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Concerns over deadly heat wave that could strike Thailand next year

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Have read some alarming international reports that many countries in the world will be experiencing record heat waves from the early part of next year due to El Nino conditions. Last April we experienced temperatures of up to 42c where I live and in parts of India temperatures reached an all time high of 50c and I can see no reasons why it couldn’t happen here and top that with possible droughts that are being forecast for Thailand, I think this is something everyone should be concerned with.

At the end of this month I intend to upgrade my aircon units and at least be prepared. Not my intentions to be a messenger of doom and gloom, but I do believe this is a matter everyone should think about.

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Few months back, stayed home because of security reasons.

Last month, worried about rain.

Last week, high season and car crashes scared me

Now I must stay home because of the heat?????

on a serious note....i am convinced the two real killers in Thailand is heat and pollution. third might be aids, not sure.

if old....avoid the heat and save your life.

if really young.....tell your parents you are not safe

when the pollution AND heat comes.....the cost savings of moving to Thailand will become negative...


Few months back, stayed home because of security reasons.

Last month, worried about rain.

Last week, high season and car crashes scared me

Now I must stay home because of the heat?????

on a serious note....i am convinced the two real killers in Thailand is heat and pollution. third might be aids, not sure.

if old....avoid the heat and save your life.

if really young.....tell your parents you are not safe

when the pollution AND heat comes.....the cost savings of moving to Thailand will become negative...

Well Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia are cheaper then Thailand.....


Few months back, stayed home because of security reasons.

Last month, worried about rain.

Last week, high season and car crashes scared me

Now I must stay home because of the heat?????

on a serious note....i am convinced the two real killers in Thailand is heat and pollution. third might be aids, not sure.

if old....avoid the heat and save your life.

if really young.....tell your parents you are not safe

when the pollution AND heat comes.....the cost savings of moving to Thailand will become negative...

complain complain complain .. what People should stay away from that kind of negative people who you, otherwise there is great risk of being infected by the illness known as negativity. cheesy.gifclap2.gif


I'd worry about next years weather, next year, because although next year will be here, you may not be !

Live for today, enjoy what you have.


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Post #1

'At the end of this month I intend to upgrade my aircon units and at least be prepared'

Don't bother; increased national demand will mean no power.......


Few months back, stayed home because of security reasons.

Last month, worried about rain.

Last week, high season and car crashes scared me

Now I must stay home because of the heat?????

on a serious note....i am convinced the two real killers in Thailand is heat and pollution. third might be aids, not sure.

if old....avoid the heat and save your life.

if really young.....tell your parents you are not safe

when the pollution AND heat comes.....the cost savings of moving to Thailand will become negative...

complain complain complain .. what People should stay away from that kind of negative people who you, otherwise there is great risk of being infected by the illness known as negativity. cheesy.gifclap2.gif

How true that is....T.G. I try to live my life in the "here and now"....the "present".

Once heard it said...."If a man has one eye on yesterday and the other on tomorrow, he will be cross-eyed today.


This year was almost unbearable for me after 13 years and I have vowed not to be here another summer. Its not just the heat its the pollution very high levels of co2 in cm. It kills you after a while. Not negative just true.


I am doing a Custards last stand here. I love my g/f and would not abandon her. I also would not take her back to my "culture" because of our age difference which there is every busy body's business. This is it for me so mother nature have at it. I am a tough old bugger.


+1 EG38

If it helps anyone: we've put a lot of time and effort into reducing the impact of heat on our house. Now here for one year we've experienced a full cycle of what happens when and I agree, the next six/eight months don't look great from a heat perspective and at age 65 I'm starting to feel it more than I used to.

But all is not lost, far from it. insulation, window tint, improved attic ventilation and more, they all help reduce the impact of a hotter climate.

As things stand presently our neighbor runs aircon everyday, mostly all day, we've not needed to run aircon at all, apart from a few days back in June July last year.

Message is there's a huge amount you can do to make life easier in this respect.


Post #1

'At the end of this month I intend to upgrade my aircon units and at least be prepared'

Don't bother; increased national demand will mean no power.......

Indeed, better off investing in a generator.


it will probably top 30 degrees back in the Uk then........for a week. ill go back there when it gets too hot and watch the locals dropping like flies because it got............"warm".


it will probably top 30 degrees back in the Uk then........for a week. ill go back there when it gets too hot and watch the locals dropping like flies because it got............"warm".

The experts say, it`s going to get colder in Europe and hotter in Asia.

Search El Nino in Google and read the reports. I am taking this very seriously, that from February up to July of next year could see the hottest temperatures on record in Thailand.


+1 EG38

If it helps anyone: we've put a lot of time and effort into reducing the impact of heat on our house. Now here for one year we've experienced a full cycle of what happens when and I agree, the next six/eight months don't look great from a heat perspective and at age 65 I'm starting to feel it more than I used to.

But all is not lost, far from it. insulation, window tint, improved attic ventilation and more, they all help reduce the impact of a hotter climate.

As things stand presently our neighbor runs aircon everyday, mostly all day, we've not needed to run aircon at all, apart from a few days back in June July last year.

Message is there's a huge amount you can do to make life easier in this respect.

Ah - until you want to go outside that is wink.png


I have lived in Thailand, more than 10 years. This year was by far the hottest year for me. I seldom use aircon, (it almost killed me once - I got Legionnaire's Disease from a faulty unit in Mexico in 1990). I live near the sea in jomtien Beach, so there is usually a breeze to keep it cooler. the breeze and a fan nearby is usually all I need, but this year, .. I had to trun it on almost every night to cool off before going to sleep. I can not afford to run it all the time like some people do


I have lived in Thailand, more than 10 years. This year was by far the hottest year for me. I seldom use aircon, (it almost killed me once - I got Legionnaire's Disease from a faulty unit in Mexico in 1990). I live near the sea in jomtien Beach, so there is usually a breeze to keep it cooler. the breeze and a fan nearby is usually all I need, but this year, .. I had to trun it on almost every night to cool off before going to sleep. I can not afford to run it all the time like some people do

The OP should sign up with this gentleman who has all the answers !smile.png



It could be a big problem what happens if they overload the grid , with AC use we will be doomed.

I do hope that people make the investment to go solar (whoever has the opportunity and can afford it) for precisely this reason.


I am taking this very seriously, that from February up to July of next

year could see the hottest temperatures on record in Thailand.


For those un prepared - suffer,, i will leave Thailand at the

end of January, going to a cooler place...

Ps: i read somewhere new thermometers were being made

that went to 60°C (why i wonder)


it will probably top 30 degrees back in the Uk then........for a week. ill go back there when it gets too hot and watch the locals dropping like flies because it got............"warm".

The experts say, it`s going to get colder in Europe and hotter in Asia.

Search El Nino in Google and read the reports. I am taking this very seriously, that from February up to July of next year could see the hottest temperatures on record in Thailand.

Please......give us a daily report


Few months back, stayed home because of security reasons.

Last month, worried about rain.

Last week, high season and car crashes scared me

Now I must stay home because of the heat?????

on a serious note....i am convinced the two real killers in Thailand is heat and pollution. third might be aids, not sure.

if old....avoid the heat and save your life.

if really young.....tell your parents you are not safe

when the pollution AND heat comes.....the cost savings of moving to Thailand will become negative...

Well Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia are cheaper then Thailand.....

Good,i can die cheaper.


LOL global warming yer right oh whatever you say.

El Nino and El Nina is a well proven FACT.Science my boy,disregard at your peril,nothing to laugh at.

First point I'm not your boy I'm my dad's boy.

Second point if you wish to belive everything you read that's your choice I belive in the earth is warming or cooling dependant where you are but not because it's man made but because it's part of earth's cycle. Don't need to be a scientist to work that out.


So there's no negative impact on the planet from burning fossil fuels, depletion of the ozone layer and melting polar ice and they are not linked in any way and in no way man made?

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