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Clinton's strong debate is general election warning for GOP


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The polls are unscientific.

They are biased towards younger voters who prefer Bernie already, are much likely to vote in instant online polls, and in real life, mostly don't vote.

I'm sure scientific polls will show differently.

Sure, just like the last Republican debate, when all the Washington media whores said Fiorina broke through and won and was about to beat Trump. You know, Fiorina. As in sixth place Fiorina. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/862393-donald-trump-continues-to-lead-republican-presidential-race-cbs-poll/

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By surprise pick for VP I only mean I think its likely to be a name people aren't talking about right now, not a high risk person who won't be seen to be qualified. I kind of see Castro that way ... charisma but he would be attacked for having too thin a resume.

I don't think she really needs a Midwesterner to balance the picket. She basically IS a Midwesterner and Midwesterners can relate to her. She has no chance in the deep south but will definitely be playing hard for Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina.

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People whop say that Sanders cannot get the nomination are just parroting the media's blackout of his rallies, which have record-setting attendees.

Wake up. The media is in bed with both Hillary and Bush, and the beastly offspring of that unholy menage a troi would make the antichrist look like a poster child for baby food.

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People whop say that Sanders cannot get the nomination are just parroting the media's blackout of his rallies, which have record-setting attendees.

Wake up. The media is in bed with both Hillary and Bush, and the beastly offspring of that unholy menage a troi would make the antichrist look like a poster child for baby food.

Smell the coffee. coffee1.gif He's an avowed socialist. The USA isn't Europe. Not gonna happen.

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"David Plouffe, an architect of Obama's two campaigns, wrote on Twitter that Clinton looked like a candidate who could win the general election."

What a shame that this evil woman is so popular. For the 1st time in my life, if she is the Democratic choice, I will vote Republican in the next election. coffee1.gif

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Did you watch the debate? Plouffe is 100 percent correct. She came across as much more presidential than anyone on the stage and anyone on the republican's stage as well, and they've got a BIG stage! The other side has possible winners though. Not Trump, Carson, or Fiorina, but if they come to their senses and nominate Kasich or Rubio, then it will be a hard race for Hillary.

Anyone who has been a democrat and would vote for any of republicans on offer now, good riddance, go away, you're not a real democrat.

Edited by Jingthing
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Exit and instant polls may not be able to be as rigorous, but they are a good general indication. The gap they showed between HC and BS was well beyond even a wide margin of error. It seems 'the people' are disagreeing with the establishment media pundits.

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She will be the nominee. Yes it's not too early to speculate about her VP pick. Sanders no way. Kasich no way even more so. Julian Castro. Maybe. He has charisma which she lacks but people would be concerned about the heartbeat thing as no foreign policy experience. Of those on the stage possibly OMalley. Boring but solid. I think more likely none of those. More like a big surprise.

I am not looking for a surprise VP pick on the Dem side. That's a desperation move for a one-down already candidate like McCain. Hillary would have more to lose than to gain. It would have to be someone with a track record, already vetted by the public, but without major negatives.

The Repubs will face the huge disadvantage of a first-time female presidential candidate who will definitely pull some Repub women because of the historical nature of the event. That's part of the reason she emphasized the Repub threat to Planned Parenthood. So, look for Rubio (on whom the billionaires are already settling) to pick a woman or a black or even a black woman.

Just when I thought that the dumbest VP on record would forever be held by Quayle along comes Palin and if elected would certainly have beaten him by a mile. The GOP knows how to pick them. However the best part was, most people realized within a short time that she was mentally challenged but it took several years for many on the right to admit what others had known from the beginning.

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Nobody is pooping diamonds. They are just facing political reality. Go ahead and nominate Sanders and then watch the most massive landslide in American history happen. With him on the losing end.

At least since McGovern walked away with a single state. The degree by which I would rather have Sanders as president compared to Hillary pales by comparison to the degree that I would rather have Hillary than any Republican.

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The Democrats better hope that Mark Harmon isn't running.


More people watched 'NCIS' than the Democratic debate
by Tom Huddleston, Jr.
OCTOBER 14, 2015, 4:04 PM EDT
Hillary Clinton was widely declared the winner of Tuesday night’s debate, but in terms of ratings, the Democrats lost to the GOP … and NCIS.
Hosted by CNN and Facebook, the first Democratic debate of the 2016 election season averaged 15.3 million total viewers, according to Nielsen’s numbers. That marked a new ratings record for Democratic debates, but it still fell well short of the GOP’s numbers.
The first GOP debate aired on Fox News in August and pulled in a record-breaking 24 million viewers. Last month’s follow-up on CNN pulled in roughly 23 million, which was a record for CNN.
The Dems’ ratings also couldn’t top the 15.7 million viewers who tuned in to watch the fourth episode of the season for CBS drama NCIS, starring actor Mark Harmon.
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The Democrats better hope that Mark Harmon isn't running.


More people watched 'NCIS' than the Democratic debate
by Tom Huddleston, Jr.
OCTOBER 14, 2015, 4:04 PM EDT
Hillary Clinton was widely declared the winner of Tuesday night’s debate, but in terms of ratings, the Democrats lost to the GOP … and NCIS.
Hosted by CNN and Facebook, the first Democratic debate of the 2016 election season averaged 15.3 million total viewers, according to Nielsen’s numbers. That marked a new ratings record for Democratic debates, but it still fell well short of the GOP’s numbers.
The first GOP debate aired on Fox News in August and pulled in a record-breaking 24 million viewers. Last month’s follow-up on CNN pulled in roughly 23 million, which was a record for CNN.
The Dems’ ratings also couldn’t top the 15.7 million viewers who tuned in to watch the fourth episode of the season for CBS drama NCIS, starring actor Mark Harmon.

Hillary may or may not have been the tallest midget on Tuesday night.

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The Democrats better hope that Mark Harmon isn't running.


More people watched 'NCIS' than the Democratic debate
by Tom Huddleston, Jr.
OCTOBER 14, 2015, 4:04 PM EDT
Hillary Clinton was widely declared the winner of Tuesday night’s debate, but in terms of ratings, the Democrats lost to the GOP … and NCIS.
Hosted by CNN and Facebook, the first Democratic debate of the 2016 election season averaged 15.3 million total viewers, according to Nielsen’s numbers. That marked a new ratings record for Democratic debates, but it still fell well short of the GOP’s numbers.
The first GOP debate aired on Fox News in August and pulled in a record-breaking 24 million viewers. Last month’s follow-up on CNN pulled in roughly 23 million, which was a record for CNN.
The Dems’ ratings also couldn’t top the 15.7 million viewers who tuned in to watch the fourth episode of the season for CBS drama NCIS, starring actor Mark Harmon.

No, the Dems did not lose the ratings race to the GOP. They lost to the Donald Trump reality show, which I have to admit, was rather entertaining.

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If Elizabeth Warren jumped on the ticket as VP with Sanders, HRC would have a hard time keeping that pasted-on smile in place.

Meanwhile the GOP's field leads with a 4-time corporate bankrupted crass loud mouth, a young-Earth Creationist doctor who doesn't grasp the separation of church and state, and a female former CEO who, other than being a hyperbolic liar, is only known for driving HP into the proverbial ground.

What a horse race.

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I get attacked on this forum for being an old white man.

I'm wondering where all the liberal outrage is that the Democratic lineup consists of four old white men and one old white woman...and all of them political hacks.

Hardly an endorsement for diversity.

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I was quite impressed with Hillary's performance...she was articulate, practical, and forceful advocate for her positions. The Bern was good too and I agree with many of his views as well. Either one would make a good President me thinks...but Hillary is the more electable choice.

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I get attacked on this forum for being an old white man.

I'm wondering where all the liberal outrage is that the Democratic lineup consists of four old white men and one old white woman...and all of them political hacks.

Hardly an endorsement for diversity.

The Democrats know it's a pretty pathetic the field they're presenting but it's all they have.

'Socialism is a great form of government until you run out of other peoples money'.

Wonder who penned that line? wink.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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I get attacked on this forum for being an old white man.

I'm wondering where all the liberal outrage is that the Democratic lineup consists of four old white men and one old white woman...and all of them political hacks.

Hardly an endorsement for diversity.

The Democrats know it's a pretty pathetic the field they're presenting but it's all they have.

'Socialism is a great form of government until you run out of other peoples money'.

Wonder who penned that line? wink.png

Compared to what...the Republican clown-car?

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Strong debate is a warning to the GOP?

Are we completely delusional here or what?

HRC spun her ususal untrouths (aka, lies) and we assume that it's going to wash?

Well, perhaps, among the LIVs it will...wink.png

What lies were those then?

The ones that the Benghazi special needs committee have er.... oh, they haven't.

Oh, you mean the ones the FBI have.... oops, nope, not them either.

You're going to have to elaborate.

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Strong debate is a warning to the GOP?

Are we completely delusional here or what?

HRC spun her ususal untrouths (aka, lies) and we assume that it's going to wash?

Well, perhaps, among the LIVs it will...wink.png

Thank you for the view from out there. gigglem.gif

A billion political light years away from mainstream electorate.

May you get only a Rino to vote for in the general. smile.png

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