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USA -- low budget repatriation specific locations that aren't horrible

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I did find a destination that looks OK that appears to have lower cost housing for sale (but not for rent).

St. Petersburg FL and Bradenton FL.



I did find a destination that looks OK that appears to have lower cost housing for sale (but not for rent).

St. Petersburg FL and Bradenton FL.

No wonder that, ..With a crime rate of 44 per one thousand residents, Bradenton has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 22. Within Florida, more than 81% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Bradenton.


Same St Pete.

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I did find a destination that looks OK that appears to have lower cost housing for sale (but not for rent).

St. Petersburg FL and Bradenton FL.

Beautiful Boating, lots of Tennis Stars, too, live there, train there, I guess the demographic changed in Bradenton

Panama City, Florida, USA?
No thanks.

Anyway, clearly the S.F. Bay area is out!w00t.gif

San Francisco remains the most expensive place to live in the country, with latest reports estimating median rent for a one-bedroom apartment at $3,590, according to April’s numbers by real estate start-up Zumper. Some renters get creative in order to survive the housing crisis — living on a sailboat or in awooden box or trucks.

Others besides Allen try to market their ideas to struggling renters. In March, after the story about an illustrator living in a wooden box in a friend’s living room went viral, the man offered on his website to build boxes for other people to live in or rent out. And Craigslist seems to serve up more absurdity, with listings such as a crawl space in Pacific Heights for $500 or a shipping container in Bayview for $600. The horrors go on: bug infestations, toilets inside closets, and roommates packed into bunk beds and partitioned living rooms.



Panama City, Florida, USA?

No thanks.

Anyway, clearly the S.F. Bay area is out!w00t.gif

I really see you happy in Bradenton. I'll enclose a video of a typical Bradenton bar - I think it's your kind of place.


Panama City, Florida, USA?

No thanks.

Anyway, clearly the S.F. Bay area is out!w00t.gif

I really see you happy in Bradenton. I'll enclose a video of a typical Bradenton bar - I think it's your kind of place.



Recent weather news highlights the climate downsides of the two areas I've focused on.

Temperature in Phoenix Arizona -- 115 Fahrenheit!

Tropical storm hitting gulf coast of Florida, not directly on Pinellas but sandbagging going on.

To add, NILE man eating crocodiles confirmed in South Florida! Imported by stupid pet owners.


Recent weather news highlights the climate downsides of the two areas I've focused on.

Temperature in Phoenix Arizona -- 115 Fahrenheit!

Tropical storm hitting gulf coast of Florida, not directly on Pinellas but sandbagging going on.

To add, NILE man eating crocodiles confirmed in South Florida! Imported by stupid pet owners.

Plus that god awful mindset in AZ, yuk, too much Sun for that population.

Not sure what you mean about AZ mindset except for the western culture, love and guns, and being heavily republican.

They are just people, like everywhere else. I would be hesitant to provide a broad, simplistic classification on any individual or group.

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All this talk of repatriation coupled with my recent trip to South Dakota has kinda spurred me on to accelerate my own plans.

The seemingly endless crazy rantings of the government has got me increasingly spooked about potential future clampdowns on exchange controls, especially when 'the event' happens and all Hell breaks loose.

So started the process this morning of getting all the FET thing going so I can actually move money back.

I know this ain't JT's thing, but I've already scoped out some great condo's in the SD Black Hills, which as a Californian, are an unbelievable price.

I think it will somehow calm my nerves that I know I don't have everything tied up here and I do have a bolt hole if things get ugly

  • Like 1

All this talk of repatriation coupled with my recent trip to South Dakota has kinda spurred me on to accelerate my own plans.

The seemingly endless crazy rantings of the government has got me increasingly spooked about potential future clampdowns on exchange controls, especially when 'the event' happens and all Hell breaks loose.

So started the process this morning of getting all the FET thing going so I can actually move money back.

I know this ain't JT's thing, but I've already scoped out some great condo's in the SD Black Hills, which as a Californian, are an unbelievable price.

I think it will somehow calm my nerves that I know I don't have everything tied up here and I do have a bolt hole if things get ugly

A couple of pics just to wet your whistle for life in S Dakota. First from the snow queen festival second a normal afternoon out for retired folks.



  • Like 1

All this talk of repatriation coupled with my recent trip to South Dakota has kinda spurred me on to accelerate my own plans.

The seemingly endless crazy rantings of the government has got me increasingly spooked about potential future clampdowns on exchange controls, especially when 'the event' happens and all Hell breaks loose.

So started the process this morning of getting all the FET thing going so I can actually move money back.

I know this ain't JT's thing, but I've already scoped out some great condo's in the SD Black Hills, which as a Californian, are an unbelievable price.

I think it will somehow calm my nerves that I know I don't have everything tied up here and I do have a bolt hole if things get ugly

A couple of pics just to wet your whistle for life in S Dakota. First from the snow queen festival second a normal afternoon out for retired folks.

I just love your static signature - ting tong club. Classic! clap2.gif


All this talk of repatriation coupled with my recent trip to South Dakota has kinda spurred me on to accelerate my own plans.

The seemingly endless crazy rantings of the government has got me increasingly spooked about potential future clampdowns on exchange controls, especially when 'the event' happens and all Hell breaks loose.

So started the process this morning of getting all the FET thing going so I can actually move money back.

I know this ain't JT's thing, but I've already scoped out some great condo's in the SD Black Hills, which as a Californian, are an unbelievable price.

I think it will somehow calm my nerves that I know I don't have everything tied up here and I do have a bolt hole if things get ugly

A couple of pics just to wet your whistle for life in S Dakota. First from the snow queen festival second a normal afternoon out for retired folks.

What's not to love about a gal in a cowboy hat! Hehehe


All this talk of repatriation coupled with my recent trip to South Dakota has kinda spurred me on to accelerate my own plans.

The seemingly endless crazy rantings of the government has got me increasingly spooked about potential future clampdowns on exchange controls, especially when 'the event' happens and all Hell breaks loose.

So started the process this morning of getting all the FET thing going so I can actually move money back.

I know this ain't JT's thing, but I've already scoped out some great condo's in the SD Black Hills, which as a Californian, are an unbelievable price.

I think it will somehow calm my nerves that I know I don't have everything tied up here and I do have a bolt hole if things get ugly

A couple of pics just to wet your whistle for life in S Dakota. First from the snow queen festival second a normal afternoon out for retired folks.
What's not to love about a gal in a cowboy hat! Hehehe
or a Heifer in a Prom Dress

Apart from the hilarity of cowboys hats and heffers...I think I may be channeling JT on whats our long term future here?

I have the majority of my assets tied up here, and that's what worries me, and I think JT.

Regardless of where you end up repatriating too, I think the primary thought for all of us is to, not have all your eggs in one basket, and have somewhere that you could at the end of the day 'bolt' to.

This country may, or may not explode when 'the event' occurs. Do I trust the rather blatantly anti foreigner military junta to safeguard my financial well well being? Probably not.

The worst case scenario is that when 'the event' happens, and within the junta's tenure they completely shut down foreign exchange, more than it is already.

That would collapse the Baht seriously affecting your convertible currency net worth.

In my thinking, it's time to hedge ones bets.

My hedging may be the snowy delights of South Dakota, but at least there I'm not concerned about anyone freezing, confiscating my assets.


ubonjoe, there are times I'm quizzical about some of the moderating decisions but that was one that was wholly appropriate.

I thought, hoped, that we had all moved past the prejudice and hatred of 'the other' but my faith in the tolerance of my fellow man is sometimes severely tested

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I think it's sad that this country has devolved from the John F. Kennedy days of "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" to a decision-making process significantly based on "which state can give me free stuff at the expense of others". Unfortunately, this has become quite prevalent in our society.

We have 50 states with even more diverse environments within those 50 states. I would like to encourage everyone to I would like to encourage others to consider what you can contribute to the state you'd like to live in and a spirit of contributing and enriching rather than taking. Or perhaps I'm too idealistic looking for how I can contribute to Thailand when I move there. Of course I want what's best for me as well. And what's best for one more often comes from giving and contributing rather than taking.

Best wishes to all.

It is sad that you misunderstood JFK , when you do for others you invest in your country. It was the socialism of the GI bill that created the middle class and the selfishness of capitalism that destroyed it.

No you are not idealistic you are confused.

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ubonjoe, there are times I'm quizzical about some of the moderating decisions but that was one that was wholly appropriate.

I thought, hoped, that we had all moved past the prejudice and hatred of 'the other' but my faith in the tolerance of my fellow man is sometimes severely tested

I guess I missed something fun ...

It is sad that you misunderstood JFK , when you do for others you invest in your country. It was the socialism of the GI bill that created the middle class and the selfishness of capitalism that destroyed it.

No you are not idealistic you are confused.

JFK's words are very clear. Feel free to post what you think he really meant if you think otherwise. It may also be wise to put the times in context. JFK called for cutting income tax. He called for and put into action a national goal of sending man to the moon.

When you do for others, that's a personal decision people make. That is charity. When government takes money by force, that is not doing for others nor charity. That is simply having your money taken by force. Of course, we must add to that discussion of the fiscal times we live in. That that money being taken is badly mismanaged and we are now $19 trillion in debt. People who manage money well understand that if you can't manage the money you have, more money won't help. That is why most lottery winners end up broke in seven years. That is why we now have 45,000,000 people on food stamps. When government takes on a role, people no longer see that role as their responsibility.

At any rate, many people confuse that with charity. Force is not part of the equation of charity. Charity is a personal transaction. The person or group giving feels good about giving. The person receiving realizes there are good people who want to help and have done so voluntarily. Both ends of the transaction lift the human spirit. When government becomes involved, it kills the human spirit and we end up with people looking for a place to live based on where they can get free stuff that was confiscated by force from others. I submit to you such a system destroys character and the fabric of society (see previous sentence for evidence of that). The best dignity one can have, especially in a country like the United States where there is so much opportunity, is to provide for themselves.

While it is tempting to and may even be logical to mention how you choose to identify yourself, I will gladly leave it out on your behalf. That is your decison and clearly you are free to make it. Thank you and have a nice day.

The people in your country are your country, when you do for them you do for your country.

"When you do for others, that's a personal decision people make. "

These people seem to disagree with you.

"A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members"

Pope John Paul II

"...the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped. "

~Last Speech of Hubert H. Humphrey

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members."

~ Mahatma Ghandi

In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of. -Confucius


ubonjoe, there are times I'm quizzical about some of the moderating decisions but that was one that was wholly appropriate.

I thought, hoped, that we had all moved past the prejudice and hatred of 'the other' but my faith in the tolerance of my fellow man is sometimes severely tested

I guess I missed something fun ...

You really don't want to know!

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