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A former comedian is elected president in Guatemala


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A former comedian is elected president in Guatemala


GUATEMALA: -- A former TV comedian with no previous government experience has won Guatemala’s presidential election.

Jimmy Morales cruised to victory winning over 72% of the vote promising clean government after a corruption scandal toppled the last leader.

He has given few indications as to how he might run the country – but he is known to favour low taxes and limited government.

Voters rejected his rival former first lady Sandra Torres who is seen by many as part of the country’s unpopular political elite. She quickly conceded defeated winning only 27 % .

Many voters see the comedian as a fresh start following nationwide protests that ousted President Otto Perez Molina . He’s been accused of leading a corrupt network of politicians and customs officials. He denies any wrong doing.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-26

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This reminds me of a long time ago in America when on the Smothers Brothers comedy show a comedian named Pat Paulson was running a mock campaign for president. His statement was "Why not. I am just as good as the other comedians running".

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Churchill was noted for his witty comebacks and remarks and proved to be one of the best statemen in decades and some say history. I alwways think of him as a comedian in his own right.

Hope this fellow proves half as clever and brings his country what the people hope for. He appears much better physical condition than many politicans which indicates personal self control 2which is a attribute not displayed by many in his line of work.

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A former 'Wild West' actor and host to the show Death Valley Days (brought to you by 20 Mule-team Borax) won the US Presidential election in 1980.


We could have done better in 1980:


Edited by connda
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