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Don't join campaign to wear red, Yingluck tells supporters


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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Try reading what I wrote one more time. And do try to open your eyes to what the military's end goal is and then ask yourself if they had a finger in the unrest or not.

Open your eyes and stop pretending the Shins are totally innocent of everything, champions of free speech and interested in real democracy.

The list of convictions and outstanding charges against that family speaks for itself. (Unless you really are daft enough to believe they are all false?).

All the Shin violent intimidation - in 2010 and subsequently false flag ops?? All the shit and blood thrown at judges, the bombs and grenades? Sure, if you say so and it makes you happy. After all Thaksin and his pretty little sister both keep saying they are totally innocent and have never ever done anything wrong (compulsive liars often convince themselves of that).

Now they created the scenario that led to the military taking over, with elite backing. The promise of reconciliation, return to law, accountability and real democracy looks like a being a vision that will never be delivered. Lock down and control until events happen which necessitate the right people being in power and positions.

If only they hadn't been so obsessed with their criminal boss's whitewash (and their's too of course) all this could have been avoided.

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Red it is! Everyone should join in to show distain for oppression and support for freedom.

If you were around before, you would also find there was NO freedom, Did you notice the Shins freedom of press--TV ??? sorry you forgot to mention it.

BS! The press was much freer during the times when the electorate magnanimously was allowed to cast a vote. Was there intimidation taking place? Sure, but that was amateur hour compared to what's going on now - much less what they plan to do.

Ask the cartoonist who the Shin's set Tharit on because he dared make a cartoon of their pretty.

Or those journalists and media companies Thaksin sued because they dared to publish something he disliked. (A trick he learned from the late Mr. Lee).

Or the time they tried to get the Cyber police unit to warn people they would be tracked down and prosecuted for even just "liking" a negative comment about the Shins, not even actually writing it.

Amateur hour - <deleted> was it. And your feeble attempt to try and make it look meaningless is the same <deleted>.

Yes, I guess what they did was much worse than robbing people of their freedom and locking them up for "attitude adjustment" sessions. But you have already said you regard those illegal internments as something akin to a holiday so I'm not surprised.

Disgusted, but not surprised.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Try reading what I wrote one more time. And do try to open your eyes to what the military's end goal is and then ask yourself if they had a finger in the unrest or not.

Open your eyes and stop pretending the Shins are totally innocent of everything, champions of free speech and interested in real democracy.

The list of convictions and outstanding charges against that family speaks for itself. (Unless you really are daft enough to believe they are all false?).

All the Shin violent intimidation - in 2010 and subsequently false flag ops?? All the shit and blood thrown at judges, the bombs and grenades? Sure, if you say so and it makes you happy. After all Thaksin and his pretty little sister both keep saying they are totally innocent and have never ever done anything wrong (compulsive liars often convince themselves of that).

Now they created the scenario that led to the military taking over, with elite backing. The promise of reconciliation, return to law, accountability and real democracy looks like a being a vision that will never be delivered. Lock down and control until events happen which necessitate the right people being in power and positions.

If only they hadn't been so obsessed with their criminal boss's whitewash (and their's too of course) all this could have been avoided.

"Open your eyes and stop pretending the Shins are totally innocent of everything, champions of free speech and interested in real democracy."

The Shins are none of those things but that doesn't justify a coup. Simple as that.

"If only they hadn't been so obsessed with their criminal boss's whitewash (and their's too of course) all this could have been avoided."

I seriously doubt that this takeover could have been avoided. One way or another the old elite would have found a way to be firmly in control before the upcoming transition.

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She will be turned into a martyr by the Junta and is the only one in this debacle who comes across as calm, peaceful and has dignity

Martyr - more like a red tomato.

How can you think a woman who allows herself to be used by her criminal brother, who constantly lies, who is amply rich yet treats the poor with contempt, who even lied about people attacking her young son to gain sympathy has dignity.

She's probably to thick to realize, even now, what's actually going on. But ever the actress, she just does what big brother instructs. "Stay calm sis, don't worry, I'll be there shoulder to shoulder to look after you" rolleyes.gif

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She will be turned into a martyr by the Junta and is the only one in this debacle who comes across as calm, peaceful and has dignity

Martyr - more like a red tomato.

How can you think a woman who allows herself to be used by her criminal brother, who constantly lies, who is amply rich yet treats the poor with contempt, who even lied about people attacking her young son to gain sympathy has dignity.

She's probably to thick to realize, even now, what's actually going on. But ever the actress, she just does what big brother instructs. "Stay calm sis, don't worry, I'll be there shoulder to shoulder to look after you" rolleyes.gif

when I look at her, and when many Thais look at her, we don't see a great PM nor a great politician but see someone who has calm dignity amongst the baying wolves

dogs cannot bring down a lioness

they are turning her into a Martyr you will see over the coming years

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

You forgot about eating sandwiches in public !

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The list is getting longer.

Soon there will be more reasons not to go to

Thailand versus reasons to go to Thailand.

Can't wait to read new Posts

''I'm selling up and moving to Thailand permanently,

what should i do'' .......... buy a red shirt and wear

it through customs ?

I'm left speechless at the eroding security felt living

in Thailand, they really don't want us there, this is

not an off topic remark, it's a read between the lines

for future Thailand laws and policies remark, what

will the future bring, are we there yet?

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The list is getting longer.

Soon there will be more reasons not to go to

Thailand versus reasons to go to Thailand.

Can't wait to read new Posts

''I'm selling up and moving to Thailand permanently,

what should i do'' .......... buy a red shirt and wear

it through customs ?

I'm left speechless at the eroding security felt living

in Thailand, they really don't want us there, this is

not an off topic remark, it's a read between the lines

for future Thailand laws and policies remark, what

will the future bring, are we there yet?

I don't think we're even on the radar of the people who are running Thailand.

We are an utterly insignificant part of Thai society as far as they are concerned.They really couldn't care less. They have no interaction with foreigners, other than in conducting any international business they may be involved in. In that their egos are invariably massaged. They may also be aware of foreigners at the expensive international schools which they send their children to, but "aware" is probably as far as it goes.

Many if not most of us are married to/ living among the classes which they regard as mere serfs, and treat accordingly.

I really don't think they care whether we are here or not, or what we think, after all they don't seem to care what most of their own population think.

And for me, this lack of interest doesn't bother me one bit.

Edited by JAG
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wow, what a relief...

now I won't be mistaken as a "supporter" tomorrow.

Can't support such an acquiescent apologist anyway - even if she is the victim of a purge.

If she had stood up on May 22nd 2014 and said "this is an illegitimate and illegal coup", then I would have recognized someone with guts and integrity.

Didn't happen... Too bad. coffee1.gif

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

So you prefer the Shin style of dictatorship?

Bankrupting the country to enrich themselves?

Bringing the riot squad into parliament to remove the opposition party so they could pass a bill to clear 25,000 cases of corruption and allow their paymaster to come back to Thailand to finish stealing the country blind.

Or maybe the extrajudicial killings of several thousand people so he and the BIB can take control of the drug distribution in the country?

I see others have already given many more examples as well so I won;t need to include those here.

The country is safer than it has been for years. The amount of police and Gov officials arrested and charged for corruption is at an unprecedented level.

I will take this current situation over anything I have seen in Thailand in the last 15 years.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

So you prefer the Shin style of dictatorship?

Bankrupting the country to enrich themselves?

Bringing the riot squad into parliament to remove the opposition party so they could pass a bill to clear 25,000 cases of corruption and allow their paymaster to come back to Thailand to finish stealing the country blind.

Or maybe the extrajudicial killings of several thousand people so he and the BIB can take control of the drug distribution in the country?

I see others have already given many more examples as well so I won;t need to include those here.

The country is safer than it has been for years. The amount of police and Gov officials arrested and charged for corruption is at an unprecedented level.

I will take this current situation over anything I have seen in Thailand in the last 15 years.

"So you prefer the Shin style of dictatorship?"

You mean do I prefer Shins style "dictatorship" over real dictatorship? Yep!

"Bankrupting the country to enrich themselves? "

No doubt the Shins and friends benefitted hugely, but "bankrupting" Thailand? Aren't you being just a tiny bit of a drama queen?

"Or maybe the extrajudicial killings of several thousand people so he and the BIB can take control of the drug distribution in the country?"

That's a very serious allegation. Sources, please?

"The amount of police and Gov officials arrested and charged for corruption is at an unprecedented level."

win·dow dress·ing
  1. the arrangement of an attractive display in a shop window.
    • an adroit but superficial or actually misleading presentation of something, designed to create a favorable impression.
      "the government's effort has amounted to little more than window dressing"

"The country is safer than it has been for years"

On the surface, yes. But obviously you're unable to see the danger when the lid comes off - and it will come off.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

You forgot about eating sandwiches in public !

How about campaigning just before an election without receiving death threats?

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National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvari warned yesterday that the authorities would take action against any red-wearing protest - if it was provocative.

Humm, how do you make wearing RED provocative? If enough people did wear red they couldn't possibly arrest them all. They would look foolish trying. Oh, they already look foolish.

hmm if your red mini skirt was too short, or if you are showing some shoulders they will send you to get your brain cleaned ....NCPO is getting ridiculous on clamping down on everything....they need to just chill out and not respond to everything out there

That is part of the " New Order" intervention Government ( it was not a Coup ...and remember that.......rather it was an intervention...... they will have you know )

And to think, many TV.com members in effect support this when they defend the present military rule government that keeps on granting itself an extended tenure....with no effective opposition or means to stop them.


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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

So you prefer the Shin style of dictatorship?

Bankrupting the country to enrich themselves?

Bringing the riot squad into parliament to remove the opposition party so they could pass a bill to clear 25,000 cases of corruption and allow their paymaster to come back to Thailand to finish stealing the country blind.

Or maybe the extrajudicial killings of several thousand people so he and the BIB can take control of the drug distribution in the country?

I see others have already given many more examples as well so I won;t need to include those here.

The country is safer than it has been for years. The amount of police and Gov officials arrested and charged for corruption is at an unprecedented level.

I will take this current situation over anything I have seen in Thailand in the last 15 years.

"So you prefer the Shin style of dictatorship?"

You mean do I prefer Shins style "dictatorship" over real dictatorship? Yep!

"Bankrupting the country to enrich themselves? "

No doubt the Shins and friends benefitted hugely, but "bankrupting" Thailand? Aren't you being just a tiny bit of a drama queen?

"Or maybe the extrajudicial killings of several thousand people so he and the BIB can take control of the drug distribution in the country?"

That's a very serious allegation. Sources, please?

"The amount of police and Gov officials arrested and charged for corruption is at an unprecedented level."

win·dow dress·ing
  1. the arrangement of an attractive display in a shop window.
    • an adroit but superficial or actually misleading presentation of something, designed to create a favorable impression.
      "the government's effort has amounted to little more than window dressing"

"The country is safer than it has been for years"

On the surface, yes. But obviously you're unable to see the danger when the lid comes off - and it will come off.

danger? you mean like children being blown up in the streets by RPG's and the police doing nothing to stop it? Yes, that would be very bad, let's hope that never happens.......again.

Haven't seen any of that happening since the current Gov took over.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Stopped ?? 'this mob' did the bulk of the murdering !!

the only reason there was conflict is one side refuses to accept the will of the majority or contest elections in a peaceful way and live by the results and will of the people !!

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wow, what a relief...

now I won't be mistaken as a "supporter" tomorrow.

Can't support such an acquiescent apologist anyway - even if she is the victim of a purge.

If she had stood up on May 22nd 2014 and said "this is an illegitimate and illegal coup", then I would have recognized someone with guts and integrity.

Didn't happen... Too bad. coffee1.gif

She was arrested and had no choice but has spoken out since

Much more damning is the SILENCE of Mark at the time and since and they call themselves 'democrats'?

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Stopped ?? 'this mob' did the bulk of the murdering !!

the only reason there was conflict is one side refuses to accept the will of the majority or contest elections in a peaceful way and live by the results and will of the people !!

What I remember is that both sides always respected the results of elections until one of the 2 sides tried to rewrite the Constitution for personal gains time after time. Correct me if I am wrong.

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But why has Thaksin, via his puppet, decided against a show of support? IMHO someone has pointed out that the hoped for sea of red might look more like a puddle. And that would prove the alleged wide spread support is nothing but propaganda.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Stopped ?? 'this mob' did the bulk of the murdering !!

the only reason there was conflict is one side refuses to accept the will of the majority or contest elections in a peaceful way and live by the results and will of the people !!

What I remember is that both sides always respected the results of elections until one of the 2 sides tried to rewrite the Constitution for personal gains time after time. Correct me if I am wrong.

You can't re-write the constitution but amendments are allowed in every governments. Needless to say, elected government will push amendments that are positive for them. But to get the amendment enacted is much harder. Example, previous government pushed for amendment for a fully elected upper house (applause) but was deemed unconstitutional by the court and was not enacted. The amnesty was pushed as a law not constitutional amendment and was withdrawn subsequently. Hope this help understanding. By the way, only a coup can shred a constitution and re-write a new one with their own appointed charter drafters and you know what that leads to.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

Many of the western countries, such as Germany, Spain and Italy were ruled by fascists not so long ago. Maybe it's nostalgia.

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If the Shin clan really had love for the Thai people- the fugitive criminal would come back to Thailand serve his time and vow neither he or his family will ever delve into politics or government ever again. The past Pm and her brother almost destroyed Thailand's rice export standing. Even now it is still in a recovery mode. They tried to manipulate the World price of rice in an attempt to make billions for themselves and their minions. In addition, the Yingluck government mishandled the floods which caused huge losses to the government and her lack of understanding in foreign affairs caused Thailand to lose a very important transfer of technology from the American National Space agency (NASA). How much more incompetent can one get?

I would not prosecute her unless there was evidence of corruption and direct gain. She and every member of her family should be banned from ever holding any type of government position .She is no martyr. She was used as a shill for a megalomaniac that refuses to put the country's interests above his own.

The junta came to power in an attempt to stabilize a violent situation that was spinning out of control. Non Thais need to stop viewing this situation from their Western mindset. If the current Pm can pull off his reform of Thailand's political unrest, cause some type of reconciliation and restore Democracy Thai style- he will have accomplished a miracle.. Western style Democracy is on its way out everywhere because it is actually materialistic capitalism and not true Democracy. Thailand , if successful, has an opportunity to correct the excesses that are destroying the West.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Stopped ?? 'this mob' did the bulk of the murdering !!

the only reason there was conflict is one side refuses to accept the will of the majority or contest elections in a peaceful way and live by the results and will of the people !!

What I remember is that both sides always respected the results of elections until one of the 2 sides tried to rewrite the Constitution for personal gains time after time. Correct me if I am wrong.

Just going to skip 06 are we ?? Or knocking elected officials out for the insanity of doing a cooking show ??

How many times one side claims that there were no checks and balances, and yet the overzealous use of checks and balances by a totally biased judiciary, is clear to see.

One side tried to go through the processes of a constitutional change.. Which causes howling and gnashing from the minority who cant get elected, and yet they simply shred the same 'untouchable' and sacrosanct constitution as it suits them.

Fact is the people have voted over and over for the party they wish to lead them.. consistently for almost 1 and half decades and 4 elections. If that party has platforms sections of the country dont like, fine, campaign against them !! but until your able to form a majority, your view is precisely that.. A minority view.

the old guard resisted healtcare, resisted rural development, demands 70 plus % of the countries budget for bangkok, and howled at crumbs being left for the majority who live in the rural areas.. The penalty for such greed and insistence on the entire pie for themselves is entirely obvious in a democratic system.

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But why has Thaksin, via his puppet, decided against a show of support? IMHO someone has pointed out that the hoped for sea of red might look more like a puddle. And that would prove the alleged wide spread support is nothing but propaganda.

Oh really ?? If so confident.. Why not simply have an election then ??

Because everyone knows who would win it.. and I get the feeling that number is growing with the ongoing miss management of the economic and social picture.

The Dems had a chance, after the constitution fiasco, the poorly implemented rice program, etc etc to actually campaign and appeal to a shrinking PT base.. To show the mistakes made and to come up with real rural development policies of thier own.. Instead they ran and hid, boycotted and supported the throwing of a reaql election because they were scared they would lose.. Any Democrat party doing that loses all moral right to the name.

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If I didn't know better- I would think LOS was describing the situation in America. That is exactly why all the old parties have got to go. None of them are capable of doing anything remotely to solve Thailand's divide. And that is exactly why a new Constitution has to be written with organic laws to stop all the excesses of the past used by all governments of every color for their own gain. At this juncture in history Thailand needs a strong leader who has the ability to make things happen. Forget about comparing Thailand to the West. The old style Democracy does not work well in the West and it sure will not work in Thailand.

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-No three finger salutes

-No reading of certain books in public.

-No wearing of red on certain days, etc etc.

And some westerners raised in democratic countries still support this heinous bunch!bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

If you call the above heinous crimes,what would you call Thais murdering other Thais,which this mob stopped.Get a grip.

Stopped ?? 'this mob' did the bulk of the murdering !!

the only reason there was conflict is one side refuses to accept the will of the majority or contest elections in a peaceful way and live by the results and will of the people !!

What I remember is that both sides always respected the results of elections until one of the 2 sides tried to rewrite the Constitution for personal gains time after time. Correct me if I am wrong.

Consider yourself corrected.

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