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Music for The TVF Brigades......


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Staying in regional mode.....Have some friends that live in the hills in Pai.....

Can't help but notice how stunning beautiful some of the Lisu women are....A different - enticing beauty....

The LTHT - Love The Hill Tribe brigade....

Elvis - There's Gold in the Mountains

"Love in the hills → I don't no city women with diamonds & frills"

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why don't we go back to 2003 when someone posted in reply to the 'love it or leave it brigade' who are famous for:


gimme a break...apologists and nascent falang yellow shirt supporters...

and, in keeping with the bombast and militarism inherent in such nonsense:

(very popular these days)

This was the song the band I played with back in the UK performed in my one and only television appearance.

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why don't we go back to 2003 when someone posted in reply to the 'love it or leave it brigade' who are famous for:


gimme a break...apologists and nascent falang yellow shirt supporters...

and, in keeping with the bombast and militarism inherent in such nonsense:

(very popular these days)

This was the song the band I played with back in the UK performed in my one and only television appearance.

you are a jive dinosaur...

and, in appreciation of the 'keep on rockin' brigade

allright...dinosaur indeed...

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why don't we go back to 2003 when someone posted in reply to the 'love it or leave it brigade' who are famous for:


gimme a break...apologists and nascent falang yellow shirt supporters...

and, in keeping with the bombast and militarism inherent in such nonsense:

(very popular these days)

This was the song the band I played with back in the UK performed in my one and only television appearance.

you are a jive dinosaur...

and, in appreciation of the 'keep on rockin' brigade

allright...dinosaur indeed...

What's a jive dinosaur?

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The Oxford Dictionary (latest edition) gives 2 definitions (urban legends) regarding jive dinosaur :

a. an elderly man who insists on dancing to songs with a fast or insistent rock and roll beat that should only be attempted by those of younger years or those supple in limb.

b. a person who insists on playing George Jones songs to those of a different generation or race regardless as to general appreciation

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why don't we go back to 2003 when someone posted in reply to the 'love it or leave it brigade' who are famous for:


gimme a break...apologists and nascent falang yellow shirt supporters...

and, in keeping with the bombast and militarism inherent in such nonsense:

(very popular these days)

This was the song the band I played with back in the UK performed in my one and only television appearance.

you are a jive dinosaur...

and, in appreciation of the 'keep on rockin' brigade

allright...dinosaur indeed...

What's a jive dinosaur?

A semi-extinct species that's still got rockin'......?

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gotta hand it to those little ones, jivin with those monsters.

We went to a park somewhere that had those things.....They liked to shadow you and sneak up at an angle....A creepy feeling.....Had me glancing over my shoulders walking around....Something in the feet makes them quiet....

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gotta hand it to those little ones, jivin with those monsters.

We went to a park somewhere that had those things.....They liked to shadow you and sneak up at an angle....A creepy feeling.....Had me glancing over my shoulders walking around....Something in the feet makes them quiet....

I reckon those dinosaurs are Filipino.

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possum, me old china...be assured that 'jive dinosaur' is term of endearment...

(tutsi is in Pigalle mindin' his own business and headin' toward de metro and some 'new age' type all tattoos and pierced nose rings grabs his shoulder and sez: 'hey, old man...come in and see our show...'...and then tutsi whirls and snarls: 'unhand me thou jive heathen!...' he probably never heard of Jeff Beck in his life)

keep on rockin'!...

(tutsi saw Willie Mae 'Big Mamma' Thornton a few times in LA and she always signed off with that line...)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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aw, shucks...just wantin' t'entertain as usual...

yeah...'ol Big Mama...she wrote 'Ball and Chain' that was popularized by Janis Joplin...just like 'Hound Dog' was by Elvis...

she died drunk and broke in squalor in south central LA...last time I saw her she could hardly stand up on stage...when Amy Winehouse did that near the end she was booed...

nobody booed Big Mama...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Big Mama - good stuff....

Back to the brigades.....

You see them all over Thailand....Usually the farther out the worse and more scraggly and forlorn they look → which is REALLY saying something - mostly your bus riding type crowd....Some look more clean - but those are probably legit tourists.....

The ever popular - and lost - FRF - the Free Range Farang brigade

→ looking alot like the dodging the 90 day brigade....But that's a tune for another time.....

Lizzy Borden/Born To Be Wild with a suitably matching video.....

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aw, shucks...just wantin' t'entertain as usual...

yeah...'ol Big Mama...she wrote 'Ball and Chain' that was popularized by Janis Joplin...just like 'Hound Dog' was by Elvis...

she died drunk and broke in squalor in south central LA...last time I saw her she could hardly stand up on stage...when Amy Winehouse did that near the end she was booed...

nobody booed Big Mama...

tutsi, are you still in the land of The Mad Mullahs, if so please say hello to my good friend Sid(iq), you may well know him as Brown N Coke, LOL.

I heard Amy wanted to do a tour of the dives of Riaydh but was refused a visa.

I hear Thursday night at The Flying Flip Flop, or Purple Thobe are rocking. LOL

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A brigade particularly prominent on the pub forum, they appear out of the blue, blaze a trail across the forum, opening multiple threads or replying within seconds to other posts or even their own, they're everywhere and nowhere,. and then just as suddenly,..... they're gone!

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