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SURVEY: Do you believe that there are going to be more terrorist attacks in Europe?


SURVEY: Do you believe there will be more terrorist attacks in Europe?  

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Yes - I do believe that there will be more Terrorists attacks in the EU and even worse ones than Paris. Because the various EU Governments will not face up to the facts of the situation they have put their people into. It was sheer lunacy to have promoted this migratory invasion into Europe. There is certainly a percentage of the 'migrants' and 'refugees' that are aligned with the likes of ISIS. Then there are the disaffected who can easily be recruited. The police and the armies cannot be everywhere and the people are disarmed.

What a recipe for disaster !!!

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So long as we keep a fox in the hen house, chickens will die. Now, if there is no fox in the hen house, the chickens will be fine. Not a difficult concept to understand, but for some it is impossible to call the big red furry 4 legged thing a fox, they insist in calling it a chicken. And herein lies the problem, and the reason that we will continue to suffer terrorist spectaculars.

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The Radical Islamic Terror Industry created itself with barbaric beliefs, middle age combatant mentality and their cult culture. Radical Islamist in the ISIS Cult behead people for being a journalist, treat women worse than slaves, throw gays off rooftops, shoot 200 children lying in a ditch, burn people in steel cages and this has something to do with what the Western Countries have done?

Totally RUBBISH !!!

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To avert the next EU / U.K. terrorist action... I say - Call for an Armed Citizen Militia in the countries of the EU and U.K. The governments of France, Germany, England and all the governments of the rest of the EU and UK countries are not going to allow citizens to have guns or adequate arms for proper self-defense. These Governments do not want their citizens to have guns - yet at the same time reacting to terrorist acts show that their police forces and Army cannot provide adequate security in a timely enough manner. These Governments should just admit their failures and allow - even sponsor Local Civilian Militias. Citizens Volunteers could be recruited, screened, vetted, trained and armed. Then the Local Militias could be provided ID's and vests/jackets/hats to show their presence and identity. The Governments could assign police officers to work with the Local Militia - therefore becoming force multipliers and quick response security teams. This type of capability would allow a disturbance to be quelled rapidly because the Militia members would already reside in the terrorists target area. But I will not hold my breath waiting for common sense to be applied.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Would suspect ISIS will target all countries that have been bombing the ME. Oddly enough ISIS Sunnis don't seem to target Israel (or US for that matter) although the Shiite sect certainly does.

In other news a mass ISIS grave of about 80 Yazidi women found 40 - 80 yo, apparently the younger ones taken as sex slaves. Western media outrage at brown skinned genocide = zero.

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