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Death toll mounts in Israel and the Palestinian territories


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Death toll mounts in Israel and the Palestinian territories


There has been no let-up in Middle East violence

HEBRON: -- At least four Palestinians were shot dead on Saturday and stabbing attacks against Israelis are continuing.

As funerals were held, anger flared in Hebron and Ramallah in the West Bank just two flashpoints where youths clashed with Israeli security forces.

Tension that began in Jerusalem has spread to Nazareth and to Gaza where since Friday at least nine Palestinians have been shot dead amid protests at the border the latest a boy of 12 or 13 and a 15 year old, according to Palestinian medical officials.

Dozens of Palestinians managed to breach the border fence before being pushed back.

In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Palestinian sources say hundreds of people were injured many of them victims of tear gas.

Twenty Palestinians have been killed since violence flared at the start of the month as well as four Israelis.

In Jerusalem, police officers and two Orthodox Jewish men were the latest wounded in stabbing attacks on Saturday. Israeli officials said both Palestinians responsible were shot dead.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that 568 Palestinians were wounded in the West Bank and East Jerusalem on Saturday: 26 by live fire, 148 by rubber bullets, 408 by tear gas, and 4 by beating. (Haaretz)

Read more: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.679689

The violence has been fuelled by Palestinian fears that visits by Jewish groups and lawmakers to the Jerusalem Old City plaza revered in Judaism as the site of two destroyed biblical temples, are eroding Muslim religious control of the al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islams third holiest shrine.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said repeatedly that he will not allow any change to the arrangements under which Jews are allowed to visit the site but non-Muslim prayer is banned.

His assurances over conditions at the site, revered by both Jews and Muslims, have done little to quell alarm among Muslims across the region.

The almost daily Palestinian knife attacks and clashes between Israeli soldiers and stone-throwing Palestinians are not at the levels of violence of past Palestinian uprisings, but the escalation has prompted talk of a third intifada.

Ali al-Qaradaghi, a prominent Muslim cleric, urged worshippers on Saturday to join what he described as an uprising.

Every Muslim should contribute to the Intifada that started for the sake of al-Aqsa and Palestine, he wrote on his Twitter account.

Al-Qaradaghi is a cleric at the Doha-based International Union of Muslim Scholars, headed by the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi.

In 2000, Ariel Sharon, then Israels opposition leader and later prime minister, visited the al-Aqsa compound. That enraged Palestinians and led to an uprising that continued for five years and left about 3,000 Palestinians and 1,000 Israelis dead.


-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-12

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Armed Israelis, who want to live, confronted by youths with nothing to live for, armed with knives and stones. Something of David and Goliath in this story, and we know who won that one!

Did they have racist Islamic jihadists back then? coffee1.gif

People who aren't poisoned by obsessive Israel demonization, consider how you would feel with neighbors like this:


Rafah Cleric Brandishes Knife in Friday Sermon, Calls upon Palestinians to Stab Jews
The world will say that we are terrorists, that we incite. Yes!

No, being "nice" won't help ... not in that neighborhood.

Edited by Jingthing
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Armed Israelis, who want to live, confronted by youths with nothing to live for, armed with knives and stones. Something of David and Goliath in this story, and we know who won that one!

Deep seeded hatred, animosity, tranaggretion and hostilities entrenched into people's and children's

minds for generations,

at times, are worse than any weapons,

and please, butcher knives, Molotov bottles, car ramming, sending your young children

to do the dirty work and hiding behind them not going to bring peace to the region,

It seems that both side are resigned to their faith, and willing and able to suffer the

ongoing killings and mayhem....

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Spiralling violence in Middle East leads to further casualties


GAZA: -- A young Palestinian girl and her pregnant mother are believed to be the latest victims of the spiralling violence in the Middle East.

Eyewitnesses say Israeli air strikes on two Hamas camps in Gaza brought down a house while they were inside with a man and a young boy. The latter were both injured, hospital officials report.

Israel said two Hamas weapons sites were targeted in response to two rockets being launched into Israel earlier in the weekend. No casualties were reported.

In Jerusalem on the same day (October 11), a Palestinian woman reportedly detonated a bomb after her car was pulled over near a Jewish settlement. Both she and an Israeli police officer are believed to have been wounded.

12 days of bloodshed

At least four Israelis and 22 Palestinians have been killed in 12 days of violence across the West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza and Israeli cities.

Palestinians fear Israel may change conditions at the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City, a site of great importance to both Muslims and Jews.

Israel denies any intention to change the status quo.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-12

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Armed Israelis, who want to live, confronted by youths with nothing to live for, armed with knives and stones. Something of David and Goliath in this story, and we know who won that one!

Deep seeded hatred, animosity, tranaggretion and hostilities entrenched into people's and children's

minds for generations,

at times, are worse than any weapons,

and please, butcher knives, Molotov bottles, car ramming, sending your young children

to do the dirty work and hiding behind them not going to bring peace to the region,

It seems that both side are resigned to their faith, and willing and able to suffer the

ongoing killings and mayhem....

Religion is the root cause of the problems in the ME. They all hate each other. Ridiculous.

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Religion is the main excuse, but behind that is tribal affiliations. Throughout much of the ME, there is a great deal of infighting with those from the same religion, but with different tribal affiliations.

The situation between the Israeli's and Palestinians is multi-dimensional.

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Armed Israelis, who want to live, confronted by youths with nothing to live for, armed with knives and stones. Something of David and Goliath in this story, and we know who won that one!

Did they have racist Islamic jihadists back then? coffee1.gif

People who aren't poisoned by obsessive Israel demonization, consider how you would feel with neighbors like this:


Rafah Cleric Brandishes Knife in Friday Sermon, Calls upon Palestinians to Stab Jews
The world will say that we are terrorists, that we incite. Yes!

No, being "nice" won't help ... not in that neighborhood.

People who aren't poisoned by obsessive Israel apologising consider how you would feel living under a brutal occupation your whole life.

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Armed Israelis, who want to live, confronted by youths with nothing to live for, armed with knives and stones. Something of David and Goliath in this story, and we know who won that one!

Deep seeded hatred, animosity, tranaggretion and hostilities entrenched into people's and children's

minds for generations,

at times, are worse than any weapons,

and please, butcher knives, Molotov bottles, car ramming, sending your young children

to do the dirty work and hiding behind them not going to bring peace to the region,

It seems that both side are resigned to their faith, and willing and able to suffer the

ongoing killings and mayhem....

Religion is the root cause of the problems in the ME. They all hate each other. Ridiculous.

Religion plays a part but it's not the root cause.

The root cause is the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and the expulsion of Palestinians from their land.

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Armed Israelis, who want to live, confronted by youths with nothing to live for, armed with knives and stones. Something of David and Goliath in this story, and we know who won that one!

Did they have racist Islamic jihadists back then? coffee1.gif

People who aren't poisoned by obsessive Israel demonization, consider how you would feel with neighbors like this:


Rafah Cleric Brandishes Knife in Friday Sermon, Calls upon Palestinians to Stab Jews
The world will say that we are terrorists, that we incite. Yes!

No, being "nice" won't help ... not in that neighborhood.

People who aren't poisoned by obsessive Israel apologising consider how you would feel living under a brutal occupation your whole life.

If I was from Syria I would consider moving to Europe?

Edited by SheungWan
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Armed Israelis, who want to live, confronted by youths with nothing to live for, armed with knives and stones. Something of David and Goliath in this story, and we know who won that one!

Wasn't it David, the future King of Israel?

Yes. The underdog rises to control the land. There may be portent there, eh?

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It would be better for everyone involved to stop deluding themselves and others.

There will never be Peace between "Palestinians" and Israelis in this region. There is no Peace process. There is no "Road to Peace".

In 2,500 years it didn't grow under the olives or date palms. It has nothing to grow from.

Any solution must be found outside of square box.

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It would be better for everyone involved to stop deluding themselves and others.

There will never be Peace between "Palestinians" and Israelis in this region. There is no Peace process. There is no "Road to Peace".

In 2,500 years it didn't grow under the olives or date palms. It has nothing to grow from.

Any solution must be found outside of square box.

I think the delusion is in not realising that Israel can not continue to occupy a people, a people who, whatsmore, are recognised as a state by 70% of the world.

I think the delusion is not realising that soon the world will take a stand and slap the spoiled brat and teach it some manners and some rules.

70 years ago, the world, via the UN, gave the Zionists a state for the Jewish refugees of Europe. It was a needed step, and it was done, despite displacing the indigenous people. Since then, the Zionists have acted like a spoiled brat, taking more "because we want it", thumbing it's nose to the world, the UN, that created it, and the world has stood by, indulging the brat, afraid of it's tantrums and manipulations.

As with any spoiled brat, the screams, the tantrums, and the selfishness become too much for even the most indulgent parent. A smack, and sent to sit in the corner will be forthcoming.

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It would be better for everyone involved to stop deluding themselves and others.

There will never be Peace between "Palestinians" and Israelis in this region. There is no Peace process. There is no "Road to Peace".

In 2,500 years it didn't grow under the olives or date palms. It has nothing to grow from.

Any solution must be found outside of square box.

Of course there is a road to peace. It is the two state solution and an end to occupation.

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Israel keeps doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. They never learn, its never their fault. Unable to look in the house of mirrors.

Just keep expanding settlements, need land for the chosen people. No one else matters.

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It would be better for everyone involved to stop deluding themselves and others.

There will never be Peace between "Palestinians" and Israelis in this region. There is no Peace process. There is no "Road to Peace".

In 2,500 years it didn't grow under the olives or date palms. It has nothing to grow from.

Any solution must be found outside of square box.

Of course there is a road to peace. It is the two state solution and an end to occupation.


So how does that work now that the terrorist organization Hamas not only controls Gaza but is massively more popular than the "moderate" faction led by Abbas in Judea/Samaria?

In case you forgot Hamas is openly against ever accepting any state of Israel with any borders and is openly genocidal towards Jewish people in general.


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Not much of an even fight than with bullets vs stones. sad.png

A good thing too except for those cheer leading for what the racist Palestinian activists actually want ... genocide of Jews.

Don't even bother to lie here and say they don't. They are on record.

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It would be better for everyone involved to stop deluding themselves and others.

There will never be Peace between "Palestinians" and Israelis in this region. There is no Peace process. There is no "Road to Peace".

In 2,500 years it didn't grow under the olives or date palms. It has nothing to grow from.

Any solution must be found outside of square box.

Of course there is a road to peace. It is the two state solution and an end to occupation.


So how does that work now that the terrorist organization Hamas not only controls Gaza but is massively more popular than the "moderate" faction led by Abbas in Judea/Samaria?

In case you forgot Hamas is openly against ever accepting any state of Israel with any borders and is openly genocidal towards Jewish people in general.


It would not be necessary to include Gaza in the two state solution. Israel leaves the occupied territories to be led by Abbas's faction. If they attack Israel, they would be punished. You obviously know that Gaza is not currently occupied.

The problem is that Israel does not want to give back enough land to allow a viable west bank state to succeed. Probably why they are not serious about that path to peace.

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Your information is very outdated. You saw what happened when Israel left Gaza. Palestinian terrorists took over. Abbas is very, very unpopular among his own people in Judea/Samaria. It is well known that if an election was held today there, Hamas would win in a landslide.

It would be the first to acknowledge that Israel shares SOME of the blame for the lack of peaceful solution in the region. But Israel demonizers are radical EXTREMISTS, they blame Israel (and what they like to call the "Jewish lobby") completely, for everything bad, not only in the immediate region of Israel but often for most every conflict in the greater Middle East region and even the entire world.

They are more than happy to try to guilt Israel into giving up their defenses, when they know quite well, the moment they do that, Israel will be doomed.

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Your information is very outdated. You saw what happened when Israel left Gaza. Palestinian terrorists took over. Abbas is very, very unpopular among his own people in Judea/Samaria. It is well known that if an election was held today there, Hamas would win in a landslide.

It would be the first to acknowledge that Israel shares SOME of the blame for the lack of peaceful solution in the region. But Israel demonizers are radical EXTREMISTS, they blame Israel (and what they like to call the "Jewish lobby") completely, for everything bad, not only in the immediate region of Israel but often for most every conflict in the greater Middle East region and even the entire world.

They are more than happy to try to guilt Israel into giving up their defenses, when they know quite well, the moment they do that, Israel will be doomed.

Regardless, if Israel, as the dominant power, is not willing to try the two state solution, the Israelis are doomed to be fighting the Palestinians as long as any Palestinians remain in Palestine. How long can they do so? Centuries? Is that any way to live?

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Better to be in conflict indefinitely and still existing than to surrender to Islamic Jihadists. DUH!

Is the situation desirable and ideal? Of course not.

Not interested here in predictions 600 years from now. Totally irrelevant.

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Better to be in conflict indefinitely and still existing than to surrender to Islamic Jihadists. DUH!

Is the situation desirable and ideal? Of course not.

Not interested here in predictions 600 years from now. Totally irrelevant.

Looks like it's just you and me, so I'm calling it a night. Cheers.

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Better to be in conflict indefinitely and still existing than to surrender to Islamic Jihadists. DUH!

Is the situation desirable and ideal? Of course not.

Not interested here in predictions 600 years from now. Totally irrelevant.

No Israel do not want indefinite conflict. Thats why the are forever building settlements. Removal by stealth, take all the land, remove everyone then say.. Oh dear, what happened, well we are here now, cant go back.


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Religion is the main excuse, but behind that is tribal affiliations. Throughout much of the ME, there is a great deal of infighting with those from the same religion, but with different tribal affiliations.

The situation between the Israeli's and Palestinians is multi-dimensional.

clap2.gif It is true. But it also in some way to some degree exonerates Israelis?

It was said for a million times: If Arabs stop war - there will be peace. If Jews stop war - there will be massacre.

The real problem is not land - there is plenty of it.

The real problem is not Religion - world knows many religions.

The real problem is not tribes - they existed in this area for millennia.

The real problem is - Arabs of Palestine have nothing to live for. Arabs of Palestine have built nothing in the same time Jews have built Israel. Arabs of Palestine are the"Jews" of Arab world and no other Arabs want them.

Arabs of Palestine can only hate, fight, breed and die and are nicely paid to do just this. Arabs of Palestine can not be re-educated, rehabilitated, re-located for the reasons mentioned.

Arabs of Palestine from Gaza or West Bank are not even indigenous to the Israeli territory. Now you can call me a racist...

But no, you cannot call me a racist because Arabs of Israel live with Jews, work with Jews and have plenty of reasons to live for.

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I wouldn't put it like ABC, but what's obvious to me is if Israel was just another tribe of Arabs/Muslims instead of mostly JEWISH PEOPLE, the attention on them regionally and internationally would be scaled down from toxically obsessive to barely anything.

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I wouldn't put it like ABC, but what's obvious to me is if Israel was just another tribe of Arabs/Muslims instead of mostly JEWISH PEOPLE, the attention on them regionally and internationally would be scaled down from toxically obsessive to barely anything.

Of course you wouldn't. Because you cannot!. You are too correct. You are popping out of your skin to be Politically Correct. And the worst thing is you are trying to convince here members who cannot be convinced in anything.

I prefer to call things by their real names. A spade is a spade. Shit is shit, not a deposit or an excrement or a by-product of living organism. And an anti-semite is a hater of Jews for whatever his reasons might be. Trying to educate them is futile.

They don't want to see, hear or understand. They are behaving like they've been lobotomized. Exact copy of Palestinian Arabs. And you here and many Jews in Israel are trying... Really trying...

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Israel keeps doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. They never learn, its never their fault. Unable to look in the house of mirrors.

Just keep expanding settlements, need land for the chosen people. No one else matters.

Last time i checked, OP and problem was over the temple

But do not let that stop you from trolling way off topic and with never ending nonsense

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