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Donald Trump continues to lead Republican presidential race – CBS poll


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It's still awfully early, and as yet none of them has really started spending money. Trump declared after his latest spat with Fox, that, he would never appear on Fox again. That lasted exactly 4 days until he recognized its all good free advertising.

Bush, who has the largest war chest is gearing up to spend $25M on advertising in the next few months. It'll be interesting to see if Trump is willing to pony up $100M or so of his own money on advertising when the primary campaigns really start (remember we haven't even got to the Iowa caucus' yet).

Trumps got the money, but as I heard one commentator remark: "Trumps rich enough, but like all super rich people, he got there by being cheap"

As for the rest of them, here's my 2 cents:

Kasich: The last of the breed, can't see him playing well to the current Republican 'primary' crowd.

Fiorina: Her opponents already have the playbook ready, courtesy of Sen Boxer's war plan from the California Senate race. Her HP record, will be used against her..again

Carson: Well IMHO he's just barking mad

Bush: Has the baggage of his brother, and frankly when you hear him speak, I wonder if he really wants it. Excitement in his voice might well help, so all that money may well just be trying to light a wet log

Huckabe/Cruz, Christie: Well they do 'anger' well not not a lot else

Ryan: So low in the polls, pretty sure his way out will be taking the House Speaker's job

Rubio: Hmmm, I think as the carnage continues he may well come out on top

As for the rest, Pataki, Jindal et al; all so low in the polls, just give up before any real money (if you have any) starts getting spent and it all ends in tears

All just my opinion of course, others will/do disagree, but it's fun to watch from afar

Edited by GinBoy2
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Meanwhile, the sitting President goes on national TV to denigrate Mr. Trump to the public in an attempt to use his position to sway public opinion and influence the voters...to his Democratic Party...

Just another feather in the cap of the most self-aggrandizing President in US history...

Barack Obama is speaking as the leader of his party, which is what he is because there is no Democrat in the country in a higher position.

The guy person who is president is also the leader of his the particular political party in case you missed the fact.

As wuz GW, as was counterfeit Bill, as wuz daddy Bush as was Abraham Lincoln etc etc.

So the incumbent POTUS campaigns for his the party's candidates, confers with the party's fellow congressional leadership and members, the party's fellow governors etc etc. Speaks at the quadrennial national convention as the leader of the party also.

When If HRC wins the D party nomination she will lead the party into the election but Barack Obama will remain party leader until he leaves office as POTUS. If HRC wins she becomes new leader; if HRC loses, Barack remains as party leader unless he proactively steps out. A prez is also recognised as the leader of his political party too.

Live 'n learn.

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Those posting calling Trump racist and xenophobic... etc... who choose to live in Thailand where they have NO rights at all and suffer far more discrimination make me laugh.

There's nothing racist or xenophobic about controlling immigration to preserve the lifestyle that the majority prefers. People who want to live with Mexicans or other Third Worlders and their ways of living can go live in Mexico or other Third World nations instead of trying to change the USA, or any European style society for that matter, into something the majority doesn't want it to be.

Why don't you lot hit the streets here in Thailand and protest for fair rights for ex pats? We all know you'll never do that... lol...

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I would not be surprised if Trump wins the Republican party nominee (I do not know how one is voted in to be the head candidate at the Republican or Democratic convention-- if the voting is done by the ultra-conservative old fart representatives from each state, then I believe he will be not chosen by the Republican reps)

Trump has magnified the stereotype many of us independent voters have of the Republican party: arrogant; pro-business; racist; anti-free choice; pro-NRA; and not believing in global warming. It seems the Republican party cannot find someone that is in the real-world. The 16? wanna-bees running to represent the Republican party are all whimp <deleted> to really voice their opinion-- really you cannot speak out about global warming or an improvement in gun control?

Trump is a showman and does not worry about being political correct which is a breath of fresh air. Knowing he does not owe any corporation or organization a favor because of political donations also makes him appealing. The biggest problem in the USA political system are the Congressman. Most of them are easily influenced by the various lobbying groups in Washington DC. Full of hot air.

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Those posting calling Trump racist and xenophobic... etc... who choose to live in Thailand where they have NO rights at all and suffer far more discrimination make me laugh.

There's nothing racist or xenophobic about controlling immigration to preserve the lifestyle that the majority prefers. People who want to live with Mexicans or other Third Worlders and their ways of living can go live in Mexico or other Third World nations instead of trying to change the USA, or any European style society for that matter, into something the majority doesn't want it to be.

Why don't you lot hit the streets here in Thailand and protest for fair rights for ex pats? We all know you'll never do that... lol...

Dude, the issue here isn't about Thai xenophobia, which is of course very real.

That's discussed all the time on OTHER threads.

I think also you well know that it is illegal for foreigners to involve themselves in political protest in Thailand.

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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

They don't appear to have much control over *who* runs the party at the moment, so who knows?

In recent times each political party has Super Delegates which number to as many as 450 depending on the particular party's nominating metrics (Ds always have more total convention delegates than the Rs do).

The Super Delegates are party hacks regulars in each party, establishment people usually from Washington, New York and the state capitals, who appoint one another as Super Delegates. They are delegates to the nominating convention in addition to delegates elected in each state primary vote. The Super Delegates are appointed by the party central command. This is to exert top-down control over the nominating process.

From next January to June Trump and also Carson will have to keep their pocket calculators handy in the respective delegate count as the self-appointed Super Delegates are not at all prone or inclined to them. Because this time around the ol' trail we can bet the farm almost all the R Supers are Bush fanboyz.

In 2012 the R convention Super Delegates buttressed Mitt Romney through his primary crucible by announcing for him well in advance of the convention. In 2008 the D party Supers waffled for a while then anointed Barack but only after he began to squeeze a small lead of elected delegates over HRC. We can bet the farm that this time around HRC has the Supers in her pants suits pockets.

This thing is far from over on the R side.

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Those posting calling Trump racist and xenophobic... etc... who choose to live in Thailand where they have NO rights at all and suffer far more discrimination make me laugh.

There's nothing racist or xenophobic about controlling immigration to preserve the lifestyle that the majority prefers. People who want to live with Mexicans or other Third Worlders and their ways of living can go live in Mexico or other Third World nations instead of trying to change the USA, or any European style society for that matter, into something the majority doesn't want it to be.

Why don't you lot hit the streets here in Thailand and protest for fair rights for ex pats? We all know you'll never do that... lol...

Do you think most immigrants come to the US to make it like a third world country? They come to the US to live like Americans. And let us not forget Mr Trump is rather specific about the immigrants he doesn't like; Mexicans! I don't see a lot of mention of illegal immigrants from Canada, Australia, UK etc who come and simply overstay their visa. Targeting a specific national group, is racist..look it up in a dictionary.

It's also worth noting of course, both Cruz & Rubio are Cuban Americans, another 3rd world country, I don't see their immigrant families were trying to turn the US into Cuba. My grandparents came from Mexico since they wanted to be Americans, just like families Cruz & Rubio.

I have no idea if you are American, but I'm darn sure if you are you are from immigrant stock, the only difference your family came via the scenic route of Ellis Island

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Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

In which case, time to reconsider my citizenship. biggrin.png

You dropping your US citizenship sounds good to me. If Trump is the reason for reconsidering then go for it. It obviously means little to you.

A reminder to myself why I usually don't post in a political topic. Members with no sense of humor. wink.png

Political types just don't ever realise what they say so much of the time is funny or so often hysterically laughable. True of almost all political types, the ideologues especially. Really, read the posts and laugh as I do.

I listen to a Trump speech live on tv and always have to step outside to grab some air so I don't choke to death laughing and doubling over watching him too. thumbsup.gif

Hey, if the guy become POTUS I'll leave the country. laugh.png


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If Donald Trump becomes President of America , Thailand can expect one or two extra expats , however , they will be made very welcome with no rip - offs , very little corruption and English language in Australia, the only draw back, high prices , red tape, green tape and more rules regulations and legislation that would keep you occupied while you save to go back home. coffee1.gif

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Yeah, I see Rubio's star is probably rising. Also Cruz is quite crafty. A lot of republicans seem to want CRAZY now so in case they reject absurdly no chance crazy like Trump and Carson, Cruz is waiting in the wings to be more credentialed crazy.

Yup, Ted Cruz is possibly the dark horse that may well walk away with the prize. thumbsup.gif

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I think Millennial voters are a major reason we have reality TV personality leading polls. Millenials are out there in large numbers and willing to shake up the establishment. They are not interested in the old guard. They want a Republican version of Obama. They get their news from social media and they like Trump.

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I just consulted my balls....Trump will be nominated, Clinton too, and she will be the next President.

Sanders? Will have to wait until EVERY American finally awake to the reality.....

Trouble is by the time that happens, poor old Bernie will have been pushing up daisies for years....if not decades!

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This is reality and it is not going to improve for the Republicans between now and election day November 8th 2016. If there is any change, it will take the Republican party from a disastrous election as it has currently taken shape to a catastrophic wipeout which is how it continues to take shape.

"Him" referenced in the quote is of course Prez Obama. The poll found former SecState Hillary Clinton wiping the floor among millennials with every Republican in the race. Bernie Sanders meanwhile is their hero.

A GOP Problem That's Not Donald Trump: Millennials

The Republican Party better settle on a candidate, a message, and resolution of its internal differences very soon or it faces a blowout in 2016. A new Zogby Analytics Poll of 850 adults 18-34 years old conducted on August 25 reveals that if Millennials turnout to vote, the GOP faces nothing short of a catastrophic election

White Millennials give him 57% approval rating, while his numbers have soared among Hispanics (72%), African Americans (82%), and Asian Americans (79%).


GOP RIP cause the party's over. The Political Death Certificate will be dated November 8th 2016.

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Those posting calling Trump racist and xenophobic... etc... who choose to live in Thailand where they have NO rights at all and suffer far more discrimination make me laugh.

There's nothing racist or xenophobic about controlling immigration to preserve the lifestyle that the majority prefers. People who want to live with Mexicans or other Third Worlders and their ways of living can go live in Mexico or other Third World nations instead of trying to change the USA, or any European style society for that matter, into something the majority doesn't want it to be.

Why don't you lot hit the streets here in Thailand and protest for fair rights for ex pats? We all know you'll never do that... lol...

Dude, the issue here isn't about Thai xenophobia, which is of course very real.

That's discussed all the time on OTHER threads.

I think also you well know that it is illegal for foreigners to involve themselves in political protest in Thailand.

It's the irony and hypocrisy that I am pointing out. Surely that is obvious.

There are ways to 'protest' that fall inside the law. I wouldn't expect those who have double standards to be so brave as to break any laws.

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Those posting calling Trump racist and xenophobic... etc... who choose to live in Thailand where they have NO rights at all and suffer far more discrimination make me laugh.

There's nothing racist or xenophobic about controlling immigration to preserve the lifestyle that the majority prefers. People who want to live with Mexicans or other Third Worlders and their ways of living can go live in Mexico or other Third World nations instead of trying to change the USA, or any European style society for that matter, into something the majority doesn't want it to be.

Why don't you lot hit the streets here in Thailand and protest for fair rights for ex pats? We all know you'll never do that... lol...

Dude, the issue here isn't about Thai xenophobia, which is of course very real.

That's discussed all the time on OTHER threads.

I think also you well know that it is illegal for foreigners to involve themselves in political protest in Thailand.

It's the irony and hypocrisy that I am pointing out. Surely that is obvious.

There are ways to 'protest' that fall inside the law. I wouldn't expect those who have double standards to be so brave as to break any laws.

Again, your point is merely a cynical off topic provocation. Those who would be against the racist xenophobia of Trump would be against racist xenophobia in Thailand. Why not stick to the topic -- TRUMP. He's an American. He's not a Thai.

Edited by Jingthing
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Those posting calling Trump racist and xenophobic... etc... who choose to live in Thailand where they have NO rights at all and suffer far more discrimination make me laugh.

There's nothing racist or xenophobic about controlling immigration to preserve the lifestyle that the majority prefers. People who want to live with Mexicans or other Third Worlders and their ways of living can go live in Mexico or other Third World nations instead of trying to change the USA, or any European style society for that matter, into something the majority doesn't want it to be.

Why don't you lot hit the streets here in Thailand and protest for fair rights for ex pats? We all know you'll never do that... lol...

Do you think most immigrants come to the US to make it like a third world country? They come to the US to live like Americans. And let us not forget Mr Trump is rather specific about the immigrants he doesn't like; Mexicans! I don't see a lot of mention of illegal immigrants from Canada, Australia, UK etc who come and simply overstay their visa. Targeting a specific national group, is racist..look it up in a dictionary.

It's also worth noting of course, both Cruz & Rubio are Cuban Americans, another 3rd world country, I don't see their immigrant families were trying to turn the US into Cuba. My grandparents came from Mexico since they wanted to be Americans, just like families Cruz & Rubio.

I have no idea if you are American, but I'm darn sure if you are you are from immigrant stock, the only difference your family came via the scenic route of Ellis Island

So you think there is some kind of magic dust the land is comprised of in the USA or other European type societies that automatically transforms illegals into non-Mexicans or non-other third worlders? What do you call that dust... and have you been sniffing it? Lol...

The fact is that anybody who has lived long enough and has travel the US or Europe enough can SEE the vast changes being wrought by immigration of unassimilable peoples. The USA was the greatest country on earth no so many decades ago. Now it is becoming much like the corrupt countries to the south of it. The decline has exactly mirrored the change in immigration policies that started in the early 1960s. To imply that all illegal immigrants from Mexico or any other vastly different type third world culture all want to abandon their native culture at the border is simply not true. The USA and Europe are now filled with Balkanized ethnic enclaves because of multi-culturalism, and it has led to a lot of strife and suffering for many... as crime statistics testify.

Immigration should work for the host country by only bringing in the best and brightest who can contribute and improve things. Any politician who isn't working for the citizens of the country they are elected to serve but instead works to benefit foreigners is a traitor.

No country has an obligation to accept any outsiders, much less those who come seeking economic and material benefits. There are countless interviews online with these economic migrants, who are the vast majority of these types, most of whom are men, where they openly state they are looking for social benefits and material gain. These are not hungry, suffering people... they look healthy and well fed, they sport new cell phones and nice clothes.

'Mexican' isn't a race. There are blacks, pure blood Spaniards, Indians, and mixed race people in Mexico. Using the old 'racist card' is a bit worn out these days. Smart people see through that attempted silencing tactic. People are tired of being played as if they are suckers.

Race and culture are surely integrally entwined, but it is simplistic to say it is about one group not liking another group based upon nothing other than race. I don't know how anybody living in a vastly different culture (i.e. Thailand) can try to pretend that people don't have preferences about how they like to live and with what makes them happy and comfortable. Thai people love to live the Thai way, and that is good. Other peoples also love to live their own ways. One cannot pretend that if we dumped 50 million Nigerians (or Europeans, for that matter) into Thailand that it wouldn't massively damage things. The same is true of any country.

The people of any country have a right to decide how they want that country to be..! The majority have never supported third world immigration... it has been forced on them. It only serves the elites who get to pay less wages and have lower working conditions as a result, and it creates a splinted and divided electorate which is more easily controlled by those who prefer their to be no majority.

Edited by Joe Reality
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I agree Mexican isn't a race. It's a nationality and a culture with a racial/ethnic mix quite different than the USA ... but over time due to Latino immigration (not only from Mexico), the racial/ethnic/cultural mix in the USA is changing to become more Latino. That's what the USA has always been about ... new groups coming in and getting dissed in the beginning until they become mainstream.

It can be argued the Latino situation is different because such a big Spanish speaking country is right on the BORDER. I agree in that sense it is different and it's inevitable that the USA will over time become much more bilingual. Also of course, the history is relevant in this case, as large parts of the USA used to actually be Mexico. It's not that Mexico is interested in taking over these lands, but they have indeed become more Mexican in flavor.

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Biden is a good man? He is a borderline sexual predator. Daily Show showed many clips of him planting unwanted kisses on married women or their teenage daughters, making suggestive comments. My guess is that if he runs there will be women who come forward with accusations that he is not so great.

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Biden is a good man? He is a borderline sexual predator. Daily Show showed many clips of him planting unwanted kisses on married women or their teenage daughters, making suggestive comments. My guess is that if he runs there will be women who come forward with accusations that he is not so great.

I don't think this thread is about Biden, but he isn't a sexual predator and based on Hillary Clinton's stellar performance on the recent "debate" I think the chances of Biden running have become rather remote. He doesn't want to run to be creamed by Hillary.

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Biden is a good man? He is a borderline sexual predator. Daily Show showed many clips of him planting unwanted kisses on married women or their teenage daughters, making suggestive comments. My guess is that if he runs there will be women who come forward with accusations that he is not so great.

Try this on for size...



The chart is about getting the nomination of the Republican party to campaign for the office of POTUS. This chart is not about the general election..

You were completely wrong about Millennials and the Republican party and although the thread is about Trump and the Republicans party you're completely wrong about Joe Biden.

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Well Scott Adams of Dilbert fame sees something different in Trump. He's running circles around the MSM - he's attuned to his voting base to the point where he can say the exact words in their brains (this borders on non-supernatural telepathy) - he's a master at negotiation and what Adams calls "verbal judo." I thought Obama was like this too - the behavior of his pack bordered on irrational as far as I could see but he mastered them, raising $600M in email campaigns (Trump won't have to do this). Adams says Trump is such a "verbal judo wizard" that he is going to win, and build that "big, beautiful, powerful wall."

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I think Millennial voters are a major reason we have reality TV personality leading polls. Millenials are out there in large numbers and willing to shake up the establishment. They are not interested in the old guard. They want a Republican version of Obama. They get their news from social media and they like Trump.


The primary support of Trump in the Republican party is from the tea party people, Christian evangelicals, Faux viewers, white NRA types and other rightwingers to include the many self-exiled expats abroad who want Trump to restore the old America for 'em.

As further documented by the reliable Zogby poll, Millennials support Prez Obama and they support H. Clinton for president. From the poll.....

"When the Democratic frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton is matched against leading Republicans among Millennials she is walloping them.

"Thus she leads former Florida Governor Jeb Bush 48% to 24%, with 20% favoring someone else and 9% undecided.

"Her margin grows against mogul Donald Trump 51% to 25% with 16% preferring another candidate and 7% undecided;

"Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina 50%-17%, with 21% other and 12% undecided;

"Florida Senator Marco Rubio 48% to 21%, 19% other and 12% undecided.

"Significantly, Fiorina brings no advantage among women; Rubio none among Hispanics; and Trump among no one at all. It is hard to not conclude that there is something wrong here for the GOP. Certainly, Mrs. Clinton has serious flaws and that alone can make this race competitive. Also, the party is undergoing not only a serious split but a period of dominance by a reality television star who is casting a shadow over everyone else. "



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Well Scott Adams of Dilbert fame sees something different in Trump. He's running circles around the MSM - he's attuned to his voting base to the point where he can say the exact words in their brains (this borders on non-supernatural telepathy) - he's a master at negotiation and what Adams calls "verbal judo." I thought Obama was like this too - the behavior of his pack bordered on irrational as far as I could see but he mastered them, raising $600M in email campaigns (Trump won't have to do this). Adams says Trump is such a "verbal judo wizard" that he is going to win, and build that "big, beautiful, powerful wall."


Yeah, that's a brilliant video and I think he's spot on about Trump's masterful manipulation skills which are also of course extremely entertaining. But I can't agree that he's going to win the presidency. The nomination, maybe. I wonder if people who do support Trump seeing that video would be inclined to change their minds if they realized how skillfully they were being tricked. Sure all politicians play games ... but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

Don't be too sure about that.

Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

In which case, time to reconsider my citizenship. biggrin.png

Good, no time like the present.

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Trump makes me ashamed to be from the US. He is racist, anti-immigrant, and a misogynist. He keeps himself in the headlines because the tabloid press in the US, especially FOX News, is only interested in headline grabbing actions instead of any serious discussion of the serious political issues facing the country. A sad, sad commentary on the state of affairs in the USA.

Last sentence is so true, been a downhill slide for the past 7 yrs.

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A lot of nations are flirting with xenophobic fascists like Trump. It's not only the USA. I don't believe he will ever be elected president but I can see now he has a fair chance of being nominated to represent the party that fits his poison so well, the republicans.

For me Hillary seem to be the worse warhawk. Trump is very provocational but not as bad as Mrs "We came, we saw, he died".

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Those posting calling Trump racist and xenophobic... etc... who choose to live in Thailand where they have NO rights at all and suffer far more discrimination make me laugh.

There's nothing racist or xenophobic about controlling immigration to preserve the lifestyle that the majority prefers. People who want to live with Mexicans or other Third Worlders and their ways of living can go live in Mexico or other Third World nations instead of trying to change the USA, or any European style society for that matter, into something the majority doesn't want it to be.

Why don't you lot hit the streets here in Thailand and protest for fair rights for ex pats? We all know you'll never do that... lol...

Do you think most immigrants come to the US to make it like a third world country? They come to the US to live like Americans. And let us not forget Mr Trump is rather specific about the immigrants he doesn't like; Mexicans! I don't see a lot of mention of illegal immigrants from Canada, Australia, UK etc who come and simply overstay their visa. Targeting a specific national group, is racist..look it up in a dictionary.

It's also worth noting of course, both Cruz & Rubio are Cuban Americans, another 3rd world country, I don't see their immigrant families were trying to turn the US into Cuba. My grandparents came from Mexico since they wanted to be Americans, just like families Cruz & Rubio.

I have no idea if you are American, but I'm darn sure if you are you are from immigrant stock, the only difference your family came via the scenic route of Ellis Island

Don't confuse legal mexicans with the illegals. Was a time they only worked the fields, but no more. Now they're taking well paid trade jobs at a time when legal Americans need the work.

Quite different from the time my parents came thru Ellis Is.. They did it the legal way, received no benefits, no work no eat, they were screened to make sure they carried no disease. How is that the same as sneaking into the country?

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