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Phuket bouncers filmed beating up foreign tourists


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That sort of behavior by professional security is completely uncalled for under any circumstance. Oh, sorry... Mai Pen Rai. :-(

I'm married to a wonderful Thai lady for 30+ years (living in the US), but I've been loving LoS less and less lately for many reasons, including incidents like this. <deleted> ?!?!

Thailand is simply getting very UGLY very quickly. Do I really want to return to vacation? It's a beautiful country with mostly beautiful people, but the more posts I see here on TV, the less I want to go back.

It makes me very sad that this sort of anger and hostility (to foreigners or otherwise?) exists, and makes me fear even speaking to a Thai on the street for fear I'll say something that pisses them off enough to hurt or kill me. Sad state of affairs.

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of course we don't know why these Thai guys decided to kick the sh1t out of the farangs, either way it doesn't do much for the reputation of Patong!

I never thought Patong had anything but a crap reputation.......smile.png

Edited by ChrisY1
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That sort of behavior by professional security is completely uncalled for under any circumstance. Oh, sorry... Mai Pen Rai. :-(

I'm married to a wonderful Thai lady for 30+ years (living in the US), but I've been loving LoS less and less lately for many reasons, including incidents like this. <deleted> ?!?!

Thailand is simply getting very UGLY very quickly. Do I really want to return to vacation? It's a beautiful country with mostly beautiful people, but the more posts I see here on TV, the less I want to go back.

It makes me very sad that this sort of anger and hostility (to foreigners or otherwise?) exists, and makes me fear even speaking to a Thai on the street for fear I'll say something that pisses them off enough to hurt or kill me. Sad state of affairs.

If I hear the news about the old USA it is a very dangerous place I would never consider visiting.

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I can assure you as I am one that no Aussie is going to dodge Thailand because a couple of blokes got toweled up by some bouncers outside a club. Happens the world over mate blokes are punching all over Oz when they are on the turps. In this case I heard (only hearsay) that it was originally 5 on 6 and one of the Aussie lads tried to king hit one of the bouncers which is what kicked it all off. Stop bashing Thailand don't hang around seedy areas with hooker's and drugs and copious amounts of piss anywhere in the world if you find a blue a bit hard to stomach.

seedy areas with hookers and drugs and copious amounts of alcohol ? - isn't that like the entire country of thailand?

For sure not. But I do not live in a "tourist area" but a sole Thai area. After midnight, however, it becomes a little unsafe out on the soi because it is activity time for the youth motorcycle gangs sometimes settling their rivalities. หมู่หมา mu ma (group of dogs) not ma mu as one poster incorrectly stated. Upon living in the area for more than 11 years I have many Thai buddies here and so it will most likely never be one foreigner against a group of Thais in my case.

Once a youngster obviously was looking for trouble when I was riding my bike in the early evening feeding the street dogs. Within seconds a Thai guy was out of the seedy pool bar I regularly pass and asked me in Thai language whether that Thai guy was giving me trouble. I aswered that I was not really sure what he wanted. Anyway, my "guard" confronted the dude and asked him whether he was out for trouble and wanted him to shoot what obviously scared the s.hit out him. Anyway, all was settled without violence and I continued my tour while my "guard" and the dude where still discussing a little bit.

Yep, it is easy to get in trouble here at the wrong time at the wrong place and that's why I avoid wandering or biking around after midnight. Actually, I also do not see the need for this because I am in bed by then already. As per my experience after almost 16 years in the country is that 95% of the Thai people are very easy going if one plays by the rules. Foul mouthed trouble seekers, however, are absolutely not welcome in our area independant from nationality. So my Thai buddies tell me if I ever have a problem to tell them to settle it rather trying to do it myself because I am (still) a foreigner here and situations are better cleared among Thais since they are afraid I may get in serious trouble when losing my cool. Losing one's cool is always dangerous. Djai yen, the cool heart, is hence always of upper importance.

Afterall, there is no fairness in a streetfight. When getting involved in one make sure to render the opponent defenceless as quickly as one can and with all possible means one has. Failure to do so may be fatal. Adrenaline cooks high and it may take a while to get down possibly resulting in some unnecessary punches and kicks.

Thailand can be very safe but only if one plays by the rules. Remember, even the best streetfighter may be taken out of the game in a flash. By a piece of lead or a blade. There ain't no rules in a streetfight. Therefore, don't be an a.sshole in your own interest. Nowhere. whistling.gif

Edited by Richard Hall
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Wonder why the guys attacked haven't filed a complaint...

After being filmed and losing their jobs.....if the Aussies filed a complaint most likely all hell would break loose......better just to put up and shut up......pack up and go to the Phils!

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I had a short arse bouncer deliberately knock into me in Hollywood one night - just looking to make trouble - it is their hobby. I am 6ft 5in and let it go. They know they are protected by their contacts and other scum that permeate the industry.

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Yes Thais are not men they need 5 LOL

Muay Thai my ass... They cant box chocolates without supervision

maybe the falang did bad but its not there job to gang bash. They are weak and have no balls and I would like 1 per time on invitation

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Every country has it's own problems and very own kind of crooks. In Thailand at least it all is in the open as they are too lazy to camouflage things. Simply stay away from bouncers, tuk tuk drivers, taxi and mini bus drivers, kathoeys, gay areas, second floor a GO-GOs, shady karaoke places, harbor areas, etc. and absolutely avoid getting hammered to an extend you can't handle and no matter what - never use the F word!

Why haven't I been beaten up like that by any thugs in LOS in 25 years? Because I know when to duck for cover, where not to go, how to not provoke, and when to better shut the F up and simply walk. There is a good book out there titled "How to not get hit". Buy it! It's money well spent!

I am sure similar methods apply to other, even western, countries. Since we don't know what the reason for the attack was (bill dodging? calling one of the dancers a slut? using the f word the english and yanks like so much? eager to try out a new kick they learned at the farang Thai boxing camp? a bouncer simply wanting to test his new boots?) it is useless to discuss here who has been wrong and who is responsible.

Some people look for trouble, some don't simple as that!

Edited by MockingJay
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I had a short arse bouncer deliberately knock into me in Hollywood one night - just looking to make trouble - it is their hobby. I am 6ft 5in and let it go. They know they are protected by their contacts and other scum that permeate the industry.

They only think they are protected never let it slide &lt;deleted&gt; him... They are weak all mouth and I never let them get over me. I not do in my country why I do here.

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Well, who knows what the farangs did to provoke their ass kicking. I've seen a lot of idiot farangs - as we all have. Of course that doesn't justify violence, especially like this. I guess they were so drunk they couldn't fight back and defend themselves?

On the other hand, I've seen overzealous bouncers in Khao Sahn restaurant/bar back in the day start to kick the shit out of a drunk, defenseless farang - several on one guy - until one person stood up and said in Thai "Yoot!". That was me. A little dangerous, but it stopped the guy from going to the hospital over some stupid thing. Mai dee.

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One would expect bouncers employed by an entertainment establishment to act professionally and use minimal force (if any), even when under provocation, to evict any unruly patrons.

Obviously this was not the case here, where the bouncers' lack of anger management skills and thug temperament got the better of them. Very unprofessional and should be sacked.

People take that job because they like to get into fights. I definitely don't expect them to restrain themselves from force. I think they are happy to fight anyone, but surely there is something more tasty about punching a farang. There is little fear of follow-up revenge, or striking someone who might have a father in a position to take revenge.

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That sort of behavior by professional security is completely uncalled for under any circumstance. Oh, sorry... Mai Pen Rai. :-(

I'm married to a wonderful Thai lady for 30+ years (living in the US), but I've been loving LoS less and less lately for many reasons, including incidents like this. <deleted> ?!?!

Thailand is simply getting very UGLY very quickly. Do I really want to return to vacation? It's a beautiful country with mostly beautiful people, but the more posts I see here on TV, the less I want to go back.

It makes me very sad that this sort of anger and hostility (to foreigners or otherwise?) exists, and makes me fear even speaking to a Thai on the street for fear I'll say something that pisses them off enough to hurt or kill me. Sad state of affairs.

If I hear the news about the old USA it is a very dangerous place I would never consider visiting.

Point well taken. Yes, the US has MANY issues - not denying that.

Maybe off topic, but...

The problem I see is that this sort of incident "might have been" exacerbated by wide spread Thai racism, lack of proper Police intervention, and lack of language difference tolerance.

If these Thai bouncers had reason to eject this guy, there was no reason that a proper Buddhist (or any compassionate human) would treat any person to that sort of pain and injustice.

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One would expect bouncers employed by an entertainment establishment to act professionally and use minimal force (if any), even when under provocation, to evict any unruly patrons.

Obviously this was not the case here, where the bouncers' lack of anger management skills and thug temperament got the better of them. Very unprofessional and should be sacked.

Who would expect that? Maybe someone who hasn't been inside or near a nightclub in 20+ years?

This happens the world over and most bouncers are <deleted> who need little provocation.

HA ! Bouncers kicking off ?

Try a fight between two girls in London for a proper fight then

The whole road closed and a near riot


You will get far worse than this in any town in the UK on a Friday or saturday night multiple times over

I have seen this many times over the years. Tourists that think they are back in their home towns and think they can give it the Big I Am. They are then reminded they are not back home when a bunch of little Thai's beats the crap out of them thumbsup.gif

You get drunken brawls all over the UK - Thursday, Friday and Saturday are favorite.

But, you won't see bouncers behaving like that; unless they fancy a spell in prison. The cowboy thug bouncer days of UK 70's and 80's ended. Door staff and security must now be licensed and have first aid skills. They want to get trouble makers and violent customers off the premises a.s.a.p and will alert the police. Drunks have to be treated in a way to ensure their safety. Night clubs, bars, etc all have duties of care to customers and staff.

Also, almost all areas are covered by CCTV, which works. Any misbehavior will be recorded.

The police (usually) take a tolerant pragmatic view. But, if a complaint is made against door staff they are duty bound to investigate. Similarly, any whiff of racial or sexual motivation and they will become very interested.

I have old training partners from a few years ago who currently do door work in the UK as well as venue security. Times have changed since the late 70's and early 80's when many were simply thugs.

Here, it's like a time warp, still with the mentality of the UK in the 70's, give them a good kicking to get a reputation so others behave.

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i'm Asian...This could be misunderstanding as well.....Aussies, Western Culture of Fun is different from Asians...

Aussies will just have a good night out and will forget the events next day...for Asians...The emotions carries on...I don't think the Aussies will file a police complaint as most likely...They would move on and consider it as an "experience" ....They don't really mean it what they say in night clubs, Asians really mean it what they do in nightclubs...

They should employ Aussie bouncers, managers who understands the Vibe of Aussie tourists better...We take things way personally in clubs than westerners..Saving face thingy...they would have paid the bill at the end of it, Asians mistook as not paying the bill, our EGOs are hurt easily.

If you Push an Asian bouncer...Its comes to EGO and Saving Face....For an Aussie bouncer its just part of the work...

Its cultural clash....We don't understand the way you party...for us Route 66 is better..for you Full Moon Party

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as usual

old drunkard farang men complaining about thais "ganging up" while its the same shit in the west. It's always gang beat downs. 1v1's are as comon in thailand as in the rest of the world.

And as usual, theres is a 90% chance the 2 guys did deserve a beat down, so lets not get on our high horses and complain that it was too violent.

Oh really? You first insult the writers - "old drunkard farang men". Then you generalize - "always gang beat downs" then say 1v1 are comon (by the way it's spelled common and Thailand is a country; it has a capital "T").

Hmmm, Insulting, generalizing, cannot spell. Well, I guess that makes you an expert.

Its people like you who give this website such a black eye; spouting off nonsense and calling people names, and generalizing about something, I would bet, you have absolutely NO PROOF of, just your imagination.

But please, don't let my words deter you from vomiting all your foul stomach (brain) contents all over this page.

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Bouncers dont attack indiscriminately-usually theres a reason. We need to know the whole story.

Ive seen many many hooligans from the eu who deserve a good kick in the butt.

It can't give a reason to handle customers/tourists like this!!! If they don't want to paiy the drinks they can call the police or send they out of the club.

The onliest aggressive people are the bouncers!!! And what the Thais told the police: "6 FARANGS!!!"

Where are they? Hide in the gully?

But it listen better as to say it was only 2 farangs!!!

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Visit the jungle, don't be surprised to be surrounded by simpleton savages.


Bouncers dont attack indiscriminately-usually theres a reason. We need to know the whole story.

Ive seen many many hooligans from the eu who deserve a good kick in the butt.

I agree, but one day a group of EU hooligans will have to pay the 10-foulded price at a national park here. Let's see what happens then.

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Well, who knows what the farangs did to provoke their ass kicking. I've seen a lot of idiot farangs - as we all have. Of course that doesn't justify violence, especially like this. I guess they were so drunk they couldn't fight back and defend themselves?

On the other hand, I've seen overzealous bouncers in Khao Sahn restaurant/bar back in the day start to kick the shit out of a drunk, defenseless farang - several on one guy - until one person stood up and said in Thai "Yoot!". That was me. A little dangerous, but it stopped the guy from going to the hospital over some stupid thing. Mai dee.

I have seen it myself

Asians bouncers take things personally than western bouncers who take it as part of the work more professional, while for an Asian bouncer it becomes Saving Face thingy....

Being Asian...I prefer western bouncers, I feel uncomfortable around Asian bouncers in Thailand, Philippines, Hong kong, Singapore as they get way too involved and take things personally but when i go to Europe I enjoy more and could get drunk easily in clubs and not worry about being beaten to a pulp by bouncers for silly issues.

Western tourist should learn these subtle differences in culture while having fun in Asia....Even being an Asian...I don't enjoy fully in Asia but let myself loose in Europe.

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Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

easy there butllet3, most Americaan Policemen I know do no stoop to this lever unless severally provoked and in self defense. Actually they are too soft on the rioters, which are felons. When, many years ago, when I did Shore Patrol we only carried a Baton and never used on the head. Abdomen and shin works very well !!

This might help answer your question....................


Erect : 3.7 inches.

Helps explain a lot I think. violin.gifviolin.gif

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This news is not going to affect Aussie tourist numbers coming to Thailand, so if you think that your dreaming. Folks don't cancel their holidays because they see one fight on media, they are more likely to say .. they probably deserved it unfortunately.

I think you're the one dreaming. Many people including myself have no desire to visit Bali, and that's simply because of so many drunken aussies and opportunistic thugs. Once Phuket becomes like Bali basically people will avoid that palce as well.

So your saying you won't go to bali because of many drunken aussies, what i'm saying is folks who have planned holidays in Phuket are unlikely to cancel and go elsewhere because of a fight outside a bar shown on media. They won't cancel just because that is in the paper on TV.

Many things have happened before this shown on TV in Aust and it didn't affect tourist numbers from australia.

I bet 100% it will blow over after a couple of months, folks have seen this before .... not the first time and won't be the last.

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This incident will have no affect on Australian tourist numbers whatsoever.

Extreme violence and drunken behaviour outside bars and night clubs is common place expecially in Melbourne and Sydney. Many guys end up in ICU on life support in hospital.

Just the other day one of those Americans who stopped a terrorist attack in a Paris station recently was stabbed in a nightclub in California.

750,000 aussies will come to Thailand this year mostly on direct flights to Phuket. Australians view Thailand as a very cheap and sleazy 3rd world tourist destination the same as Bali or Filippines.

Most of the foreigners who get into trouble in Thailand are at the bottom end of the beer bar and hooker tourist market.

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Not the Aussie Bar, that is entrance to Soi Gonzo, and they ar from the White Room which is at the end. Whilst not defending bouncers, best not to get drunk and act up in nightclubs here.

you tell them to leave,,,not a right to do severe damage to a human....anamalistic

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One would expect bouncers employed by an entertainment establishment to act professionally and use minimal force (if any), even when under provocation, to evict any unruly patrons.

Obviously this was not the case here, where the bouncers' lack of anger management skills and thug temperament got the better of them. Very unprofessional and should be sacked.

And prosecuted for assault. Kicking someone in the head while they are already down is total BS. There is no excuse for this. These scumbag animals belong in jail period!

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Phuket Police urge Aussie tourists to file complaint over vicious beating by Bangla bar bouncers
Eakkapop Thongtub

The guards claim the fight started after the two Australian tourists sexually harassed female customers and refused to pay for their drinks.

PHUKET: -- Police have called on two Australian tourists who suffered a severe beating by security staff on Patong’s Bangla Rd to step forward and file a complaint so that charges can be pressed.

The attack, which occurred around midnight on Wednesday (Oct 7), was captured on video by a bystander who later posted the disturbing footage on Facebook.

The video went viral before it was taken offline.

The footage showed five Thai men dressed in black security uniforms repeatedly beating the two men, kicking the men in the head even while they were on the ground.

Police have identified and questioned the five security staff captured on video beating the two tourists, but so far have declined to name the attackers.

“All five security guards said that two drunk foreign men came into the pub and after they ordered more drinks, they refused to pay,” said Kathu Police Deputy Superintendent Lt Col Akanit Danpitaksarn.

“The guards said the two foreign men started the fight when the guards attempted to stop them from sexually harassing female customers in the pub.

“All guards admitted that they got very impatient with the two and escorted them out of the pub and said that the fight started after the two men tried to re-enter the pub.

Col Akanit urged the two tourists to come forward and file a complaint.

“Otherwise, there is nothing more we can do,” he said. “I have warned the guards and told them to help preserve our ‘tourism image’ [sic], but no charges can be pressed against them until the victims file a complaint.

“Right now we are looking to find out who the two victims are and why they did not come forward to police after being attacked. So far we have no record of anyone filing a police report for assault over the incident.”

Kathu District Chief Sayan Chanachaiwong, who is investigating the incident, told The Phuket News that police have called on the Australian Embassy to try to contact the two men and convince them to file a police complaint.

“I have also recommended to Phuket Governor Chamroen Tipayapongtada that he order the White Room, the venue where the attack took place, to close for at least one week, while this incident is being sorted out,” he said.

“Right now all the police have is the security guards’ version of what happened. We really need the two tourists to come in and give us their version of events.”

Street violence in Phuket’s famed party town of Patong made international headlines in March, when 59-year-old expat Mark Pendlebury from Western Australia was charged for fatally stabbing a nightclub staffer.

Mr Pendlebury was charged with murder, despite his claims that he was acting in self-defence. He was later cleared by CCTV footage that convinced the Patong police to drop the charge against him.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-police-urge-aussie-tourists-to-file-complaint-over-vicious-beating-by-bangla-bar-bouncers-54463.php

-- Phuket News 2015-10-09

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5 on 1, hitting from the back, kicking the head when he was on the floor, in my homecountry this would be attempt to murder and 5 years jail.

But i still don't know what those guys did to be treated like this. It's very unprofessional from the bouncers anyway. Why not arrest them and call the police?

I won't go to Phuket!

Phuket is the most dangerous here in THAILAND...A DAILEY OCCURRENCE ...CRIMES AGAINST FARANGS

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