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Sweden to hide refugee centres after several attacks


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Sweden to hide refugee centres after several attacks


STOCKHOLM: -- Sweden’s migration authorities have decided to hide the locations of buildings earmarked for housing refugees after attackers have set on fire more than a dozen prospective centres in five months.

Most of the buildings had yet to house anyone so no one has been injured.

Willis Aberg of the Migration Agency said: “Evacuation plans will be reconsidered and residents will be informed as to what to do and in some cases additional security will be set up. There are many elements needed so that the refugees can feel secure, which is what we want in the end”.

Anti-immigration sentiment has been growing in the country after it was announced that Sweden could expect 190,000 asylum seekers to arrive in 2015, which is more than double the prediction at the start of the year.

The populist Sweden Democrat Party which has seen a rise in its support was criticised last week for publishing a map listing the addresses of asylum centres.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-29

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I cannot help but feel anything but contempt for a country like Sweden for treating its own retired citizens like dirt. Old age institutions feed their pensioners worse than prisoners in prison. Sweden arranges for apartments and large hand-outs to immigrants/refugees whilst feeble, retired citizens live dismally, after having paid taxes for over 50 years.

Sweden loves the attention of basking in the glory of being such a Good Samaritan, meanwhile their own elderly citizens struggle to stay alive. Shame on Sweden.

BTW, I am swedish by birth, but thankfully have not lived there many years.

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Anti-immigration sentiment has been growing in the country

It's been growing in all of Europe. The "I'm more of a bleeding-heart than you" competition between the leaders of various countries will end at the next elections when regular people let their feelings be known, as in Denmark: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/19/danish-peoples-party-dahl-border-controls-election

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Ask the average Englishman about mass migration, they will say old England is gone forever, the theory is good, we are all humans , unfortunately the practice does not work out ......

Really the problem can only be resolved from where it comes from.

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Ask the average Englishman about mass migration, they will say old England is gone forever, the theory is good, we are all humans , unfortunately the practice does not work out ......

Really the problem can only be resolved from where it comes from.

If we ask the average Englishman, we should also ask the average Scotsman, Welshman and Northern Irishman. As for an "old England", the average Englishman dosen't live in the past. The average Englishman lives in the present and looks forward.

Unfortunately, your idea of the average Englishman is a fuitcake, loony, closet racist UKIP supporter.

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Ask the average Englishman about mass migration, they will say old England is gone forever, the theory is good, we are all humans , unfortunately the practice does not work out ......

Really the problem can only be resolved from where it comes from.

...the theory is good, we are all humans , unfortunately the practice does not work out ......
This is the sort of argument the proslavery camp in the U.S would have used to justify the practice of slavery.
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Lets see, the arguments for not showing humanitarian help to people fleeing from a war torn country are:

  • The European countries dont take care of their pensioners. Fully agree, but what exactly does that have to do with these refugees? Why not argue that point for instance when another 84 Billion Euros is being dumped in the bottomless pit called Greece?
  • All the refugees are thieves, criminals and will rape our daughters (and any slightly milder variation of this fable). So far hardly any problems with this group of refugees have been reported. Of course, some will say (as it is so nicely put by some member above) the press is being "gagged" so therefore we dont hear it. Anyone who thinks that the German, Swedish, Dutch, or Danish press is being gagged about something as hot of an issue (and which is the only thing all the right-wing islamophobes in Europe want to hear) is completely bonkers, or just fled from North Korea and is not used to freedom of speech yet,
  • Refugees only cost money! True, but we happily ignore of course that there are local Europeans who benefit from the presence of these refugees as well (especially in the retail), or that within the group of refugees from Syria, there are many who are very eager to work. "Yeah, but then they are taking OUR jobs", the anti's are screaming. I have read of many volunteer projects where refugees are now working. Most of them it seems, are absolutely not comfortable with holding up their hand.
  • There are IS terrorists amongst the refugees. This is an argument which bears no ground what-so-ever. From the 700,000 refugees that entered Europe this year, not one has been found to be a terrorist. Actually, not one Muslim terrorist attack in Europe was done by someone from outside Europe. The Muslims that committed the attacks were all home bred.
  • Europe is being overrun by the refugee tsunami: So far 700,000 refugees have entered the EU this year. 700K on a total population of 508 million. Thats a tsunami of 0.14%. To put it in perspective, why not compare it literally with the Tsunami of 2004 on Sumatra. The waves then were up to 10M high. If the tsunami was 0.14% of that, it would have been a "flood wave" of 1.4cm. I hardly think Sumatra would have had an issue with that kind of "tsunami".

I think there is really only one reason why there is such a resentment against these refugees, and my guess is that it has little to do with the arguments above. In my opinion it has to do with the fear of Islam which has been conveniently created by morons like George W in the beginning of this millennium, and which has been happily adopted by the right wing politicians in Europe, with the Dutch Gert Wilders and Jean-Marie Le Pen as its figureheads.

Regarding the OP, the burning of refugee centers brings us back to "Crystal Night" like practices and should be condemned by anybody with a bit of compassion for other humans. After all, if burning the homes of refugees is OK, what would keep them from burning for instance old peoples homes (they only cost money), or mentally handicap institutes (they have no added value to society), or the salvation army centers (drug addicts and homeless people)?

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There was a very recent case where an asylum seeker raped a three year old girl. Social workers kept quiet because they feared being called racist for reporting it. The police had to force them to testify. Aside from leftist ideologues I suspect there is white hot anger in the general population which may boil over at any minute.

Here is the latest anthology of Swedish white guilt, which is on display in heaps when asylum hostels are burned down, but invisible when entire neighborhoods become no go zones.


Edited by Steely Dan
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There are IS terrorists amongst the refugees. This is an argument which bears no ground what-so-ever. From the 700,000 refugees that entered Europe this year, not one has been found to be a terrorist. Actually, not one Muslim terrorist attack in Europe was done by someone from outside Europe. The Muslims that committed the attacks were all home bred.

A little premature to make this statement.

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Lets see, the arguments for not showing humanitarian help to people fleeing from a war torn country are:

  • The European countries dont take care of their pensioners. Fully agree, but what exactly does that have to do with these refugees? Why not argue that point for instance when another 84 Billion Euros is being dumped in the bottomless pit called Greece?
  • All the refugees are thieves, criminals and will rape our daughters (and any slightly milder variation of this fable). So far hardly any problems with this group of refugees have been reported. Of course, some will say (as it is so nicely put by some member above) the press is being "gagged" so therefore we dont hear it. Anyone who thinks that the German, Swedish, Dutch, or Danish press is being gagged about something as hot of an issue (and which is the only thing all the right-wing islamophobes in Europe want to hear) is completely bonkers, or just fled from North Korea and is not used to freedom of speech yet,
  • Refugees only cost money! True, but we happily ignore of course that there are local Europeans who benefit from the presence of these refugees as well (especially in the retail), or that within the group of refugees from Syria, there are many who are very eager to work. "Yeah, but then they are taking OUR jobs", the anti's are screaming. I have read of many volunteer projects where refugees are now working. Most of them it seems, are absolutely not comfortable with holding up their hand.
  • There are IS terrorists amongst the refugees. This is an argument which bears no ground what-so-ever. From the 700,000 refugees that entered Europe this year, not one has been found to be a terrorist. Actually, not one Muslim terrorist attack in Europe was done by someone from outside Europe. The Muslims that committed the attacks were all home bred.
  • Europe is being overrun by the refugee tsunami: So far 700,000 refugees have entered the EU this year. 700K on a total population of 508 million. Thats a tsunami of 0.14%. To put it in perspective, why not compare it literally with the Tsunami of 2004 on Sumatra. The waves then were up to 10M high. If the tsunami was 0.14% of that, it would have been a "flood wave" of 1.4cm. I hardly think Sumatra would have had an issue with that kind of "tsunami".
I think there is really only one reason why there is such a resentment against these refugees, and my guess is that it has little to do with the arguments above. In my opinion it has to do with the fear of Islam which has been conveniently created by morons like George W in the beginning of this millennium, and which has been happily adopted by the right wing politicians in Europe, with the Dutch Gert Wilders and Jean-Marie Le Pen as its figureheads.

Regarding the OP, the burning of refugee centers brings us back to "Crystal Night" like practices and should be condemned by anybody with a bit of compassion for other humans. After all, if burning the homes of refugees is OK, what would keep them from burning for instance old peoples homes (they only cost money), or mentally handicap institutes (they have no added value to society), or the salvation army centers (drug addicts and homeless people)?

Yes westerners hate Islam and its draconian ways,a society of people who don't integrate nor have any respect for the religions and laws of the countries to which they are seeking abode your spot on.

Stoning people to death,making woman cover up,beheading people in public like some sick freak show,chopping off the hands of those that steal,not allowing women to drive,that's some of the bad points of this wonderful religion,would you care to point out the good bits please.

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Lets see, the arguments for not showing humanitarian help to people fleeing from a war torn country are:

  • The European countries dont take care of their pensioners. Fully agree, but what exactly does that have to do with these refugees? Why not argue that point for instance when another 84 Billion Euros is being dumped in the bottomless pit called Greece?
  • All the refugees are thieves, criminals and will rape our daughters (and any slightly milder variation of this fable). So far hardly any problems with this group of refugees have been reported. Of course, some will say (as it is so nicely put by some member above) the press is being "gagged" so therefore we dont hear it. Anyone who thinks that the German, Swedish, Dutch, or Danish press is being gagged about something as hot of an issue (and which is the only thing all the right-wing islamophobes in Europe want to hear) is completely bonkers, or just fled from North Korea and is not used to freedom of speech yet,
  • Refugees only cost money! True, but we happily ignore of course that there are local Europeans who benefit from the presence of these refugees as well (especially in the retail), or that within the group of refugees from Syria, there are many who are very eager to work. "Yeah, but then they are taking OUR jobs", the anti's are screaming. I have read of many volunteer projects where refugees are now working. Most of them it seems, are absolutely not comfortable with holding up their hand.
  • There are IS terrorists amongst the refugees. This is an argument which bears no ground what-so-ever. From the 700,000 refugees that entered Europe this year, not one has been found to be a terrorist. Actually, not one Muslim terrorist attack in Europe was done by someone from outside Europe. The Muslims that committed the attacks were all home bred.
  • Europe is being overrun by the refugee tsunami: So far 700,000 refugees have entered the EU this year. 700K on a total population of 508 million. Thats a tsunami of 0.14%. To put it in perspective, why not compare it literally with the Tsunami of 2004 on Sumatra. The waves then were up to 10M high. If the tsunami was 0.14% of that, it would have been a "flood wave" of 1.4cm. I hardly think Sumatra would have had an issue with that kind of "tsunami".
I think there is really only one reason why there is such a resentment against these refugees, and my guess is that it has little to do with the arguments above. In my opinion it has to do with the fear of Islam which has been conveniently created by morons like George W in the beginning of this millennium, and which has been happily adopted by the right wing politicians in Europe, with the Dutch Gert Wilders and Jean-Marie Le Pen as its figureheads.

Regarding the OP, the burning of refugee centers brings us back to "Crystal Night" like practices and should be condemned by anybody with a bit of compassion for other humans. After all, if burning the homes of refugees is OK, what would keep them from burning for instance old peoples homes (they only cost money), or mentally handicap institutes (they have no added value to society), or the salvation army centers (drug addicts and homeless people)?

Yes westerners hate Islam and its draconian ways,a society of people who don't integrate nor have any respect for the religions and laws of the countries to which they are seeking abode your spot on.

Stoning people to death,making woman cover up,beheading people in public like some sick freak show,chopping off the hands of those that steal,not allowing women to drive,that's some of the bad points of this wonderful religion,would you care to point out the good bits please.

Well chicken shawarmas. Then again North Indians make similar dishes and they tend to be good immigrants.

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What happened to "when in Rome do as the Romans do".

Each government has an obligation, in my opinion, to take care of its own citizens first hand. Indeed they are the ones who have and do pay taxes. It is irresponsible to overload your country with asylum seekers/refugees to the detriment of your own citizens.

I'm not saying never accept these people, calculate the cost and see how many you can afford to bring in without significantly decreasing the wellbeing of your own citizens.

Why should Europe change its rules, build mosques and other ammenities just to serve refugees. They want to come, they must follow the rules of the land. In fact if I went tho their countries I would have to follow their rules. Why the heck is this so difficult to understand?

Generally, I consider myself quite liberal, but enough is enough. We will soon not have a swedish/French/German culture, is this what we want and vote for?

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The headline should say "Buildings earmarked for housing refugees burnt down - The Swedish Public has spoken"

And i thought you would never get it.

Now apply the " Swedish public has spoken" to almost every other European country, and you will know how welcome those refugees are.

Next let the governments listen to the voice of the public

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The headline should say "Buildings earmarked for housing refugees burnt down - The Swedish Public has spoken"

And i thought you would never get it.

Now apply the " Swedish public has spoken" to almost every other European country, and you will know how welcome those refugees are.

Next let the governments listen to the voice of the public


More Swedes ‘want increase in refugees’


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simple1 post # 28


More Swedes ‘want increase in refugees’


Nice rhetoric, however it is somewhat creative and flexible concerning the interpretation and representation of the truth.

The adage, ''Lies, dammed lies and statistics springs to mind.

A fine attempt to cloud the issue on a par with the publicity campaign methods of the late Herr Goebbels

Unless matters have changed since I left school some 54 years ago 44% does not equate to a majority.

44 percent of respondents in an opinion poll undertaken by Ipsos for Sunday's edition of Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, believe that Sweden should take more refugees - an increase of 18 percentage points since February.


Edited by arfurcrown
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simple1 post # 28


More Swedes ‘want increase in refugees’


Nice rhetoric, however it is somewhat creative and flexible concerning the interpretation and representation of the truth.

The adage, ''Lies, dammed lies and statistics springs to mind.

A fine attempt to cloud the issue on a par with the publicity campaign methods of the late Herr Goebbels

Unless matters have changed since I left school some 54 years ago 44% does not equate to a majority.

44 percent of respondents in an opinion poll undertaken by Ipsos for Sunday's edition of Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, believe that Sweden should take more refugees - an increase of 18 percentage points since February.


As you say a matter of interpretation, so for what for what's it's worth, the poll goes on to claim...

"seven out of ten Swedes are worried about heightened xenophobia. “It is interesting that it is very clear that people are more concerned about xenophobia than about increased immigration,” says Källebring.

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