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SURVEY: Do you agree with the police being given financial rewards?


Do you believe the police should be allowed to receive financial rewards?  

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The Royal Thai Police are very underpaid!

On graduation after 4 years of study at police academy, they will have to spend 100,000 baht of their own money for kit that that will allow them to do their job. (Gun, ammunition, uniforms, laptop computer, printer and everything else are expensive)

In the west, police forces are given guns, computers and uniforms for free along with generous salaries benefits.

40 years ago the Singapore police were paid on a similar level to Thai police officers. It didn't work and they were corrupt to a similar level in other ASEAN countries. The government found out that by giving a real salary and real benefits they got an honest result.

Once the RTP are given a real salary and conditions their attitude and work ethic will also change.

Financial rewards in the form of a real salary and conditions are a necessity!

The question should be, if the salary is so low and and they have to pay everything out their own pocket why did they opt to be RTP?

My guess is their interest was not enforcing the laws of the kingdom,

Giving them a higher salary will not change their work ethic, i also believe reform is not an option,

Hong kong had a similar problem, better to look at their method of tackling this problem

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The Royal Thai Police are very underpaid!

On graduation after 4 years of study at police academy, they will have to spend 100,000 baht of their own money for kit that that will allow them to do their job. (Gun, ammunition, uniforms, laptop computer, printer and everything else are expensive)

In the west, police forces are given guns, computers and uniforms for free along with generous salaries benefits.

40 years ago the Singapore police were paid on a similar level to Thai police officers. It didn't work and they were corrupt to a similar level in other ASEAN countries. The government found out that by giving a real salary and real benefits they got an honest result.

Once the RTP are given a real salary and conditions their attitude and work ethic will also change.

Financial rewards in the form of a real salary and conditions are a necessity!

The question should be, if the salary is so low and and they have to pay everything out their own pocket why did they opt to be RTP?

My guess is their interest was not enforcing the laws of the kingdom,

Giving them a higher salary will not change their work ethic, i also believe reform is not an option,

Hong kong had a similar problem, better to look at their method of tackling this problem

I wonder how many times starting with the 'I'm going to join ' stage through recruitment interview to basic training recruits are told not to worry about the low salary because ... !

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In many sectors of the industry giving financial rewards for doing the work faster or saving costs goes against safety: offshore drilling (BP disaster in the gulf of Mexico being one of the many examples), construction sites, transport industry (trucks,boats, commercial aviation etc...) and many others. In the case of the Thai police it will encourage policemen to accuse innocents and fabricate evidences even more to get the rewards.

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Rewards should not be paid to people for doing their job. Can you imagine if teachers were paid based on the grades they gave their students? You can bet there would be some major cheating, some very easy exams and other abnormalities.

Poor wages is not an excuse for corruption and rewarding them for doing their job means that they are likely to arrest people for the reward, not because they are guilty. There's already some indications that they arrest the wrong people on purpose.

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Bonuses for good performance are fine, but not for the police. Apart from the unseemly mercenery effect it creates when done in public, it creates a moral hazard whereby police will come to expect payment for results, making them more likely to fake results. And as everyone knows, in Thailand it is normal to exploit one's position for personal advantage - it's the system. In the rest of the world that is called corruption but here it is normal.

Many countries went through the same stage but grew out of it as society levelled. In Thailand, the past never seems to end. The ruling class still have an institutionalised grip on the nation, body and soul, with every institution designed to perpetuate the advantage that the ruling class have always had (they are now redesigning the constitution to make it 'official'). The invisible political networks that engineer this system need to be broken, but that can't be done by decree (the decree makers are part of the system), only by evolution. With the nascent democracy now stamped out, it will take much longer, and we can expect normalised corruption such as these payouts to get worse.

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They need to sack all the dead wood and pay the remaining ones a better salary. The total salary budget us probably not far off if they got rid of all the "passengers." Deduct the time spent in collecting bribes and protection money and there would be enough man hours to do a real job for a real salary. Question. Who would have the gonads to start the ball rolling?

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As a guest in a foreign country with no rights to vote so therefore I can not nor would I want to comment on things I have no control over. So why is this question being asked of mainly ex patts who can do nothing to change the law or culture of the land they decided to live in.

Ok I take back the no wish to comment but the no right bit stands. When the bankers managed to bring the world near as dam it to its knees was that not corruption lining there own pockets taking from the people they were supposed to serve. When Fifa officials lined there own pockets to award World cup to countries who should never have received them is that not corruption leaving the people who they serve to fork out even more money to be able to see there team. When doing business isn't it customery to take clients out and wine and dine them or to put it simply to bribe them with food and drink to win contracts. Come on police all over the world are on the take as are politicians, so ok bash the Thai Police as they are easy targets here but think just for a second can you say you never took a back hander of any sort in your life.

The word blatant comes to mind. If your going to take bribes etc. be a bit more professional about it. At least make a show of good policing. As I have stated time and again I never see a BIB. Yes greed and crime are rampant around the world blatantly so.

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If they're going to get extra "rewards" for simply doing that which is part of their job description to begin with, then what sense does it make for them to be doing their jobs as a matter of routine when NOT getting the "extra"? The usual bureaucratic senselessness... The overwhelming portion of those participating in the survey apparently get this. Why don't the senior "professionals" in Thailand? If Thai police really aren't being paid a reasonable wage, then that's a problem. But this is definitely not the solution and just makes matters worse.

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It is an obscene conflict of interest.

It is a perfect example of the rampant corrupt culture that is the RTP.

All police should be fired, the system reformed and new officers hired.

No more paying for positions, no more tolerating, let alone rewarding corruption.

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It is an obscene conflict of interest.

It is a perfect example of the rampant corrupt culture that is the RTP.

All police should be fired, the system reformed and new officers hired.

No more paying for positions, no more tolerating, let alone rewarding corruption.

Quote It is a perfect example of the rampant corrupt culture that is the RTP. unquote. Please sir I do not think you should just single out the RTP. Do not heap all the blame on them. Spread it around a little. There's ample examples in the rest of the country for corruption tarnishing. Throw a dart at a list of government entities. Folks we have another winner!!!!

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No. But there will never be reform until the police are paid a decent salary with benefits. Even then? Look at how corrupt the cops are in the states, all they way up to the top and the "initials". I will say, I would have liked to have gotten the 20,000 USD reward offered for one of the punks I arrested once. Nope not gonna' happen. Fumbling Bureau of Idiots came and got him, not even an "atta' boy". I had a job to do, I did it, end of story. My reward was knowing a job well done.

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Of course they shouldn't, It defeats the whole ethos of what being a policeman is supposed to be about, however they should definitely be better paid, wont hold my breath waiting for that to happen though...

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Did my 30 years in a real police force (now called the police service). We accepted the modest salary and shit hours. No way should police be rewarded for doing the job they are paid for. The RTP are paid eff all money, but they do eff all work.

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everyone get's paid for the job they do , why not the cops?

Of course they do,the Metropolitan police often ring crime stoppers to receive their cash reward upon solving numerous crimes in the English capital London.

Not a lot of time for the Met, but if you have any evidence to back this up, the English press would pay you big money.

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The Royal Thai Police are very underpaid!

On graduation after 4 years of study at police academy, they will have to spend 100,000 baht of their own money for kit that that will allow them to do their job. (Gun, ammunition, uniforms, laptop computer, printer and everything else are expensive)

In the west, police forces are given guns, computers and uniforms for free along with generous salaries benefits.

40 years ago the Singapore police were paid on a similar level to Thai police officers. It didn't work and they were corrupt to a similar level in other ASEAN countries. The government found out that by giving a real salary and real benefits they got an honest result.

Once the RTP are given a real salary and conditions their attitude and work ethic will also change.

Financial rewards in the form of a real salary and conditions are a necessity!

Absolutely spot on. I have a few friends in the RTP. Ambitious sergeant with 10 years service, 15,000 baht month. Plodding constable/patrol officer, 20 years service, 20,000 month. Of course they need to top up their salaries. But compared to the army they are well off. Lt.Col in the army is on 20,000 baht a month.

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  1. If you work for a company and you do work above and beyond what is required you would normally get a bonus payment.
  2. Nothing wrong with police getting the same.

I work as a inner city firefighter in a large urban area, should i be paid bonuses for the fires i extinguish or the rescues perform? or it it in fact just part of my job description.

Theres not really any such thing above and beyond its just called good work . We are expected to give 100% and sweat blood when lives are on the line. I wouldn't expect someone who has never served to understand that.

I cant imagine a police officer or firefighter saying " yeah i could catch a rapist or save a life but i cant be bothered unless Im given a bonus"

Public sector and private sector are different.

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They have earned the ridicule, scorn and disrespect from those they serve. Seems time to dismantle, reorganize and rebuild from the ground floor, up. Singapore is a model what can be done when there is a political will for change.

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It is an obscene conflict of interest.

It is a perfect example of the rampant corrupt culture that is the RTP.

All police should be fired, the system reformed and new officers hired.

No more paying for positions, no more tolerating, let alone rewarding corruption.

Quote It is a perfect example of the rampant corrupt culture that is the RTP. unquote. Please sir I do not think you should just single out the RTP. Do not heap all the blame on them. Spread it around a little. There's ample examples in the rest of the country for corruption tarnishing. Throw a dart at a list of government entities. Folks we have another winner!!!!

He SAID it was an "example", and the TOPIC is about the reward taken by the RTP. So he's not "singling out" the RTP, just answering the question. You are correct; corruption is a national problem (not even limited to "government entities"), but the RTP is as good a place to start as any, esp. as they're high-visibility offenders and killing the tourist industry.

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