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Japanese man murdered at his home in Thailand


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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

Are your legs tired? How do you blame the victim and come to the conclusion his wife is very young? The wife supposedly has a mother, but that could mean the wife is 60-something and the mother 80-something.

Do you usually make decisions based on fantasy instead of fact? Or, do you just have a problem with old and young being together? Did some old man take your girl?

Sometimes it's best to ignore some people, commenting just encourages more stupidity.

Sound advice; I followed it through all the other TV detectives' posts. However, this one made me realize pointing out stupidity is like voting; if you don't participate, you can't complain.

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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

Are your legs tired? How do you blame the victim and come to the conclusion his wife is very young? The wife supposedly has a mother, but that could mean the wife is 60-something and the mother 80-something.

Do you usually make decisions based on fantasy instead of fact? Or, do you just have a problem with old and young being together? Did some old man take your girl?

Sometimes it's best to ignore some people, commenting just encourages more stupidity.

Sound advice; I followed it through all the other TV detectives' posts. However, this one made me realize pointing out stupidity is like voting; if you don't participate, you can't complain.

I fully understand, although sometimes you just need to add a caustic comment, unfortunately however, it usually goes over like a pregnant pole vaulter.

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Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.


This is a clear case and we have a murder suspect , the neighbor did it. And guess what , he is Thai!

I think he fell off the roof and landed on a pair of scissors crawled over to his neighbour for help but couldn't rouse anyone, crawled back home and expired, I wonder why no ha a was found in his pocket ?


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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

Sounds like allot of the people here on Thai Visa !!!whistling.gif

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According to his Thai wife, Ms Poranee Napadol, she was not at home last night but went to visit her mother who was suffering from kidney sickness.coffee1.gif

There is more to it

he was alive when she left the house at 8.30pm on the previous night to stay over at her mother's house next door.

if its next door why not chesck on him, it be done in a minute

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The Thai daily News reported today that the chief suspect is the wife's brother-in-law, 47 year-old Sampan Jaemjaeng who lives next door to the deceased, 83 year-old Mr Kasuo Yoshitoka. The victim had had his throat cut and items were missing from the room eg gold watch, wallet etc. His Yamaha motorcycle was also stolen. His body was discovered by his Thai wife, Poranee Napadol, 48. She said she had spent the night next door looking after her ailing mother.
It was disclosed that suspect Sampan Jaemjaeng is married to 45 year-old Mrs Somporng Naphadol, so it seems he's married to Poranee Napadol's younger sister...?
Bit confusing but seems that Poranee Napadol's younger sister as well as their mother live next door to the murdered Japanese man...?


Chief suspect, wife's brother-in-law Sampan Jaemjaeng.

Edited by katana
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Mr. Yoshioka may also have survived the battle of Iwojima or Okinawa or membership in the Kempeitai. Imagining all Japanese as victims takes the focus off of their horrible cruelty during WW II and is simply mental Jiujitsu. In their eyes, they weren't agressors and cruel perpetrators but victims of the atomic bombs and the occupation. There was plenty of agression on both sides but the Japanese were certainly responsible for a lot of it.

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Provided katana's post is correct, then...

As we already guessed: The witness for the prosecution has also a mother suffering from kidney sickness, like the totally devastated widow (ok, that was a cheap one, I confess), who spent the night of her husband's death right next in their neighbour's house.

And their neighbours happen to be her sick mother, her sister and her sister's husband (brother-in-law), who also happens to be the main suspect (killer) and who allegedly has not been at home in the night of the murder. But the "blood stained scissors" somehow ended up "inside the dust bin in front of the [neighbour's?] house".

Damn, maybe from time to time Thailand's finest should also try to use a bar stool as a vantage point. It could really help solving some complex crimes like this one. 555. Ok, not here in Thailand (again, another cheap one, sorry).

Let's hope Sampan Jaemjaeng (= Samphand, the main suspect from the OP?) is still alive and well to shed some light on this case by performing the inevitable re-enactment. Not that it would matter, but just for clarifying purposes (now, this was my last cheap shot, but Thailand's finest and the so-called "news reporters" make it really unbearable, at least for me). It would be so sickening, if this was true.

/end sarcasm

Yes, my comment is partially tasteless, I know. But I'm neither a killer nor a member of the police farce. I'm only a potential victim of both of them, like all of us.

On another serious note: I'm also not a "Thailand basher"! Anyway, who the <self-deleted> exactly is "Thailand"?

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was the wife and the women next door related. going on the original post it looks like it

well I'm glad I'm not the only one to spot that. And that the mother of the wife was next door. So either sisters or sisters-in-law.
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Is it at all possible that the wife went to visit her mother. The neighbour sought to take advantage of her absence to rob the elderly gentleman with a younger wife. He was disturbed, recognised and committed murder to avoid prison. The wife caring and innocent could be distraughr at the loss of her husband. Police are investigating.

Anyway thats my take until I know better.

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Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.


This is a clear case and we have a murder suspect , the neighbor did it. And guess what , he is Thai!

....."thick a a brick", "takes a hint lie a hunk of wood" coms to mind he is being festicious

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Japanese man, 83, slain

The Nation

ANGTHONG: -- An 83-year-old Japanese retired businessman was found dead in his residence in Angthong's Wiset Chaichan district yesterday.

The body of Kasuo Yoshitoka was found with multiple stab wounds and his throat cut in the second-floor bedroom at around 6am by his Thai wife Paranee Napadol, 48. She told police that Yoshitoka, who had returned from Japan six days ago, was alive when she left the house the previous night to stay at her mother's. She said her husband's cash was missing.

Police found signs of a break-in to the house through a window and the place was ransacked for valuables. There were also signs of a struggle with fingerprints and footprints, suspected to be from the killer, at the scene.

The police probe found a male relative of Paranee, who didn't get along with Yoshitoka and had allegedly been involved in drug abuse, left his house unlocked and there were bloodstains on the relative's house front. Another person told police the man had tried to borrow a motorcycle at 10pm but it didn't start, before he disappeared. Police are now looking for this person of interest.

Later yesterday, Wiset Chaichan superintendent Pol Colonel Peerapan Chanthian led the Japanese Embassy's second secretary and consul Kenichi Tsukagoshi and members of the foreign media to inspect the scene for clues and assistance with procedures regarding Yoshitoka's body.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Japanese-man-83-slain-30270826.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-14

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Provided katana's post is correct, then...

As we already guessed: The witness for the prosecution has also a mother suffering from kidney sickness, like the totally devastated widow (ok, that was a cheap one, I confess), who spent the night of her husband's death right next in their neighbour's house.

And their neighbours happen to be her sick mother, her sister and her sister's husband (brother-in-law), who also happens to be the main suspect (killer) and who allegedly has not been at home in the night of the murder. But the "blood stained scissors" somehow ended up "inside the dust bin in front of the [neighbour's?] house".

Damn, maybe from time to time Thailand's finest should also try to use a bar stool as a vantage point. It could really help solving some complex crimes like this one. 555. Ok, not here in Thailand (again, another cheap one, sorry).

Let's hope Sampan Jaemjaeng (= Samphand, the main suspect from the OP?) is still alive and well to shed some light on this case by performing the inevitable re-enactment. Not that it would matter, but just for clarifying purposes (now, this was my last cheap shot, but Thailand's finest and the so-called "news reporters" make it really unbearable, at least for me). It would be so sickening, if this was true.

/end sarcasm

Yes, my comment is partially tasteless, I know. But I'm neither a killer nor a member of the police farce. I'm only a potential victim of both of them, like all of us.

On another serious note: I'm also not a "Thailand basher"! Anyway, who the <self-deleted> exactly is "Thailand"?

Interesting theory.... the sisters could get rid of both husbands with one crime!!

Yeah, sometimes I watch too much of the "CI" TV show ...which re-enacts mostly crimes in the USA smile.png.

P.S. My apologies if this has already been mentioned as I didn't read the entire thread...

Edited by losgrad
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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Not really. People do visit their parents.

The thing that struck me is this 83 year old man's mother-in-law is still alive.

You don't suspect he married a younger woman then?

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According to his Thai wife, Ms Poranee Napadol, she was not at home last night but went to visit her mother who was suffering from kidney sickness.coffee1.gif

and ...........

and.... isn't it strange that Thai wives are never home, and have solid alibis, whenever their foreign husbands die in suspicious circumstances.

Of course, in this case it may be purely a coincidence that she was away. Someone with a more suspicious mind than me however, might suggest that the someone may have paid the neighbour to get rid of the husband for life insurance purposes. Perhaps the money could then be used to take care of someone's unwell relative. Perhaps the neighbour got a case of the nerves, hit the bottle, and that's why he left such a messy trail. Pure speculation of course. Perhaps one of the side effects of having lived here too long.

Whatever the real reason for poor man's death, I do hope he is somewhere better, resting in peace. sad.png

and isn't it strange that so many tv members instantly make so many negative comments.

Not strange at all... that's what we do.

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Very negative responses from most posters. Facts are pretty good to help work out what happened. We don't have them. It's pretty cruel to ASSUME the wife was involved.

Settle down Minikev. This is an open public forum. I'd guess about 5% of content is factual & reliable info. The other 95% is entertainment.

I very much doubt said wife will get to read any posts on here so cruelty really isn't an issue.

Have a fantastic day.

Cheers..... Mal.

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and.... isn't it strange that Thai wives are never home, and have solid alibis, whenever their foreign husbands die in suspicious circumstances.

Of course, in this case it may be purely a coincidence that she was away. Someone with a more suspicious mind than me however, might suggest that the someone may have paid the neighbour to get rid of the husband for life insurance purposes. Perhaps the money could then be used to take care of someone's unwell relative. Perhaps the neighbour got a case of the nerves, hit the bottle, and that's why he left such a messy trail. Pure speculation of course. Perhaps one of the side effects of having lived here too long.

Whatever the real reason for poor man's death, I do hope he is somewhere better, resting in peace. sad.png

and isn't it strange that so many tv members instantly make so many negative comments.

Not strange at all... that's what we do.


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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Not really. People do visit their parents.

The thing that struck me is this 83 year old man's mother-in-law is still alive.

Yep, and she couldn't wait it out any longer. So she made a plan....

I'd hate to be that frail old man whose young "full of life" wife can't wait for him to buy his farm and rid herself of the burden.

Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

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Very negative responses from most posters. Facts are pretty good to help work out what happened. We don't have them. It's pretty cruel to ASSUME the wife was involved.

Not really many a murder involves wifes and secret boyfriends, one guy in Hua Hin was married for 20 years or more , he was diagnosed terminal cancer and the wife had her boyfriend bump him early as she could not wait for the money.

Another NZ man shot in Pattaya on his bike at the lights beach rd 2 girlfriend had alabi until NZ parents intervened GF had taken money from his bank account and her boyfriend and his mate shot the NZ man.

GF was off free until the NZ parents complained and the money trail investigated, this guy had been with GF for 7 years and obviously never knew nothing of Thai BF.(he was young and good looking as well)

So, in the Japanese case suspect had drug problem?? wife went next door with sister, check the money trail quite plausable here of a similar case to the above.

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So I'm reading this article to my Thai wife and first thing that comes to her mind is the wife paid the neighbor. I wish we had the actual numbers of farangs found dead that are in a relationship with a Thai to determine the overall decrease in my relative life expectancy...

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Young wife! She was 48, certainly the next door Thai neighbour would't have been having an affair with her. The only person who would be interested her would have been another desperate farang.

How do you know the victim was desperate?, and furthermore are the Japanese referred to as farangs?. Have some respect.

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