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Fate of Assad crucial to ending Syrian war

Jonathan Fairfield

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Fate of Assad crucial to ending Syrian war


Perhaps evidence of a coming compromise: the first known departure from Syria of President Bashar al-Assad during the more than four-year-long civil war: on 1st October, he visited Moscow. It came just weeks after Russian military forces went active in Syria.

With his guest, Russian President Vladimir Putin said a long-term settlement of the conflict could be reached through a political process, with all the political, ethnic and religious participants involved. Putin added: “Ultimately, the final decision is up to the Syrian people.”

Before this, warships had flexed more Russian muscle by launching missiles from the Caspian Sea, at positions held by Assad opponents in Syria — part of his survival policy.

Russian fire power is the linchpin in this, but Iran has helped him hold out this long, sending troops to fight alongside the Syrian Army, a significant regional force.

That Tehran’s boots are now followed by diplomats round the international table is a major move forward, according to a Syrian analyst in exile whom we talked to in Vienna.

Tarafa Baghajati: “I think it is very important for the Syrian people that the issue of the future of Assad and his regime, and his role in this provisional time (transition) is on the table, and will be discussed including Iran and Russia. If they succeed to clarify this issue, then I think we could see the light of the solution for Syria.”

One of the diplomats’ thorniest tasks is negotiating what deal to cut Assad. The US and its allies — notable among them Saudi Arabia and Turkey — have long condemned Assad as a killer of his own people and sworn he must go. But Russia and Iran have held him up as a bulwark against radical Islamist terrorism — the group ISIL.

US President Barack Obama, at the UN last month, conceded that this new common enemy must be tackled.

“The United States is prepared to work with any nation, including Russia and Iran, to resolve the conflict. Yes, realism dictates that compromise will be required to end the fighting and ultimately stamp out ISIL. But realism also requires a managed transition away from Assad and to a new leader.”

US-led air strikes on ISIL aside, now the Russians are flying raids on rebels from inside Syria — strong leverage for a compromise.

With the contribution of Adrian Lancashire | With DALEEN HASSAN

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-31

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Ya Bashar.. one day you will find yourself dangling from a rope just like other tyrants, mass murders before

you, Syria and the world will never ever forgive you for murdering your own people and plunging the

world and the mid east into a turmoil of Armageddon.......

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The ending of the war will come when the major powers fighting their proxy war will cut off the unending supply of food and arms. The people doing the fighting are mercenaries. They are only incentivized by what is given to them by the highest bidder. They will change sides in a New York second for the right compensation.

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Anyone who thinks the intervention of Russians and Iranians will save Assad is probably in for a shock. The recent Russian airstrikes were a precursor to an Iranian ground offensive. According to this the Iranians got thumped by ISIS and al Nusra.


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Anyone who thinks the intervention of Russians and Iranians will save Assad is probably in for a shock. The recent Russian airstrikes were a precursor to an Iranian ground offensive. According to this the Iranians got thumped by ISIS and al Nusra.


They took a real beating according to this article. I have not heard much about details of the fight from any of my media sources.

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Anyone who thinks the intervention of Russians and Iranians will save Assad is probably in for a shock. The recent Russian airstrikes were a precursor to an Iranian ground offensive. According to this the Iranians got thumped by ISIS and al Nusra.


They took a real beating according to this article. I have not heard much about details of the fight from any of my media sources.
Strange how the MSM seemed to be all over the forthcoming Russian aided Iranian assault on Aleppo up until around 19th October, but since then the news has been zilch. Why cover the buildup and omit to follow the main event?
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Over and over again and again.......what they will elect wont be a surprise leaving the White House shaking its head........When will they start pushing for free elections and full democracy in Saudi?.......

Edited by NickJ
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Assad said many times he is ready to leave. USA and Europe want a military victory. Under Assad :12% christians, 1% jews (and was growing).. as the "coalition" support Al Nusra, a "moderate"al Qaeda member, and has in its rank the Saudis, well known for their democracy and their clean war in Jordany, the population of syria will be happy to have an occidental appointed dictator instead of Assad...6 years ago Assad was not a butcher... the sheeps force feeded by Faux News and USA/EUROPE propaganda still not understand that this coalition is a joke and their only goal is to grab the natural ressource of the country.. the ones thinking we bring "freedom" there must have slept for the past 30 years and not look at the ptesent situation in :Irak, Afghanistan, Libya,....

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