** hasn't the head-honcho here been held to task by the CM ex-pat club? (or if so, what was the response - and has it been followed up?

I'm sorry, I have no time for those who say if you don't like it, go elsewhere - or platitudes from the authorities. One person processing 20 RVs per day is NOT acceptable in CM.

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It's a disgrace, and shameful. Jomtien process retirement visas, same day service without the need for visa-agents, even if you arrive mid-morning. Why the f*** hasn't the head-honcho here been held to task by the CM ex-pat club? (or if so, what was the response - and has it been followed up?

I'm sorry, I have no time for those who say if you don't like it, go elsewhere - or platitudes from the authorities. One person processing 20 RVs per day is NOT acceptable in CM.

Rather than continuously complaining, why don't you go to Bangkok and make yourself heard?

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It's a disgrace, and shameful. Jomtien process retirement visas, same day service without the need for visa-agents, even if you arrive mid-morning. Why the f*** hasn't the head-honcho here been held to task by the CM ex-pat club? (or if so, what was the response - and has it been followed up?

I'm sorry, I have no time for those who say if you don't like it, go elsewhere - or platitudes from the authorities. One person processing 20 RVs per day is NOT acceptable in CM.

Rather than continuously complaining, why don't you go to Bangkok and make yourself heard?

And how much notice would the take of me? Go talk to CM immigration. Sorry, to have ANY impact, it has to be an 'official complaint' from the ex-pat community. And believe me, I'd willingly travel to Chiang Rai, but because I reside here, I can't get a renewal there or anywhere else, come to that.

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It's a disgrace, and shameful. Jomtien process retirement visas, same day service without the need for visa-agents, even if you arrive mid-morning. Why the f*** hasn't the head-honcho here been held to task by the CM ex-pat club? (or if so, what was the response - and has it been followed up?

I'm sorry, I have no time for those who say if you don't like it, go elsewhere - or platitudes from the authorities. One person processing 20 RVs per day is NOT acceptable in CM.

Yes, there have been meetings between the head of CM Immigration and also his boss, the head of Region V and not just the lowly CM Expats Club, but also the local foreign consuls. Several meetings in fact. What you now see is the result. In other words, nothing has improved except the goats are gone and we have indoor waiting area, oh and the lights come on at 4 am and the toilets are opened at 6 am. All those are "enhancements" from the mall, incidentally, not Immigration.

The local consuls are becoming increasing frustrated. They're reading your emails. Please email your consuls and Embassies with your concerns. This is the best way to "go to Bangkok" to make yourself heard.

At least for now. The next step is to get the Ambassadors involved and they need to hear from YOU!

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Is there a good videographer who can work in low light conditions, doesn't mind getting up early and is willing to get himself in trouble with Immigration? If so, please send me a PM. I've taken still photos of the early morning conditions that I've turned into PowerPoint presentations for the Consuls/Embassies and now for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but I'm an amateur and good, near-professional quality video might be more compelling.

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It's a disgrace, and shameful. Jomtien process retirement visas, same day service without the need for visa-agents, even if you arrive mid-morning. Why the f*** hasn't the head-honcho here been held to task by the CM ex-pat club? (or if so, what was the response - and has it been followed up?

I'm sorry, I have no time for those who say if you don't like it, go elsewhere - or platitudes from the authorities. One person processing 20 RVs per day is NOT acceptable in CM.

Rather than continuously complaining, why don't you go to Bangkok and make yourself heard?

And how much notice would the take of me? Go talk to CM immigration. Sorry, to have ANY impact, it has to be an 'official complaint' from the ex-pat community. And believe me, I'd willingly travel to Chiang Rai, but because I reside here, I can't get a renewal there or anywhere else, come to that.

The general would probably just re-educate you.

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It's a disgrace, and shameful. Jomtien process retirement visas, same day service without the need for visa-agents, even if you arrive mid-morning. Why the f*** hasn't the head-honcho here been held to task by the CM ex-pat club? (or if so, what was the response - and has it been followed up?

I'm sorry, I have no time for those who say if you don't like it, go elsewhere - or platitudes from the authorities. One person processing 20 RVs per day is NOT acceptable in CM.

Yes, there have been meetings between the head of CM Immigration and also his boss, the head of Region V and not just the lowly CM Expats Club, but also the local foreign consuls. Several meetings in fact. What you now see is the result. In other words, nothing has improved except the goats are gone and we have indoor waiting area, oh and the lights come on at 4 am and the toilets are opened at 6 am. All those are "enhancements" from the mall, incidentally, not Immigration.

The local consuls are becoming increasing frustrated. They're reading your emails. Please email your consuls and Embassies with your concerns. This is the best way to "go to Bangkok" to make yourself heard.

At least for now. The next step is to get the Ambassadors involved and they need to hear from YOU!

The local consul is not interested any more than is the CM Immigration Official.

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Is there a good videographer who can work in low light conditions, doesn't mind getting up early and is willing to get himself in trouble with Immigration? If so, please send me a PM. I've taken still photos of the early morning conditions that I've turned into PowerPoint presentations for the Consuls/Embassies and now for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but I'm an amateur and good, near-professional quality video might be more compelling.

Can't help you with the videographer but how would a silent ,peaceful protest go in front of the Promenada Imm office .Placards in Thai and English and mediaoutlets pre advised of course.A convoy of wheechairs would help the cause.

Social media is a powerful force these days, bound to go viral.

What's the worst that could happen ? deportation ,re education camp ,jail time ? or loss of face for them that would force them to act responsibly.

Plus keep writing as suggested to anyone you can think of,Ambassadors, Consul, Media.About to email the 2 major newspapers.

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Is there a good videographer who can work in low light conditions, doesn't mind getting up early and is willing to get himself in trouble with Immigration? If so, please send me a PM. I've taken still photos of the early morning conditions that I've turned into PowerPoint presentations for the Consuls/Embassies and now for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but I'm an amateur and good, near-professional quality video might be more compelling.

Can't help you with the videographer but how would a silent ,peaceful protest go in front of the Promenada Imm office .Placards in Thai and English and mediaoutlets pre advised of course.A convoy of wheechairs would help the cause.

Social media is a powerful force these days, bound to go viral.

What's the worst that could happen ? deportation ,re education camp ,jail time ? or loss of face for them that would force them to act responsibly.

Plus keep writing as suggested to anyone you can think of,Ambassadors, Consul, Media.About to email the 2 major newspapers.

What could go wrong?

How about they ignore you. How about they say we will show you what real inconvenience is.

People tend to forget that at the airport when they were all going there people were still showing up early and being told to come back tomorrow. This is nothing new.

The best hope we have on the horizon is that the much maligned Ex Pat club can bring back the 200 baht day. I would at a guess think that Nancy is watching out for that option.

Is the Japanese still holding theirs?

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