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Starting all over again in Thailand - what would you do different?


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working at home as government clerk, simulate some disease, get early pension and than live in Pattaya as sexpat on an expired visa.

Doing it the good way....having a company....working hard, have work permit, be married....everything right but where is the fun.

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Stayed on in uni for a doctoral degree in marine biology, specialized in tropical reef dynamics, have my choice of tropical locations to live in and do my research, publish a paper every 18 months or so, live off research grants and the occasional lecture fee.

One of the great disappointments of my lifetime is they haven't invented a functional time machine.

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Learned to speak Thai. Almost 5 years in Thailand and to my shame, cant say much more than hello and thank you.

Not messed around with one of my former Thai female work colleagues because it has taken wifey about 4 years to properly forgive me!!

And looking back the work colleague wasn't worth it anyway - the grass is hardly ever greener.

I also wished I had traveled more.

Now very settled with job, wife, kid we don't get much chance to travel around Thailand.

And finally, fresh off the plane, wish I hadn't let the farang real estate agent rip me off on a house rental, but I was a newbie and didn't know any better!

Generally speaking though there aint too much I would change.

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I think that the only thing that I would do differently would be not to get involved with buying property here.

What went wrong then?

Nothing went wrong. But in retrospect the downsides probably outweigh the upsides, which was my main concern at the time I bought it.

Not exactly the end of the world (not even close, in fact) but given the choice it's not something that I would choose to do again.

Like eating sweet Thai pizza with mayonnaise.

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