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Army unit helps Isaan folk find 'correct political understanding'

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Thai army manipulating the ordinary majority of Thais by "helping" them to "correctly" understand the political situation. Thi is a shame for Thailand. Taking advantage of the poor by undue influence.

You mean like offering payment for votes like Mr T and his cohorts


The PDRC merely blocked access to polling booths? They blocked, they bashed, they tortured, they murdered. And still people tried hard to vote. Have you forgotten "respect my vote"?

They tortured and murdered who? Did they have their own machine shop manufacturing grenade launchers, did they try to blow up fuel bunkers at the airport, did they blow up 2 of the 4 legs on an electrical tower supplying Bangkok. You and I often disagree but usually your posts are reasonable, not this one. seems to me the last murders I read about were a couple of grandchildren, and the red shirts cheered about it. Want to see the video?

I guess the guys caught by the mad monk would say they were merely having a chat.

I guess the guy found near dead in the canal who had been held in a PDRC camp, was only getting attitude adjustment?

I guess the PDRC bought their M16's and Tavors from 7/11 then? Have you forgotten about the Army guys caught gun running for the PDRC stopped and detained by the cops?

I guess you also forgot about the Thai Navy SEAL's who were moonlighting for Suthep, armed with official and suppressed weapons?

No doubt at all that the red shirts were the worst of the aggressors, but there was enough nastiness coming from the PDRC camp, moving a traffic cone could get you beaten and shot too if I recall correctly.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

I didn't forget the soldier who was killed, following orders to arrest the killers that bombed and shot the market place where a little girl died helping her grandmother. I haven't forgotten the nightly attacks on the PDRC protest sites, or the idiots who claimed they did it to themselves. Do you remember the people shot down at the road block in Bangkok? Too bad we can't get past all that, Thaksin and Suthep and what they have managed to do to this country.

and there lies the crux of the problem, many people just cannot get past the past, they dwell on it, they hang onto it, the cling to it so much they fear the future.

It's the farangs that continue to amaze me with regards to this, it's like the past and everything the reds/yellows did was something personal. Some farangs would also consider themselves Christians, but isn't forgiveness all part of being a Christian? They are wound up like tight springs here in this very forum over something 99% posting here have no control over.

This is why reconciliation needs to be at the forefront of reforms, but as long as you have the likes of Suthep, and Thaksin still breathing hate, it simply isn't going to happen, and the Thais will just do what they always do, it's either for the money, or for themselves.

It really doesn't matter what we all think here, as we don't live in our ideal worlds with our simplistic views, we all chose to live in a country that has had a history of political turmoil, the sooner expats start to realise that there's the way things should be (our way), and then there's the way things are (The Thai way), the better, as perhaps they too can start getting on with their lives, and stop caring so much about the political bullshit.


It’s now been 17 months, and the reconciliation process (junta style) has kicked off with a military roadshow in an area where Thai citizens have a different view to the PM.

Using soldiers to spread the propaganda says it all – the implied threat is right there in front of you!

If the junta was ever truly serious about reconciliation, this process would be far more advanced. And, the leaders of former political parties would have been enlisted to help facilitate the process (not soldiers)! After all, it is highly likely that the electorate still trusts their former political leaders.

Political propaganda exuding from the orifices of the junta may give them a warm feeling of achievement. But Thailand today is as fractured as it has ever been, and the junta seems to be in no hurry to see that change.

Winning the hearts and minds of people who disagree with you is a difficult if not impossible task (especially when you go out of your way to suppress their leaders). The opportunity for true reconciliation is fast being lost through an unyielding insistence that every Thai citizen must agree with the junta’s autocratic idea of democracy and ‘correct political understanding’.



"Another success is the government-funded "One Tambon One Million Baht" project"

I thought Uncle was against Taksinesque populist policies? Not a single baht has reached my wife`s poor village but then it would only increase household debt further.

Did it get side-tracked on the way by more needy supporters of the saviour of Thailand.


Thai army manipulating the ordinary majority of Thais by "helping" them to "correctly" understand the political situation. Thi is a shame for Thailand. Taking advantage of the poor by undue influence.

Some red shirts did need to be educated regarding democracy. They had the idea that democracy involved preventing the opposing party from campaigning in their ridings. They did this by throwing rocks, bricks, potted plants (seriously), home made bombs etc., they used trucks with loud speakers to drown out politicians during rallies. Clearly those people had a misunderstanding of how democracy should work. The PDRC, on the other hand merely blocked access to voting booths which is a much more democratic way to behave. Truth is, most Thais don't understand real democracy, because they have never experienced it.

So by preventing people voting, which is a right under the constitution and under human rights laws you believe the PDRC acted in an acceptable way ? Two wrongs don't make a right.


There is nothing more effective than people in uniform...carrying weapons...to correct people's political understanding...


Just imagine how effective the Hooters chicks would be if they packed some heat? :D

I wonder if the military put out an open invite to all concerned stating that they were going to hold a forum about understanding democracy and it was no big deal if you didn't attend, or was it more a case of "attendance of the following personnel is mandatory"

There is no mention of how many people attended these democracy lectures.

Again a simple question, who taught the Army the 15 pillars of democracy apart from DJJamie?

Armies don't do democracies, they're institutionally autocratic for very good reasons. They give orders and expect them to be followed no questions asked.


There is nothing more effective than people in uniform...carrying weapons...to correct people's political understanding...

For a temporary visit, if any attitude was changed it will only be for a temporary period, however, if education was the aim there may well be a change of thinking. Bear in mind attitude and educated thinking are vastly different.

But who really knows, if the arse is hanging out of your trousers - 300 / 500 Bht negates a lot of thinking.


There is nothing more effective than people in uniform...carrying weapons...to correct people's political understanding...

For a temporary visit, if any attitude was changed it will only be for a temporary period, however, if education was the aim there may well be a change of thinking. Bear in mind attitude and educated thinking are vastly different.

But who really knows, if the arse is hanging out of your trousers - 300 / 500 Bht negates a lot of thinking.

Ask Korn what he felt about the vote buying, it seems the most people who are upset about this vote buying red herring are farangs who have no vote.


There is nothing more effective than people in uniform...carrying weapons...to correct people's political understanding...

For a temporary visit, if any attitude was changed it will only be for a temporary period, however, if education was the aim there may well be a change of thinking. Bear in mind attitude and educated thinking are vastly different.

But who really knows, if the arse is hanging out of your trousers - 300 / 500 Bht negates a lot of thinking.

Ask Korn what he felt about the vote buying, it seems the most people who are upset about this vote buying red herring are farangs who have no vote.

...to sell!



Democracy at its finest , These guys know no boundaries.Next re education

This is something they certainly need as it is clearly lacking and makes them prone to manipulation and exploitation - maybe some of the red Posters could do with some as well, it would do them good!!!

Talking of democracy, were Thaksin's 'red villages' whereby you couldn't live there unless you were a full blown 'red' that has been put through their indoctrination schools democratic?


There is nothing more effective than people in uniform...carrying weapons...to correct people's political understanding...

For a temporary visit, if any attitude was changed it will only be for a temporary period, however, if education was the aim there may well be a change of thinking. Bear in mind attitude and educated thinking are vastly different.

But who really knows, if the arse is hanging out of your trousers - 300 / 500 Bht negates a lot of thinking.

Ask Korn what he felt about the vote buying, it seems the most people who are upset about this vote buying red herring are farangs who have no vote.

...to sell!


... and more than likely wouldn't ever if they could.


Democracy at its finest , These guys know no boundaries.Next re education

This is something they certainly need as it is clearly lacking and makes them prone to manipulation and exploitation - maybe some of the red Posters could do with some as well, it would do them good!!!

Talking of democracy, were Thaksin's 'red villages' whereby you couldn't live there unless you were a full blown 'red' that has been put through their indoctrination schools democratic?

Manipulated and exploited you say? Like how Suthep managed to do with his PDRC followers and gathering donations that were allegedly to help the "poor farmers" and that money went where? As the farmers never got any of it as Suthep would never let a good photographic opportunity go to waste with him handing over a cheque to them ;)


Considering that the Isaan people have been so poorly educated over the years I can easily see where this will help improve the current distrust of thegovernment. Anything to improve things is worth a try, which may also lead to a decrease in the level of corruption. It sounds like a win win for all except for the worthless politicians and their benefactor in Dubai.


With regards to "education" for it to have any effect, you need to want to learn in the first place.

Education is merely another instrument in which you can control and manipulate your subjects to whatever it is you're teaching them.

“The oppressor has always indoctrinated the weak with his interpretation of the crimes of the strong.”

“History shows that it does not matter who is in power or what revolutionary forces take over the government, those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.”

"Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom."

"Intellectual freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access of all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored."

"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

"Government schools will teach children that government is wonderful."


So they understand they were born to be poor.

Except for a few cops, drug dealers and school masters who can quite freely build mansions in the village and that's OK !

You forgot about the Thai Wife.


Thai army manipulating the ordinary majority of Thais by "helping" them to "correctly" understand the political situation. Thi is a shame for Thailand. Taking advantage of the poor by undue influence.

George Orwell had it right more than 60 years ago. He called it "NEWSPEAK"


There was a briefing in Bangkok last week for business executives, from the risk consultancy group "Control Risks" and the contents were touching on several subjects, that are highlighting there's growing dissent among st various factions within the Junta, and within the military, as well as in particular regions.


Isan people are not as stupid as some have eluded to. It doesn't take a genius to see whatever you sold before brings in less revenue under the pm. My wife's family in khon kaen were behind the pm when he took over but as soon as their pocket books got devastated they now despise him. I can only imagine the solidness reception.[emoji15]


I suspect one of the big stumbling problems with Isaan people acepting the new government is that the "tit" has been turned off. OMG no free money from the politicians/government. How will they pay for their beer and lao khao, and geeks and meer nois?


Darker days are drawing near.

If the army is going round the villages pointing out "the error of their (political) ways" to people then dark days are here.

What hope is there for a free election?

The elections here were not free for the red shirt mob. It cost them approx Bt 300 per vote.

Actually a very good investment b/c of the exhortation amount of money they "acquired."

I can see the "mock" counting game now. Bt 300 for you and Bt 300,000 for us .......

That's very amusing. I still have the 500 Baht note that a yellow politician gave my mother-in-law in Issan a few years ago. We like a good joke in my family.

Democracy at its finest , These guys know no boundaries.Next re education

This is something they certainly need as it is clearly lacking and makes them prone to manipulation and exploitation - maybe some of the red Posters could do with some as well, it would do them good!!!

Talking of democracy, were Thaksin's 'red villages' whereby you couldn't live there unless you were a full blown 'red' that has been put through their indoctrination schools democratic?

Would you mind awfully posting some real proof of these mythical villages please old chap. Just for instance: Location of these schools, curriculum, teachers qualifications, ages of pupils, punishments for non compliance, etc. That's funny, I can hear a deafening silence already.

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