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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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Growing up in Texas, I hated the Mexicans for the Alamo killing; we had to take Texas history in the 7th grade. As an adult you realize that it was the Texans who were the terrorists and were inhabiting Mexican land illegally. I still consider myself a Texas but I would like to think I have learned a few things along the way.

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You do realise many muslims are not only protesting against these radicals but actively hunting them down. Muslim troops are fighting against them. Thats a lot more and a lot more effective than just protesting.

They fight for money….not ideology or beliefs…..whoever pays them they will fight for that side.

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You do realise many muslims are not only protesting against these radicals but actively hunting them down. Muslim troops are fighting against them. Thats a lot more and a lot more effective than just protesting.

They fight for money.not ideology or beliefs..whoever pays them they will fight for that side.

Who doesnt fight for money?

Who is paying iran to help fight isis? Who pays the muslims worldwide to hate isis?

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Watching French tv, it is heartbreaking. You lot just see what is on CNN or BBC, but on French tv they are already talking to victims parents and families. Showing photos etc. just too sad. It is not just Paris that is in mourning, it is the whole of Europe.

Those bastards, whoever they are, or were. Had no right to do that. NO RIGHT.

In a normal world, people go out to restaurants and go to concerts and laugh and have fun.

They don't stand on the back of pickup trucks firing bullets at nothing, or slitting the throats of aid workers and then raping kidnapped schoolgirls.

Nor do they go to civilised cities and fire those guns into innocent people. For what? Why?

Probably shooting their guns off as we write. And doing a little dance.

The 70 virgins? more like 150 ghosts of those they killed, flying in and punching them. Over and over again. For the eternity of their "martyred" lives. one ever millisecond. Hopefully. And i hope their parents are real proud. But, don't worry, the parents will say "we never knew". And mama will be crying. Bullshit.

RIP to all the victims of this massacre.

Rant over.

Want ISIS Really Wants.

Putting aside worldly power and wealth, at the doctrinal level all Daesh supported actions leads to it's goal of the Apocalypse.

The Islamic State awaits the army of Rome, whose defeat at Dabiq, Syria, will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse.


France has already commenced airstrikes against Deash facilities in Raqqa, hopefully doesn't take too long for coordinated ground attacks to militarily destroy Daesh; underpinned by the equally essential political solution for stabilisation of Syria & Iraq - wishful thinking?

Very wishful thinking as long as the West means unchecked exploitation of natural resources when they say "stabilisation"

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Truly unlucky !!! blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

The village near the Germanwings crash were at the Stade de France the night of the attacks!!!

The villagers whose help had been very much appreciated after the crash were as a gesture to thank them, invited by the airline germanwings to come and attend the game on that very Friday!

So they are back in mourning, again!

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40 grenades, 180 detonators, a few kgs of C4 have been stolen from a French military camp of Miramas, not far from Marseille back on 7th of July 2015.

The thieves had only to cut 2 wired-fences to break inside. They knew the exact location/depot/container of the explosive devices. The large military compound was only secured by 25 soldiers in that weekend...

The military commander was replaced 10 days before the theft...

This happened only 6 months after #Charlie Hebdo, and 4 months prior to the latest terrorist events in Paris.


Edited by Thorgal
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There's nothing wrong with international trade, as long as it is a trade between equals.

Of course the Middle East has what Europe needs, and vice versa. Nothing would be wrong if they would just exchange oil for money, but plenty if they need wars.

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They just might have a problem getting into paradise these suicide bombers. Pigs geletin is used in bullets and explosives. Also some cigarette manufacturers use it in filters.

** dailymail is prohibited in Thailand

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To all who are belly-achin' about Muslims not adding their outcries to the protest against the Paris violence.....hope you have the integrity to post your apologies as well....

This just a trickle of what you can find online and in the news.

Remember, terrorism has no religion. Religion is just a convenient mask over radical agendas that stem from extreme politics, racism, ethno-centrism, and many other human ills. Bringing it a little closer to "home," a good example from Buddhism are the marauding Buddhist monks in Myanmar who continue to kill women and children. Their agenda goes far beyond, and far deeper than their trappings of religion.


Edited by Fookhaht
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To all who are belly-achin' about Muslims not adding their outcries to the protest against the Paris violence.....hope you have the integrity to post your apologies as well....

This just a trickle of what you can find online and in the news.

Remember, terrorism has no religion. Religion is just a convenient mask over radical agendas that stem from extreme politics, racism, ethno-centrism, and many other human ills. Bringing it a little closer to "home," a good example from Buddhism are the marauding Buddhist monks in Myanmar who continue to kill women and children. Their agenda goes far beyond, and far deeper than their trappings of religion.

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It's good to see some Muslims actually condemning the actions of other Muslims. However You could also have added the news from the game between Turkey and Greece, when they asked for a minutes silence to honour those killed in Paris.

But you have not,could this have something to do with all the booing and whistling that took place.

Edited by nontabury
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More gunfire in Paris this morning - an anti-terrorist operation apparently.

Paris attacks: 'heavy gunfire' in suburb of St Denis as police hunt suspects – live

Associated Press has some more detail from the scene:

An official says a large police operation is under way in the Paris suburb of St-Denis and it’s believed to be linked to the deadly attacks on the French capital.

The police official says there have been exchanges of gunfire and special SWAT teams are on the scene. The official was not authorised to be publicly named, according to police policy.

Police have blocked off the area around Place Jean Jaurès in Saint Denis, just north of Paris.

French authorities have said they are searching for at least two people involved in last Friday’s attacks, which killed at least 129 people and seven terrorists.

Ambulances can be seen and sirens heard in French television footage from the scene.

More - Theguardian

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To all who are belly-achin' about Muslims not adding their outcries to the protest against the Paris violence.....hope you have the integrity to post your apologies as well....

This just a trickle of what you can find online and in the news.

Remember, terrorism has no religion. Religion is just a convenient mask over radical agendas that stem from extreme politics, racism, ethno-centrism, and many other human ills. Bringing it a little closer to "home," a good example from Buddhism are the marauding Buddhist monks in Myanmar who continue to kill women and children. Their agenda goes far beyond, and far deeper than their trappings of religion.

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That one was for a former slaughter, meaningless posturing. No not in their name, but in the name of their god and Prophet, as instructed by the koran which they ALL believe in

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I would urge everyone to do the same as I did today, and watch -You Tube

Tommy Robinson at the Oxford Union 108 minutes

Yes I know he was the leader of the EDL, however I found it very interesting into how he came to hold his views.

The only difference between Yaxely-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson, Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris), a man who has served time for violent crimes; including assaulting an off duty police officer who intervened to stop Yaxley-Lennon from beating up his then girlfriend, and those who committed this horrendous crime is that he doesn't have their resources.

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I would urge everyone to do the same as I did today, and watch -You Tube

Tommy Robinson at the Oxford Union 108 minutes

Yes I know he was the leader of the EDL, however I found it very interesting into how he came to hold his views.

The only difference between Yaxely-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson, Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris), a man who has served time for violent crimes; including assaulting an off duty police officer who intervened to stop Yaxley-Lennon from beating up his then girlfriend, and those who committed this horrendous crime is that he doesn't have their resources.

But have you watched the video or can you not remove the blinkers?

I would give you far more respect if you had have watched it, perhaps even criticised any part of it that you did not agree with,but no, I think your prejudice took priority.

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If t wasn't for the west the oil would still be under the ground. Folk in 'lands' would still be fooling with camels and not driving cars, let alone buying a gun..

If it wasn't for the Arabs, the West would still be using Roman numerals.

So much of the mathematics required for our scientific advances would have been impossible!

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I would urge everyone to do the same as I did today, and watch -You Tube

Tommy Robinson at the Oxford Union 108 minutes

Yes I know he was the leader of the EDL, however I found it very interesting into how he came to hold his views.

The only difference between Yaxely-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson, Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris), a man who has served time for violent crimes; including assaulting an off duty police officer who intervened to stop Yaxley-Lennon from beating up his then girlfriend, and those who committed this horrendous crime is that he doesn't have their resources.

But have you watched the video or can you not remove the blinkers?

I would give you far more respect if you had have watched it, perhaps even criticised any part of it that you did not agree with,but no, I think your prejudice took priority.

Yes, I have watched it, some time ago actually.

But that does not alter the fact that Yaxely-Lennon is a violent, racist thug.

Even if he does, at the moment, present a "I've had a Damascene conversion to peaceful means" façade.

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I would urge everyone to do the same as I did today, and watch -You Tube

Tommy Robinson at the Oxford Union 108 minutes

Yes I know he was the leader of the EDL, however I found it very interesting into how he came to hold his views.

The only difference between Yaxely-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson, Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris), a man who has served time for violent crimes; including assaulting an off duty police officer who intervened to stop Yaxley-Lennon from beating up his then girlfriend, and those who committed this horrendous crime is that he doesn't have their resources.

But have you watched the video or can you not remove the blinkers?

I would give you far more respect if you had have watched it, perhaps even criticised any part of it that you did not agree with,but no, I think your prejudice took priority.

Yes, I have watched it, some time ago actually.

But that does not alter the fact that Yaxely-Lennon is a violent, racist thug.

Even if he does, at the moment, present a "I've had a Damascene conversion to peaceful means" façade.

So you cannot find any part of the video to criticise, good there's hope for you yet.

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If t wasn't for the west the oil would still be under the ground. Folk in 'lands' would still be fooling with camels and not driving cars, let alone buying a gun..

If it wasn't for the Arabs, the West would still be using Roman numerals.

So much of the mathematics required for our scientific advances would have been impossible!

I'd say most of that credit should go to the Indians for inventing so called Arabic numerals that then passed through Arab lands on their way to Europe.

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Addressing the criticism of the international response to the act of war on France by ISIS compared to the recent bombings in Beirut.

What’s more, the tragedies in Beirut and Paris shouldn’t get the same kind of coverage. Beirut is less than an hour’s drive from Syria, a country wracked by civil war. Internal frontiers shift constantly, rebels battle the government, which battles the so-called Islamic State. The Lebanon-Syria border is porous, and Syrians cross it easily. Beirut itself has been a war zone several times in the last 30 years.

Paris, meanwhile, is usually a safe city (the Charlie Hebdo attacks notwithstanding). It is more than 2,000 miles from the war zone, and it’s generally thought to be pretty hard to get inside the European Union from the Middle East, even with the surge of refugees. A week ago, people reasonably had different expectations about which was most vulnerable to Islamic terrorism. It is simply not as surprising when suicide bombers kill 37 people near a prolonged civil war as when six coordinated large-scale attacks unfold in a city that is nowhere near any kind of active conflict, killing 129 (more than triple the total in Beirut). Even the logistics to plan an attack like this, far from the home front, shows a sophistication and scale of operations that transcend our previous understanding of the Islamic State.


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The Quran and the Siege of Paris (David Wood)
"...Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, millions of people are once again trying to understand the relationship between Islam and terrorism. Both peaceful Muslims and jihadists quote the Quran to justify their views. In this video, David Wood examines two verses of the Quran to determine the Quranic stance on terror..."

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To all who are belly-achin' about Muslims not adding their outcries to the protest against the Paris violence.....hope you have the integrity to post your apologies as well....

This just a trickle of what you can find online and in the news.

Remember, terrorism has no religion. Religion is just a convenient mask over radical agendas that stem from extreme politics, racism, ethno-centrism, and many other human ills. Bringing it a little closer to "home," a good example from Buddhism are the marauding Buddhist monks in Myanmar who continue to kill women and children. Their agenda goes far beyond, and far deeper than their trappings of religion.

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what a lame hashtag…it totally skirts over the issue…ISIS are not doing this in anyone's name but their own….and for their own bloodthirsty and arcane interpretation of the teachings of the prophet.

How about #notmyprophet

I'd be down with something like that.

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