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Hi my grandma is now 95 years old since aprox 2 Moth many problem with her stomage

Is there any herbal and Thailand that may also help ? Or another nature medicine ?


Who is diagnosing it as "gastritis" ? is she taking medication of any kind for other issues, and what's her diet like ? all of these things can contribute to the apparent symptoms.

Have you consulted a medical professional ?

The more information you can give the better chance of appropriate recommendations.


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Could be colitis as well….poor thing….definitely get a good doctor involved….good gut flora helps (probiotic capsules, kefir etc)….not yakult and vitagen that stuff is full of sugar.


Take her to a doctor first thing. It could be gall Bladder stones too . I thought i had gastritis for years (diagonalised by a doctor ) until i found out it was gall bladder - Watch and lower her cholesterol in her diet by cutting down on fats,and oils, and limit her spices especially chilli . Not an easy task to do though if she is 94. Best of luck .

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