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How my bills in Thailand are ฿8000 baht a month or about (£150, $230)


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Most of the world's population can't afford a $1500 mattress, what pointless lives they must be living.

is he a third worlder? No. He's a westerner that failed and is trying to convince everyone that hes happy living worse than a burmese with no safety net.

Different set of priorities is all,doesn't make him a failure. As long as he's doing it as a choice and spending his own money he's won half the battle right there,. If he decides he wants more stuff there's plenty of options for him to change his lifestyle.

when every post he does is attacking people about spending money and bragging about spending nothing, you know hes very unhappy and hes not choosing this lifestyle. Just like a happy vegan doesnt piss everyone off about being a vegan.

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Most of the world's population can't afford a $1500 mattress, what pointless lives they must be living.

is he a third worlder? No. He's a westerner that failed and is trying to convince everyone that hes happy living worse than a burmese with no safety net.

Different set of priorities is all,doesn't make him a failure. As long as he's doing it as a choice and spending his own money he's won half the battle right there,. If he decides he wants more stuff there's plenty of options for him to change his lifestyle.

when every post he does is attacking people about spending money and bragging about spending nothing, you know hes very unhappy and hes not choosing this lifestyle. Just like a happy vegan doesnt piss everyone off about being a vegan.

You kinda sound like the angry flipside

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Interesting that the OP can live on such a tiny budget, and why not happiness does not come from possesions or housing alone. I would gladly trade in all my wordly possesions for a tiny place with 3 giggling 21 year old beautiful women that would devote their lives to massaging my feet, among other things, while i switch the aircon from 25c to 24c and back again all day.

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Interesting that the OP can live on such a tiny budget, and why not happiness does not come from possesions or housing alone. I would gladly trade in all my wordly possesions for a tiny place with 3 giggling 21 year old beautiful women that would devote their lives to massaging my feet, among other things, while i switch the aircon from 25c to 24c and back again all day.

OP can't afford the aircon, he could also not afford having a fan on all day.

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Interesting that the OP can live on such a tiny budget, and why not happiness does not come from possesions or housing alone. I would gladly trade in all my wordly possesions for a tiny place with 3 giggling 21 year old beautiful women that would devote their lives to massaging my feet, among other things, while i switch the aircon from 25c to 24c and back again all day.

OP can't afford the aircon, he could also not afford having a fan on all day.

It really bugs the shit out of you that this guy is getting by on 8000 a month?

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Interesting that the OP can live on such a tiny budget, and why not happiness does not come from possesions or housing alone. I would gladly trade in all my wordly possesions for a tiny place with 3 giggling 21 year old beautiful women that would devote their lives to massaging my feet, among other things, while i switch the aircon from 25c to 24c and back again all day.

OP can't afford the aircon, he could also not afford having a fan on all day.

It really bugs the shit out of you that this guy is getting by on 8000 a month?

sweating out untill you are dehydrated everyday is not "getting by"

i dont mind people living with the bare necessities, the difference is those who "brag" about it here are only here because they had no money and no where left to go and hate their life and are trying to trick themselves into thinking the oposite.

Someone who really enjoys is would be living in a beautiful bare area in a bamboo open house with nets to sleep in. Not trying to live as poorly as possible and bragging on forums about having the cheapest quality of everything.

Edited by bearpolar
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guys who spend more than 20k don't know to live well anyway. most of their money go to lady bars, visa agents and beers . every time they open their mouth, it's to say "how much I have to pay you". this old generation of guys here were born in nanny States and they have never learned to have" more for less", instead they spend spend spend thinking they will always get their money. I can tell you one day the music will stop and no more money will be sent by your dumb SS, then guys you will stop to make fun of guys living with minimum because all you will get is a box to sleep under a bridge in your Los Angeles or Vegas after the Thai immigration have kicked you out of Thailand with no return. what about that? do you think the millenniums make enough to pay for your little cheques?how much you make anyway? 2000$? What a joke...

Edited by VIPinthailand
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guys who spend more than 20k don't know to live well anyway. most of their money go to lady bars, and visa agents. every time they open their mouth, it's to say "how much I have to pay you". this old generation of old guys here was born in nanny States and they have never learn to have" more for less", instead they spend spend spend thinking they will always get their money. I can tell you one day the music will stop and no money will be send by your SS, then guys you will stop to make fun of guys living with minimum because all you will get is a carbon to sleep under a bridge in Los Angeles after the Thai immigration have kicked you out of Thailand with no return. what about that? do you think the millenniums make enough to pay for your fat cheques?

as shown here, this clown is trying to level himself above the average retired sexpat. He's very unhappy with his choice and hes trying to bully himself into happyness.

Then he mets one of us young people with good house, cars, expensive food and tons of travelling and we just see what hes doing.

Bet he can't even speak thai, just here because nobody back home wants anything to do with him because all he achieved was cleaning dishes in a fast food joint and playing the diabolo sticks.

Thailand is a very cheap country allowing us to live like kings on very little. It's not that hard to earn a bit more and secure yourself a comfortable stress-free lifestyle to enjoy the world. Hell i wouldnt mind living in isaan with no TV and just some land, but id still get myself a good pickup, good tools and a good mattress. I was born in the west and that gave me the luxury to be able to provide such things for myself, bragging about not being able to do those things is just plain sad and a waste of a western-birth. Tell that story to the poor burmese kid who's never had more than 100calories per day from anything but rice. These kids would do anything to be re-born into average wealth. They don't need ps4's and 50" tvs but they'd love to have a nest egg for comfortable living.

With a western education, it does not take much brain power to create a small business here to make at least 20 000b per month for very little work. Sadly VIPinthailand can't even do that.

Edited by bearpolar
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guys who spend more than 20k don't know to live well anyway. most of their money go to lady bars, visa agents and beers . every time they open their mouth, it's to say "how much I have to pay you". this old generation of guys here were born in nanny States and they have never learned to have" more for less", instead they spend spend spend thinking they will always get their money. I can tell you one day the music will stop and no more money will be sent by your dumb SS, then guys you will stop to make fun of guys living with minimum because all you will get is a box to sleep under a bridge in your Los Angeles or Vegas after the Thai immigration have kicked you out of Thailand with no return. what about that? do you think the millenniums make enough to pay for your little cheques?how much you make anyway? 2000$? What a joke...

You waffle on with some crap.

Yeah I spend more than 20k per month and yet I have not stepped foot in a lady bar of any description in atleast 18 months. I have no need for visa agents as through my employer I have a 2 yearly work permit and extension. Beer is 2 boxes per week between me and the missus.

I must ask, how is the second fan you bought for your little 23sq room, must be lush having 2 fans in there now.


Edited by Don Mega
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guys who spend more than 20k don't know to live well anyway. most of their money go to lady bars, visa agents and beers . every time they open their mouth, it's to say "how much I have to pay you". this old generation of guys here were born in nanny States and they have never learned to have" more for less", instead they spend spend spend thinking they will always get their money. I can tell you one day the music will stop and no more money will be sent by your dumb SS, then guys you will stop to make fun of guys living with minimum because all you will get is a box to sleep under a bridge in your Los Angeles or Vegas after the Thai immigration have kicked you out of Thailand with no return. what about that? do you think the millenniums make enough to pay for your little cheques?how much you make anyway? 2000$? What a joke...

You waffle on with some crap.

Yeah I spend more than 20k per month and yet I have not stepped foot in a lady bar of any description in atleast 18 months. I have no need for visa agents as through my employer I have a 2 yearly work permit and extension. Beer is 2 boxes per week between me and the missus.

I must ask, how is the second fan you bought for your little 23sq room, must be lush having 2 fans in there now.


can clearly read through the lines in the thread that he wanted an AC, couldnt afford one, asked for a portable one, turns out they suck so he bought an other cheap fan while dreaming of a 25k A/C. If he spoke/read thai he could of gotten a used AC for 5000-9000b easily. But no. Mr is too busy making fun of successful people to avoid facing reality.

ฝรั่งขี้นก in his natural habitat.

Edited by bearpolar
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What's this obsession with mattresses!!??????!!!!

My mate bought a fourteen grand (IIRC) bed in the 1990s. Pounds that is. 700,000 baht. He buys Patek Philippe watches. When you spend that kind of dough on a bed, and it wobbles, the managing director of the company comes up (London - Glasgow) with a bag of tools. Whoopty f*****g doo. The bed isn't comfortable and the watches don't keep any better time that a £10 digital and will get him mugged. Expensive beds in particular are horse jobbies. The best sleep you'll even have - if you're bony with muscles rather than a fat lad - is on six inches of foam costing nothing. If you're fat a hard surface also costs nothing. It's all in people's heads. There's little I couldn't buy, and it's all balls. If you're trying to establish your identity buying things it's because you don't have an identity and never will have. Money will pay for bodyguards, but no amount of money will make you a competent Muay Thai fighter. Guess which one will establish your identity? Money will allow you to endow a chair in English literature but no amount of money will make you a competent writer.

Mattresses! Jesus wept. Mattresses.

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Spoken like a true homeless person trying to down people more successful by making up stories to keep yourself sane.

All your statements are false but they will work on a feble mind trying to escape reality.

Being rich isnt the root of happiness but being poor is a shortcut to hardship, desperation and depression.

Edited by bearpolar
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What's this obsession with mattresses!!??????!!!!

My mate bought a fourteen grand (IIRC) bed in the 1990s. Pounds that is. 700,000 baht. He buys Patek Philippe watches. When you spend that kind of dough on a bed, and it wobbles, the managing director of the company comes up (London - Glasgow) with a bag of tools. Whoopty f*****g doo. The bed isn't comfortable and the watches don't keep any better time that a £10 digital and will get him mugged. Expensive beds in particular are horse jobbies. The best sleep you'll even have - if you're bony with muscles rather than a fat lad - is on six inches of foam costing nothing. If you're fat a hard surface also costs nothing. It's all in people's heads. There's little I couldn't buy, and it's all balls. If you're trying to establish your identity buying things it's because you don't have an identity and never will have. Money will pay for bodyguards, but no amount of money will make you a competent Muay Thai fighter. Guess which one will establish your identity? Money will allow you to endow a chair in English literature but no amount of money will make you a competent writer.

Mattresses! Jesus wept. Mattresses.

I tried sleeping on a board a couple times, my head thought it WUZ ok, but my back says no way!

I tried eating mice, but my stomached thought twice!

Then i tried black, but huge nut sack!

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Spoken like a true homeless person trying to down people more successful by making up stories to keep yourself sane.

All your statements are false but they will work on a feble mind trying to escape reality.

Being rich isnt the root of happiness but being poor is a shortcut to hardship, desperation and depression.

Is this directed at me? Feeble has two "e"s and "down" (I think) can only be a verb if it's "downed": he downed three beers. I think you mean "root to" not "root of" happiness. If you mean "route to" you've misspelt "route".

I've plenty of dough and you need to forget about having or not having money if you really want to get to the nub of it. Needing lots, having no aspiration but to get more and thinking that you can define yourself by what you buy aren't just routes to insanity, they're expressions of it.

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So you agree i was right by simply attacking some words an ESL person has used that you thought were wrong and ignoring all the rest?

Also, sadly root of is a very standard term. You can google "root of happiness" to find examples.

"to down" is a valid slang, it means to put down. Very common in today's youth.

I stand firmly on my position that people who brag about being poorer than a thai konchai (คนใช้) are pushing their idiotic views as a way to cope with their failures. They are not examples of people living with the basic, they are examples of people trying to live regular lives full of consumptions on a budget. A person who enjoys the simple things has no reason to attack people online about spending too much money.

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Root, meaning from where something grows. As in,'Money is the root of all evil'.

"Love of money" is the actual quotation, and that love is what nourishes the evil, like a root. From the original post nobody could be clear about what was being asserted. That said, what was actually being asserted was, "Stuff! Stuff good! Me like stuff! Me much stuff me big man!!!! Me not little man. Me have stuff!!!!"

I've 1) got a load of money, 2) a PhD and 3) I've just done 10X1 min on the Wattbike at 48k. It's only "2" and "3" that can establish my identity among people whose opinions matter. "1", however, would allow me to buy the kind of junk that would impress the sort of muppets I cross the street to avoid.

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Root, meaning from where something grows. As in,'Money is the root of all evil'.

"Love of money" is the actual quotation, and that love is what nourishes the evil, like a root. From the original post nobody could be clear about what was being asserted. That said, what was actually being asserted was, "Stuff! Stuff good! Me like stuff! Me much stuff me big man!!!! Me not little man. Me have stuff!!!!"

I've 1) got a load of money, 2) a PhD and 3) I've just done 10X1 min on the Wattbike at 48k. It's only "2" and "3" that can establish my identity among people whose opinions matter. "1", however, would allow me to buy the kind of junk that would impress the sort of muppets I cross the street to avoid.

So what you're saying is you understood what bearpolar meant by 'root',

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guys who spend more than 20k don't know to live well anyway. most of their money go to lady bars, and visa agents. every time they open their mouth, it's to say "how much I have to pay you". this old generation of old guys here was born in nanny States and they have never learn to have" more for less", instead they spend spend spend thinking they will always get their money. I can tell you one day the music will stop and no money will be send by your SS, then guys you will stop to make fun of guys living with minimum because all you will get is a carbon to sleep under a bridge in Los Angeles after the Thai immigration have kicked you out of Thailand with no return. what about that? do you think the millenniums make enough to pay for your fat cheques?

as shown here, this clown is trying to level himself above the average retired sexpat. He's very unhappy with his choice and hes trying to bully himself into happyness.

Then he mets one of us young people with good house, cars, expensive food and tons of travelling and we just see what hes doing.

Bet he can't even speak thai, just here because nobody back home wants anything to do with him because all he achieved was cleaning dishes in a fast food joint and playing the diabolo sticks.

Thailand is a very cheap country allowing us to live like kings on very little. It's not that hard to earn a bit more and secure yourself a comfortable stress-free lifestyle to enjoy the world. Hell i wouldnt mind living in isaan with no TV and just some land, but id still get myself a good pickup, good tools and a good mattress. I was born in the west and that gave me the luxury to be able to provide such things for myself, bragging about not being able to do those things is just plain sad and a waste of a western-birth. Tell that story to the poor burmese kid who's never had more than 100calories per day from anything but rice. These kids would do anything to be re-born into average wealth. They don't need ps4's and 50" tvs but they'd love to have a nest egg for comfortable living.

With a western education, it does not take much brain power to create a small business here to make at least 20 000b per month for very little work. Sadly VIPinthailand can't even do that.

Im glad you said it to Mr VIP before i did because i enjoyed reading logic. He and other are so infused with haterd for America that he cant see the forest for the trees. Anyone with a good western education can make money in thailand which is 20 years behind the west. In Cambodia you can prosper even more so because they are 40 years behind the west. The Op is living with a thai girl who is keeping his expense to a minimum. A bird in the bed is cheaper than buying two in a bar a month.

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guys who spend more than 20k don't know to live well anyway. most of their money go to lady bars, and visa agents. every time they open their mouth, it's to say "how much I have to pay you". this old generation of old guys here was born in nanny States and they have never learn to have" more for less", instead they spend spend spend thinking they will always get their money. I can tell you one day the music will stop and no money will be send by your SS, then guys you will stop to make fun of guys living with minimum because all you will get is a carbon to sleep under a bridge in Los Angeles after the Thai immigration have kicked you out of Thailand with no return. what about that? do you think the millenniums make enough to pay for your fat cheques?

as shown here, this clown is trying to level himself above the average retired sexpat. He's very unhappy with his choice and hes trying to bully himself into happyness.

Then he mets one of us young people with good house, cars, expensive food and tons of travelling and we just see what hes doing.

Bet he can't even speak thai, just here because nobody back home wants anything to do with him because all he achieved was cleaning dishes in a fast food joint and playing the diabolo sticks.

Thailand is a very cheap country allowing us to live like kings on very little. It's not that hard to earn a bit more and secure yourself a comfortable stress-free lifestyle to enjoy the world. Hell i wouldnt mind living in isaan with no TV and just some land, but id still get myself a good pickup, good tools and a good mattress. I was born in the west and that gave me the luxury to be able to provide such things for myself, bragging about not being able to do those things is just plain sad and a waste of a western-birth. Tell that story to the poor burmese kid who's never had more than 100calories per day from anything but rice. These kids would do anything to be re-born into average wealth. They don't need ps4's and 50" tvs but they'd love to have a nest egg for comfortable living.

With a western education, it does not take much brain power to create a small business here to make at least 20 000b per month for very little work. Sadly VIPinthailand can't even do that.

Im glad you said it to Mr VIP before i did because i enjoyed reading logic. He and other are so infused with haterd for America that he cant see the forest for the trees. Anyone with a good western education can make money in thailand which is 20 years behind the west. In Cambodia you can prosper even more so because they are 40 years behind the west. The Op is living with a thai girl who is keeping his expense to a minimum. A bird in the bed is cheaper than buying two in a bar a month.

So the more behind a country is,the more money an educated westerner can make? Guess,I should go live in Somalia.

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"it does not take much brain power to create a small business here to make at least 20 000b per month for very little work"

555. Right.

If Thailand is such a "great" place for "small businesses" to make lots of money for "very little work"....

Then why did the owners of Agoda (travel company supposedly started in Thailand) move to Singapore?


Edited by Moderator01
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So what you're saying is you understood what bearpolar meant by 'root',

No, I'm saying that I can guess that he meant one of two or three different propositions.

"Right before the accident I sneezed".

"I sneezed, and this caused the accident".

These two statements aren't identical, and failing to see that causes individuals and nations to remain poor and planes to fall from the sky.

It's one of the great truths (ironies?) of the modern world that making serious money and doing a good job are linked, but aiming at the money will probably prevent you making it and cause you to do a bad job. The great Warren Buffett - one of the world's richest men - always advised people to do what they loved, because then they'd be good at it and the money would follow. It's called having an "intrinsic" rather than an "extrinsic" goal. If you absolutely love being a court lawyer you'll never have to work a day in your life - your "hobby" will produce a fortune. But if all you want is the money that comes from being a good lawyer you'll probably never make it. Societies that encourage the cultivation of intrinsic goals are rich and happy, because they're stuffed full of people who design great planes and then spend the proceeds wisely. Countries that encourage a cult of money are full of idiots who become immoral bankers, corrupt scientific researchers and bribe-taking politicians.

The love of money is, indeed, the root of all evil. But if you do what you love and love what you do - within certain sane limits, and with due regard to what people will pay for - you and everyone else become rich.

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We all live in Thailand for different reasons. Some can live like you as that's the way they lived in their home country. Personally, I have always lived an upscale life as I continue to do here in Thailand. My expenses are rarely under B100,000 a month.

"upscale life"

under B100,000

Its must be MORE much 100k mayby 5-15 times.

Because in Thailand "upscale life" stuff more expensive than in some other countries.


Another way if use domestic food and some style.

And midle or down style its be cheapest than in other countries.

Anyway. You can tell us how is "upscale life" in Thailand for near 100k.

rolleyes.gif thumbsup.gif

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"it does not take much brain power to create a small business here to make at least 20 000b per month for very little work"

555. Right.

If Thailand is such a "great" place for "small businesses" to make lots of money for "very little work"....

Then why did the owners of Agoda (travel company supposedly started in Thailand) move to Singapore?



Agoda used to be known as Planetholiday.com and then they rebranded. They still have a large office in Bangkok. However Priceline took over Agoda so that could be a reason why their main office is now in Singapore.

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