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France deploying aircraft carrier to help fight against IS


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France deploying aircraft carrier to help fight against IS

PARIS (AP) — France will deploy an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf to assist the fight against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.

French President Francois Hollande announced his decision Thursday at the inauguration of the country's new ultra-secure defense ministry building in Paris.

He didn't say when the carrier will leave the French Mediterranean port of Toulon.

The Charles de Gaulle, France's only aircraft carrier, will boost the air power of the U.S.-led coalition conducting airstrikes in Iraq and Syria.

The French carrier had previously been deployed in the Persian Gulf from February to April this year, conducting between 15 and 20 flights per day, according to the French military.

France also has 12 jet fighters based in the United Arab Emirates and Jordan involved in the operations.

France's new defense ministry building aims to bring together army, air force and navy headquarters in order to make it easier to lead France's military operations abroad.

About 9,300 military and civil staff who were previously dispersed around a dozen different sites are now based in the 4.2 billion euro building ($4.6 billion), dubbed the "French Pentagon."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-06

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We should do that... Oops forgot, those clowns in Westminster, the ones that claim to be the ones you can trust with the nations security canned our carrier fleet.

Didn't they mothball Arc Royal and commission QEII (Which at 63,000 tons is twice as big)? JUst saying! smile.pngwai.gif

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Change of plan. The French Air craft carrier ' Zeegarliceating Surrendermonkee' will now leave Toulon steaming for Calais to assist the 'migrants' in their bid to reach England.

IS send their thanks and appreciation.

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The French began airstrikes against Daesh in 09/14. Can't sneer at the combined outcome at some aspects of coalition efforts.

The U.S. led bombing campaign has killed an estimated 20,000 Islamic State fighters.


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This screws Putin further in Syria by providing more military firepower against Assad and his forces and it further expands the diplomatic and international support of the US Coalition in the ME and its partners in the campaign, to include the UK as well as France and Germany in the Nato lead. No one should sneer at this highly expert French air-sea attack force and strike group.

France and Prez Hollande further knocked back Vlad's already halting military buildup program of the past several years by declining in (Swiss) law delivery of the two Mistral helicopter carrier ships Putin contracted with France to build under Swiss law. So it is final now that Putin will never get the two highly strategically warships which are virtually aircraft carriers given their design, shape, construction, mobility.

France refunded Putin the 893 millon-euro deal, which is cash money Putin needs far more desperately than he needs two new carrier ships (or old ones for that matter).

Egypt is ready to buy the two Mistral ships with backing from Saudi Arabia which will more than make up to France its refund to Putin which under Swiss law exempted France of financial penalties. The billion euro purchase by Cairo is to give Egypt more range and firepower in the Med and Gulf region as well as throughout the newly widened Suez Canal which Hollande was in Egypt to celebrate a couple of days ago.

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The French began airstrikes against Daesh in 09/14. Can't sneer at the combined outcome at some aspects of coalition efforts.

The U.S. led bombing campaign has killed an estimated 20,000 Islamic State fighters.


estimated by the same person who did the bombing, right?

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The French began airstrikes against Daesh in 09/14. Can't sneer at the combined outcome at some aspects of coalition efforts.

The U.S. led bombing campaign has killed an estimated 20,000 Islamic State fighters.


estimated by the same person who did the bombing, right?

Got any other recent estimates that counter the claimed numbers killed. Please, no conspiracy web sites.

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How many countries is that now to counter a few rag tag nutjobs ? Even Russia cant deal with these IS of course it needs the French too

God help the allies if they ever had to face well equipped armies and hgardware instead of a few IS hillbillies.... coffee1.gif

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