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Karaoke Bars


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What's the consensus with karaoke bars? I'm talking about the dank ones with a handful of girls sitting out front. Are they generally considered dangerous for foreigners? Or are they just dives? I've been in em a couple times, usually with Thai friends, and the staff are always very friendly. In a lot of neighborhoods throughout Thailand, they're the only places to get out and have a beer, but I'm not sure I'd want to be in one alone. Many of my Thai friends tell me they're no place to be. But are they just being paranoid? Does anyone have good or bad stories?

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Not a safe place here in CM based on numerous recent incidents....

You really have NO idea what you are walking into - until you try and walk away......

Care to share any details? These are the kinds of stories I've heard about. Large bills with a metaphorical gun to the head in the form of large bouncers, who probably have guns.

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There is a Karaoke thread in the CM forum....Not sure if anyone has chimed in details on that but they do mention some places they thought were still OK.....The police have closed a few after some incidents but that doesn't keep them from reopening another unlicensed place on short order.....

But since I live here I've read about them through many news sources...More than a few customers busted up....I'm guessing 7 major (reported) big incidents in the past 12 months....

I love to sing and am good at it but won't hazard it.....I usually have others come to the house that enjoy singing and have a decent set up here....But that's not as much fun as when people start requesting certain songs or just start happily dancing away.....

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It's the larger commercial ones you really need to worry about (like those on chang klan road). Usually run by mobsters or those with connections.

The small neighborhood ones should be fine, esp if you live locally. I avoid any that have dudes around, just not my thing being watched. Seems to work great, have a look inside and if there are any thai dudes around that are not customers just find another venue.

Edited by fey
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There is a Karaoke thread in the CM forum....Not sure if anyone has chimed in details on that but they do mention some places they thought were still OK.....The police have closed a few after some incidents but that doesn't keep them from reopening another unlicensed place on short order.....

But since I live here I've read about them through many news sources...More than a few customers busted up....I'm guessing 7 major (reported) big incidents in the past 12 months....

I love to sing and am good at it but won't hazard it.....I usually have others come to the house that enjoy singing and have a decent set up here....But that's not as much fun as when people start requesting certain songs or just start happily dancing away.....

Sounds like a good time. Not sure why karaoke hasnt caught on big in the west.

I see the most recent story in the CM forum. But it seems like those Chinese guys ordered a lot. Nearly 30 beers, a VIP room, and four girls? Anyway, its not uncommon to be overcharged at any bar in TH. Once they think youre drunk, they start piling the ladydrinks on. Sometimes theyll make a subtle almost undetectable reference to you buying em one, then act like you agreed to it.

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It's the larger commercial ones you really need to worry about (like those on chang klan road). Usually run by mobsters or those with connections.

The small neighborhood ones should be fine, esp if you live locally. I avoid any that have dudes around, just not my thing being watched. Seems to work great, have a look inside and if there are any thai dudes around that are not customers just find another venue.

The only dudes Ive seen at the local places are barely 60 kilos soaking wet.

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What about the road side kroaky shacks up country ? Are they safe?

I've been to dozens of them in the past and never had a problem but I guess, like anywhere else, you could easily get into trouble if you wanted to. I drank in remote karaoke bars that were basically in the middle of a field, with not a Westerner for miles around, and never had any issues.

Edited by eaglesflight
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I have never had a problem, apart from the noise. A lot of these girls need singing lessons and they take their karaoke seriously.

Singing lessons are no use to anyone who is tone deaf.

Put these karaoke "singers" in front of a live band and they will soon be found out.

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