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90 day report for wife can i skip and just do extension

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well i am sure this has come up before but i will ask again . my wife was due for her 90 day report in august 2015, She left the country on may 20 th 2015. was gone until july 23rd 2015. we both went in to do our 90 day report in august, but they told her she did not have to do one until 90 days from her re entry date . i am retired on extension for retirement . she is my dependent , she also had a multi entry permit same as my self . Anyway i did my report on line and as i said they told her not until oct 21st is the 90 day date. mine is the 25th of oct. our retirement extension is up on november 18th . so she tried to do hers online and was rejected ??? no reason given ,

so my question is can we skip her going in to do her 90 day and just do the retirement extension for both of us on the 20th of oct? really dont want to go to CM IM twice with in 30 days . thanks for all the help

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She could do her report up to 7 days late including the report date in the count.

If you are ready to do it you could do your extension on the same day you do your reports. Immigration will allow you to do your extension 30 days early.

If you don't do the reports you will be fined 2000 baht each.

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She could do her report up to 7 days late including the report date in the count.

If you are ready to do it you could do your extension on the same day you do your reports. Immigration will allow you to do your extension 30 days early.

If you don't do the reports you will be fined 2000 baht each.

so she will have to do her 90 report due oct21 and then we can do extension after that or on the same day ?

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You MUST do the 90 report even if you do the visa extension - they are totally separate requirements. Getting a new visa extension does NOT cover you for doing a 90 day report.

Because your wife left the country she may have to do her first new 90 day report in person, not on-line.

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As long a s your her report is no mare than 7 days late and your application for a retirement extension is no more than 30 (45*) days early you can do both on the same day.

* I can't confirm but I believe CM will allow you to renew up to 45 days early.

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I'd just get all your paperwork together and apply for the new exstention on the 15th or 16th of Oct. Now, depending on where you are and who you deal with and if they are nice, you could get your "30-Day Pending" stamp which would effectively reset both of you for your 90-Day report(s) and resync yourselves at the same time. smile.png I just did this with my marriage extention. They told me not to worry about the 90-day because of the application and the pending stamp. They would do everything when the approval came through. And, they Did!

ETA: Hope it's OK to give a shout out to Chocheansoa Immigration for always being 100% decent and helpful. :D

Edited by mrwebb8825
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You MUST do the 90 report even if you do the visa extension - they are totally separate requirements. Getting a new visa extension does NOT cover you for doing a 90 day report.

Because your wife left the country she may have to do her first new 90 day report in person, not on-line.

as I posted earlier - the new 30-Day Pending stamp on non-O visa/extentions is a new thing that does seem to superceed the 90-Day. Or maybe I just got lucky and have a great IO to work with. wai.gif

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well i think we will do it or try in the same day . i dont know if cm dose the 30 day pending or not she will do her 90 day , be in line for that ill be in extension line get 2 numbers her and mine if i can ,she should be done long before me . and then do extension for us both ,i hope . if we have to come back do we need to get a Q number again to pick up finished extensions

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She could do her report up to 7 days late including the report date in the count.

If you are ready to do it you could do your extension on the same day you do your reports. Immigration will allow you to do your extension 30 days early.

If you don't do the reports you will be fined 2000 baht each.

At Phuket Immigration they automatically do the 90 days at the same time as your extension. A pleasant surprise.

Edited by Farang99
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You MUST do the 90 report even if you do the visa extension - they are totally separate requirements. Getting a new visa extension does NOT cover you for doing a 90 day report.

Because your wife left the country she may have to do her first new 90 day report in person, not on-line.

As I recently experienced, avoid the 2,000 Baht by doing the 90 day report at the same time. For some reason, I was under the impression the extension obviates the need for the report. Wrong! I won't make that mistake again.

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