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Overstay since 2 years

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D4ZLLER, you will be okay at the airport. They may give you a bit of a grilling at least initially but I found them totally professional. You say that you are heading back home and from your post it seems to suggest that you are thinking that this means the end of your relationship. At the current time there is nothing to stop you from coming back reasonably quickly. I cleared a much longer overstay and flew to KL and returned 4 days later. The only change to that would be to get a visa rather than relying ob visa exempt entry.

Ty for the non holier than though reply Gilo, nice to hear sir.

Re. me tihnking it means the end of my relationship, if I thought this I wouldnt be going home, we have both been through hell in the past 2 years and thankfully come out the other side with my lady in good health. Im going home to rebuild and find a way for us to be together again.

All the nay-sayers and haters that spew at peoples situations here have never fallen on hard times. Someone replied saying they "were brought up to abide the law" and would never think of overstaying - I'm very happy for you sir that you have never fell on hardship and you're life is all rosy. Unfortunately not everyone is as fortunate as yourself, having said that If anything bad ever happens to you I'm thankful I would not be someone to judge you on a post in the forum.


Incorrect information as the rules have changed greatly. Unless you hire a laywer to negociate I think you will be banned for 3 years.

Your "Thinking" is Wrong!

There is, at present, NO Ban imposed for overstay.

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No sympathy from this side , why do you overstay in the first place? To save money or to escape 90 day reports?This is stupid in the first place and you make it harder for us people whom doing the right thing..Get your Shit together man.

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huawei, on 26 Oct 2015 - 19:25, said:huawei, on 26 Oct 2015 - 19:25, said:

People have been overstaying through the ages, hasn't really effected anyone else. I think those that could get other visas but kept doing border runs ( for whatever reason) caused more trouble, or those who get extensions to their retirement visas without the 800k in the bank etc..What I don't like about the overstay if you over stay initially and do nothing then you seem to be in no worse a position if you overstay for 5 years. Shit hits the fan here just like at home, we all make emotional decisions and sometimes not the most responsible decision under duress, compound that with money constraints..tough!

agreed but you have to be an adult and realise it will bite you in the arse eventually, all you need is to be knocked off your scooter bicycle etc to find out how it can bit you.

edited for grammar

Edited by sandrabbit
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Buy a ticket, go to the airport, pay the 20,000 baht fine and go home. I normally hate the sanctimonious responses that overstay threads in this forum elicit but you're the lowest of the low, in my opinion, if you attempt to 'hand yourself in' just to save 15,000 baht or so. It's not a great deal of money: For a 2-year overstay, your fine will work out at just over 27 baht a day. Man up, borrow the money and leave. And find out the flight costs yourself; don't be so damn lazy.

I'm always wondering how these type of people been able to support themselves for two years in a row, yet no money for a return ticket nor fine.

Nothing wrong with wondering but then, its really none of your business is it?

I bet I know, they don't support themselves: they are living off Thai models while their daddy sends them $25 a week.

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I'm always amazed that people have the nerve to overstay. I would be a nervous wreck if I overstayed by an hour! But than again I was brought up to abide the law and not to s#%t in my own nest....

I was too and decided all on my lonesome that worse than doing it on my own doorstep, is being a self-righteous chicken claiming to be law abiding if there's risk of getting caught.

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I have always wondered about these fictitious borders that we humans have created between 'countries' on this planet. On a map you see them all clearly but from space there are none whatsoever.

Anyway, I do not have overstay but I am musing here, how hard can it be to simply find a passage to a neighbouring country which is not an official border crossing point. Like walking through a jungle or something, it must be impossible to guard the entire border of a country

I don't agree or disagree with you from a philosophical point of view with respect to man made borders, but If the OP reads your post and decides to cross illegally into one of the neigbouring countries he should consider the problems he may face . It is possible to cross into Myanmar unofficially and let's just say I know from experience and leave it it that. Ok, now your are in Myanmar or any of the other neighbouring countries; how do you get back home or back into Thailand with an official (which is what you need) stamp without it costing more than 20000฿,if at all? Take the advice that many have already offered and find a way to come up with the 20K฿ and fly out.

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I have always wondered about these fictitious borders that we humans have created between 'countries' on this planet. On a map you see them all clearly but from space there are none whatsoever.

Anyway, I do not have overstay but I am musing here, how hard can it be to simply find a passage to a neighbouring country which is not an official border crossing point. Like walking through a jungle or something, it must be impossible to guard the entire border of a country

Hahah nice one! I agree completely!

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I keep seeing posters saying overstay doesn’t hurt anyone else. Didn’t the penalties for overstay just go up? Wasn’t the maximum fine for overstay much less not so long ago? It does hurt everyone. Our actions today to circumvent the rules cause a tightening of the rules tomorrow—always has, always will.

However, isn’t overstay, like so many other issues minor and otherwise, simply a result of someone trying to live here on a shoe string and getting caught with a bill they cannot pay? As is the case with overstay, most of the other issues are not a real problem, if you have money.

I know, when your young and bulletproof you believe you will never get sick, or in an accident and need medical care. Can’t you see, there are thousands of other life-costs that can catch up to you no matter how bulletproof you are. The odds of avoiding all of them are pretty slim.

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I have always wondered about these fictitious borders that we humans have created between 'countries' on this planet. On a map you see them all clearly but from space there are none whatsoever.

Anyway, I do not have overstay but I am musing here, how hard can it be to simply find a passage to a neighbouring country which is not an official border crossing point. Like walking through a jungle or something, it must be impossible to guard the entire border of a country

I don't agree or disagree with you from a philosophical point of view with respect to man made borders, but If the OP reads your post and decides to cross illegally into one of the neigbouring countries he should consider the problems he may face . It is possible to cross into Myanmar unofficially and let's just say I know from experience and leave it it that. Ok, now your are in Myanmar or any of the other neighbouring countries; how do you get back home or back into Thailand with an official (which is what you need) stamp without it costing more than 20000฿,if at all? Take the advice that many have already offered and find a way to come up with the 20K฿ and fly out.

True yes lol. If it was an overstay to a neighbouring country or one that was easy to access by land then it would be a different kettle of fish I guess. Curious about your Myanmar story, but yeah hush hush whistling.gif

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First it was ED visas with no education involved,

Then it was back to back chronic tourist visas,

Guess who's next to learn the hard way about ignoring the immigration rules.

The game has changed,

The worm has turned.

You have been dancing for two years,

Now it is time to pay the fiddler.

Good luck with that.

The rules are pretty simple and easy to follow, most of us do.

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I keep seeing posters saying overstay doesn’t hurt anyone else. Didn’t the penalties for overstay just go up? Wasn’t the maximum fine for overstay much less not so long ago? It does hurt everyone. Our actions today to circumvent the rules cause a tightening of the rules tomorrow—always has, always will.

However, isn’t overstay, like so many other issues minor and otherwise, simply a result of someone trying to live here on a shoe string and getting caught with a bill they cannot pay? As is the case with overstay, most of the other issues are not a real problem, if you have money.

I know, when your young and bulletproof you believe you will never get sick, or in an accident and need medical care. Can’t you see, there are thousands of other life-costs that can catch up to you no matter how bulletproof you are. The odds of avoiding all of them are pretty slim.

I think that's a fair point, but like you say they just raised the fine. Why not a ban on re- entry for a significant amount of time. Why take so much time to do so. It's an attitude that encourages people to ignore, if their situation is marginal.

You are only bullet proof in Thailand if you have a ton of money and connected " friends".

But overall of course yes it would be better if rules were followed, but a medical situation or a death of someone can sometimes throw people in a loop and some comments on here are unwarranted. If you have very little money, you tend not to know people ( like a lawyer ) who can help you.

People who keep chirping on how cheap it is to live here..are on a hiding to nothing..as you so rightly point out at the end.

Sometimes compassion is in order in certain circumstances.

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I think it would do you good to spend sometime in detention and mix it up with fellow law breakers. And it's true people like you make it difficult for law abiding people. Master the art of not dropping the soap in the shower before u turn yourself in. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson.

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I think it would do you good to spend sometime in detention and mix it up with fellow law breakers. And it's true people like you make it difficult for law abiding people. Master the art of not dropping the soap in the shower before u turn yourself in. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson.

What a really really helpful compassionate post I bet the OP is gushing with the love you give to him. Or what a plonker you are learn your lesson indeed hope no sorry I hope it happens to you someday and then please come back on here so we can share the love to you.

OP good luck mate

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