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Public wants to directly elect PM: poll


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"Seventy per cent agreed that convicted corrupt politicians should be banned from contesting elections for the rest of their life" ... that's it then no democracy in Thailand any time ... they are all corrupt.

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If you are going to re write a constitution and the organic laws- everyone's opinion needs to be heard from the wealthiest to the poor. I don't know what methodology was used on the poll but it would not surprise me that a majority of people favour direct elections of a Prime Minister given the past history of the electoral process. However, a directly elected PM means that there has to be a method of nominating people to run against each other and a way for their programs and platforms to be provided and discussed. It will surprise me if the old parties are going to be allowed under their prior names with the same dinosaurs as party leaders, I believe the Thai people are fed up with all the former party leaders and are looking for some new blood to lead the country out of this morass. They may want to consider an appointed civilian PM as a bridge to elections. It has been done before. Whatever they decide, the military needs to go back to the barracks eventually so the natural order of free elections can take place.

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Thai people to decide who is prime minister how stupid could you get the military will chose the PM for you as the Thai people cant be trusted Thais obviously not as smart as the Myanmar citizens they are getting a sort of reasonable crack at an election of a kind free and fair possibly only after a 25 year wait from the soldier boys rule and ravage of Myanmar, so the Thais might have to wait a year or two yet for a free and fair as the military want it to be election with only generals to vote for in the one party state. Democratic People's Republic of Korea or is that Thailand.

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I thought this subject was well and truly put to death a long while back , what a great way to endorse corruption with a PM being elected by Parliament and the palm of the hand trick , let the people decide , something so simple , Christ this just makes u so sick in tired of the B/S emanating in Thailand....................coffee1.gif

The people decide over and over again that they want Thaksin in charge. Problem is the elites do not.

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"most people want to directly elect the country's prime minister"

I suspect the Thai public in this poll may not be aware of the history of elections in other countries nor understand the difference between a prime mininster and a president.

Israel is the only country to have tried an directly elected prime minister in 1996, 1999 and 2001. It was a failure each time with the largest political parties holding MP seats had to resort to twisted coalitions to get legislative support for the PM agenda. From 2003 and onward Israel has reverted to a parliament elected PM.

"while 61 per cent preferred the MMA system to the old voting system"

How can respondents prefer MMA over the old voting system when the MMA has never been tried - anywhere in the world? CDC adviser Jade Donavanik had noted that simulations of the MMA would be inexact and "the MMA was newly designed and nothing like it existed anywhere in the world." He added,
"So, would it be a problem if we were to adopt this system considered suitable for Thailand, but no countries have used it?" Jade said, adding "people might have questions about it being unprecedented."

Yet, somehow respondents prefer the MMA? The 61% is just not credible.

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Comunist Vietnam is looking more appealing everyday.

I have been living in North Vietnam for 10 years. i also rent a modest condo in BKK and travel widely in Thailand. I share my time 65/35 Vietnam /Thailand. I see both sides. Give me Vietnam any day. Half the price to live there. Ladies are more modest and more sincere and serious about relationships. Most Thai women (wives of husbands I know) are all about money. The Vietnamese are a friendly people whereas the Thais seem to carry some insecurity chip on their shoulder. Thai men are the pits. That is my opinion for what it is worth which may be nothing to some. If you are contemplating a move to Vietnam I would recommend. Teachers are paid much more in Vietnam and without the visa hassles. Over the 10 years I have been coming to Thailand I am forming the opinion it is becoming more and more lawless and a more dangerous place to live. Traffic loonies, face losing loonies, gun toters and to boot a military junta government which changes the rules on just abut every way of life every day. I am so pleased i don't own property in Thailand.

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How bad for the soldier......now it will turn out again for PT.....it hurts him for sure

Actually its bad for PT because this way the big boss in Dubai has no control over who becomes PM if the PTP wins. So he can't have a clone or someone he trust if the public does not like him / her.

He doesn't need control, only a fair election.

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Think the 73 % figure is probably right. In any case, more pertinent is the overwhelming push for systemic rectification.

More importantly, the comment about 'direct election' of prime ministers needs a forum response. I was under the impression this was a consensual inner government/cabinet appointee, Westminster system typically, but are there other examples where a PM is directly elected? Otherwise it would be a presidential figure and a constitutionally different entity, no?

Absurd the public elect a PM what if the democratically elected Parliament cannot get on with him/her?

or are they really talking about a P*********** (Obama style)?

You stiill don't get it. Thai parliaments are not" democratically" elected. 200 of the 500 seat parliament are selcted by the Political Parties....not the people of Thailand. If this is not changed, a PM like Yingluck could be put in the Job. Who in their right mind would want that??

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What a silly post rooster. The current PM is here to stay and that' it. He's worked hard to get Thailand back up and running again following disruptive security problems created by red shirt thugs.

Khun Prayuth Chan o cha is the Prime Minister of Thailand.. wai2.gif

"following disruptive security problems created by red shirt thugs"

and there's me thinking it was the yellow shirts blocking the streets & government buildings and causing havoc in Bangkok as well as preventing voting at the ballot box (which should have been guarded by the police/army and wasnt)......isn't this the disruptive security problems you mean?

With 64 Posts, I will assume that you are fairly new to this Forum and have missed most of the news items about Chidren being killed and Monks being beaten and Red Village loan schemes and general Mismanagement by Yingluck and her corrupt cronies in Government and the reason why yellow shirt supporters were protesting,. If you do a bit of research and keep an open mind, you will understand the comments of steven100.

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This clearly is evidence of biased polling, as I am sure 99.7 of all respondent where happy with whatever Uncle Too wants.

Yet another example of why the media and the non-conformist must be controlled.

Can't possibly imagine Bkk uni sending students all over Thailand to get a poll study done. So most likely every person in the poll was in Bkk at the time. That in itself is biased polling. Just as any other poll being announced in Thailand can not be trusted as factual. This one is also hogwash.

You'd have to know the survey methodology - sample size, selection process etc to comment on that.

Assuming it "can't possibly be ,,,," is as nonsensical as assuming it is. The article doesn't say.

I can however state that BU is a university with integrity, and has close connections with academic institutions in several countries, runs joint programs and has a large international student body. I seriously doubt they'd be involved in deliberately rigged polls.

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Think the 73 % figure is probably right. In any case, more pertinent is the overwhelming push for systemic rectification.

More importantly, the comment about 'direct election' of prime ministers needs a forum response. I was under the impression this was a consensual inner government/cabinet appointee, Westminster system typically, but are there other examples where a PM is directly elected? Otherwise it would be a presidential figure and a constitutionally different entity, no?

Absurd the public elect a PM what if the democratically elected Parliament cannot get on with him/her?

or are they really talking about a P*********** (Obama style)?

You stiill don't get it. Thai parliaments are not" democratically" elected. 200 of the 500 seat parliament are selcted by the Political Parties....not the people of Thailand. If this is not changed, a PM like Yingluck could be put in the Job. Who in their right mind would want that??

The party list system was created to allow cronyism. Political parties here seem to like the idea of being able to appoint their cronies without them being subject to approval by, or accountable to, an electorate in the same way a constituency MP is.

Maybe that shows the general contempt the political elite really hold the electorate in. But it suits the politicians so it's kept.

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This clearly is evidence of biased polling, as I am sure 99.7 of all respondent where happy with whatever Uncle Too wants.

Yet another example of why the media and the non-conformist must be controlled.

The sarcasm is richly merited but something that stinks to high heaven is apparent here.

Does anyone else have the sensation that like the proverbial frog one is being boiled to death but is not fully aware because the water is being heated very slowly.

Here we have an example of an apparently respectable newspaper and an apparently respectable university conniving at an astonishing set of lies - but without the slightest hint of the dishonesty involved.

God help us all and God help Thailand.

Yes, yes, all those apparently respectable organizations must be part of this giant conspiracy.

And how do you know, easy, a poll says something you don't agree with, so can't be right. The arrogance of the farang manifests.

Now if some farang claimed that the "majority of Thais" supported Thaksin and his whitewash and a return to a Shin autocracy, those same farangs would applaud it. No poll, or Thai opinion necessary.

The survey methodology and sample selection for this poll has not been revealed. So we can't judge the validity or bias.

Do you think the average Thai person you encounter on the street would really have an understanding of the benefits and faults of proportional representation v first past the post v party list system? Have you ever seen this really explained in any Thai media? How were the respondents selected and what were the actual questions?

Yes, I'm sure the outcome of any electoral system changes will be decided based on the desired outcome of elections rather than in providing the most democratic and fair process. But isn't that always what incumbent politicians do - try and make any changes favor their own party?

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This clearly is evidence of biased polling, as I am sure 99.7 of all respondent where happy with whatever Uncle Too wants.

Yet another example of why the media and the non-conformist must be controlled.

The sarcasm is richly merited but something that stinks to high heaven is apparent here.

Does anyone else have the sensation that like the proverbial frog one is being boiled to death but is not fully aware because the water is being heated very slowly.

Here we have an example of an apparently respectable newspaper and an apparently respectable university conniving at an astonishing set of lies - but without the slightest hint of the dishonesty involved.

God help us all and God help Thailand.

Yes, yes, all those apparently respectable organizations must be part of this giant conspiracy.

And how do you know, easy, a poll says something you don't agree with, so can't be right. The arrogance of the farang manifests.

Now if some farang claimed that the "majority of Thais" supported Thaksin and his whitewash and a return to a Shin autocracy, those same farangs would applaud it. No poll, or Thai opinion necessary.

The survey methodology and sample selection for this poll has not been revealed. So we can't judge the validity or bias.

Do you think the average Thai person you encounter on the street would really have an understanding of the benefits and faults of proportional representation v first past the post v party list system? Have you ever seen this really explained in any Thai media? How were the respondents selected and what were the actual questions?

Yes, I'm sure the outcome of any electoral system changes will be decided based on the desired outcome of elections rather than in providing the most democratic and fair process. But isn't that always what incumbent politicians do - try and make any changes favor their own party?

The topic was direct election of a PM.The purpose of such a proposal is to weaken political parties and to undermine elected politicians so that unelected elites will have ultimate power.It's not a conspiracy because there is no attempt to conceal the objectives.

You seem to have little contact with Thai people because there's very little support for this proposal across the spectrum.

If you choose to believe the lies and propaganda that's your prerogative.

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This clearly is evidence of biased polling, as I am sure 99.7 of all respondent where happy with whatever Uncle Too wants.

Yet another example of why the media and the non-conformist must be controlled.

The sarcasm is richly merited but something that stinks to high heaven is apparent here.

Does anyone else have the sensation that like the proverbial frog one is being boiled to death but is not fully aware because the water is being heated very slowly.

Here we have an example of an apparently respectable newspaper and an apparently respectable university conniving at an astonishing set of lies - but without the slightest hint of the dishonesty involved.

God help us all and God help Thailand.

Yes, yes, all those apparently respectable organizations must be part of this giant conspiracy.

And how do you know, easy, a poll says something you don't agree with, so can't be right. The arrogance of the farang manifests.

Now if some farang claimed that the "majority of Thais" supported Thaksin and his whitewash and a return to a Shin autocracy, those same farangs would applaud it. No poll, or Thai opinion necessary.

The survey methodology and sample selection for this poll has not been revealed. So we can't judge the validity or bias.

Do you think the average Thai person you encounter on the street would really have an understanding of the benefits and faults of proportional representation v first past the post v party list system? Have you ever seen this really explained in any Thai media? How were the respondents selected and what were the actual questions?

Yes, I'm sure the outcome of any electoral system changes will be decided based on the desired outcome of elections rather than in providing the most democratic and fair process. But isn't that always what incumbent politicians do - try and make any changes favor their own party?

The topic was direct election of a PM.The purpose of such a proposal is to weaken political parties and to undermine elected politicians so that unelected elites will have ultimate power.It's not a conspiracy because there is no attempt to conceal the objectives.

You seem to have little contact with Thai people because there's very little support for this proposal across the spectrum.

If you choose to believe the lies and propaganda that's your prerogative.

And what exactly is your contact with Thai people? Who have you discussed this proposal with?

As usual you make claims without revealing your source of information to support those claims. Or is it simply your imagination?

I don't believe polls without understanding the underlying methodology. Nor do I believe farangs who have a history of posting with a particular political bias.

Interesting that so many like to claim Yingluck or Thaksin if he sneaked his whitewash, would win any election hands down. So presumably those same farang would support this idea, thinking that this would see a shin elected?

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This clearly is evidence of biased polling, as I am sure 99.7 of all respondent where happy with whatever Uncle Too wants.

Yet another example of why the media and the non-conformist must be controlled.

The sarcasm is richly merited but something that stinks to high heaven is apparent here.

Does anyone else have the sensation that like the proverbial frog one is being boiled to death but is not fully aware because the water is being heated very slowly.

Here we have an example of an apparently respectable newspaper and an apparently respectable university conniving at an astonishing set of lies - but without the slightest hint of the dishonesty involved.

God help us all and God help Thailand.

Yes, yes, all those apparently respectable organizations must be part of this giant conspiracy.

And how do you know, easy, a poll says something you don't agree with, so can't be right. The arrogance of the farang manifests.

Now if some farang claimed that the "majority of Thais" supported Thaksin and his whitewash and a return to a Shin autocracy, those same farangs would applaud it. No poll, or Thai opinion necessary.

The survey methodology and sample selection for this poll has not been revealed. So we can't judge the validity or bias.

Do you think the average Thai person you encounter on the street would really have an understanding of the benefits and faults of proportional representation v first past the post v party list system? Have you ever seen this really explained in any Thai media? How were the respondents selected and what were the actual questions?

Yes, I'm sure the outcome of any electoral system changes will be decided based on the desired outcome of elections rather than in providing the most democratic and fair process. But isn't that always what incumbent politicians do - try and make any changes favor their own party?

The topic was direct election of a PM.The purpose of such a proposal is to weaken political parties and to undermine elected politicians so that unelected elites will have ultimate power.It's not a conspiracy because there is no attempt to conceal the objectives.

You seem to have little contact with Thai people because there's very little support for this proposal across the spectrum.

If you choose to believe the lies and propaganda that's your prerogative.

And what exactly is your contact with Thai people? Who have you discussed this proposal with?

As usual you make claims without revealing your source of information to support those claims. Or is it simply your imagination?

I don't believe polls without understanding the underlying methodology. Nor do I believe farangs who have a history of posting with a particular political bias.

Interesting that so many like to claim Yingluck or Thaksin if he sneaked his whitewash, would win any election hands down. So presumably those same farang would support this idea, thinking that this would see a shin elected?

My contacts in Thailand are broad and extensive.

If political bias means a strong preference for democracy and freedom, then I am politically biased.

Polls have a poor record in Thailand.This one was particularly absurd and shames the institutions associated with it.

I don't fully understand your final paragraph which is poorly drafted and rather confused.If you are saying that if a free and fair election was conducted now the parties associated with the Shinawatra family would win, then I agree with you.That isn't really up for debate and explains the current government's anxiety and paranoia about the new constitution.

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"convicted corrupt politicians" Might i ask, convicted by which party is in power or by the junta ? Many of these convictions of politicians are arranged by opposition governments to get rid of them. Thailand is utterly corrupt.

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What a silly post rooster. The current PM is here to stay and that' it. He's worked hard to get Thailand back up and running again following disruptive security problems created by red shirt thugs.

Khun Prayuth Chan o cha is the Prime Minister of Thailand.. wai2.gif

"following disruptive security problems created by red shirt thugs"

and there's me thinking it was the yellow shirts blocking the streets & government buildings and causing havoc in Bangkok as well as preventing voting at the ballot box (which should have been guarded by the police/army and wasnt)......isn't this the disruptive security problems you mean?

"Created by Redcoat thugs" and i always thought that it was Yellow shirt thugs who did everything possible including bashing , to stop the legal election , because they knew that they were not wanted in any Thai parliament.

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I could see politicians of all stripes opposing this. It would take them out of the loop for brown envelopes in this matter.

Regarding phone polls, in 1948 all the polls said Dewey would win and they were based on phone polls. People who supported Truman without phones were never called (of course). Truman won fyi. An internet poll would be even more skewed I would think. Boots on the ground the way to do it.

Dewey does not sound like a Thai name to me. Was he PTP or Dem ?

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Think the 73 % figure is probably right. In any case, more pertinent is the overwhelming push for systemic rectification.

More importantly, the comment about 'direct election' of prime ministers needs a forum response. I was under the impression this was a consensual inner government/cabinet appointee, Westminster system typically, but are there other examples where a PM is directly elected? Otherwise it would be a presidential figure and a constitutionally different entity, no?

Absurd the public elect a PM what if the democratically elected Parliament cannot get on with him/her?

or are they really talking about a P*********** (Obama style)?

You stiill don't get it. Thai parliaments are not" democratically" elected. 200 of the 500 seat parliament are selcted by the Political Parties....not the people of Thailand. If this is not changed, a PM like Yingluck could be put in the Job. Who in their right mind would want that??

Just give the people the chance to vote and your silly question will be answered.

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