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Saudi Arabia beheads 151 people so far this year, highest in 2 decades


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Saudi Arabia beheads 151 people so far this year, highest in 2 decades

SAUDI ARABIA: -- A Saudi man convicted of killing a police officer was executed by beheading on Monday, raising the number of people executed in the kingdom so far this year to 151, the highest figure in two decades.

Ayed al-Jahdali was beheaded in the western Mecca region after being convicted of killing a police officer who was trying to arrest him for alleged drug trafficking, the kingdom’s interior ministry said in a statement.

Monday’s beheading raises the number of people executed in Saudi Arabia so far this year to at least 151, according to a count by Amnesty International, which shows that, on average this year, one person has been executed every other day.

“The use of the death penalty is abhorrent in any circumstance but it is especially alarming that the Saudi Arabian authorities continue to use it in violation of international human rights law and standards, on such a wide scale, and after trials which are grossly unfair and sometimes politically motivated,” said James Lynch, Deputy Director at Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Program.

The number of executions this year mark a 68 percent increase when compared to last year, when a total 90 people are known to have been executed.

Full story: http://www.streetwisejournal.com/saudi-arabia-beheads-151-people-so-far-this-year-highest-in-2-decades/12184/

-- StreetWiseJournal 2015-11-11

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I know its easy to say "yea they deserve it" consider this dialogue (Taken from Knowing me Knowing You with Alan Partridge (Steve Coogan Brit comedian). Panel of people including a clown.

Leftie = The death penalty is the hallmark of a barbaric culture

Conservative - Oh, yes its right and proper

Clown - Would you be willing to pull the lever?

Conservative - That's not the point

Clown - Yes it is

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This most heinous of nations could not do anything that would surprise me. The government and ruling family are so lacking in compassion, and charity (besides the billions they spend funding terror around the world with their extremist Madrasas and promotion of Wahhabism). It seems as if they go out of their way to not be a positive force in the world, and to avoid benefitting the world population with their tremendous wealth. They are not an example to anyone. They continue to be a terrible world citizen, on a daily basis. I am not particularly bothered by the death penalty, where a heinous crime has been committed, and is proven without a doubt. However, their courts are anything but transparent, and who the hell knows what their criteria is.

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Saudi Arabia- the least democratic country in the World with a justice system from the Middle Ages. The Western hypocrisy supports this regime yet it fails all standards of transparency and yet the same Western nations complain about what Thailand does. . Oh... I forgot... Thailand doesn't have any natural resource like oil that the West wants.

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The quicker these F-----rs run out of oil and all the west want the better .

Could be within the next decade if we're lucky. They're spending their cash reserves faster than ever and if the oil price stays low...... smile.png

But due to the oil collapse, Saudi Arabia is now facing its first budget deficit since 2009…

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the Saudi government to run a budget deficit equal to 22% of its GDP this year…and another deficit of 19% of GDP next year.

For comparison, the U.S. hasn’t run a deficit that large since World War II. Even during the worst of the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. deficit never got higher than 9.8% of GDP.

Source: http://www.caseyresearch.com/articles/the-global-economy-is-in-worse-shape-than-you-think

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Yes, the Sharia thing is barbaric. There are recent videos of women being beheaded and or stoned to death, in the street or the park. Cut and hack, no soft injection etc.

Why oh why do the Brits and the Yanks brown-nose them so much? Because they supply the oil BUT they also buy 100s of tanks and helicopters. They are supposed to be involved in fighting IS, but you never read about a Saudi soldier death or a Saudi jet fighter shot at. Maybe they just supply the cash and pay mercenaries.


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The poster is correct- the Saudis always hire mercenaries to do their fighting and hire citizens of 3rd World countries to clean their garbage. A Saudi never gets his hands dirty. they are the most arrogant people in the World that I have ever met.

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Bigger population, a larger number that need to be beheaded. That said the real crime is many

of the crimes are of a questionable nature. Kill the Saudi national who has you chained up and

is raping you and you are the one guilty and will be beheaded. It is not the death penalty per

say that is the issue (although many innocent people are executed in the US and it was

the executing of innocent convicts in the UK that led to abolition there) It is the Saudi justice

system itself that is the issue.

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The quicker these F-----rs run out of oil and all the west want the better .

Could be within the next decade if we're lucky. They're spending their cash reserves faster than ever and if the oil price stays low...... smile.png

But due to the oil collapse, Saudi Arabia is now facing its first budget deficit since 2009…

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the Saudi government to run a budget deficit equal to 22% of its GDP this year…and another deficit of 19% of GDP next year.

For comparison, the U.S. hasn’t run a deficit that large since World War II. Even during the worst of the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. deficit never got higher than 9.8% of GDP.

Source: http://www.caseyresearch.com/articles/the-global-economy-is-in-worse-shape-than-you-think

"Due to the supply glut it will be another 25 years before oil prices break through the crucial $100 mark, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

And the black stuff is unlikely to hit $80 a barrel before the end of the next decade, as annual global demand growth rises by 900,000 barrels per day to 2020."


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This most heinous of nations could not do anything that would surprise me. The government and ruling family are so lacking in compassion, and charity (besides the billions they spend funding terror around the world with their extremist Madrasas and promotion of Wahhabism). It seems as if they go out of their way to not be a positive force in the world, and to avoid benefitting the world population with their tremendous wealth. They are not an example to anyone. They continue to be a terrible world citizen, on a daily basis. I am not particularly bothered by the death penalty, where a heinous crime has been committed, and is proven without a doubt. However, their courts are anything but transparent, and who the hell knows what their criteria is.

But they are buddies with the Yanks who appear to accept these punishments and feel that it is not their duty to criticise these barbaric acts.

Now for the Chinese, whose human rights record is deplored by America despite it being far less of a problem than in Saudi Arabia.

Can anyone spot the reason for this being the case? I'll give you a clue, one country has something the other country doesn't.

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This most heinous of nations could not do anything that would surprise me. The government and ruling family are so lacking in compassion, and charity (besides the billions they spend funding terror around the world with their extremist Madrasas and promotion of Wahhabism). It seems as if they go out of their way to not be a positive force in the world, and to avoid benefitting the world population with their tremendous wealth. They are not an example to anyone. They continue to be a terrible world citizen, on a daily basis. I am not particularly bothered by the death penalty, where a heinous crime has been committed, and is proven without a doubt. However, their courts are anything but transparent, and who the hell knows what their criteria is.

But they are buddies with the Yanks who appear to accept these punishments and feel that it is not their duty to criticise these barbaric acts.

Now for the Chinese, whose human rights record is deplored by America despite it being far less of a problem than in Saudi Arabia.

Can anyone spot the reason for this being the case? I'll give you a clue, one country has something the other country doesn't.

The US is extremely selective with the countries they criticize for a lack of democracy and human rights. The Saudis are at the top of the list, of nations that deserve that criticism. And the US govt. is quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to these hypocritical fools. They have lot of oil. They invest a lot in the US. So, it is ok that they spend billions sponsoring terrorism, and abuse the rights of whomever they want.

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This most heinous of nations could not do anything that would surprise me. The government and ruling family are so lacking in compassion, and charity (besides the billions they spend funding terror around the world with their extremist Madrasas and promotion of Wahhabism). It seems as if they go out of their way to not be a positive force in the world, and to avoid benefitting the world population with their tremendous wealth. They are not an example to anyone. They continue to be a terrible world citizen, on a daily basis. I am not particularly bothered by the death penalty, where a heinous crime has been committed, and is proven without a doubt. However, their courts are anything but transparent, and who the hell knows what their criteria is.

But they are buddies with the Yanks who appear to accept these punishments and feel that it is not their duty to criticise these barbaric acts.

Now for the Chinese, whose human rights record is deplored by America despite it being far less of a problem than in Saudi Arabia.

Can anyone spot the reason for this being the case? I'll give you a clue, one country has something the other country doesn't.

The US is extremely selective with the countries they criticize for a lack of democracy and human rights. The Saudis are at the top of the list, of nations that deserve that criticism. And the US govt. is quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to these hypocritical fools. They have lot of oil. They invest a lot in the US. So, it is ok that they spend billions sponsoring terrorism, and abuse the rights of whomever they want.

57 page 2014 US State Department report on Human Rights in KSA; someone's paying attention. Also Tier 3 listed by State for human trafficking


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This most heinous of nations could not do anything that would surprise me. The government and ruling family are so lacking in compassion, and charity (besides the billions they spend funding terror around the world with their extremist Madrasas and promotion of Wahhabism). It seems as if they go out of their way to not be a positive force in the world, and to avoid benefitting the world population with their tremendous wealth. They are not an example to anyone. They continue to be a terrible world citizen, on a daily basis. I am not particularly bothered by the death penalty, where a heinous crime has been committed, and is proven without a doubt. However, their courts are anything but transparent, and who the hell knows what their criteria is.

But they are buddies with the Yanks who appear to accept these punishments and feel that it is not their duty to criticise these barbaric acts.

Now for the Chinese, whose human rights record is deplored by America despite it being far less of a problem than in Saudi Arabia.

Can anyone spot the reason for this being the case? I'll give you a clue, one country has something the other country doesn't.

The US is extremely selective with the countries they criticize for a lack of democracy and human rights. The Saudis are at the top of the list, of nations that deserve that criticism. And the US govt. is quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to these hypocritical fools. They have lot of oil. They invest a lot in the US. So, it is ok that they spend billions sponsoring terrorism, and abuse the rights of whomever they want.

57 page 2014 US State Department report on Human Rights in KSA; someone's paying attention. Also Tier 3 listed by State for human trafficking


Yes, excellent report. Obviously some elements within the government dislike Saudi Arabia, and its rulers, as much as many of us do. But other elements within the US government continue to insist on kissing butt on a daily basis. Hopefully some criticism is being leveled behind the scenes.

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This most heinous of nations could not do anything that would surprise me. The government and ruling family are so lacking in compassion, and charity (besides the billions they spend funding terror around the world with their extremist Madrasas and promotion of Wahhabism). It seems as if they go out of their way to not be a positive force in the world, and to avoid benefitting the world population with their tremendous wealth. They are not an example to anyone. They continue to be a terrible world citizen, on a daily basis. I am not particularly bothered by the death penalty, where a heinous crime has been committed, and is proven without a doubt. However, their courts are anything but transparent, and who the hell knows what their criteria is.

But they are buddies with the Yanks who appear to accept these punishments and feel that it is not their duty to criticise these barbaric acts.

Now for the Chinese, whose human rights record is deplored by America despite it being far less of a problem than in Saudi Arabia.

Can anyone spot the reason for this being the case? I'll give you a clue, one country has something the other country doesn't.

The US is extremely selective with the countries they criticize for a lack of democracy and human rights. The Saudis are at the top of the list, of nations that deserve that criticism. And the US govt. is quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to these hypocritical fools. They have lot of oil. They invest a lot in the US. So, it is ok that they spend billions sponsoring terrorism, and abuse the rights of whomever they want.

57 page 2014 US State Department report on Human Rights in KSA; someone's paying attention. Also Tier 3 listed by State for human trafficking


So why not sanctions against them, such as refusing to buy their oil until they remove their support towards sponsoring terrorism and put a stop to human trafficking - they can take a leaf out of Thailand's book here (both Saudi Arabia and the US - which has an awful record regards the sex trade)!!

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The US is extremely selective with the countries they criticize for a lack of democracy and human rights. The Saudis are at the top of the list, of nations that deserve that criticism. And the US govt. is quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to these hypocritical fools. They have lot of oil. They invest a lot in the US. So, it is ok that they spend billions sponsoring terrorism, and abuse the rights of whomever they want.

57 page 2014 US State Department report on Human Rights in KSA; someone's paying attention. Also Tier 3 listed by State for human trafficking


So why not sanctions against them, such as refusing to buy their oil until they remove their support towards sponsoring terrorism and put a stop to human trafficking - they can take a leaf out of Thailand's book here (both Saudi Arabia and the US - which has an awful record regards the sex trade)!!

Because the Saudi lobby is too powerful. American men and women in Congress and the Senate are very, very weak people. They will kiss the ass of anyone, and everyone who sends a competent lobbyist to Washington. Anytime, anywhere. And the Saudis have a lot of pull, due to the American oil interest in their kingdom, the amount of money they have invested in the US markets, and the US need to bases and support in the region. Therefore, at least on the surface, they can do no wrong. However, we can do our research, and do what we can to avoid buying their oil. A good place to start is by driving a motorbike. Every time I fill my tank with less than 200 baht worth of gasoline, I feel like I am putting my foot up Salmans ass. It is a good feeling. He is leading the country in a backwards direction.

Besides, we are nearing, or have already passed peak oil. See the following article. We might have only 20 years remaining, before the oil that is readily available has run out, with the possible exception of oil obtained with fracking methods:

It has taken between 50-300 million years to form, and yet we have managed to burn roughly half of all global oil reserves in merely 125 years or so.

The world now consumes 85 million barrels of oil per day, or 40,000 gallons per second, and demand is growing exponentially.


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The poster is correct- the Saudis always hire mercenaries to do their fighting and hire citizens of 3rd World countries to clean their garbage. A Saudi never gets his hands dirty. they are the most arrogant people in the World that I have ever met.

The UAE is the same. My company had a contract to keep a Field Service Rep in Abu Dhabi (me) years ago. I was there 14 months with the UAE Army. Utter, tee-totally worthless, with Filipinos, Kenyans, Pakistanis, Indian etc doing all the work.

I was just an adviser, but I'd quite happily get dirty with the crew at times when I needed to.

I met a few guys that were West Point and Annapolis grads, who, with US State Department permission, were commissioned officers in the UAE Army. An LT, a CPT. and a Major.

I worked "for" an Emirati major (Talib.......ahhhhh what a retard...fond memories indeed), and when I told him about Major Scott the American Major wearing the same uniform and rank as him, he turned nine shades of purple.

Interesting sidenote... Major Talib's XO was a 1Lt who was a retired Egyptian Brigadier. Said he made more money as an LT in the UAE than he did as a general in Egypt.

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To quote Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia ..The very memorable line... "...a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel,..." has anything changed ..please lets find an alternative to oil and let them live their lives as they wish ..in the style they seem to enjoy from the middle ages !!

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