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New 2015 iMac's


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Keeping my Macbook Air, which I love. If I needed a large screen display, I would buy an external display to connect to my Macbook. My wife already operates this way with my older Macbook Pro and external display. I need to remain mobile, and don't want to have 2 computers.

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I refuse to buy any Apple product. They are a company without morals.

Oh I'm not so sure about that... One of the Morals appears to be... supply the consumer with the highest quality product...

Of course, many will disagree... however, I use both a Windows PC (for work) 2, of them actually, and a MacBook for personal use... I have many more issues with the Windows OS crashing, hanging, requiring updates etc... its just a pain in the neck.

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I refuse to buy any Apple product. They are a company without morals.

Oh I'm not so sure about that... One of the Morals appears to be... supply the consumer with the highest quality product...

Of course, many will disagree... however, I use both a Windows PC (for work) 2, of them actually, and a MacBook for personal use... I have many more issues with the Windows OS crashing, hanging, requiring updates etc... its just a pain in the neck.

Your understanding of the meaning of "moral" is questionable as is Apple's corporate behaviour.

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The New I-MACS have not moved on much in the past two years as Intel makes its evolutionary moves in small steps. They are good performance machines and should be at these prices.

These are great for dummies who can't fiddle with the nuts and bolts. The 5K Retina screens are very good but practical only for gaming because at maximum resolution text viewing is very uncomfortable.

I don't believe that these latest models have been fitted with Skylake CPUs unless someone knows different.

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Not just no, but hell no.

I've got 4 computers, and even the 11 year old Dell laptop will get the job done, especially considering I'm running Linux on it instead of, <gag>, Windows. And none of my computers have been expensive or top-of-the-line. Moore's law and economics: Five years from it's initial manufacture date, an Acer computer that I choose to purchase on the cheap in the future, will be 4 times as powerful and 1/4 the price of the one manufactured 5 years earlier. I don't need top end equipment - it's all relative to what I have now.

Macs are a nice machine if you have the money to shell out for one. You'd think that they'd be cheaper considering the slave labor the dirt-cheap, cost of manufacturing in China. But, executives and stockholder need their millions $$$ and billions $$$$$$. And debt-ridden consumers need the latest and greatest, never being happy with what they have already.

Enjoy standing in line with the other clones. If you're in the US, if you wait until Nov 27th, Black Friday, maybe you can club, stomp, and fight your way into a 'big box store' and get to one of the two or three 2015 iMacs on sale.

Black Friday: the day I sleep in and then wake up and have a turkey sandwich breakfast. Then I wait until Dec 24th to do my Christmas shopping with all the other guys who know exactly what they want to buy, walk into the store, make their purchase, get it wrapped, and go have a micro-brew and a game of pool with the guys.

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Wouldnt buy one. They are over priced and too restrictive in what you can do with them

Can you provide an example of what you can't do on a Mac, but can on your computer of choice?

As for price, well, You get what you pay for; and a macbook pro price is comparable to a similar spec'd top brand PCs - Alienware, Thinkpad, jeez even microsoft's recently announced laptop in top spec runs at 3000+ dollars....

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One of the biggest rip of companies in the world today. Really, what is so special about a Mac that justifies the price and lack of true service.

In house software development makes them very stable, detail and quality build, the machines come with much added software therefor eliminating the need to find and download, no need for virus protection, though Microsoft do offer a free virus protection which i swear is better than norton.

Apple products especially there Macbook Pros hold there value very well, in my experience they don't stop working, After sales service is excellent, Apple care is avaliable, Apple phone, tablets and pcs are now linked, what you do on one will show up on the other.

I have an iMac on my second iPad an Air 2 and 3rd iPhone, daughter has my old iPad her partner my 4 I've kept my 5 and have a 6+ now....there all still working fine, only problem I've had is i dropped and damaged the glass screen on my 5 and had to have it replaced mind you I'm a builder and its fallen many times on to concrete slabs.

I also have 2 windows laptops one is a Dell high end i bought in 2011 set me back quite a lot, so far under warranty i had to have the 1TB hard drive replaced and it crashed not long after warranty was over, back light keyboard went at 3 ys, battery died just after warranty ceased, I've had to have windows reinstalled at least 3 times due to the crap I've picked up like malware and viruses.

Bought my iMac at end of 2012.....no issues at all with it in fact no issues with any of my apple products, thats what keeps me paying a premium.

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