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Notorious drug gang smashed in Bangkok


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Notorious drug gang smashed in Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- A combined of heavily armed narcotics suppression police and officials of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) smashed a notorious drug gang in Bangkok and arrested eight members, three of them leading figures, in a predawn raid yesterday.

The raid followed almost a year long investigation and tracking of the gang known in the social media as “Oros Gang” after its leader and members posted video clips on You Tube daring the police to arrest them.

The narcotics suppression police finally trailed the gangsters to a property in Therdthai area of Bangkok.

The area was then sealed off and police moved in with their arms for fear that the gang members would resist.

Three leading figures and five other members of the gang were arrested and a number of articles of evidence were seized.

One police officer said the predawn raid was prompted after members from the Oros Gang posted clips online showing drugs and firearm and dared police to arrest them.

They had also advertised the sale of firearms and narcotics online and one particular post showed more than 100 of its members partying with drugs.

The police said they have been monitoring and investigating the gang’s activities for more than a year and lately were able to discover that the gang was headed by an individual known as Jay Oros.

He apparently lived in luxury house and had vast sum of money from the sale of narcotics. Drugs were handed out to junior members who then distributed them to local dealers in Thonburi district.

The gang is widely recognized as hoodlums by local residents who report that they are often seen about carrying firearms. These residents say that they have grown tedious with the gang’s activities but avoided any contact with them and rarely report them to authorities for fear of reprisals.

Narcotic Suppression Bureau Pol Lt Gen Rewat Klinkesorn said after the raid that anyone with information about the Oros Gang should come forward because such gangsters cannot be allowed to exist.

He declared “from now, on any Oros Gang member found will face direct severe action. Today’s arrest is comparatively straight forward adhering to guidelines set-out by the letter of the law.

Yesterday’s search of three luxury houses yielded only two bottles of ketamine widely known as ‘Ya K’ and a small number of drug consummation utensils.

In all, eight gang members were arrested and among these are two brothers known as ‘Somsuer Brothers’ who admitted to having committed no less than four offenses.

These include murder, theft, assault and selling firearms. They admitted to having served jail terms and upon release had desired to distance themselves from a life crime as they had fathered children of their own and did not want them to be ashamed of their fathers.

One key gang member said “I wanted to stop for the sake of my children and wife. I have 3 children and the oldest is 14 years of age from my former relationship.

Another gang member said “I have a child who is only 5 months old and wished to stop for my child’s sake. I don’t want my child to see my bad actions because I wouldn’t know how to justify it. Furthermore, I don’t want my child to grow up without a father.”

Police said they are still on the lookout for Jay, the leader of the gang after he fled from the house during the raid by jumping into a canal. He is believed to be armed when making his escape but police are confident that he will be apprehended very soon.

Authorities also warned Jay and other members of the Oros Gang not to resist arrest as police will be forced to defend themselves and will not hesitate to use necessary force.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/notorious-drug-gang-smashed-in-bangkok

-- Thai PBS 2015-11-11

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

And what if you happened to be in the line of fire during such a shootout? Would you still think it is ok?

The job of the police is to enforce the law and arrest the criminals. It is up to the courts to administer justice.

Thaksin will live on in infamy for his human rights violations during his drug crackdown.

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To me this still seems small fry, perhaps they moved a lot of product but in the end they are just retailers. They most likely got on the wrong side of their protector...

What is needed is to find someone like these clowns supplier - only then do you start to make an impact.

There are literally hundreds of low intelligence wannabes waiting to fill the minute 'gap' this arrest has made in the chain.

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

Gunning the drug dealers down was one thing, but gunning down anyone and everyone you didn't like or was competition for your own operations then putting some drugs in their pocket is something else.

And when the architect of the policy has the ethics and morales of a hyena, you know they aren't going to investigate you too closely after you did it. I wonder if he will ever be held to account.

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To me this still seems small fry, perhaps they moved a lot of product but in the end they are just retailers. They most likely got on the wrong side of their protector...

What is needed is to find someone like these clowns supplier - only then do you start to make an impact.

There are literally hundreds of low intelligence wannabes waiting to fill the minute 'gap' this arrest has made in the chain.

Want the kingpins? The discussion must include the Chinese/Burmese - precursor suppliers/ meth producers.

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Notorious drug gang smashed in Bangkok

Awesome, so you got everyone in the gang?

Three leading figures and five other members of the gang were arrested and a number of articles of evidence were seized.

Cool, sounds like a small gang, but glad you got them.

They had also advertised the sale of firearms and narcotics online and one particular post showed more than 100 of its members partying with drugs.

Oh, less than 10% and probably small fries at that. That sounds more like it.

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

No they are not sorely missed by decent humans. The war on drugs does more damage than the drugs themselves. That murderous nutters following an outdated and corrupt American anti drug policy should have a license to carry out their murderous deathly perversion is sick.- Killing people is not to be supported by anybody. Shame on you. Shame.

Edited by The manic
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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

Yeah, because extrajudicial killing by the police is always a good thing - jeez!

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

yes, nothing like the police gunning down their competition so they can jack up drug prices and keep them there.

these armed "drug clowns" are more human than the police mafia. the underground mafia will always supply a service. Wherease the police do not. actually, the police are the ones hindering JUSTICE in thailand.

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

And what if you happened to be in the line of fire during such a shootout? Would you still think it is ok?

The job of the police is to enforce the law and arrest the criminals. It is up to the courts to administer justice.

Thaksin will live on in infamy for his human rights violations during his drug crackdown.

Do you want some cheese with your whine?

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Not only was the house surrounded, it says before the raid the whole area was sealed off....

Yet this guy managed to "swim" to an escape in a bkk canal full of the usual toxic waste??

I would bet the leader wasn't even there during the raid, he probably paid a fee to be notified of when the raid will be coming....

The ones arrested are probably not important to the leadership so they didn't get the opportunity to "escape"...

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed

Your response is dully noted Ezzra.

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Why is it ,that the gang leaders always seem to be able to

escape,even though the police say the place was surrounded.

regards Worgeordie

Don't worry. He jumped into a canal, so he's probably a dead man walking due to his swim.

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

And what if you happened to be in the line of fire during such a shootout? Would you still think it is ok?

The job of the police is to enforce the law and arrest the criminals. It is up to the courts to administer justice.

Thaksin will live on in infamy for his human rights violations during his drug crackdown.

keep your distructive left-liberal ideas for yourself. because of people like you the World now is full of drug pushers, theifes, illegal immigrants and terrorists.

there should be no human rights for drug spreading gang members. these people don't deserve to live.

I would vote for proscription lists like in ancient Rome: those in them are out of protection of any law.

Edited by TimmyT
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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

And what if you happened to be in the line of fire during such a shootout? Would you still think it is ok?

The job of the police is to enforce the law and arrest the criminals. It is up to the courts to administer justice.

Thaksin will live on in infamy for his human rights violations during his drug crackdown.

keep your distructive left-liberal ideas for yourself. because of people like you the World now is full of drug pushers, theifes, illegal immigrants and terrorists.

there should be no human rights for drug spreading gang members. these people don't deserve to live.

I would vote for proscription lists like in ancient Rome: those in them are out of protection of any law.

TimmyT.....your post is just about the most imbecilic post I have ever read. How on earth are people with other views to yours responsible for thieves, illegal immigrants etc? I think if we start making lists of people to eliminate then people like you would actually end up of the first list of less than useful people.

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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

And what if you happened to be in the line of fire during such a shootout? Would you still think it is ok?

The job of the police is to enforce the law and arrest the criminals. It is up to the courts to administer justice.

Thaksin will live on in infamy for his human rights violations during his drug crackdown.

keep your distructive left-liberal ideas for yourself. because of people like you the World now is full of drug pushers, theifes, illegal immigrants and terrorists.

there should be no human rights for drug spreading gang members. these people don't deserve to live.

I would vote for proscription lists like in ancient Rome: those in them are out of protection of any law.

TimmyT.....your post is just about the most imbecilic post I have ever read. How on earth are people with other views to yours responsible for thieves, illegal immigrants etc? I think if we start making lists of people to eliminate then people like you would actually end up of the first list of less than useful people.

left-liberals are responsible for drug-pushers because they protect them from the retribution in sake of their own political career

and if I would make this list - American and European left-liberal politicians, NGO members and media whores, Russian political mafia and Middle Eastern Islamists would make the first houndred of pages. and after that drug seller will come.

about you I dont care, sorry

Edited by TimmyT
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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

And what if you happened to be in the line of fire during such a shootout? Would you still think it is ok?

The job of the police is to enforce the law and arrest the criminals. It is up to the courts to administer justice.

Thaksin will live on in infamy for his human rights violations during his drug crackdown.

keep your distructive left-liberal ideas for yourself. because of people like you the World now is full of drug pushers, theifes, illegal immigrants and terrorists.

there should be no human rights for drug spreading gang members. these people don't deserve to live.

I would vote for proscription lists like in ancient Rome: those in them are out of protection of any law.

TimmyT.....your post is just about the most imbecilic post I have ever read. How on earth are people with other views to yours responsible for thieves, illegal immigrants etc? I think if we start making lists of people to eliminate then people like you would actually end up of the first list of less than useful people.

left-liberals are responsible for drug-pushers because they protect them from the retribution in sake of their own political career

and if I would make this list - American and European left-liberal politicians, NGO members and media whores, Russian political mafia and Middle Eastern Islamists would make the first houndred of pages. and after that drug seller will come.

about you I dont care, sorry

TimmyT are you an angry old man? Or just one whose cognitive ability is slipping away? The views you express are in line with what one would expect from a fascist dictator or a Nazi. I think it's admirable that the Thais are working on improving there way of dealing with law and order in a civilised manner. Where you are embracing a Stalinist authoritarian position. As for any response you may post, I like you, simply don't care.
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20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

You'll be telling us next that Taksin Square Head's extra-judicial massacre on over 2000 suspected drug dealers was a good thing!

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As for any response you may post, I like you, simply don't care.

was the meaning of it: "if you will answer me - my neurosis will force me to answer you again, because otherwise I will feel defeated. so please don't asnwer"

this was touching


TimmyT are you an angry old man? Or just one whose cognitive ability is slipping away?

I am the one defending 100% resposibility for actions for adult sane people.

The views you express are in line with what one would expect from a fascist dictator or a Nazi.

leftisit always say this when they run out of arguments.

the one and only thing I agree with dictators - like Pinochet for example - all measures which allow to get rid of mafia are good. all of them.

Where you are embracing a Stalinist authoritarian position.

no way, Stalin was protecting criminals as an instrument of pressure on political enemies. Marxist ideology considered criminals "socially close to the ruling working class"

Edited by TimmyT
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Why is it ,that the gang leaders always seem to be able to

escape,even though the police say the place was surrounded.

regards Worgeordie

Don't worry. He jumped into a canal, so he's probably a dead man walking due to his swim.

Right -the cops should be checking the hospitals for a recently admitted patient with massive amounts of Staph infection.

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