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US B-52 bombers fly near disputed South China Sea islands


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US B-52 bombers fly near disputed South China Sea islands

WASHINGTON: -- Two US B-52 bomber planes have flown near artificial islands built by China in disputed areas of the South China Sea, the Pentagon has said.

Their mission continued despite being warned by Chinese ground controllers.

The incident comes ahead of a visit by US President Barack Obama to a summit in Manila next week, which China's President Xi Jinping will also attend.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-34805899

-- BBC 2015-11-13

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And why did they not fly over the islands ?

They are difficult to replace these days, since the last production run was in 1963. Maybe they should have buzzed them at 100 feet with some B-2, given how much the taxpayers paid for them.

I had a Canadian lad ask me the other day why the US thought it had to be the world's policeman.

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Inclined to think that the regional nations should take the lead with the U.S. as a supporting power. (I believe this should be the case in the ME as well). China has over reached by unilaterally claiming sovereignty over 80-90% of the South China Sea. All nations wishing to maintain passage through international waters should be sailing freely and ignoring China's claim. That said, the U.S. is one of the nations with an interest in maintaining free navigation in accord with international law so there does exist a vested interest. I am by no means an American wishing conflict but this is a matter where I support international law recognition and enforcement. I recommend China find a solution in accord to international standards as I do not wish China to suffer a loss of face.

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

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There is a struggle over resources going on now. Since solar power turned out to be WAY too cheap and the price of panels coincidentally is just "too high to manage", we are now in a confrontational situation.

Another edition of "Idiots at the card table raising the stakes for no reason so the military industrial complex makes money."

Do they really think nobody reads books?

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

You answered your own question. The US is not flying into Chinese territorial waters. Legally speaking.

The international court has taken on this case, a decision next year, and the Chinese have already rejected their jurisdiction. What can you do?

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

this: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/870386-us-b-52-bombers-fly-near-disputed-south-china-sea-islands/?utm_source=newsletter-20151113-1541&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

this: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/04/politics/china-ships-alaska-us-waters/

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

These flights are not within Chinese territorial waters.

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This is another good one by the CCP Dictators in Beijing who don't know whether they're coming or going.

The CCP Dictators keep declaring they "respect" freedom of navigation and overflight of the South China Sea..

Two USAF B-52 bombers flew in international air space and one USN Destroyer steamed through international waters and on each occasion the PLA Navy and Air Force ground controllers on the islands started issuing their most seriously and severely hilarious orders for the craft to get out. Repeatedly barking out side-splitters such as the one quoted in heavy font below.

PLA said the US was "challenging" Chinese air space and Chinese waters. It's hard to believe the CCP Dictators are too stupid to recognise how continuously stupid they make themselves look. Well, then again.....

The CCP mouthpiece of the FMinstry put his foot in his mouth on this one too:

China "firmly opposes violating international law and undermining China's sovereignty and security interests under the pretext of navigation and overflight freedom," Hong told reporters at a regular news conference.

See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/11/13/china-says-it-respects-navigation-freedom-south-china-sea.html#sthash.qJJgaVqU.dpuf

Russian news RT reported the CCP Chinese military contacted the bombers, ordering them to Get away from our islands,” according to a US official who spoke to The Hill in Washington.

The CCP Dictators say otherwise to the report below too so they're going to continue to be unhappy as their screwy notions that no one can challenge them continue to get confronted by reality.

The CCP Boyz yesterday told Japan so shut up about the SCS and that it's not a concern of Japan either, which means PM Abe will be in their face again at the meetings too. Nothing shy about Shinzo Abe either.

The CCP Boyz are up against the entire region but still don't know it or don't care. The outcome for the Boyz is to say the least not going to be good. They do a lot of hollering and that's it. Their foot stomping isn't loud at all besides. The CCP Dictators can do nothing in this. They are hamstrung in a meat freezer.

When Prez Obama meets Xi Jinping next week 1-2-3 in Turkey for the G-20 then in Manila for APEC and then in Kuala Lumput for Asean, Barack is gonna give Xi the famous Obama smile. biggrin.png

It's gonna be the Boyz' worst week in a looong time.

South China Sea to be key issue of discussion at East-Asia Summit, ASEAN: Susan Rice

WASHINGTON: South China Sea will be a central issue of discussion both at the East-Asia Summit as well as at the ASEAN-US Summit to be attended by US President Barack Obama next week, his top aide said today.

"Obviously, this (South China Sea) will be a central issue of discussion both at the East-Asia Summit as well as at the ASEAN-US Summit and the other engagements that we have throughout our visit to Asia," National Security Advisor Susan Rice told reporters

Read more at:

Edited by Publicus
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And why did they not fly over the islands ?

yeah, nice and low. International waters and airspace after all.

Push them, US. Push them hard.

Pilot to co-pilot...

"What island? I don't see any island now."

Co-pilot to pilot..

"Roger that!"


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In less than two weeks the United States has asserted the International Law of the Sea and the freedom of navigation and flight in international air space.

The two B-52s were also a statement to the CCP Boyz in Beijing to quit their already announced plans (in 2013) to declare an Air Defense Identification Zone over the area of the 9-dash line in the SCS.

The US in late 2013 immediately flew two B-52s through a suddenly announced ADIZ over the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu to the Boyz) which the CCP claims are theirs but which are possessed by Japan to include legal titles and deeds. Since then the Senkaku ADIZ (Diaoyutai) has become aerial Swiss cheese because the US, Japan, South Korean air forces fly through it unannounced and without the permission of the CCP Boyz on a regular basis. This is so after a lot of threats by the Boyz of this that and the other defense thing if anyone dared violate the zone The Boyz should know from this back then to now they can expect the same in the SCS if they did go ahead with that self embarrassing plan too.

These guyz really believe they are masters of the universe and that no one has any standing or right to dare to contradict them. They truly believe all they have to do is to say jump and the world asks how high. The Dictators of Beijing are in for some serious conflicts unless they simply decide to make a "temporary" strategic stand down. They could bloody the nose of the USN but the Boyz would get their face smashed in in response.

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In less than two weeks the United States has asserted the International Law of the Sea and the freedom of navigation and flight in international air space.

The two B-52s were also a statement to the CCP Boyz in Beijing to quit their already announced plans (in 2013) to declare an Air Defense Identification Zone over the area of the 9-dash line in the SCS.

The US in late 2013 immediately flew two B-52s through a suddenly announced ADIZ over the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu to the Boyz) which the CCP claims are theirs but which are possessed by Japan to include legal titles and deeds. Since then the Senkaku ADIZ (Diaoyutai) has become aerial Swiss cheese because the US, Japan, South Korean air forces fly through it unannounced and without the permission of the CCP Boyz on a regular basis. This is so after a lot of threats by the Boyz of this that and the other defense thing if anyone dared violate the zone The Boyz should know from this back then to now they can expect the same in the SCS if they did go ahead with that self embarrassing plan too.

These guyz really believe they are masters of the universe and that no one has any standing or right to dare to contradict them. They truly believe all they have to do is to say jump and the world asks how high. The Dictators of Beijing are in for some serious conflicts unless they simply decide to make a "temporary" strategic stand down. They could bloody the nose of the USN but the Boyz would get their face smashed in in response.


Where were the legal titles and deeds issued?

Chanote from a real estate agent in Bangkok?

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In less than two weeks the United States has asserted the International Law of the Sea and the freedom of navigation and flight in international air space.

The two B-52s were also a statement to the CCP Boyz in Beijing to quit their already announced plans (in 2013) to declare an Air Defense Identification Zone over the area of the 9-dash line in the SCS.

The US in late 2013 immediately flew two B-52s through a suddenly announced ADIZ over the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu to the Boyz) which the CCP claims are theirs but which are possessed by Japan to include legal titles and deeds. Since then the Senkaku ADIZ (Diaoyutai) has become aerial Swiss cheese because the US, Japan, South Korean air forces fly through it unannounced and without the permission of the CCP Boyz on a regular basis. This is so after a lot of threats by the Boyz of this that and the other defense thing if anyone dared violate the zone The Boyz should know from this back then to now they can expect the same in the SCS if they did go ahead with that self embarrassing plan too.

These guyz really believe they are masters of the universe and that no one has any standing or right to dare to contradict them. They truly believe all they have to do is to say jump and the world asks how high. The Dictators of Beijing are in for some serious conflicts unless they simply decide to make a "temporary" strategic stand down. They could bloody the nose of the USN but the Boyz would get their face smashed in in response.

Ignoring the fact that street brawls often spill out into and involve the passing public. If it gets to that this will not be just a TV sport for spectators! But if you like the idea, go on, go out and stock up on your beer and crisps!facepalm.gif

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And why did they not fly over the islands ?

They are difficult to replace these days, since the last production run was in 1963. Maybe they should have buzzed them at 100 feet with some B-2, given how much the taxpayers paid for them.

I had a Canadian lad ask me the other day why the US thought it had to be the world's policeman.

Because once ISIS beheads some hapless Canuck, they'll just expect the US to do something.

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

You answered your own question. The US is not flying into Chinese territorial waters. Legally speaking.

The international court has taken on this case, a decision next year, and the Chinese have already rejected their jurisdiction. What can you do?

Indeed, Indonesia yesterday told the CCP Dictators in Beijing to quit their claims against the Natuna Island archipelago at the southern end of the 9-dash line or Jakarta will go to the Hague too, same as the Philippines did in 2013 with strong US encouragement.

The Phils have their own legal team in the Hague but they also hired the ICLOS high powered Washington-Boston firm of Foley & Hoag. The Court said Beijing's statement it does not recognise the Court is no matter, that the High Tribunal on the international Convention on the Law of the Sea does have jurisdiction. These Chinese and Communist Party Boyz are absolute that they are the law and that's all there is to it. Somebody's gonna have to smack 'em between the eyes with a 2x4 to get their attention.

The want to take the dozens of natural and artificial islands in the SCS and make Naval and Air Force bases of 'em. That's their international law of the sea and of overflight so they're going to have to be more than spanked. The CCP Dictators are revanchist and irredentist which is fatal to the self and tragically to anyone near 'em.

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So is flying and sailing by the US near these islands going to make any difference? Is the UN or some court in the Hague going to make any difference? Is provoking China without causing them to lose face going to work?

Nah, just a waste of fuel, China has already won this one because, like the invasion of Europe by Islam, it is all too little too late.

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So is flying and sailing by the US near these islands going to make any difference? Is the UN or some court in the Hague going to make any difference? Is provoking China without causing them to lose face going to work?

Nah, just a waste of fuel, China has already won this one because, like the invasion of Europe by Islam, it is all too little too late.

Some people think the sound of the CCP Dictators in Beijing smashing the furniture in their rage is instead the sound of champagne glasses clinking.

Those guyz in Beijing are a bunch of klutzes who haven't any idea of what they are doing or what they're getting themselves into domestically or in their near abroad. Their strategy in the SCS of salami slicing their way to control of the entire sea is already turning into baloney. The Boyz "ripe fruit" strategy of gradually buying off Asean countries to get them in turn to accept CCP domination and possession of the SCS has turned into sour grapes already.

The US is doing now what the Chinese like to say -- kill the chicken to scare the monkey. The CCP Chinese can't even get their animal year straight this year. The word "yang" in this context means simultaneously goat, sheep, ram. It's a matter of word context or choice, i.e., diction. So the sheep following this on the closed circuit Internet need to take care they don't get fleeced by the rams in Beijing just because some particular country happens to be getting their goat. It's not been a happy new year over there in their economy or in their revanchism and irredentism against their neighbors

The Boyz have already won second prize in this which was last week listing to SecDef Ashton Carter talking about freedom of navigation and movement. Now they're going to win first prize which is listing to Prez Obama next week three times in three different places. Maybe they should get a couple of medals here but who knows.

The CCP are not the Russians and the CCP Dictators are not Iran. The CCP Dictators think in radically different ways, they act in deliberate processes and they plan, plan, plan. Their bureaucratic systems and processes are actually worse and more confounding than those of the EU. The boyz moreover devise what they are certain are subtle and clever long term schemes. They like to slice salami ever so thinly and to water the trees daily until the fruit is ripe. The actuality is that the Boyz don't have the muscle of Russia nor do they have the submissiveness of Islam, in Iran. All that does is to put 'em between a reef and an aircraft carrier

The Boyz would indeed be wise not to fire a shot.

Edited by Publicus
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To Publicus,, You may think that the Chinese are a bunch of "klutzes and they speak baloney"). All that does is denote your racial heritage. It does not answer my question, will fly overs and a few sail byes stop the Chinese from turning these atolls into huge military bases. The Chinese do not think about today, they think about decades into the future. And my question still remains, will the US go to war over these islands? Will the US try to impose sanctions on China, when China owns all of the bonds for US debt? The Chinese have already won this set piece in the big chess board of international supremacy, a few fly byes by an aircraft that is obsolete will make no difference. Too little too late.

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

Delusional.....China thinks above that

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To Publicus,, You may think that the Chinese are a bunch of "klutzes and they speak baloney"). All that does is denote your racial heritage. It does not answer my question, will fly overs and a few sail byes stop the Chinese from turning these atolls into huge military bases. The Chinese do not think about today, they think about decades into the future. And my question still remains, will the US go to war over these islands? Will the US try to impose sanctions on China, when China owns all of the bonds for US debt? The Chinese have already won this set piece in the big chess board of international supremacy, a few fly byes by an aircraft that is obsolete will make no difference. Too little too late.

No one needs to convince anyone else around here of anything. It is the case that certain people around these parts need to be informed, advised.

The CCP Dictators in Beijing are a bunch of klutzes. Never said that about the CCP Chinese which are no less the hapless victims of the CCP than they were of the thousands of years of emperors and dynasties of emperors.

It seems necessary to restate the CCP Dictators have been reduced to helplessness in the SCS where they are unable to respond to the authority of the United States.

The Boyz are easily bossy and arrogant toward Asean countries, governments, peoples, and the Boyz continue to have 800+ missiles pointed toward Taiwan across the Strait where the expected outcome of a general election in January mortifies them. Yet they cannot try their high and mighty arrogance against the United States, certainly not successfully. The Boyz most of this year and the past two weeks have been reduced, routed, humiliated....just plain wrong and confused; confounded

If the Boyz can't save their own face what can they save. They can't save their fanboyz, that is for sure.

Too many people have missed the fact the Boyz the past few months have sold roughly half their forex holdings of US Treasuries and other US financial instruments, some $600 billion. That is up to now but still counting.

The only consequence is that interest rates of USG bonds made a small blip to a notch above 2%. The demand for USG bonds remains great and strong. Some people actually and really thought -- and obliviously continue to believe in a gross error -- the United States was all of this time going to leave itself financially vulnerable to an evil foreign government, i.e., the Dictators in Beijing. The Boyz are mass selling the USG bonds and other US holdings because they have to, because they are desperate about their disastrous economy. It needs US bucks and it needs lots of 'em now...right now in a great quantity. Do try to keep up about this and so many other things plse thx.

Chess board??? The CCP Boyz in Beijing have never played chess against anyone they couldn't demote in the party or just flat out put in jail. The CCP Boyz have never been realistic about their command economy or about their revanchism and irredentism against their neighbors. It is costing them dearly which surprises no one over here.

What is occurring is that people who exist in their own world are being hauled back down to earth. Admittedly no easy task to apply to the dunderheads in Beijing who are certain they are the long standing masters of the universe. The US is however doing an excellent job of it by shredding the Boyz' claims in and over the South China Sea.

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And why did they not fly over the islands ?

They are difficult to replace these days, since the last production run was in 1963. Maybe they should have buzzed them at 100 feet with some B-2, given how much the taxpayers paid for them.

I had a Canadian lad ask me the other day why the US thought it had to be the world's policeman.

because it is, and someone has to do it, and back up what they do

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To Publicus,, You may think that the Chinese are a bunch of "klutzes and they speak baloney"). All that does is denote your racial heritage. It does not answer my question, will fly overs and a few sail byes stop the Chinese from turning these atolls into huge military bases. The Chinese do not think about today, they think about decades into the future. And my question still remains, will the US go to war over these islands? Will the US try to impose sanctions on China, when China owns all of the bonds for US debt? The Chinese have already won this set piece in the big chess board of international supremacy, a few fly byes by an aircraft that is obsolete will make no difference. Too little too late.

The US has a history of sailing into areas that are contested like this. As reported in a link above. If somebody didn't do this, can you imagine how many areas would be closed off? Not good for international travel and trade. We'd be back to the era of pirates.

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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

Delusional.....China thinks above that

No, not at all China has sent Navy ships to international waters off Alaska in last few days, as reported by CNN !


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Wonder what US reaction would be if Chinese Navy & Airforce flew similar distances from/in US territorial waters?

Thumper Trumper would be manning the beaches!!

Think US would be more useful in seeking UN 0r International Court intervention to quickly resolve the issue with all the claimant nations, rather than using provocative actions that may cause more damage than good!

You answered your own question. The US is not flying into Chinese territorial waters. Legally speaking.

The international court has taken on this case, a decision next year, and the Chinese have already rejected their jurisdiction. What can you do?

Believe US B52 flew over Spratly Islands, so guess the law on that is 'cloudy'?

Just read China has now sent warships off the coast of Alaska.... now, it's all about gamesmanship & makes no sense; as said won't help to resolve the issue & all the small Asian claimant countries will be affected & caught up in a show of muscle by US & China!!

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