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Question about Thailand

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Temperatures are in Fahrenheit

There maybe are cities on other planets (that have intelligent life living in them) that have winters that are 60,70,80,90 degrees warmer than Bangkok and Pattaya winters. Some of those cities have record LOW temperatures in the 110s,120s,130s,140s,150s etc. My question how many of you all would jump at a chance to live in a place with winters that are 60,70,80 degrees warmer than Bangkok winters?? I know I would in a heart beat.

My next question is if some human like alien who was born and raised somewhere that never got below 130s degrees ever decided to move to Pattaya or Bangkok , would that human like alien complain about how 'cold' and 'frigid' Thailand winters are?? Surely moving somewhere 60,70,80 degrees colder even if it is Bangkok or Pattaya would surely be a big shock to the system and cause the person to complain about how cold and frigid Thailand is (compared to where they are from)

For me if i want warm winters, Bangkok and Pattaya wouldn't cut it.I'd want to live somewhere on another planet with winters 60,70,80 degrees warmer than Bangkok and Pattaya winters where i never have to worry about temperatures dropping below 120F.

See drake equation ,i am serious.

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Op obviously is an Alien who first landed in the US of A as he is using Fahrenheit (intelligent life would use Celcius.. tongue.png )

So BKK low in winter is average 27 Celcius (80 Fahrenheit) and OP is looking for minimum +60 Fahrenheit => 140 Fahrenheit which gives 60 degree Celcius...

Quod erat demonstrandum: OP not from this world, need to check his Visa situation in Thailand

case closed

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ssdmansjf csdv





z asdjvabsjdhvbljhbhjasbd






Precisely, your calculations are spot on, however I would add 1.5 degree fahrenheit to it to make it complete..

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ssdmansjf csdv





z asdjvabsjdhvbljhbhjasbd






Precisely, your calculations are spot on, however I would add 1.5 degree fahrenheit to it to make it complete..

allow me to disagree, the z asdjvabsjdhvbljhbhjasbd are in metric where you rssdmansjf csdv are in decibels thus infating the value of the defribilon by a magnitude of 100


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