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Phuket bouncers filmed beating up foreign tourists


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Every country has it's own problems and very own kind of crooks. In Thailand at least it all is in the open as they are too lazy to camouflage things. Simply stay away from bouncers, tuk tuk drivers, taxi and mini bus drivers, kathoeys, gay areas, second floor a GO-GOs, shady karaoke places, harbor areas, etc. and absolutely avoid getting hammered to an extend you can't handle and no matter what - never use the F word!

Why haven't I been beaten up like that by any thugs in LOS in 25 years? Because I know when to duck for cover, where not to go, how to not provoke, and when to better shut the F up and simply walk. There is a good book out there titled "How to not get hit". Buy it! It's money well spent!

I am sure similar methods apply to other, even western, countries. Since we don't know what the reason for the attack was (bill dodging? calling one of the dancers a slut? using the f word the english and yanks like so much? eager to try out a new kick they learned at the farang Thai boxing camp? a bouncer simply wanting to test his new boots?) it is useless to discuss here who has been wrong and who is responsible.

Some people look for trouble, some don't simple as that!

You just said in other words; I survive Thailand because I am a coward. What a way to live

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Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

I hear this one again and again. it is common sense to not use force in conflict unless you are you are going to win. I spent a few years in the army reserves (not special forces or SAS but the principles are the same) using overwhelming force is common sense. been in Thailand around the bar scene a long time in Thailand and have never been any where near something like this. is impossible to judge but I would suspect the 2 westerners were out of line and the thais probably gave them a kicking. was it right? of course not but the underlying message is behave yourself and this will probably not happen to you. learn the word sorry in thai and use it in an conflicting situation. even if you have been stupid this might get you out of the trouble you are in. the fact this sort of stuff is uncommon in Thailand means it is big news when it happens here. I was around the bar scene in Australia and saw this stuff happening far more frequently. nasty scene there with not enough trim to go around.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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Thais will never fight one on one. They have the gang mentality and think they are kung fighters, hense the head kicking. Was on Kosan Road area one evening long time ago. i could see a pretty big farang was walking and a thai on a motorbike hit him going on the road that he wasnt even supposed to be riding on. The farang reached over when he was hit and knocked the thai off the motorbike. The thai guy got up and wanted to fight. the farang just stood there and let him know if he came closer he would be hit. Then another Thai guy starts to come up from behind to hit the guy....me being a newbie back then, I grabed the this guy by his neck and threw him on the ground. I stood over him so he couldnt get up. Then people were saying the police were coming and get out of there, we ran off and went into a crowded bar and had a couple drinks.....that was 13 yrs ago, and we are still good friends to this day. Those days are behind me now.

Edited by jaybas
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Every country has it's own problems and very own kind of crooks. In Thailand at least it all is in the open as they are too lazy to camouflage things. Simply stay away from bouncers, tuk tuk drivers, taxi and mini bus drivers, kathoeys, gay areas, second floor a GO-GOs, shady karaoke places, harbor areas, etc. and absolutely avoid getting hammered to an extend you can't handle and no matter what - never use the F word!

Why haven't I been beaten up like that by any thugs in LOS in 25 years? Because I know when to duck for cover, where not to go, how to not provoke, and when to better shut the F up and simply walk. There is a good book out there titled "How to not get hit". Buy it! It's money well spent!

I am sure similar methods apply to other, even western, countries. Since we don't know what the reason for the attack was (bill dodging? calling one of the dancers a slut? using the f word the english and yanks like so much? eager to try out a new kick they learned at the farang Thai boxing camp? a bouncer simply wanting to test his new boots?) it is useless to discuss here who has been wrong and who is responsible.

Some people look for trouble, some don't simple as that!

You just said in other words; I survive Thailand because I am a coward. What a way to live
Funny I read: I survive in Thailand because I use my brain... The only way to live.
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of course we don't know why these Thai guys decided to kick the sh1t out of the farangs, either way it doesn't do much for the reputation of Patong!

Precisely what reputation are you referring to? Patong is know far and wide as being one of the true underbellies and cesspools of the planet. It is one of the most overpriced spots in the country. It is a horrific wasteland. So, what reputation is there to preserve? I truly believe that Thailand has very, very little interest in preserving its reputation. I think the vast majority of Thai people in the tourism trade do not think it is particularly important to have a good reputation. Or perhaps they feel that their country is so irresistible, that it does not matter. Regardless of what we do, or what we offer, or how much we charge, they cannot resist us, and our fabulous nation.

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Just to play devil's advocate, did you see these particular set of guys in the aforementioned place and acting drunk and stupid? Reason I asked is that the Aussie Mark that was attacked by a mob of bouncers was accused by the bouncers of being drunk and threatening them................... before the truth came out that he hadn't been drinking and wasn't threatening them. For some reason all the bouncers in scuffles here always blame the "drunk farang" even if they aren't drunk as if it's an open license to hand out beatings with no repercussions.

From the PG article, it was reported the Australian tourists had refused to pay their bill (possibly inflated, who knows) hit a bouncer and then took off their shirts and started dancing. I'd immediately noticed one of the two having received a kicking had his T shirt pulled up tank top style, so find this believable. So one set of Neanderthals meets another as far as I can see. Lovely place Patong ..

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5 on 1, hitting from the back, kicking the head when he was on the floor, in my homecountry this would be attempt to murder and 5 years jail.

But i still don't know what those guys did to be treated like this. It's very unprofessional from the bouncers anyway. Why not arrest them and call the police?

I won't go to Phuket!

You think this only happens in Phuket??

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The usual stupid comments from the one sided Farangs the Aussies instigated the fight FYI and it often happens

It's not about who instigated the fight, it's about who took penalty kicks at a downed man's head.

Thai bouncers see this as a perk of the job, thin pretext, and yahoo! We get to gang up and kick the living sh!t out of someone...

Cowards and slime, all of them.

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this thread: filled with angry men that hate thais

Why are they still living in thai? All normal respectful expats with jobs and families have no problems with thais

Ahh i remember, they can't afford to live anywhere else and they don't want to die alone.

Phuket town, Thalang, Pakok, koh kaew, chertenglay has thousands of expats with absolutely no issue. We simply laugh at the cesspool population trying to push their own self hatred onto the thai people

Edited by bearpolar
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this thread: filled with angry men that hate thais

Why are they still living in thai? All normal respectful expats with jobs and families have no problems with thais

Ahh i remember, they can't afford to live anywhere else and they don't want to die alone.

'All normal respectful expats with jobs and families have no problems with thais' - everyone agree ?

Edited by crazydrummerpauly
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Every country has it's own problems and very own kind of crooks. In Thailand at least it all is in the open as they are too lazy to camouflage things. Simply stay away from bouncers, tuk tuk drivers, taxi and mini bus drivers, kathoeys, gay areas, second floor a GO-GOs, shady karaoke places, harbor areas, etc. and absolutely avoid getting hammered to an extend you can't handle and no matter what - never use the F word!

Why haven't I been beaten up like that by any thugs in LOS in 25 years? Because I know when to duck for cover, where not to go, how to not provoke, and when to better shut the F up and simply walk. There is a good book out there titled "How to not get hit". Buy it! It's money well spent!

I am sure similar methods apply to other, even western, countries. Since we don't know what the reason for the attack was (bill dodging? calling one of the dancers a slut? using the f word the english and yanks like so much? eager to try out a new kick they learned at the farang Thai boxing camp? a bouncer simply wanting to test his new boots?) it is useless to discuss here who has been wrong and who is responsible.

Some people look for trouble, some don't simple as that!

You just said in other words; I survive Thailand because I am a coward. What a way to live
Funny I read: I survive in Thailand because I use my brain... The only way to live.

What a way to live. Always being careful. Don't upset them. Don't say that. Always smile. Is that using your brain or just being a coward?

How you can equate "keeping out of trouble" with "cowardice", I will never know.

I must be as yellow as a canary, because in my 60 years I have never been directly involved in a physical fight. I've broken a few up though. My last altercation was with an inebriated middle eastern gentleman who accused me of spilling his drink. I didn't. So, I could have been "brave" and have the situation escalate, but I decided to be a "coward" and offer to buy him a drink. We had a great conversation and parted with a smile and a handshake.

I view the use of bodily appendages to deliberately physically harm others for no reason as an extreme inability to communicate verbally, and generally serves no purpose whatsoever. Intelligence wise, it is probably on the same level as an ape. Surely we have evolved, haven't we?

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You guys are sooo uneducated. Fact: Bars are owned and operated by the underworld, the mafia. The mafia hires unsavory gangsters who are streetfighters. They are experienced thugs hired to "take care of business" when an unruly drugged out drunk customer gets out of line. The tourists are lucky the thugs didn't pull out a gun a pump a bullet through his head. Apparently these foreign tourists must have done something really really bad. About the part about playing fair: In USA, the police academies teach that it should never ever be a fair fight. The cops must always have the upper hand. You do not go toe to toe. Cops are paid to win. Same is true with the mafia. The thugs must insure they will win so it will always be 2 or 3 thugs on one unruly drunk tourist.

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terrible, I wonder what a 1 on 1 situation would of resulted in.? ( Well never going to happen anyway )

Says everything about these establishments and these people. Totally disgusting. Should be prosecuted and brought to book.

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Every country has it's own problems and very own kind of crooks. In Thailand at least it all is in the open as they are too lazy to camouflage things. Simply stay away from bouncers, tuk tuk drivers, taxi and mini bus drivers, kathoeys, gay areas, second floor a GO-GOs, shady karaoke places, harbor areas, etc. and absolutely avoid getting hammered to an extend you can't handle and no matter what - never use the F word!

Why haven't I been beaten up like that by any thugs in LOS in 25 years? Because I know when to duck for cover, where not to go, how to not provoke, and when to better shut the F up and simply walk. There is a good book out there titled "How to not get hit". Buy it! It's money well spent!

I am sure similar methods apply to other, even western, countries. Since we don't know what the reason for the attack was (bill dodging? calling one of the dancers a slut? using the f word the english and yanks like so much? eager to try out a new kick they learned at the farang Thai boxing camp? a bouncer simply wanting to test his new boots?) it is useless to discuss here who has been wrong and who is responsible.

Some people look for trouble, some don't simple as that!

You just said in other words; I survive Thailand because I am a coward. What a way to live
Funny I read: I survive in Thailand because I use my brain... The only way to live.

What a way to live. Always being careful. Don't upset them. Don't say that. Always smile. Is that using your brain or just being a coward?

Yep ... it's using your brain

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Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

This might help answer your question....................


Erect : 3.7 inches.

Helps explain a lot I think. violin.gifviolin.gif

Yes they act like lions do and they have a small one to. Does small size cause frustration?

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Unsavoury things tend to happen in unsavoury places.

Yesterday a bar owner in pattaya soi 6 roxy bar got laid into by two huge brit hooligans....needed stitches, the works.

As always hard to tell who started it....but i can tell you, alcohol

ALWAYS plays a major role.

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You guys are uneducated.

Bars are owned and operated by the mafia. Thugs run the place. You cross a thug, he's liable to pull out a knife and slit you ear to ear because that's what gangsters do.

In USA, the gangsters such as MS13 or the black gangs are much worse than Thai Mafia. The MS13 gangsters will be 10 on 1 for sure and they love knives and one of them will slit your throat. As for the black gangs, they will pull out a 40 caliber glock and shoot you in the head.

You play with gangsters, you get hurt. You start trouble in a mafia owned bar, you get hurt. Use your head.

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this is NOT your country.....you PAY to come and get beat up.... YOU are here to exploit Thais......so YOU are not the victim...

nobody forces any of us to go to Thailand......and there are tons of these kinds of stories

this will NOT be the last story like this...

Land of Smiles.....kap kap kap

Duck here comes another one one of the love it or leave it crowd that thinks we left our rights at home when we came here and we should adopt to a wild wild west environment. I hope this goes viral on social media so that people stay out of these seedy bars and they all go broke. Bouncers should be trained on how to handle drunks not use them as punching bags when they outnumber them and have the obvious advantage over some stumble bums. People do not come here for a Church conference they come to PARTY HARDY!! I think TAT should attach this video to on line advertising telling people come here at your own peril, risk or stupidity. The should use an exclaimer saying that you are 100% responsible for your actions. Yes the bouncers should be charged.

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"How you can equate "keeping out of trouble" with "cowardice", I will never know.

I must be as yellow as a canary, because in my 60 years I have never been directly involved in a physical fight. I've broken a few up though. My last altercation was with an inebriated middle eastern gentleman who accused me of spilling his drink. I didn't. So, I could have been "brave" and have the situation escalate, but I decided to be a "coward" and offer to buy him a drink. We had a great conversation and parted with a smile and a handshake.

I view the use of bodily appendages to deliberately physically harm others for no reason as an extreme inability to communicate verbally, and generally serves no purpose whatsoever. Intelligence wise, it is probably on the same level as an ape. Surely we have evolved, haven't we?

Keeping out of trouble can also be accomplished by not being a coward. I am here 17/18 year and I also never had a physical fight with any Thai person and I keep my head up high and don't kiss anyone's behind. I suppose this has to do with culture, heritage. Where I am from you need to be able to take care of yourself or else it's hard to survive.
Pacifism is a great philosophy and it would be great if the whole world could live in total harmony and peace but as long as there are still quite a few psychopaths walking around, like these 5 or 6 apes in Phuket, it is not going to happen
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Again Thais with a short fuse, maybe, maybe not, drinking on the job.

Whatever the reason, it is a bouncers job to bounce guests from a establishment, whom not behave correctly.

Bounce, never means beatup. If a guest gets violent (usually drunk), he should be overpowered and/or removed/called police.

There is never a reason to keep om beating and kicking when somebody is down already, which here is clearly the case.

just how do you overpower 6 aussies that have been drinking and start sucker punching your fellow bouncers ? The bouncers handled themselves with moderation.

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Don't be deceived by these slightly built Thais in a one on one situation. Some of them are as hard as nails and move quicker than most farangs. Best not to let the drink take over your brain and walk away from possible confrontation. This advise was given to me by an Aussie boxing promoter.

then you aussie boxing promotor was a moron.

You can make the same statement about anyone, in any country in the world. No one wears a t shirt saying "watch out, might be small but boxing champion",, on the other hand a big, tall guy could be a desk jockey and is as soft and passive as warm milk.

If your aussie boxing promotor had any brains and wanted to give good advice about not getting hurt he should have said, avoid it, better to get out of there as quickly as possible when trouble brews.

Don't know what they did but 2 drunken, wobbly foreigners is hardly difficult to deal with if you were sober,, well here it took 5 sober Thais to kick the stuffing out of them. I do not endorse fighting but how would that have panned out with 5 sober foreigners?

Thais already know the answer to that question, the locals would probably get a good kicking, they know this so they gang up,,

serious? Aussies are hard fighters? clap2.gif

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Patong Entertainment Business Association President Weerawit Krueasombut's statement to the PG:

“At this stage, we do not want to blame the nightlife operators or the tourists. If police can find the men, I prefer both parties negotiate, so that everything will be cleared up,” Mr Weerawit said.

"negotiate' and "clear up" - just goes to show the mind set here.

Thing is the police in many cases are on the take in these venues if not all of them. KInd of well paid security advisors. I often saw the senior police officer from Kathu police station visit that well known Go Go at the top of Bangla road enjoy a drink at the bar and was paid up to 40,000 Baht a month for his services. His 2nd in command who worked there full time was accused of murder was a fine upstanding member of the internationally known Lions Club who often met in a local ping pong bar. I would expect that some of the kickers were police.

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Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

It's because they saw the same movies as the American Police....!!! and they copy the behaviour from the movies....


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