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TAT to spend 120 mil baht for New Year's countdown event


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TAT to spend 120 mil baht for New Year's countdown event

BANGKOK, 23 October 2015 (NNT) - The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) will spend 120 million baht organizing a New Year’s countdown event, in a bid to make the country more popular among travelers.

TAT Governor Yuthasak Suphasorn said a plan for the grand event is currently being discussed among stakeholders, and it will be proposed to the Cabinet for consideration in the near future.

The TAT Governor and Bangkok Governor M.R. Sukhumband Paribatra have initially decided on holding the celebration at Wat Arun Ratchawararam Ratchawaramahawihan. However, the TAT Governor implied that the location could change, citing the vague timeframe for renovations at the temple.

Major news agencies like BBC and CNN will be contacted to televise the countdown at Bangkok along with other iconic places around the world. Mr. Yuthasak said he was confident the New Year festivities would reinvigorate Thailand as a global tourist destination.

-- NNT 2015-10-23 footer_n.gif

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"The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) will spend 120 million baht organizing a New Year’s countdown event, in a bid to make the country more popular among travelers."

Just make sure they don't hold the event near any schools or universities where they can't sell any alcohol. Perhaps they can have the Swine Queen slide down the pole instead of the ball. TAT will make this a world class act like every other western custom they try to duplicate.

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No need to blow 120 millions baht to do the following...

You wan to make the country more appealing to travelers? improve road safety, less archaic

and confusing visa rules and regulations, lees cheating from service providers and merchants,

it will cost you a lot less and it will last you a lot longer....

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Let me guess it will be a Chinese theme, again...

Probably, for the farang New Year.

As an old man of 48, I avoid all crowds.

I'll watch it on tv (maybe) and stay off the roads/out of the carnage.

Edited by jaywalker
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It will, if they are VERY lucky, get 2-3 seconds airtime along with Sydney (long judged The NYE event worldwide) Paris/London/NYC, while everyone nurses hangovers, or sleeps through it.

It will take DECADES before NYE BKK pays off as an attraction in its own right, if ever.

If they had half a creative molecule they would run this simple equation past the world`: "BKK 24/7 = NYE 365" which is true, concise, and a lot cheaper than their 'mee too' stunt.

Oh the calamity!

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The temple is currently covered in scaffolding for repairs. They're planning on taking all the scaffolding down for the event, then putting it back up again. Ridiculous waste of time and money for possibly a few seconds of publicity on TV. If they really want this minimal publicity, why couldn't they have chosen a venue that isn't in the middle of renovation?

For that matter, why couldn't they put a ball on a pole on top of the Times Square building on Sukhumwit and have it drop at midnight? That sort of thing gets a lot of media coverage, and it would happen before the New York event, so people would think that Americans have copied Thailand. A win-win situation.

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TÂT one of the government's greater waste of funds staffed by many who can not qualify for any other spot at the trough on tax payer paid salary. They seem to compete with the Education group in minscule return on speding and foreign travel to appear doing something of intrest, but only for their selves.

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TAT actually might be on to something! After all, there’s not much else in the GMT+7 time slot other than Jakarta!

My question is, if it does go ahead at Wat Arun, where will local people gather to view the spectacular (I don’t think there’s too much standing room along that part of the river)?

Or, perhaps it will only be available to foreigners watching BBC or CNN?

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TAT actually might be on to something! After all, there’s not much else in the GMT+7 time slot other than Jakarta!

My question is, if it does go ahead at Wat Arun, where will local people gather to view the spectacular (I don’t think there’s too much standing room along that part of the river)?

Or, perhaps it will only be available to foreigners watching BBC or CNN?

Perhaps the "National Internet Gateway" will be playing up, in which case no one will see it !


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I wonder how much of the THB 120m will actually fund the event. After the consultants, organizing committee and every other person on the gravy train has taken his/her cut, there should just about be enough left for 2 rockets and a Roman candle.

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Note to TAT. You will have to stage multiple countdowns to get international news coverage. Don't forget scantily clad beauties. The Wat should make a nice backdrop for the debauchery.

Would scantily clad beauties make it TIT for TAT?

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No need to blow 120 millions baht to do the following...

You wan to make the country more appealing to travelers? improve road safety, less archaic

and confusing visa rules and regulations, lees cheating from service providers and merchants,

it will cost you a lot less and it will last you a lot longer....

hey....it's not Xmas yet. Wishlist comes later.

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If Sydney,Aust. spends 7 million on fireworks, and TAT has 4 million for 5 minutes. And most businesses make their money by selling tickets for events which are typically indoors. And everyone is outside watching the fireworks. Does that mean the customer buys a ticket for your business venue, go outside for 5 minutes, then come back in?

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Note to TAT. You will have to stage multiple countdowns to get international news coverage. Don't forget scantily clad beauties. The Wat should make a nice backdrop for the debauchery.

Don't quite know where they got the idea that the BBC, CNN and possibly others would Televise the whole shebang?

At best, it might get 30-45 seconds in a World Wrap of similar Countdowns. Do they think this is something new?

Waste of money!

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