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Video of Thai man brutally assaulting wife sparks outrage

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Do you guys remember the one a while ago where a man beat a woman to death in front of people I think it was at a Wat function and nothing happened to him. People just watched. He wanted money for whiskey and she wouldnot give it to him. She was washing the dishes for the party for 100 baht and he wanted the money..She was a single woman he would go to her house ,rape her ,beat her,take her money. The village called it a relationship and others donot get involved in domestic fights. Weird huh..

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Couldn't watch it through. The guy probably watched his father beating his mother as he grew up and thinks this is normal. Had a market in small village 10 yrs ago and used to see the women come in with shiners and other injuries after every weekend when the boys got their load on. Wife says spousal abuse is pretty common, mostly among the drinkers.

Spare us the bleeding heart psychology sheet.

The guy is an oxygen thief. Man hit woman= not man.

GBH and the stamping on the face, attempted murder.

15 years no time off.

Who cares what his father did, he has his own brain.. maybe.


when you read these things it does kinda go in one eye and out the other..."Man charged with assaulting wife"

But when you see the thuggery, the brutality and viciousness of this barbaric assault it is very hard to watch.


I just hope the police beat the living sh*t out of him in while in custody

One can hope but why would they? They are probably guilty of the same crime.


I had to rescue an old farang man from an abusive Thai girl once. My god she was an animal. We asked her to be removed from the house as he had the good old ''30 YEAR LEASE'' on the land chestnut. The police said go away its a domestic. We went to a lawyer and he said the easiest way you can get her out is by force. I said he is an old man how can he use force. They then said it will take minimum of two years to go through the courts. Once the court issues the document the police have to remove her. Take note folks, all this 30 year lease is worthless if the Thai refuses to leave.

Nothing against the law about moving your mia noi in,the bigger the better.


I wonder what would of happened if he had a problem with another bloke....I doubt this would be the outcome !


What is the fine for doing this stupidly cruel act? Will he go to jail? And would the same court decision be the same for a married farang and Thai wife? Are there two laws for Thais and farang.s .


Whoever took the video did nothing. That person should be charged as well.

The only folk in LOS with a camera phone ready for action are birds....So you want a bird to try and whack the guy...Gawd............coffee1.gif

.How do you know ?


If a foreigner had jumped in and even gently separated the guy from the woman, all of the many Thais who were watching would have attacked the foreigner and maybe even killed him. That's Thailand. Of course there were many people who saw... many cars drove by and no one stopped, the country is so over populated that there are always people all about. It's not about if the woman is married to a man either... because nobody cares to find out, they just watch and enjoy the spectacle.

Trying to apply a European concept of understanding to such things that are completely alien will always produce wrong thinking. Once you accept that it is just the way things are here you will be better off. It will not change. But I'd still love to knock the guy out.

I do not agree. I've seen foreigners helping many times and there never was a problem with that.


I had a difficult time watching this video to the end. You could tell the man was intoxicated. My instinct would have been to intervene and stop the slaughter. the problem is in Thailand if he had a gun he would shoot you and the police do nothing to control situations like this. I understand why Thais do not intervene. Sometimes, they become part of the incident rather than a good Samaritan. Thai men cannot hold their alcohol- they invariably become belligerence if they feel any type of loss of face whether real or perceived. I have walked past Thai men drinking in restaurants who make gross and rude comments about myself or my thai girl. As much as I would like to punch them in the mouth I have to let it go. Such a confrontation could end in death. Welcome to Thailand.


The mentality of so many in Thailand needs at least another generation to evolve. It's a long hard road ahead, because they simply have no concept of human rights.

> The wife as property.

> Children are groomed as the parent's old age pension.

Is there any meaningful discussion about any of this in Thai media?


An outrage,. If I had been on the scene I would had waded in there sorting out that guy, but instead passersby prefer to video the incident for brownie points on Youtube. Hey, look dad, that man is killing that woman, quick, grab the camcorder this is too good to miss.

He could have killed that woman yet no one was prepared to come to her assistance. I`m disgusted at the it`s not my problem attitudes of people today. We are living in a society of morons.


If a foreigner had jumped in and even gently separated the guy from the woman, all of the many Thais who were watching would have attacked the foreigner and maybe even killed him. That's Thailand. Of course there were many people who saw... many cars drove by and no one stopped, the country is so over populated that there are always people all about. It's not about if the woman is married to a man either... because nobody cares to find out, they just watch and enjoy the spectacle.

Trying to apply a European concept of understanding to such things that are completely alien will always produce wrong thinking. Once you accept that it is just the way things are here you will be better off. It will not change. But I'd still love to knock the guy out.

Wrong! I intervened in a Thai domestic sparking off in a public place. The male abuser wasn't too happy about it, but no other Thai did anything towards me and I just walked off.


A shout out to you for intervening. You are a brave lad. The problem in Thailand is that the women are as bad as the men without the alcohol. Thai people have a very short fuse. They explode over any perceived slight or innuendo. It is truly amazing to watch . When you can speak and understand Thai some of the language used is truly confrontational once the trouble starts. They will fight to the death over loss of face. It is truly psychotic and frightening.


I had a difficult time watching this video to the end. You could tell the man was intoxicated. My instinct would have been to intervene and stop the slaughter. the problem is in Thailand if he had a gun he would shoot you and the police do nothing to control situations like this. I understand why Thais do not intervene. Sometimes, they become part of the incident rather than a good Samaritan. Thai men cannot hold their alcohol- they invariably become belligerence if they feel any type of loss of face whether real or perceived. I have walked past Thai men drinking in restaurants who make gross and rude comments about myself or my thai girl. As much as I would like to punch them in the mouth I have to let it go. Such a confrontation could end in death. Welcome to Thailand.

"As much as I would like to punch them in the mouth I have to let it go. Such a confrontation could end in death"

You do well to let it go.

Thailand: Never enter combat unless you know you are going to win, have a safe exit strategy, leave no trace of your whereabouts and be prepared never to return to the same place ever again.


Nice video ! More than illustrate domestic violence, it shows how selfish and cowards society became quietly hidden behind their smartphones


I am appalled and outraged at the actions of this "creature"..creature for he is no man in my lexicon to commit such a cowardly and brutal assault on anyone, let alone that poor helpless women. I have no idea what sparked and I don't really care!!t No matter what it was, there is absolutely no excuse for his actions and, I dearly hope that, on seeing this video, the judge seized with determining a proper sentence, will sentence this creature to the maximum possible time in the worst of the worst prisons that Phuket can offer. .

Now, with respect to the camera person filming this outrage!...It it was a woman filming this, then they can be quite possibly be excused for not going to the aid of this woman, but it was a male, I cannot understand why he did not render some form of assistance...even it were only yelling for him to STOP!!. This assault, in the manner it was being committed, could easily have resulted in death...stomping on the worman's head...My God!!! I understand that to interfere in a dispute between a husband and wife, or a man and a woman for that matter, is not taken lightly! Okay...a dispute is one thing......but not a cold-blooded murderous assault such as this though! I am happy that there is video evidence of this assault, but I am dismayed that nobody....nobody, not the camera person, not any one of the drivers of the vehicles which can be seen passing by, nobody lifted a bloody finger to stop what, as I said, obviously could have resulted in that lady's death!!!


THE number of females i have spoken to who have suffered physical abuse from ex boyfriends, ex husbands, is frightening, the only thing in their favour is that now they are EX s, some poor sods just endure it,


i for one would have gone over and punched his lights out and poured that food all over his face,{ if it was hot}, and rubbed the chillies into his eyes , that really turned my stomach , hope she recovers and stands up in court to help his sentence of 20 yrs , WA*KER !

An outrage,. If I had been on the scene I would had waded in there sorting out that guy, but instead passersby prefer to video the incident for brownie points on Youtube. Hey, look dad, that man is killing that woman, quick, grab the camcorder this is too good to miss.

He could have killed that woman yet no one was prepared to come to her assistance. I`m disgusted at the it`s not my problem attitudes of people today. We are living in a society of morons.

All these replies and only 2 people said they would actually step in and intervene... that is pretty sad.

I had a difficult time watching this video to the end. You could tell the man was intoxicated. My instinct would have been to intervene and stop the slaughter. the problem is in Thailand if he had a gun he would shoot you and the police do nothing to control situations like this. I understand why Thais do not intervene. Sometimes, they become part of the incident rather than a good Samaritan. Thai men cannot hold their alcohol- they invariably become belligerence if they feel any type of loss of face whether real or perceived. I have walked past Thai men drinking in restaurants who make gross and rude comments about myself or my thai girl. As much as I would like to punch them in the mouth I have to let it go. Such a confrontation could end in death. Welcome to Thailand.

"As much as I would like to punch them in the mouth I have to let it go. Such a confrontation could end in death"

You do well to let it go.

Thailand: Never enter combat unless you know you are going to win, have a safe exit strategy, leave no trace of your whereabouts and be prepared never to return to the same place ever again.

And this is the reason why.

Reminds me of Jane Goodall's documentary of the chimps in Tanzania... they fought and no one (chimps that is) intervened. This is why we are one chromosome away from chips.

Ok, anyone with law enforcement back ground would have tazed this guy. Why? Because we are not chimps and live by law and order. Beating the piss out of someone is not your right. Then again this is thailand.


i concur the piece about thai ladies, i called one "stupid" two years ago and she was going to come to my condo and shoot me,scared the poo out of me, i had to get security to look out for her car.


Whoever took the video did nothing. That person should be charged as well.

Wrong , he did something, it's now gone public and the video could prevent this from happening again.

wrong, your brains are twisted.


The lovely Thailand and its lovely people are lost in sex, money and modernization. This fast growing society is giving up its precious culture, heritage and humanity to satisfy their earthly desires. But to what extend. People of Thailand be AWARE. They are trying to turn you. They are trying to change you. Look around then you will understand.

It is enough you turn on the TV. Luxury lives, houses, cars, beautiful women, cheating men and women. You are brain washed every day and you ignore it.

I love Thailand and its people. I hope one day I can do something to help them.

Viva Thailand, Thai people and their good hearts.

Erm........thanks for that................

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