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"Joker" biker gang harrasment.

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Last evening whilst walking home to my condo at the far (southern) end of Soi 4, Sukhumvit, I encountered two bikers in leathers and patches proclaiming they were "Jokers". I attempted to give them a wide berth, but one of them brushed off of my shoulder. He seemed very upset that I was in his way and turned around to confront me. He was ready to do me serious harm, but his friend stepped in and defused the situation. The one ready to asault me had obviously not earned his "patches" yet as his new leathers were almost bare apart from the "Jokers" motif. I think that maybe his friend told him that beating up on a 70 year old man was not the best way to earn his stripes.

Has anyone else had a similar problem with this or any other biker gang? I have previously met members of the "Jesters", and they seem to be good guys, and do charity and fund raising work.

Are Thai police afraid of these gangs, as they appear to do nothing to control them?


Had a serious problem with a "Joker" in soi 4 last weekend.. He made me spill my beer as I was laughing so hard at him falling off his bike.. They obviously can't walk properly either.


Yes the noms as they call them are the try hards. Go out of there way to try and be a hero in front of their mates. Their way of trying to get acceptance. Each to their own I guess


These local bike gangs are not really motorbike gangs, like the hardcore ones in the west.

But if you are intimidated, why not form your own. You can square off with them West Side Story style....might even get some internet coverage if you can get together a bunch of 80 year old guys covered in tats and wearing colors...


Yes the noms as they call them are the try hards. Go out of there way to try and be a hero in front of their mates. Their way of trying to get acceptance. Each to their own I guess


I think the word you are looking for is " Prospect "

There are lots of motorcycle clubs in Thailand and they all like to wear their colours but have yet to meet what you would call a Gang at any of the many motorcycle meetings I have been to throughout Thailand. I have never seen any inter club rivalry or animosity that you normally associate with Hells Angels / Outlaws / Bandidos at any of the meetings either. I think you just bumped into an A hole wearing some leather. Don't let it put you off motorcycle clubs though thumbsup.gif

There is an interesting look into the world of the Hells Angels on TV. The Outlaw Chronicles. A quick Google should bring it up and worth a look wink.png


<deleted> are out there in many forms..We don't know where or when we may face the brain dead.....

Forget it and move on bud....smile.png

As a general rule, I typically give a wide birth to any grown men who feel a need to wear costumes when they go out for a drink--whether its biker outifits or cowboy hats or any other Village People sorta thing.


Were they Thai or Farang bikers. I've seen a few bikers with patches mostly Thai but there has been different Farang ones also.

Saw a funny scene a while back with 4 or 5 Hells Angels going down the walk way in Silom early one morning. 2 were all beaten up. Looked like they must have tangled wit h Thai thugs.


I understand that if they are visiting falang gang bangers, they are on best behavior under agreement with the BIB. I know in the past there have been incidents and the gang bangers don't win against the BIB and spend time in jail here. They get no stripes or special recognition for this when they get out. I'm sure it is quite the opposite. But I am not in the know about these things, just recall from reading about it in the past.

But to the OP, if one of them thought targeting a 70 year old would make him a tough guy? I'm sure his mate did him a favor by setting him straight, what a dweeb!

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