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Phuket bouncers filmed beating up foreign tourists

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Thais are really shooting themselves in the foot, This gets back to Australia people will avoid Thailand and i dont blame them , Thais need to grow up.

I can assure you as I am one that no Aussie is going to dodge Thailand because a couple of blokes got toweled up by some bouncers outside a club. Happens the world over mate blokes are punching all over Oz when they are on the turps. In this case I heard (only hearsay) that it was originally 5 on 6 and one of the Aussie lads tried to king hit one of the bouncers which is what kicked it all off. Stop bashing Thailand don't hang around seedy areas with hooker's and drugs and copious amounts of piss anywhere in the world if you find a blue a bit hard to stomach.

With the aussie dollar falling so much and now another incident involving Australians in Thailand, it will have an impact on Australians planning an OS trip, especially to Thailand. Not all Australians are bogans!

btw where are the areas that are NOT "seedy ... with hooker's and drugs and copious amounts of piss" in Thailand??? cheesy.giffacepalm.gif

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How about the last part of the news?

The Roxy Bar Manager been hit on the head requiring 17 stiches?

Is it a surprise that this type of incidents occur frequently?

Scum against scum...


This incident will have no affect on Australian tourist numbers whatsoever.

Extreme violence and drunken behaviour outside bars and night clubs is common place expecially in Melbourne and Sydney. Many guys end up in ICU on life support in hospital.

Just the other day one of those Americans who stopped a terrorist attack in a Paris station recently was stabbed in a nightclub in California.

750,000 aussies will come to Thailand this year mostly on direct flights to Phuket. Australians view Thailand as a very cheap and sleazy 3rd world tourist destination the same as Bali or Filippines.

Most of the foreigners who get into trouble in Thailand are at the bottom end of the beer bar and hooker tourist market.

You have NO IDEA what you are talking about!facepalm.gif

Australia is one of the safest countries in the world. With police making a concerted effort to kerb violence at licensed venues. There are multiple laws against serving intoxicated patrons. OH and the police actually perform their jobs! Source http://www.theweek.co.uk/64495/the-10-safest-countries-in-the-world-and-the-10-most-dangerous

The Australian dollar has fallen around 9% to the THB since 2012 from highs of 33.33 to the current rate around 25.50 - http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=AUD&to=THB&view=5Y

Just under 550 000 Australians will visit Thailand in 2014/15 - Source ABS - http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/products/961B6B53B87C130ACA2574030010BD05

"Thailand’s reputation as an unsafe destination for Australian tourists is catching up with it.

In the past year, 10 per cent fewer Aussies have travelled to Thailand which remains the country with the highest hospitalisation and death rate for Australian visitors.

Since July last year, 109 Australians have died in Thailand and around 150 were hospitalised due to sickness or injury." Source http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/safety-concerns-blamed-for-fall-in-australian-tourists-to-thailand/story-fntzoymf-1227400945366?sv=ea8248bc3ceb99e7f2635957f1f198d7

A little bit of information goes along way...


I know it is easy to say, but just maybe if one of those victims had turned on one of the thugs and concentrated on him instead of trying to avoid them, things might have been different Happened to me once many years ago in the end three of them attacked me but ended with 2 running away and 1 unconcious on the floor. Made them reconsider.


terrible, I wonder what a 1 on 1 situation would of resulted in.? ( Well never going to happen anyway )

Street fights don't follow boxing rules. Same is true in the West - if you fight one guy in a group you can bet his buddies are going to come rushing in, usually with sucker punches. And if you gain the upper hand you could be stabbed.


5 on 1, hitting from the back, kicking the head when he was on the floor, in my homecountry this would be attempt to murder and 5 years jail.

But i still don't know what those guys did to be treated like this. It's very unprofessional from the bouncers anyway. Why not arrest them and call the police?

I won't go to Phuket!

"Call the Police" really, do police go out after dark in Patong ?


Another breath of fresh air for Thailand the land of a thousand kicks. I sent this to my papers in America to remind them that Thailand is not a land of a thousand smile. If i save one Farang from getting this abuse i did my job! Why 5 on two and they were not resisting but just getting beat by these Thai thugs!


<deleted> they did not look for a fight but the drugged up bouncers had to prove they were men. No rule when you are attacked by five drug indoused bouncers!

terrible, I wonder what a 1 on 1 situation would of resulted in.? ( Well never going to happen anyway )

Street fights don't follow boxing rules. Same is true in the West - if you fight one guy in a group you can bet his buddies are going to come rushing in, usually with sucker punches. And if you gain the upper hand you could be stabbed.

Every country has it's own problems and very own kind of crooks. In Thailand at least it all is in the open as they are too lazy to camouflage things. Simply stay away from bouncers, tuk tuk drivers, taxi and mini bus drivers, kathoeys, gay areas, second floor a GO-GOs, shady karaoke places, harbor areas, etc. and absolutely avoid getting hammered to an extend you can't handle and no matter what - never use the F word!

Why haven't I been beaten up like that by any thugs in LOS in 25 years? Because I know when to duck for cover, where not to go, how to not provoke, and when to better shut the F up and simply walk. There is a good book out there titled "How to not get hit". Buy it! It's money well spent!

I am sure similar methods apply to other, even western, countries. Since we don't know what the reason for the attack was (bill dodging? calling one of the dancers a slut? using the f word the english and yanks like so much? eager to try out a new kick they learned at the farang Thai boxing camp? a bouncer simply wanting to test his new boots?) it is useless to discuss here who has been wrong and who is responsible.

Some people look for trouble, some don't simple as that!

You just said in other words; I survive Thailand because I am a coward. What a way to live
Funny I read: I survive in Thailand because I use my brain... The only way to live.

What a way to live. Always being careful. Don't upset them. Don't say that. Always smile. Is that using your brain or just being a coward?

Only children and drunks live in a world of fight or flight. The average adult can recognize nuance and diffuse virtually any situation.



"Only children and drunks live in a world of fight or flight. The average adult can recognize nuance and diffuse virtually any situation".

What a nonsense. You are actually saying that every adult that gets beat up or murdered has themselves to blame


Does anyone know the name of the club these dogs work at ?

I are Australian and proud and own a boxing mamagement company

I would like to pop in there

If you know the name send me please

I especially like to meet the ass faced Thai with the long hair that cant punch


That is definitely the through way at the Aussie bar, I would say the bouncers are NOT from the aussie bar as I know the owner & he would NOT tolerate that kind of violence at his establishment. The bouncers would be from the WHITE ROOM at the rear. That kind of violence deserves the sacking of the security team


of course we don't know why these Thai guys decided to kick the sh1t out of the farangs, either way it doesn't do much for the reputation of Patong!

Precisely what reputation are you referring to? Patong is know far and wide as being one of the true underbellies and cesspools of the planet. It is one of the most overpriced spots in the country. It is a horrific wasteland. So, what reputation is there to preserve? I truly believe that Thailand has very, very little interest in preserving its reputation. I think the vast majority of Thai people in the tourism trade do not think it is particularly important to have a good reputation. Or perhaps they feel that their country is so irresistible, that it does not matter. Regardless of what we do, or what we offer, or how much we charge, they cannot resist us, and our fabulous nation.

"It is a horrific wasteland" - god thats funny - cheers


Bit of Thai bashing going on here. Seems to me that some people forget that the object of a fight is to win, with as little pain to yourself as possible.


Bit of Thai bashing going on here. Seems to me that some people forget that the object of a fight is to win, with as little pain to yourself as possible.

I must be really getting old. Kicking to the head while a person is down was never included in my generation's definition of how to win.


OK there is video evidence of this attack, these thugs are not security they are criminals. So where are the RTP ???

Of course I'm being silly, bar pay police not to interfere and if someone was killed they would blame !!!!!!!!! anyone.

I cannot understand why anyone goes to Phuket it's the a**hole of Thailand.


Bit of Thai bashing going on here. Seems to me that some people forget that the object of a fight is to win, with as little pain to yourself as possible.

So if you got into a fight with me and I shot you that would be fare.

These Guards were supposed to be security but they seem to have started the fight.


Ofcourse its not nice.

But to be honest the demographics of the type of people i saw when i was in phuket last time, with multiple fights going on between foreigners ( not foreigners against thais ) on bars and disco's we went really shocked me.

Theres alot of jerks, crooks, and hardcore criminals in that tourist segment that goes to that place, especially Bangla.

I can somehow relate to thai's getting fed up looking at foreigners acting like they own the place, old guys with young thai girls under their arms, getting insanely drunk, treating girls like trash and causing problems acting like idiots allover the place.

I assume they acted like idiots, and got a beating, and while its not a good thing to beat people up, i do see alot of patience in Thailand before people get beat up, so they probably crossed the line and felt the consequence.

Have to say i kinda understand thai's that are fed up with foreigners.


Should be more to interview than the security guards.


“Right now all the police have is the security guards’ version of what happened. We really need the two tourists to come in and give us their version of events."

The girls that were bothered by the drunken Aussies could be interviewed, CCTV could be interviewed, the bar workers could be interviewed.


When will tourists learn?

This is not your village local….with people who will back you up…..you are on your own here.

Do not talk rudely to thais, and DO NOT feel up thai women in a bar/disco even if you believe them to be hookers. Unless they have given you ample evidence that they are ok with it. I have seen thai women bottle a guy for this and then the bouncers arrive to inflict more punishment. The bouncers at Tiger Disco nearby killed a guy some years back for this.


Two things occurred ..........

the Aussie tourists did either refused to pay for the drinks or wouldn't leave or something fairly substantial.

the Thai bouncers acted with complete disrespect for the tourists, the over reacted in this case and were totally unprofessional.

I would expect the tourists were drunk and abusive when the bill came, possibly swearing at the bouncers ....

tourists must understand that their type of behavior would not be tolerated anywhere in the word and especially Thailand, it is not accepted.

The Thai bouncers need some attitude adjustment training, this is unacceptable behavior and won't be tolerated.

* If found, the drunk Aussies should file assault charges & should be escorted to the airport ... 3 year ban on ever returning.

* The thai bouncers should be charged with assault and receive 4-6 month sentences and a hefty fine around 25,000 baht.

This news is not going to affect Aussie tourist numbers coming to Thailand, so if you think that your dreaming. Folks don't cancel their holidays because they see one fight on media, they are more likely to say .. they probably deserved it unfortunately.

Go to RCA Complex or Ratchada and you'll find drunken belligerent Thais and I'm quite sure they won't be escorted to the airport neither should any foreigner. Whatever happens doesn't warrant brutality where people are choked, stabbed, shot or repeatedly kicked in the head.

I would be worried about reporting this to the Police.

They would be facing a countercharge for any number of things to preserve Face for Thailand.

Phuket Police urge Aussie tourists to file complaint over vicious beating by Bangla bar bouncers
Eakkapop Thongtub

The guards claim the fight started after the two Australian tourists sexually harassed female customers and refused to pay for their drinks.

PHUKET: -- Police have called on two Australian tourists who suffered a severe beating by security staff on Patong’s Bangla Rd to step forward and file a complaint so that charges can be pressed.

The attack, which occurred around midnight on Wednesday (Oct 7), was captured on video by a bystander who later posted the disturbing footage on Facebook.

The video went viral before it was taken offline.

The footage showed five Thai men dressed in black security uniforms repeatedly beating the two men, kicking the men in the head even while they were on the ground.

Police have identified and questioned the five security staff captured on video beating the two tourists, but so far have declined to name the attackers.

“All five security guards said that two drunk foreign men came into the pub and after they ordered more drinks, they refused to pay,” said Kathu Police Deputy Superintendent Lt Col Akanit Danpitaksarn.

“The guards said the two foreign men started the fight when the guards attempted to stop them from sexually harassing female customers in the pub.

“All guards admitted that they got very impatient with the two and escorted them out of the pub and said that the fight started after the two men tried to re-enter the pub.

Col Akanit urged the two tourists to come forward and file a complaint.

“Otherwise, there is nothing more we can do,” he said. “I have warned the guards and told them to help preserve our ‘tourism image’ [sic], but no charges can be pressed against them until the victims file a complaint.

“Right now we are looking to find out who the two victims are and why they did not come forward to police after being attacked. So far we have no record of anyone filing a police report for assault over the incident.”

Kathu District Chief Sayan Chanachaiwong, who is investigating the incident, told The Phuket News that police have called on the Australian Embassy to try to contact the two men and convince them to file a police complaint.

“I have also recommended to Phuket Governor Chamroen Tipayapongtada that he order the White Room, the venue where the attack took place, to close for at least one week, while this incident is being sorted out,” he said.

“Right now all the police have is the security guards’ version of what happened. We really need the two tourists to come in and give us their version of events.”

Street violence in Phuket’s famed party town of Patong made international headlines in March, when 59-year-old expat Mark Pendlebury from Western Australia was charged for fatally stabbing a nightclub staffer.

Mr Pendlebury was charged with murder, despite his claims that he was acting in self-defence. He was later cleared by CCTV footage that convinced the Patong police to drop the charge against him.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-police-urge-aussie-tourists-to-file-complaint-over-vicious-beating-by-bangla-bar-bouncers-54463.php

-- Phuket News 2015-10-09

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