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New emails show breadth of Hillary Clinton's network

Jonathan Fairfield

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New emails show breadth of Hillary Clinton's network

LISA LERER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails released Friday presented a glimpse into the breadth of her personal network — a Rolodex of powerful celebrities, CEOs, political advisers and politicians that she's now tapping for her presidential campaign.

A political celebrity long before she became secretary of state in 2009, Clinton and her team balanced requests from a long list of boldface names. Among others, Lady Gaga complimented her, Burma's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi asked for technology help and former President Jimmy Carter pitched in on negotiations with North Korea.

While Clinton's private email address was unknown to much of official Washington, at least one Hollywood celebrity wrote to her there. Actor Ben Affleck, a longtime Clinton supporter, urged her in April 2012 to review a draft of a report about security problems in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Hours later, Clinton emailed an aide, "I'd like to respond to Ben Affleck." A day later, she reminded an aide that she was still waiting for the aide to draft a reply: "I haven't yet received a draft and would like to respond today."

The response to Affleck was censored in the email released Friday by the State Department, because it was a draft version.

In another December 2011 note, civil rights leader and former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson reached out to Clinton's staff with a request to talk to her before his visit to South Africa, asking how best to "represent her/Admin thinking on any issues/opportunities that might arise." He was quickly added to her call list.

On Friday, hours before the email release, Jackson touted Clinton's candidacy before a meeting of black pastors in Atlanta, saying: "It's healing time. It's hope time. It's Hillary Clinton time."

Clinton has faced questions about whether her unusual email setup, which involved a private server located at her New York home, was sufficient to ensure the security of government information and retention of records.

At least two Senate committees are still investigating Clinton's email arrangement and seeking the release of correspondence from her top aides. The FBI is also investigating the security of Clinton's private email setup.

Yet Clinton's place in preference polls has improved since the first Democratic primary debate, in which her chief primary rival, Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, defused the issue, saying "the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails."

Roughly half of Clinton's 30,000 work-related emails are now public, and the State Department's effort to release the rest will linger into next year. Most of the correspondence made public to date involves the mundane workings of government — scheduling meetings, organizing secure phone lines and booking flights.

A few of the emails hint at the ways Clinton maintained her network of campaign donors, even while serving in a position at a distance from electoral politics. In a June 2011 message, an aide informs Clinton that longtime donor Susie Buell contributed $200,000 toward a summit at which Clinton was scheduled to speak.

"She wants it to be wonderful for you," wrote Clinton aide Melanne Verveer.

In April 2011, Clinton's aides received a request from Jose Villarreal, a former Clinton campaign adviser from Texas, to speak at the launch of a project she asked him to start involving U.S. engagement with Mexico. Clinton told her aides to develop a press and social media outreach "to every possible group." Villarreal now serves as her campaign's treasurer.

In the spring of 2011, former Clinton campaign aide Burns Strider passed along a request from George Buskirk, a retired general and an officer with the American Legion asking her to speak at the group's national convention. "The leadership loves Hillary!!! This all stems from her visit and speech at American Legion Mall in 2008 when she won the Indiana Primary," Buskirk wrote Strider.

After the letter reached Clinton, she emailed one of her aides, noting it was "from one of the Generals who supported me." She later advised, "Pls regret but w special attention!"

Other emails highlight the struggles of her daily life at the State Department — from technological issues to sleepless nights. She requests her password for The New York Times website, asks for help using the phone, searches for books and apologizes to old law school friends for being slow to reply to their emails.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-31

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JFK immortal quotation saying "Ask not what the country can do for you... " gets a whole lot of a new meaning here

with the new age politics of "Ask me what I can do for you, and in return for what you will have to do for

me to make sure I get elected....

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Yeah, sure.

Drip, drip, drip.


German Official Sent ‘Classified’ Email That Was Forwarded To Hillary Clinton
4:53 PM 10/30/2015
One of the emails contained in the 7,000 pages of Hillary Clinton records released by the State Department on Friday appears to undermine the agency’s claim that none of the emails sent or received by the former secretary of state were classified at the time they were originated.
On Dec. 22, 2011, Christoph Heusgen, a top foreign policy adviser to German chancellor Angela Merkel, sent an email to several individuals, including Philip Gordon, then the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.
Indicating his own belief that the information in the email was sensitive in nature, Heusgen entitled the email “Follow-up to our Brussels meeting (confidential).”
In it, he discussed a trip to Belgrade, Serbia to meet with then-president Boris Tadic and several other officials.
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Yeah, sure.

Drip, drip, drip.


German Official Sent ‘Classified’ Email That Was Forwarded To Hillary Clinton
4:53 PM 10/30/2015
One of the emails contained in the 7,000 pages of Hillary Clinton records released by the State Department on Friday appears to undermine the agency’s claim that none of the emails sent or received by the former secretary of state were classified at the time they were originated.
On Dec. 22, 2011, Christoph Heusgen, a top foreign policy adviser to German chancellor Angela Merkel, sent an email to several individuals, including Philip Gordon, then the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.
Indicating his own belief that the information in the email was sensitive in nature, Heusgen entitled the email “Follow-up to our Brussels meeting (confidential).”
In it, he discussed a trip to Belgrade, Serbia to meet with then-president Boris Tadic and several other officials.

Yeah, still can't get excited.

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Sure looks like SOMEBODY is getting a little excited about them.


Obama drawn into Clinton email controversy
10/30/15 03:36 PM EDT Updated 10/30/15 08:15 PM EDT
President Barack Obama found himself drawn into Hillary Clinton's email controversy Friday as the White House acknowledged the State Department is withholding a set of messages Obama and Clinton exchanged during her four years as secretary of state.
As the State Department made public a new batch of more than 7,200 pages of Clinton's emails, officials stressed that the White House was not asserting executive privilege over the Obama-Clinton exchanges but insisting that they be treated as presidential records, which are normally not available to the public until between five and 12 years after a president leaves office.
"With regard to the President’s email, as we have previously acknowledged, the President did on occasion trade emails with Secretary Clinton, and we presume those communications will ultimately be made public, along with the rest of the President’s records, after he leaves office," a senior administration official said. "There is a long history of presidential records being kept confidential while the President is in office. It is a principle that previous White Houses have vigorously defended as it goes to the core of the President’s ability to receive unvarnished advice and counsel during his time in office and is central to the independent functioning of the Executive Branch."
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If were back to her emails, does that mean that Benghazi is over?

Benghazi will never be over. She must have done something wrong.

When you got nothing, no discernible ideology or policy agenda the only thing left is to try and "get" her. Of course now they look like complete idiots, but that never stopped Republicans. No, Benghazi stills has 9 years to run (through HRC's two terms).

Edited by Pinot
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If were back to her emails, does that mean that Benghazi is over?

Her emails on Benghazi have never been completely released.

She probably wrote them on the back of recipe cards and they were deleted as part and parcel of the 30,000 personal emails that only the FBI has access to.whistling.gif

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If were back to her emails, does that mean that Benghazi is over?

Benghazi will never be over. She must have done something wrong.

When you got nothing, no discernible ideology or policy agenda the only thing left is to try and "get" her. Of course now they look like complete idiots, but that never stopped Republicans. No, Benghazi stills has 9 years to run (through HRC's two terms).

Some numb-nut in Congress already said that if she is elected she should be impeached on her first day in office.

The worst thing about it, for the rest of us, is that a new right-wing blowhard will emerge to be her personal denoucer. Bill Clinton had Rush, who should be kissing Bill's feet -- he would never have amassed the fortune he has if Bush 41 were re-elected and he didn't have Bill to pounce on. Glen Beck was installed on FN to be Obama's personal detractor. He's another one that without a Democrat president to beat up on he'd still be doing drive-time radio. Beck took it even further, extending his enterprise to promote doomsday survival stuff like gold coins (for the economic collapse) and survival food packets to those who were gullible (or dumb) enough to take him seriously. I wonder if he gets any payoff for his anti-CFL stance. Beck's net worth is estimated at over $100 million. Someone should ask him "Are you better off than you were eight years ago?" rolleyes.gif

Edited by bendejo
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Clinton's lead in Iowa increases, I think its time for Bernie to get a private email server and somehow admit that he was involved in Benghazi. Hilary currently polling 65% support amongst democrats, I guess another couple of Benghazi hearings and she will be on 130%.

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Clinton's lead in Iowa increases, I think its time for Bernie to get a private email server and somehow admit that he was involved in Benghazi. Hilary currently polling 65% support amongst democrats, I guess another couple of Benghazi hearings and she will be on 130%.

chuckd liked that? You get sarcasm, right Chuck?

Interesting insight but not all that surprising for a political hampster like her.

I found the part at the end about her daily life at State, to be most revealing.

Political hampster, indeed! cheesy.gif

Please share with us the big reveal. Please?

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Clinton's lead in Iowa increases, I think its time for Bernie to get a private email server and somehow admit that he was involved in Benghazi. Hilary currently polling 65% support amongst democrats, I guess another couple of Benghazi hearings and she will be on 130%.

chuckd liked that? You get sarcasm, right Chuck?

Interesting insight but not all that surprising for a political hampster like her.

I found the part at the end about her daily life at State, to be most revealing.

Political hampster, indeed! cheesy.gif

Please share with us the big reveal. Please?

"chuckd liked that? You get sarcasm, right Chuck?"

Perhaps I merely understand Democratic party voters.

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Clinton's lead in Iowa increases, I think its time for Bernie to get a private email server and somehow admit that he was involved in Benghazi. Hilary currently polling 65% support amongst democrats, I guess another couple of Benghazi hearings and she will be on 130%.

chuckd liked that? You get sarcasm, right Chuck?

Interesting insight but not all that surprising for a political hampster like her.

I found the part at the end about her daily life at State, to be most revealing.

Political hampster, indeed! cheesy.gif

Please share with us the big reveal. Please?

Just ran across this today. Perhaps Hillary and Bernie should both consider introducing Shariah law into their campaigns. These Hillary supporters seem to think it is a good idea.

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Clinton's lead in Iowa increases, I think its time for Bernie to get a private email server and somehow admit that he was involved in Benghazi. Hilary currently polling 65% support amongst democrats, I guess another couple of Benghazi hearings and she will be on 130%.

chuckd liked that? You get sarcasm, right Chuck?

Interesting insight but not all that surprising for a political hampster like her.

I found the part at the end about her daily life at State, to be most revealing.

Political hampster, indeed! cheesy.gif

Please share with us the big reveal. Please?

Just ran across this today. Perhaps Hillary and Bernie should both consider introducing Shariah law into their campaigns. These Hillary supporters seem to think it is a good idea.

Seems to be working well for the UK, so why not! biggrin.png

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