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Word of caution, don't let monitor lizards into your house if you don't want them to stay................wink.png

We had an uninvited guest waiting for us when the wife & I came back from work on Friday evening. I was opening the gate for the wife to drive in and I saw this juvenile monitor coming out of the garden onto the driveway. As soon as it saw me it tried to make an escape down the right-hand side of the house, but little did it know, this is where the dog house is, cutting off it's escape.

The situation I had was that on one side of the plexiglass sliding doors I had this monitor trying to break throughto escape, and on the other I had two siberians going mental trying to break through to get at the lizard. I had left the gate open so that it had an escape route, so, armed with a mop, I went to persuade my new friend to change his plans. Which he did very quickly, but instead of making for the open and towards the gate as was intended, he took a detour up the steps and through the open screen doors into the house!

Now we had this 5 foot lizard hiding under the wife's computer table with no intention of moving anywhere until it was ready. Easy option would have been to kill it, but we didn't want to do that. I had no rope strong enough in the house so we had to use electric cable (and hope it would be strong enough) to noose it and drag it out.

If ever this does happen to you, be very careful of it's mouth and it's feet, some pretty nasty claws on the end of their little legs and some very strong jaws on the end of their necks..............thumbsup.gif



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I have reduced the size of this video clip (was taken with my S5) so not sure what the quality is going to be like. If you can't speak Thai that well, ask your missus to translate.............wink.png

Edit: It won't let me upload the video (mp4 @ 3.7Mb)??

OK, try this:


That's a biggun!

Three weeks or so ago, we had another one that was twice the size (head size anyway). Could have been this one's mother. Our house is on the corner of the moo ban with rice fields to the left and a huge natural water park at the back.

All sorts of wildlife about here...................wink.png


I have reduced the size of this video clip (was taken with my S5) so not sure what the quality is going to be like. If you can't speak Thai that well, ask your missus to translate.............wink.png

Edit: It won't let me upload the video (mp4 @ 3.7Mb)??

Did you try uploading it to YouTube?

Good job with the lizard. wink.png


One additional point to this, when we got it onto the Soi and tried to remove the noose, it played dead, i honestly thought we had killed it.

Nui (the daughter's BF who did all the heavy work) threw a bucket of water over it and it took off like someone had set fire to it, straight into one of the neighbour's gardens.

I had heard that they can do this (play dead) but that is the first time i have seen it happen. Pretty realistic..................wink.png


I had the same thing happen some years ago...I was mindin' me own business when I heard the neighborhood dogs barkin' in our soi and when I looked to see what the commotion was about the lizard ran towards my shophouse door and managed to get between the sliding security lattice and the sliding glass door (it was a bit smaller than yours)...

I thought 'holy jeezus inna lizard handbag' and went and got a long handled device to prod it back outside and it finally fled and then ran across the street into the neighbor's open air kitchen...the neighbors got home a short time later and I made a lizard imitation to indicate that it had got into their kitchen...

loud banging of pots and pans ensued and the little guy was flushed out and ran back to the nearby undeveloped land where it came from... not an uncommon occurrence as I found out later...

pesky lizards...but it was ultimately entertaining as I never laughed so much afterwards...


You've got guts, mate. I'd probably just offer him money to leave.

Believe me, if it wasn't for the Thai guy there at the time, i would still be booked into a hotel........................tongue.png

Seriously, all i did was drop the noose over it's head and then pretend to take pictures & videos.................wink.png

No heros here, move along please. Snakes, scorpions, spiders, i have no problems with, but big strong lizards like these, i have more than respect for.


You've got guts, mate. I'd probably just offer him money to leave.

Believe me, if it wasn't for the Thai guy there at the time, i would still be booked into a hotel........................tongue.png

Seriously, all i did was drop the noose over it's head and then pretend to take pictures & videos.................wink.png

No heros here, move along please. Snakes, scorpions, spiders, i have no problems with, but big strong lizards like these, i have more than respect for.

Have they ever been known to attack (attempt to eat) humans? I mean, besides the occasional baby. Some guy woke me up at the park last week b/c he said one of those things looked like it was eying my leg.


You've got guts, mate. I'd probably just offer him money to leave.

Believe me, if it wasn't for the Thai guy there at the time, i would still be booked into a hotel........................tongue.png

Seriously, all i did was drop the noose over it's head and then pretend to take pictures & videos.................wink.png

No heros here, move along please. Snakes, scorpions, spiders, i have no problems with, but big strong lizards like these, i have more than respect for.

Have they ever been known to attack (attempt to eat) humans? I mean, besides the occasional baby. Some guy woke me up at the park last week b/c he said one of those things looked like it was eying my leg.

mebbe it thought that it saw a baby tattooed on yer leg...(yuk, yuk...sorry, couldn't resist)

but, ye gots to watch out...they will attack if cornered I'm told...but if there's a way out they will run very fast...much in contrast to their usual movement which is with the usual big reptile slo' mo'...

I saw one once behind our house from our first floor terrace and he was a monster, musta been 2 meters from nose to tail, the wife was with me and she was impressed as well and she has lived in the area all her life...that dude had no predators...that was about 10 years ago and I haven't seen him since...

(and den de boogyman becomes a 2 meter monitor lizard invading yer house when yer asleep and unaware...hssss)


My fitness club has an outdoor swimming pool in a nice garden, next to a small lake / big pond. The other day I was a doing laps when I heard a kid screaming by the side of the pool. There was this small monitor lizard, no more than 1 m long, that was running from a group of small bushes. He then jumped in the pool, swam under water to the other side, jumped out of the swimming pool and disappeared in the garden. That was it. Everybody went back to its business. I thought this is Thailand so I should probably get used to this kind of stuff. I saw the lizard (or his brother) a couple of time since, nobody seems to really care. Just another story to tell when I'll go back home for the holidays.


Just be careful of their tail they use them as a whip. some are aggressive some are not, there bite would be very damaging as they have bacteria in there mouths, I have moved lots of these in many sizes, Live and let live dont kill them. It would be interesting to know if they have poison in their bite as they have only just discovered that Cammdo lizards have poison in there bit similar to snakes.


Side note, they have become popular as pets in the U.S. ... if raised from a baby, they are as tame as dogs and get fat and lazy, some funny vids on youtube of them sleeping on the kitchen floor etc.... lumpini park has some huge docile ones also.


Just be careful of their tail they use them as a whip. some are aggressive some are not, there bite would be very damaging as they have bacteria in there mouths, I have moved lots of these in many sizes, Live and let live dont kill them. It would be interesting to know if they have poison in their bite as they have only just discovered that Cammdo lizards have poison in there bit similar to snakes.

Yep, cheers Thongkorn. I didn't mention the tails earlier (when talking about their jaws and claws) as this one wasn't a whipper but understand they can use these as a defensive weapon.


can we see the dogs please.

dont now what my beloved would have done,got another snake on fri.and i got 2badly grazed knee's trying to hold him.[the dog that is]


We get the occasional monitor in our yard but they don't have a home here. Would not mind that, nice harmless fellows, but my dog (40 kg Rotty) is very territorial and does a good job of terrifying the critters. Have some Burmese workers living very nearby and they would love to catch and eat them so have to keep very quiet re presence of the lizards lest I get over-run by the workers.

Had some walks around Komodo island and saw their big relatives up close. Big lazy slugs, but fairly harmless, can keep them at a distance with a stout stick.


If that thing was in my house, uninvited, it would have been garrotted, and the carcass slung out.

Not putting myself or family at "risk" by being nice. Same applies to snakes or any other intruders.


can we see the dogs please.

dont now what my beloved would have done,got another snake on fri.and i got 2badly grazed knee's trying to hold him.[the dog that is]

Just for you meatboy (the missus has all the phots, these are a couple i found on my laptop)................wink.png


This is them aged 6 months & 3 months respectively


Fai-Sai (bitch) enjoying her swimming


Phayu (dog), they just love the water


As they are today, 6 years old, separated by 3 months

I won't try to tell you about this breed meatboy, but for others, they are extremely intelligent animals, can be stubborn minded and have an extremely high prey drive for anything small and fluffy (or with feathers!). Needless to say, they enjoy as much exercise you can throw at them.

I would not like to have seen what would have happened if the monitor broke through, but in all likelihood, given the chance, they would likely have kept their distance.

No heros at all in this family.........................thumbsup.gif


That's a biggun!

Three weeks or so ago, we had another one that was twice the size (head size anyway). Could have been this one's mother. Our house is on the corner of the moo ban with rice fields to the left and a huge natural water park at the back.

All sorts of wildlife about here...................wink.png

About a month ago we had one on the drive, a little smaller than yours, but he buggered off towards the fish pond on his own I am glad to say. I haven't seen him since but being that we back onto the Mae Wong national park he might have gone off up there.

I am glad that I haven't met his full size Mum and Dad. I think they could do some real damage to us.


can we see the dogs please.

dont now what my beloved would have done,got another snake on fri.and i got 2badly grazed knee's trying to hold him.[the dog that is]

Just for you meatboy (the missus has all the phots, these are a couple i found on my laptop)................wink.png


This is them aged 6 months & 3 months respectively


Fai-Sai (bitch) enjoying her swimming


Phayu (dog), they just love the water


As they are today, 6 years old, separated by 3 months

I won't try to tell you about this breed meatboy, but for others, they are extremely intelligent animals, can be stubborn minded and have an extremely high prey drive for anything small and fluffy (or with feathers!). Needless to say, they enjoy as much exercise you can throw at them.

I would not like to have seen what would have happened if the monitor broke through, but in all likelihood, given the chance, they would likely have kept their distance.

No heros at all in this family.........................thumbsup.gif

thanks a million,intelligent is an understatement,me and mrs meat are amazed how much he understands everything we say,and yes he will chase anything,i would love to take him to the seaside.

yours TAFF.


Monitors like to hang out in trees, too. Have run across several over the years while collecting coconuts. So, watch where you put your hands.


You've got guts, mate. I'd probably just offer him money to leave.

Believe me, if it wasn't for the Thai guy there at the time, i would still be booked into a hotel........................tongue.png

Seriously, all i did was drop the noose over it's head and then pretend to take pictures & videos.................wink.png

No heros here, move along please. Snakes, scorpions, spiders, i have no problems with, but big strong lizards like these, i have more than respect for.

Snakes, scorpions, spiders, i have no problems with?? I would rather take on five Thai guys than any of these, well not so much the spider.


Just in front of my house, there is a pond (now dry but I know there are monitor lizards , different sizes, maybe the same family, the " father " is big, at least 2 meters, some times I see it passing the front door, they are very sensitive to heat and even if you don't make noise, they " feel " you are here , with their sensitive tongues ; I have seen also many in the park where I do jogging : my conclusion : they are very timid and flee when there is a human : only one was not intimidated and was waiting for me ; I stopped and looked at it and at the end it moved away, very slowly and reluctancly : I think it was ready for a confrontation

contrary to what has been said above , they run clumsily but not slow


One additional point to this, when we got it onto the Soi and tried to remove the noose, it played dead, i honestly thought we had killed it.

Nui (the daughter's BF who did all the heavy work) threw a bucket of water over it and it took off like someone had set fire to it, straight into one of the neighbour's gardens.

I had heard that they can do this (play dead) but that is the first time i have seen it happen. Pretty realistic..................wink.png

Weird how they play dead. I had the same with an 18" Toktaw, it played dead for a while then bit the hell out of my thumb when I picked it up. Surprising just how strong their jaws and teeth are. I would not fancy a bite from one of those Monitor lizards, however i don't think the Toktaws are anywhere near as dangerous but this still give a nasty bite to the bone.


It's a Lizard that moves so slowly a tortoise would have a chance. Come guys, grow a pair. A snake or a scorpion maybe but a 3 foot long lizard? Pfffft

You obviously don't know much about water monitors would like to see you try and catch one !!!

They bite watch this:


can we see the dogs please.

dont now what my beloved would have done,got another snake on fri.and i got 2badly grazed knee's trying to hold him.[the dog that is]

Just for you meatboy (the missus has all the phots, these are a couple i found on my laptop)................wink.png


This is them aged 6 months & 3 months respectively


Fai-Sai (bitch) enjoying her swimming


Phayu (dog), they just love the water


As they are today, 6 years old, separated by 3 months

I won't try to tell you about this breed meatboy, but for others, they are extremely intelligent animals, can be stubborn minded and have an extremely high prey drive for anything small and fluffy (or with feathers!). Needless to say, they enjoy as much exercise you can throw at them.

I would not like to have seen what would have happened if the monitor broke through, but in all likelihood, given the chance, they would likely have kept their distance.

No heros at all in this family.........................thumbsup.gif

Beautiful dogs. I have always kept labradors when at home, great dogs too but greedy all their life.


I had the same thing happen some years ago...I was mindin' me own business when I heard the neighborhood dogs barkin' in our soi and when I looked to see what the commotion was about the lizard ran towards my shophouse door and managed to get between the sliding security lattice and the sliding glass door (it was a bit smaller than yours)...

I thought 'holy jeezus inna lizard handbag' and went and got a long handled device to prod it back outside and it finally fled and then ran across the street into the neighbor's open air kitchen...the neighbors got home a short time later and I made a lizard imitation to indicate that it had got into their kitchen...

loud banging of pots and pans ensued and the little guy was flushed out and ran back to the nearby undeveloped land where it came from... not an uncommon occurrence as I found out later...

pesky lizards...but it was ultimately entertaining as I never laughed so much afterwards...

I think we would all like to see your lizard imitation. Please repost your video.

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