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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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Hey all, I'm the guy who was interviewed. Just clearing up a couple of things...



It's true there's not much in reserve for downswings, but at the time of writing I've got $350 online, which is 35 buyins at the stakes I play - this would typically be seen as adequate by most players at $10 buyin games. I'm hoping I can grow this figure over the next few months, naturally.

I think its best you go home to marry the lovely Indian girl your parents have lined up for you............hahahaha!

Jspill writes -He's not doing this long term, just a few months then back home to start a job.

Why does Jspill say you going back home? something not adding up. I call troll.

Are you going to leave the Thai girl up a creek without a paddle?

Jspill posts on a poker forum where I've made a thread about my situation - in that thread I explained I have a job lined up for Sep 2016, which is why I'm going home then.

If you mean 'leave her up a creek without a paddle' as in 'leave her living in the same place and doing the same stuff as she previously was before I came to Thailand',

So your gf was gainfully employed as a beverage worker? And now she plays HOUSEWIFE? The math just doesnt add up.

Its just silly to claim $300 is a fair amount to live in Thailand.

You know, just an observation, but tell anyone his girlfriend is a hooker, to his face, away from your keyboard...and your face will be eating the dirt. Just an observation, of course.

My girlfriend goes out to work Monday-Friday, just like most of the world does. No, not in a bar, not in Soi Cowboy, not in Nana, just a normal job working as a receptionist at a company in Silom. I take it your girlfriend doesn't work, on account of you being an ATM for her...certainly isn't your sparkling personality that keeps her around, is it?

Get this for an idea Nomyai...two people...living in the same room...both working in different jobs. Wow, crazy idea I know.

She knows full well I'm going back to the UK next year. However, we do get a little thing called 'annual leave'. I've heard during that time, one can even get on an aeroplane and go to Thailand for a holiday.

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From your postings @ poker forum you only dealt with bartender type girls.....hahahaha.

You may not be the guy who went to Aus to pick onions for a living. Theres just no humour in your postings.

Edited by Nomyai
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I can live on 300 euro month in Europe. No rent. No kids. No health issues. No addictions. No car. And professional bargain hunter when I need something. Haven't bought 1st hand clothes in the last 10 years. I feel great buying discounted food deliberately. Consumerism is a disease anyway. I have all I need. And this guy seems to have it too. For now.

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From your postings @ poker forum you only dealt with bartender type girls.....hahahaha.

Let's have some proof of this in the form of quotes/screenshots.

Did you go by the handle PE Elbow? if not i apologize. He s a legend there.

You not him ...sorry pal.

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From your postings @ poker forum you only dealt with bartender type girls.....hahahaha.

Let's have some proof of this in the form of quotes/screenshots.

Did you go by the handle PE Elbow? if not i apologize. He s a legend there.

You not him ...sorry pal.

Username is grinder4all on the poker site, same as here.

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No connection to afarangabroad or something? okie dokie!

No attempt at nude modeling?

No picking onions in AUS?

SORRY! you a guy the loser interviewed. I dont take these forums seriously-lotta non-sense.

My sinceerst apologie! Now go home and make some money!

Your gf needs better housekeeping skils.

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with 300 $ you live better in Thailand than with 2000$ in the states.

in the USA you need at least 3000.

There has to be a lot of assumptions built into that claim! Comparing like with like - money arriving from passive investments - I'm pretty sure I could live in the US on three grand more comfortably than on a tenth of that anywhere else. I think it's important not to overstate. A single person can live in a really nice apartment and eat well - cooking for themselves most of the time - for $300.

For ten times that in the states you'd be living much larger, even in an expensive city. I was staggered as to what you get as a townhouse in central Houston for a comparatively modest rent. Gated community, two bedrooms (one massive, with a dressing room like a studio flat), air-con throughout.

No - $3,000 is serious moolah. It's Central Market/Whole Foods money smile.png

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I can live on 300 euro month in Europe. No rent. No kids. No health issues. No addictions. No car. And professional bargain hunter when I need something. Haven't bought 1st hand clothes in the last 10 years. I feel great buying discounted food deliberately. Consumerism is a disease anyway. I have all I need. And this guy seems to have it too. For now.

There must be a trick here on housing costs? Europe? Romania/Bulgaria? Distressed part of Spain?

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I can live on 300 euro month in Europe. No rent. No kids. No health issues. No addictions. No car. And professional bargain hunter when I need something. Haven't bought 1st hand clothes in the last 10 years. I feel great buying discounted food deliberately. Consumerism is a disease anyway. I have all I need. And this guy seems to have it too. For now.

There must be a trick here on housing costs? Europe? Romania/Bulgaria? Distressed part of Spain?

He said no rent, I'm assuming that means homeless, which is not that bad a gig depending on where you are...

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I can live on 300 euro month in Europe. No rent. No kids. No health issues. No addictions. No car. And professional bargain hunter when I need something. Haven't bought 1st hand clothes in the last 10 years. I feel great buying discounted food deliberately. Consumerism is a disease anyway. I have all I need. And this guy seems to have it too. For now.

There must be a trick here on housing costs? Europe? Romania/Bulgaria? Distressed part of Spain?

He said no rent, I'm assuming that means homeless, which is not that bad a gig depending on where you are...

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I can live on 300 euro month in Europe. No rent. No kids. No health issues. No addictions. No car. And professional bargain hunter when I need something. Haven't bought 1st hand clothes in the last 10 years. I feel great buying discounted food deliberately. Consumerism is a disease anyway. I have all I need. And this guy seems to have it too. For now.

There must be a trick here on housing costs? Europe? Romania/Bulgaria? Distressed part of Spain?

Try Mediterranean countries.

Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, avoiding big cities, about 100 euro a room.

Bulgaria/Romania/Eastern Europe, cheaper in some areas.

Western Europe no way. France, UK, etc unapproachable for low incomers who mostly depend on benefits.

My 2000 bht rent equals to 50 euros now so I guess Thailand is still ok in many aspects if yr willing to live that way, count me in!

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I can live on 300 euro month in Europe. No rent. No kids. No health issues. No addictions. No car. And professional bargain hunter when I need something. Haven't bought 1st hand clothes in the last 10 years. I feel great buying discounted food deliberately. Consumerism is a disease anyway. I have all I need. And this guy seems to have it too. For now.

There must be a trick here on housing costs? Europe? Romania/Bulgaria? Distressed part of Spain?

Try Mediterranean countries.

Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, avoiding big cities, about 100 euro a room.

Bulgaria/Romania/Eastern Europe, cheaper in some areas.

Western Europe no way. France, UK, etc unapproachable for low incomers who mostly depend on benefits.

My 2000 bht rent equals to 50 euros now so I guess Thailand is still ok in many aspects if yr willing to live that way, count me in!

Crete's an option, but you can't eat out. But EU, warm and cheap rent.

[sorry, I should pay more attention. If you say "No rent" because you own somewhere you are actually paying rent. You are, as an accountant will tell you, your own landlord and tenant. You are - effectively - giving up the rent you could obtain if you rented the property to someone else.

So people who own a property pay rent, often huge sums.

Edited by Craig krup
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If I could afford it I would move to Portugal , nice , friendly people and great climate.

Still very cheap compared with the rest of the EU. And a lot of people speak english there.

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Interesting topic. I have enjoyed reading this thread. I know there is a lot of talk on this thread about people living on X baht/month and happy doing so. However, I would guess that the majority of people living on 10000 ( or 20000) baht/month would like it if they had more.

Yes, I grew up without much (had an outdoor bathroom until I was 10, and I am not that old now! LOL). I am sure that the cost of living was very cheap for my parents. I am also sure that they would have liked to have more money to live a bit more comfortable life.

It is not the fact that you HAVE to spend money. It is the fact that you have money if needed. Living on a minimum income means no money for anything out of the ordinary.

There was another similar thread where a poster made a very good observation. He said that he spends X amount of rent, food, etc, but makes his monthly budget double that to account for unexpected things (visa runs, car repairs, health emergencies, etc.). For me, having access to proper health care (via insurance or having the money) is super important. I know people talk about how one can get care at a government hospital, etc., but I have seen first hand enough not to agree with this.

I had a friend who was in a car accident and got glass in his eye. The ambulance took him to a government hospital where he sat unattended for 2 hours because they were too busy. He was finally taken to a private hospital where he got good care. However, he will lose his eye. Was it due to the 2 hours sitting unattended at the government hospital? maybe yes and maybe no. However, it is not a risk I am willing to take. :)

Anyway, I applaud those like Grinder4All who are able to do it and are happy. But even so, I am sure he would be happy if he had a bit more money.

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"but it always amazes me why people choose to live such a life in a third world country"

What REALLY amaze me is why on earth do people from the first world ever step on the third world's soil.

Did YOU ever think about THAT?

Why? Really? Why do people move from rural Montana to Mid-town Manhattan or from Southside Chicago to Weeping Water Nebraska? There are a myriad of reasons why people do what they do. It all boils down to CHOICE. People have the freedom to choose what they want to do and where they want to do it. Moving to an underdeveloped country (Third World is a left-over phrase from the Cold War) could be for opportunity. Far more opportunity exists for an educated person in an underdeveloped nation. It could be for excitement, change of scene, getting away from personal problems, personal growth or just plain adventure.

How a person chooses to live is that individual's decision. What is good for him certainly may not be good for you. I prefer a very comfortable life style and can afford it. A friend of mine is extremely frugal (I decided not to call him a Cheap Charlie) and can start the week with 1000 baht in his pocket and will have 900 baht in his pocket by the end of the week, whereas I will spend the 1000 baht before the day is over. We both are quite content with the results. Choice. Each of us have it.

The only difference is the more you have the more choices of lifestyle. The less you have, you are sucking hind tit. People make do with what they have and what they want out of life. It is always need vs want.


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If I could afford it I would move to Portugal , nice , friendly people and great climate.

Still very cheap compared with the rest of the EU. And a lot of people speak english there.

Malta, Cyprus, Greece, all English speaking countries if we re talking about Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region in general.

Not the same with Portugal but overall it was ok. Nice people.

Southern France...expensive.

Try Mediterranean countries.

Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, avoiding big cities, about 100 euro a room.

Bulgaria/Romania/Eastern Europe, cheaper in some areas.

Western Europe no way. France, UK, etc unapproachable for low incomers who mostly depend on benefits.

My 2000 bht rent equals to 50 euros now so I guess Thailand is still ok in many aspects if yr willing to live that way, count me in!

Crete's an option, but you can't eat out. But EU, warm and cheap rent.

I adore Crete. Between Italy, Spain, and Greece I would pick Greece in a heartbeat. Rents have gone ridiculously low. The only issue is that you cannot find a job in case you need to. Personally I would choose Peloponnesus…sea & mountain combination. Did some random search for bargains there and came up with this ad below. It's from 2014 ...wonder about today's prices! Check the pics. Btw 150 euros per month? Less than 5900 thb? Damn

Recently constructed apartment full-floor apartment 120 sq.m. ('90's construction).

1st floor, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens. Renovation '10.







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with 300 $ you live better in Thailand than with 2000$ in the states.

in the USA you need at least 3000.

You must live in a high cost area of the US. $10,000 a year is easily possible(poverty line for 1) in much of the country. I can get a $325/month apartment in my hometown(aircon included). Add $150/month for food. Car is not required. Plenty live on even less. That kind of lifestyle would still cost less in Thailand though since you could find a decent apartment for $100 a month(1/3rd of us cost).

Edited by zierf1
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with 300 $ you live better in Thailand than with 2000$ in the states.

in the USA you need at least 3000.

You must live in a high cost area of the US. $10,000 a year is easily possible(poverty line for 1) in much of the country. I can get a $325/month apartment in my hometown(aircon included). Add $150/month for food. Car is not required. Plenty live on even less. That kind of lifestyle would still cost less in Thailand though since you could find a decent apartment for $100 a month(1/3rd of us cost).

In some cheap areas of the US it is possible to live well with $1,500 if you are retired, single, not using and maintaining a car, and not paying health insurance. Many people, too many, have that kind of income in the US working full time and without benefits, and in need of a car. That's living on the edge.

In Thailand many single people can have a secure life with a $300 income. Out of tourist areas, it is very common to find nice small apartments under $70/month. I live in a nice town, and just cross street our home in Phayao, it is a new building with nice furnished studios renting for $50/month, with free WIFI and water. Most rented by young couples and students. Good enough, even for some retired foreigners and teachers.

Using Government hospitals and schools, a Thai working couple can live very well using motorbike for transportation. I know many, and with kids, even saving enough for short vacations, and some "luxuries" sometimes.

Edited by BKResort
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People i actually read grinders interview. Look at his toilet area. disgusting. A western man should provide at least a decent toilet for his girl to defecate in..................lol. This $300 in thailand doesnt get you a life most want to live.

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

Im actually SpeEcHLesS!

If i were a thai girl id surely expect better toilet facilities from a western bf.

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In Thailand many single people can have a secure life with a $300 income. Out of tourist areas, it is very common to find nice small apartments under $70/month. I live in a nice town, and just cross street our home in Phayao, it is a new building with nice furnished studios renting for $50/month, with free WIFI and water. Most rented by young couples and students. Good enough, even for some retired foreigners and teachers.

Using Government hospitals and schools, a Thai working couple can live very well using motorbike for transportation. I know many, and with kids, even saving enough for short vacations, and some "luxuries" sometimes.

Indeed. Get out of the tourist areas, walk to the place, look as if you have no money, speak a little bit of Thai - Mee hawng wang mai? Du hawng dai mai? - and it's awesome.

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

Im actually SpeEcHLesS!

If i were a thai girl id surely expect better toilet facilities from a western bf.

And again - what has me being a westerner got to do with anything?

Given she's been living here years I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind, or at least is used to it.

Do you not agree both parties should contribute to a relationship, financially speaking? Where did you get this idea that it's whiteys job to provide everything? Wasn't Soi Cowboy was it...

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Get out of the tourist areas, walk to the place, look as if you have no money, speak a little bit of Thai.

Or have a Thai with you. That's how I found my 2000 baht place in Bangkok.

But it took plenty of "sorry, no farang can rent here" before that.

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