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At least five dead, 20 wounded in 'Day of Rage' in Israel


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At least five dead, 20 wounded in 'Day of Rage' in Israel


JERUSALEM: -- Men wielding guns and knives reportedly killed at least 3 people and wounded 20 more in a spate of attacks in Israel, on a “Day of Rage” called by Palestinian groups.

Two Palestinians shot and stabbed passengers on a Jerusalem bus on Tuesday (October 13), killing two people and wounding several, Israeli media reported. One of the assailants was killed, the other one captured.

Moments later, another reportedly rammed his car into a bus stop in central Jerusalem, then got out and started stabbing pedestrians, killing at least one, before police shot him down.

Earlier in the morning, a Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli on a shopping street in Raanana, just north of Tel Aviv. Amateur video handed out by police showed men beating the alleged assailant as he lay on the ground.

Shortly after, still in Raanana, another Palestinian drew a knife and wounded several people, local media said.

Israel and the Palestinian territories are suffering their worst unrest in years, with over 30 people killed so far this month in street attacks and security crackdowns.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-14

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A nasty business indeed.

It would appear that if Israel wants to protect it's citizens in occupied areas, they need to order them to stay in their ill-gotten homes, or evacuate them to un-occupied territory.

The latter is obviously the better option as it would not only protect the Israelis, but it would de-escalate the situation.

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Israel can't get fair press so it will be the same-o, same-o until the Pali's start another intifada.

You're joking right?!!! Israelis out of Palestine! Simple!

Where would you have them go?

To the land bound by the borders that were defined in 1947-8. But since the Palestinians have agreed to the 1967 borders, that will have to do.

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Israel can't get fair press so it will be the same-o, same-o until the Pali's start another intifada.

You're joking right?!!! Israelis out of Palestine! Simple!

Where would you have them go?

To the land bound by the borders that were defined in 1947-8. But since the Palestinians have agreed to the 1967 borders, that will have to do.

Unfortunately, that doesn't give Israel sufficient security to withstand the constant terror attacks.

Iron Dome can only do so much.

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Israel can't get fair press so it will be the same-o, same-o until the Pali's start another intifada.

You're joking right?!!! Israelis out of Palestine! Simple!

Where would you have them go?

What most people who say Israel out of Palestine REALLY mean, even if they don't admit it, is Jews completely out of that region including Israel, Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. Out or murdered. Read the Hamas charter.

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Put on your pointy tin hats, lads. It's End Of Times. Or, to paraphrase Einstein - when an irrestible force meets an immovable object......

The "lads" you are talking about are Christian fundamentalists.

They are radical Zionism's most enthusiastic supporters.

Yakov M. Rabkin, a professor of history at the University of Montreal, in his book, A Threat From Within, A CENTURY OF JEWISH OPPOSITION TO ZIONISM, writes "The massive support extended to the State of Israel by millions of Christian supporters of Zionism is overtly motivated by a single consideration: that a return of the Jews to the Holy Land will be a prelude to their acceptance of Christ [when he returns] or, for those who fail to do so, to their physical destruction."

Simply stated, Christian fundamentalism's only interest in the Zionist State of Israel is in assisting it to become the instrument for bringing about a final battle at Armageddon between the forces of good and evil.

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Put on your pointy tin hats, lads. It's End Of Times. Or, to paraphrase Einstein - when an irrestible force meets an immovable object......

The "lads" you are talking about are Christian fundamentalists.

They are radical Zionism's most enthusiastic supporters.

Yakov M. Rabkin, a professor of history at the University of Montreal, in his book, A Threat From Within, A CENTURY OF JEWISH OPPOSITION TO ZIONISM, writes "The massive support extended to the State of Israel by millions of Christian supporters of Zionism is overtly motivated by a single consideration: that a return of the Jews to the Holy Land will be a prelude to their acceptance of Christ [when he returns] or, for those who fail to do so, to their physical destruction."

Simply stated, Christian fundamentalism's only interest in the Zionist State of Israel is in assisting it to become the instrument for bringing about a final battle at Armageddon between the forces of good and evil.

I think there could well be an armageddon but it wont be as in the book of revelations. Israel is likely more than any other country in the world to kick off a war that would escalate to the use of nukes very very quickly. Time will tell. Options for living in the wilderness of South Island New Zealand look very tantalising ;)

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The tactical maneuvers reported on in the OP are only going to continue.

When the occupiers murdered 500 children last year they decided that there would be no soft targets in this war. And now they're learning that this cuts both ways: whether they're walking to the post office, shopping in the market, or riding the bus.

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Israel can't get fair press so it will be the same-o, same-o until the Pali's start another intifada.

You're joking right?!!! Israelis out of Palestine! Simple!

Where would you have them go?

What most people who say Israel out of Palestine REALLY mean, even if they don't admit it, is Jews completely out of that region including Israel, Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. Out or murdered. Read the Hamas charter.

The 1988 Hamas charter is an obsolete red herring. Look to the future.

As Seastallion said, the whole Arab world and the entire global community will recognize the permanent borders of Israel if it withdraws to the 67 lines. Simple as that. Greed and/or fanatical Zionist zealots are currently preventing it from doing so.

Israel needs to join the family of 21st century civilized democracies and concentrate on making its enemies its friends rather than alienating them.

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the whole Arab world and the entire global community will recognize the permanent borders of Israel if it withdraws to the 67 lines.

You're right, it is as simple as that. Unfortunately the occupiers are not even remotely interested in a peaceful solution. Their primary objective is going forward with their colonialist ambitions and continued land grabs. The daily humiliations and slaughtered children are regarded as a fillip.

But of course our own Hasbarabots will be along shortly to attempt to muddy the waters with duplicitous rhetoric.

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Israel can't get fair press so it will be the same-o, same-o until the Pali's start another intifada.

You're joking right?!!! Israelis out of Palestine! Simple!

Where would you have them go?

What most people who say Israel out of Palestine REALLY mean, even if they don't admit it, is Jews completely out of that region including Israel, Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. Out or murdered. Read the Hamas charter.

The Hamas charter has been written 'in war' and ' for war' but contains an important caveat. Caveats are just as important as any other clause in a contract/charter/statement. The caveat shows precisely who the rest of the document is aimed at and why. In the propaganda war, the caveat is of course never cited.

Article Thirty-One: “As to those who have not borne arms against you on account of religion, nor turned you out of your dwellings, Allah forbiddeth you not to deal kindly with them, and to behave justly towards them; for Allah loveth those who act justly.” (The Tried – verse 8).

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I wonder when if ever the press will wake up to Palestinian incitement and drag Abbas through the ICC he was so eager to join.


That's some damning information, they actually pay convicted killers based on the length of sentence.


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What most people who say Israel out of Palestine REALLY mean, even if they don't admit it, is Jews completely out of that region including Israel, Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. Out or murdered. Read the Hamas charter.

The 1988 Hamas charter is an obsolete red herring. Look to the future.

As Seastallion said, the whole Arab world and the entire global community will recognize the permanent borders of Israel if it withdraws to the 67 lines. Simple as that. Greed and/or fanatical Zionist zealots are currently preventing it from doing so.

Israel needs to join the family of 21st century civilized democracies and concentrate on making its enemies its friends rather than alienating them.

So odd that he brings up the Hamas charter, when the Likud charter states quite clearly that all the land, "from the river to the sea", is their goal.

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Israel can't get fair press so it will be the same-o, same-o until the Pali's start another intifada.

You're joking right?!!! Israelis out of Palestine! Simple!

Where would you have them go?

BAck across the border in to ISRAEL after all they are ISRAELI right?

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