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Support the charter drafters, Prayut urges

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Support the charter drafters, Prayut urges

BANGKOK: -- Unity needed to help new CDC to create an acceptable constitution; suggestions sought from the public 'but not via media'

PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha has called for national unity and support for the constitution drafters so that they come up with a new charter that ensures political transparency and good governance while adhering to international democratic principles.

"Even with good intention from the government and the NCPO, we will not succeed without love and unity from all Thais. We must have love towards our motherland in order to ensure that our country will be reformed and become stable, wealthy and sustainable," the PM said in his message to the country yesterday.

His message, described as something from his heart, was read in a live broadcast by government spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

"We all must offer moral support to the people who have good intention and are honestly determined to work for the country. Don't let them to be pressured or discouraged by people who don't really love the country," General Prayut said in his message.

The prime minister said that his government and the National Council for Peace and Order sought cooperation from all groups of people, including politicians, political groups, academics and members of the public, to provide their suggestions to the Constitution Drafting Committee as to how the country's new charter should look like.

He said direct suggestions to the CDC would be better than making their views through the media, which could cause confusion.

The PM also suggested that the new constitution should also aim to tackle the problem of "parliamentary dictatorship" and corruption. He called for mechanisms for checks and balances between the three branches of government - the legislature, administration and judiciary.

'Help prevent more coups'

He said the new charter should also attempt to prevent a recurrence of the country's severe political conflict, which had continued for many years. Also, the bureaucracy should be protected from intervention by ruling politicians who wanted to make personal gains from their office, he said.

The new constitution should also help prevent situations in which the military would have to stage a coup again.

"The mechanisms should be able to tackle the problems that happened before May 22, 2014," he said, referring to the day when he led a coup to overthrow an elected government following months of political unrest.

"The NCPO and the government are well aware that most people and different countries do not like it when the military take control of the government. So the NCPO and the government hope that all groups of people will cooperate as the new constitution is being drafted. It's good that the military will not have to solve the problem the way they did before," the PM said.

Sansern, the government spokesman, said separately yesterday that the prime minister issued his message because he was concerned about the new CDC facing much pressure in doing its work.

"The prime minister wants people to contribute their suggestions in the writing of the new constitution," the spokesman said.

A source said General Prayut wrote the message himself by hand. The spokesman was assigned to turn it into a typed version and a complete statement for reading to the public.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Support-the-charter-drafters-Prayut-urges-30270620.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-11

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Another ridiculous ' from the heart ' message with an underlying ' do as you're told ' tone, all for the good of the country of course.

Interesting that a man who staged a coup says ' help prevent more ', won't they be justified in the way his was because under his leadership everything will be perfect in future ?

How many army officers with an eye on the future will be thinking ' no more coups ? '. I'm sure they'll all agree that's going to happen. %

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Why did the last attempted constitution fail? BECAUSE YOU wanted a shadow power government that could be activated at your whim.

But now that dog didn't hunt I reckon that the same will be smuggled into the constitution but as Governments do so well under a different name.

I wonder the kinds of pressure these drafters are under to write this thing up regardless of what is good for the country but benefit for the elite ruling mob.

Those that whiled power will not give it up so ez, Now if this next one falls flat on it face who is going to be the big Kahuna? Yu'p uncle Too, just what the country needs more of the same but with a different name, maybe like drop the uncle, and put Number,,_ _ _ there perfectwhistling.gif

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"The new constitution should also help prevent situations in which the military would have to stage a coup again."

In other words keeping the old boys in power in perpetuity will assure there is no need for another coup.

" It's good that the military will not have to solve the problem the way they did before, the PM said"

And after which of the last 19 coups did the military solve anything?

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Why did the last attempted constitution fail? BECAUSE YOU wanted a shadow power government that could be activated at your whim.

But now that dog didn't hunt I reckon that the same will be smuggled into the constitution but as Governments do so well under a different name.

I wonder the kinds of pressure these drafters are under to write this thing up regardless of what is good for the country but benefit for the elite ruling mob.

Those that whiled power will not give it up so ez, Now if this next one falls flat on it face who is going to be the big Kahuna? Yu'p uncle Too, just what the country needs more of the same but with a different name, maybe like drop the uncle, and put Number,,_ _ _ there perfectwhistling.gif

I dont think you have to worry about the NCPO influencing this CDC. The chief writer has been used by the military and been involved in every Constitution since the early 70's. Which is why all the ridiculous will he wont speculation before he was appointed was just fluff. He was already in the NCPO. The fact that the CDC main mouth piece and pontificator Wissanu has already stated that the super Committee should remain tells you all you need to know about how different or how democratic this const will be.

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The voice of the people has been stifled so much, I think irrespective of how 'good' this charter may or may not be there is going to be a good % of people out to vote it down at any national referendum. Simply to stick two fingers up to the military.

The PM has made a rod for his own back and he may end up wearing it like a crucifix.

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Two years from now they will still be rewriting the constitution and prattling on about sticking to their roadmap.

Fact is that they are not really interested in anything except clinging on to power for as long as possible and if the means meets the ends they will continue this farce for as long as they can get away with it.

In the meantime , their friends , cronies , wife's , daughters and sons who have been placed in high paying government positions will continue to draw their fat salaries and other perks.

Not so much about clearing up corrupt politicians as restoring nepotism and the patronage system to all its former glory.

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The Motherland Where have I heard that before hmmmmm

A question to the last paragraph Who cares ? Is it something incredible that he can write ?

It should have read that "The PM was so overcome by emotion, from what he had just written, that he was unable to speak. Hence it was necessary to assign the spokesman to turn it into a typed version and a complete statement for reading to the public".

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"It's good that the military will not have to solve the problem the way they did before," the PM said.

Since when has any military coup including this one solved any of Thailands` problems. You, the military, coups are a big part of the problem and prevent the country from moving forward.

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"while adhering to international democratic principles"

I thought Prayut made it clear that Thai Democracy must be unlike any western democratic system because of the nation's unique heritage, religion and ethnicity. Therefore, there is no existing constitution in the world that can serve as a template for Thailand. Not even any of the constitutional monarchies such as Japan, Canada and the UK.

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"while adhering to international democratic principles"

I thought Prayut made it clear that Thai Democracy must be unlike any western democratic system because of the nation's unique heritage, religion and ethnicity. Therefore, there is no existing constitution in the world that can serve as a template for Thailand. Not even any of the constitutional monarchies such as Japan, Canada and the UK.

I think he really meant to say;

"while paying lip service to international democratic principles"

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