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Bangkok Police arrest Pattaya Beach 'Loiterers'

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Could it be that the order to clean up the area was mis-interpreted. What was suppposed to happen was chase away the dastardly looking ones, ex-the ghosts, old, no teeth ones with a better crop of providers(1000 bahters so to say).

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100 baht fine ,not much of a deterrent

It stinks of over-kill for, "suspected of engaging in illegal activities or loitering with intent to commit a criminal act"

So, let's see, they were hanging out on the beach road after midnight in a resort town. Meanwhile, cars and bikes were speeding, going the wrong way, and triple-parking without a fine.


When a country starts a real education system where kids are obliged to go to school and parents educated enough to send them, then these problems will start to go away. It's only poverty ( mainly) that puts them on the streets. I have seen, as I'm sure many of you have, how the workers who serve us daily in restaurants / hotels/ shops etc live. Seeing for the first time how some of the waitresses in my regular restaurant on Phuket lived nearly had me in tears. That was a long time ago and things haven't changed anywhere. They are not that much better off than the poor devils who work the construction sites ! When I was in Hua Hin I was so surprised to see the public bus arriving on market days full of poor people who didn't have shoes on their feet, and this was only 3 years ago. I'm quite sure none of them went to school. I see a lot of the small villages and rice growing country and the current system is only enticing young people into dubious jobs. Shame. And shame on the government.


"The detainees, consisting mostly of females suspected of engaging in prostitution, were taken to Pattaya Police Station and fined 100 Baht each before being released to presumably continue with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest."

Outstanding show of force and law enforcement!

Yeah, released. So they have to get back to Pattaya at their own expense after paying the fine, having lost a day of work. I don't think society benefits from this kind of thing. My opinion has been for many years that a good prostitute contributes as much value to society as a good plumber.

Problem is I cant find a good plumber!


Those who have been around long enough to remember will recall what a mess the beach from was before the city council spent millions landscaping and paving what was intended to be a public space.

What then happened was it was handed over to prostitutes, and their Johns. As if there is not enough space already allocated to these people.

The losers are the families, and people who want nothing to do with the sex trade, now excluded from using the beach front as it was meant to be when the city council spent their millions.

Arresting the prostitutes and fining them a few Bhat will not solve this problem - the police need to arrest and charge their Johns too.

There's plenty of bars in Pattaya, its surely not too much to expect a public beach front to be made a place where the general public and freely and comfortably make use of.


This is human rights violation first. How do they know they are intended to commit crime or prostitution ?

They are nice girls who offers room massage!

If Thailand has to arrest everyone, about 20-30% the population will be in jail.

if Thailand arrested everyone, 100% would be in jail...


Again? I guess since all crime has been eliminated in Bangkok, they had to find something for cops to do. Or maybe needed to make a few arrests so could write off trip as a "business expense".

Do you think that the entire Bangkok police force was sent to Pattaya or do you think perhaps that a minute percentage were sent with the rest left to police Bangkok?


"The detainees, consisting mostly of females suspected of engaging in prostitution, were taken to Pattaya Police Station and fined 100 Baht each before being released to presumably continue with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest."

Outstanding show of force and law enforcement!

They were arrested and fined the amount that the law prescribes, what more do you expect the police to do?


This is human rights violation first. How do they know they are intended to commit crime or prostitution ?

They are nice girls who offers room massage!

If Thailand has to arrest everyone, about 20-30% the population will be in jail.

They didn't, that's why the women were only charged with loitering.


I seems I'm reading stories almost every week about tourists being pickpocketed, robbed, or beaten up by groups of ladyboys in Pattaya along the beach road.

How can rounding them up and discouraging them from sharking around for victims be a bad thing?

I was there for New Years a couple years ago with my wife and walked two blocks to a 7-11 alone and it was like trying to get through a swarm of gnats or mosquitoes.

I really doubt that it makes finding a hooker after midnight and in Pattaya that much more difficult. Does it?


When a country starts a real education system where kids are obliged to go to school and parents educated enough to send them, then these problems will start to go away. It's only poverty ( mainly) that puts them on the streets.

Rubbish, it is not poverty. They are lazy prostitutes. Wise up.


A few minutes of observation can give you a good idea of why people are loitering around a certain location.

If someone is watching for someone and not bothering people passing by, they're probably eating for a friend. Beach street is an odd location for dozens of people to rendezvous late at night though.

If they're women or ladyboys and they approach every single unaccompanied male who walks by and says

"Hello hansum man, where you stay? You want date, come with me, I love you long time ( or short time ), or if groups of LB's swarm around single men like bees and try to stick their hands in his pockets digging for cellphones or wallets, then it's pretty clear what their intent is. Don't you think?


At first I thought it was an article about the jet-ski touts that have set up shop on the beach boardwalk, or better yet, the loiterers that have taken over the pedestrian walkways, peddling their junkware.

This type of activity by the police seems more of a photo-op to show that they are doing "something". Those that can pay, or are part of the inner-circle, seem immune from police scrutiny.


When a country starts a real education system where kids are obliged to go to school and parents educated enough to send them, then these problems will start to go away. It's only poverty ( mainly) that puts them on the streets.

Rubbish, it is not poverty. They are lazy prostitutes. Wise up.

It is poverty. Do a distribution graph-majority come come poor areas of thailand, laos, cambodia, and japan. ok maybe not japan.............hahahahaha.


At first I thought it was an article about the jet-ski touts that have set up shop on the beach boardwalk, or better yet, the loiterers that have taken over the pedestrian walkways, peddling their junkware.

This type of activity by the police seems more of a photo-op to show that they are doing "something". Those that can pay, or are part of the inner-circle, seem immune from police scrutiny.

yes, seems ok if you are a jet ski scammer to set up with an umbrella and chair on the footpath but thai lady cannot, but many thai ladies them will tell farang to move away because they are working so its sort of amusing when you see the police taking them away


the police need to arrest and charge their Johns too.

oh right, so you are going to follow them back to their rooms and look thru the windows? you know its really not that big a deal if a man and women(gays as well) meet in a public space, its been happening for thousands of years, maybe even if kids see a man and women talking its not going to destroy the rest of their lives, and guess what, every one of your ancestors meet and did the naughty deed just so so could be born and have the freedom to write pompous self righteous crap on a public forum


A few minutes of observation can give you a good idea of why people are loitering around a certain location.

If someone is watching for someone and not bothering people passing by, they're probably eating for a friend. Beach street is an odd location for dozens of people to rendezvous late at night though.

If they're women or ladyboys and they approach every single unaccompanied male who walks by and says

"Hello hansum man, where you stay? You want date, come with me, I love you long time ( or short time ), or if groups of LB's swarm around single men like bees and try to stick their hands in his pockets digging for cellphones or wallets, then it's pretty clear what their intent is. Don't you think?

sort of true but in general the women on the beach dont approach people, and what if they do? its not illegal to talk to strangers last I heard, but generally in my experience the women are polite and not pushy. cant say the same for the boys in dresses tho


"The detainees, consisting mostly of females suspected of engaging in prostitution, were taken to Pattaya Police Station and fined 100 Baht each before being released to presumably continue with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest."

Outstanding show of force and law enforcement!

Yeah, released. So they have to get back to Pattaya at their own expense after paying the fine, having lost a day of work. I don't think society benefits from this kind of thing. My opinion has been for many years that a good prostitute contributes as much value to society as a good plumber.

the police station is on the beach road so about 10 meters to get back to the office 555


This is serious work for Thai police but a huge joke to the rest of then world, when there are more serious crimes and crimes of corruption going on within officialdom throughout the KIngdom. It's all about "face", not reality, unfortunately whistling.gif


OK....so now if you want to meet any of those "Loiterers".......just meet them in front of the police station....as that is where all of them will be.



the police need to arrest and charge their Johns too.

oh right, so you are going to follow them back to their rooms and look thru the windows? you know its really not that big a deal if a man and women(gays as well) meet in a public space, its been happening for thousands of years, maybe even if kids see a man and women talking its not going to destroy the rest of their lives, and guess what, every one of your ancestors meet and did the naughty deed just so so could be born and have the freedom to write pompous self righteous crap on a public forum

Absolutely true...I concur.

However the police would be justified in their actions if all too many people are filing complaints about being pick pocketed or drugged and robbed or experiencing unwarranted harassment or aggressive soliciting from the lady boys ( some, not all )......so....police presence should be there if anything.



Anyone notice the preponderance of interactions with these dubious ladies are Indian groups of boys. I wonder what the topice of conversations is?


100 baht fine ,not much of a deterrent

More akin to a reward for immoral behaviour

More like a tax on criminal activities. I wonder if the Bangkok police issued an official receipt?

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