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SURVEY: Do you believe that there are going to be more terrorist attacks in Europe?


SURVEY: Do you believe there will be more terrorist attacks in Europe?  

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I do not agree with this statement -it is just a few extremists who cause the problems-in historical terms so called Christians have killed more in the name of their religion:



'Muslims and christians are like oil and water they dont mix the only people that cant see this are our PC leaders.'

It is attitudes like ronwparker's "it's just a few extremists" that got Europe int this situation. ISIS has recruited something like 20,000 new troops in the last few months, over 4,000 from Europe. Islam is on a roll to world domination, unless it is stopped in the short term by military action and in the long term by compulsory education to counter the rubbish spouted in the pulpits and mosques all over the world. IT is not a few extremists. It is a political movement unbounded by any state frontiers to an ideological overthrow of the world as we know it that if not checked, will turn most of the world into 7th century Arab caliphates within 50 years. Even your moderate Muslims will not like it but they will be powerless because they will be declare apostates and will have to conform or be killed as well. We and our kids will have to convert or be killed.

China alone has military troops totalling some 7 million or so.

I think it's a little hysterical to call recruiting 20,000 people 'on a roll to world domination'.

Would you say that there's at least 1% of the Muslims that believe in the literal and unending truth of the Qur'an and are willing to see it happen?

Because if you do that means there's at least 15,700,000 of them (more than the population of Sweden and Finland combined) looking to enforce their beliefs on the rest of us...and how many of the other 99% of the Muslims will come to the aid of their co-religionists if they believe it would best serve themselves?

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I do not agree with this statement -it is just a few extremists who cause the problems-in historical terms so called Christians have killed more in the name of their religion:



'Muslims and christians are like oil and water they dont mix the only people that cant see this are our PC leaders.'

It is attitudes like ronwparker's "it's just a few extremists" that got Europe int this situation. ISIS has recruited something like 20,000 new troops in the last few months, over 4,000 from Europe. Islam is on a roll to world domination, unless it is stopped in the short term by military action and in the long term by compulsory education to counter the rubbish spouted in the pulpits and mosques all over the world. IT is not a few extremists. It is a political movement unbounded by any state frontiers to an ideological overthrow of the world as we know it that if not checked, will turn most of the world into 7th century Arab caliphates within 50 years. Even your moderate Muslims will not like it but they will be powerless because they will be declare apostates and will have to conform or be killed as well. We and our kids will have to convert or be killed.

China alone has military troops totalling some 7 million or so.

I think it's a little hysterical to call recruiting 20,000 people 'on a roll to world domination'.

Would you say that there's at least 1% of the Muslims that believe in the literal and unending truth of the Qur'an and are willing to see it happen?

Because if you do that means there's at least 15,700,000 of them (more than the population of Sweden and Finland combined) looking to enforce their beliefs on the rest of us...and how many of the other 99% of the Muslims will come to the aid of their co-religionists if they believe it would best serve themselves?

In a word - no.

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Muslims and christians are like oil and water they dont mix the only people that cant see this are our PC leaders.

i can't understand why. They both clearly believe in fairy tales. What is happening to islam now happened to Christianity centuries ago. They should get along just fine.

It's the rest of us that I feel sympathy for.

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You guys must understand that IS won't stop their atrocities. No amount of pacification would work. They WILL destroy Europe given the opportunity. The sooner western governments realise that their aim is world domination the better. Sending in a few planes to bomb soft targets might appease a few but it's a pathetic response.

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As long as religious fanatics, from all religions, are tolerated, they will continue to kill others in the name of whatever imaginary friend they believe in.

I, for one, am fed up with all religions!

Of all the things a person can die for, an imaginary friend is the most rediculous, and probably the most likely.

Stop the maddness!

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Smiling but very dangerous terrorist, Belgium citizen , connected with several terrorist acts in Europe, among them Paris 3 days ago

Belgium, center of terrorism in Europe


He holds a brand new US M16-A1 rifle delivered for the 'moderates' and to kill the 'radicals'... Edited by Thorgal
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I do not agree with this statement -it is just a few extremists who cause the problems-in historical terms so called Christians have killed more in the name of their religion:



'Muslims and christians are like oil and water they dont mix the only people that cant see this are our PC leaders.'

Waging war in the name of Christianity stopped hundreds of years ago ... Islam has not skipped a beat - war - rape - piiilage - Burn ...

No modern war has been waged related to the control of peoples and land that has had any relationship to Christianity ..

So, when Bush called the Afghanistan invasion a crusade, and when he said he'd spoken to God about it, there was no Christian motive behind it?

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For those of us who have family in Europe I think there is serious concern over their safety and one friggn hell of a lot of anger towards the mushy, high rolling aristocratic EU Parliament, Angela Merkel who has appointed herself as the Supreme Leader of the EU and acts on behalf of all of Europe, and Holland who has been Merkel's lap dog. The new illustrious grande EU is one big failure in every aspect.

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I do not agree with this statement -it is just a few extremists who cause the problems-in historical terms so called Christians have killed more in the name of their religion:



'Muslims and christians are like oil and water they dont mix the only people that cant see this are our PC leaders.'

Waging war in the name of Christianity stopped hundreds of years ago ... Islam has not skipped a beat - war - rape - piiilage - Burn ...

No modern war has been waged related to the control of peoples and land that has had any relationship to Christianity ..

So, when Bush called the Afghanistan invasion a crusade, and when he said he'd spoken to God about it, there was no Christian motive behind it?

"President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

To be fair it's claimed he also said...

I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

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A bit like asking if any of the beers will go missing , once all the party gatecrashers have been invited in !!

It is all very well blaming the governments but as far as I can see it is also the general populace who needs to get realistic about what their society faces and the nature of what they face. They can't just invite everyone in and expect it to be hunky dory.

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Yes there will be more terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere. The problem will only get worse as vast numbers of immigrants are allowed into Europe. There is ample proof now that the Muslims do not integrate, they remain totally beholden to their faith and refuse to accept the social manner of their hosts. Germany is just building a massive problem for itself taking in these immigrants, who will, eventually, gain passports and have 'free movement' through most of Europe, exporting their vile middle-age based religion and cruelty. Schengen is dead, lets just bury it, RIP.

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Would you say that there's at least 1% of the Muslims that believe in the literal and unending truth of the Qur'an and are willing to see it happen?

Because if you do that means there's at least 15,700,000 of them (more than the population of Sweden and Finland combined) looking to enforce their beliefs on the rest of us...and how many of the other 99% of the Muslims will come to the aid of their co-religionists if they believe it would best serve themselves?

In a word - no.

So you are claiming that more than 99% of Muslims don't actually believe the Qur'an? And those centuries of ethnic cleansing, rape, slavery, etc. are just figments of imagination? 80 million Hindus murdered. The non-Muslim population in Pakistan dropping from 12(?)% down to 1% in the last 60 years. The ancient vibrant Jewish/Christian/Zoroastrian communities throughout the Middle east exterminated. The Buddhists of Afghanistan wiped out. The wholesale destruction of the north of Africa (the Roman Empire's breadbasket). The instigation of major incidents to include the Balkan wars, the Israel/"Palestinian" conflict, the rape and attempted genocide of South Sudanese. The Barbary pirates being the main sellers in the slave trade whilst raiding the Mediterranean coast (just look at how few cities were established there where it SHOULD be utilised much more; this is a direct result of them coming up from north Africa).

But yeah, the religion is different today and there's only one reason to think that it isn't....a person is a racist. There got it out before y'all did.

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Would you say that there's at least 1% of the Muslims that believe in the literal and unending truth of the Qur'an and are willing to see it happen?

Because if you do that means there's at least 15,700,000 of them (more than the population of Sweden and Finland combined) looking to enforce their beliefs on the rest of us...and how many of the other 99% of the Muslims will come to the aid of their co-religionists if they believe it would best serve themselves?

In a word - no.

So you are claiming that more than 99% of Muslims don't actually believe the Qur'an? And those centuries of ethnic cleansing, rape, slavery, etc. are just figments of imagination? 80 million Hindus murdered. The non-Muslim population in Pakistan dropping from 12(?)% down to 1% in the last 60 years. The ancient vibrant Jewish/Christian/Zoroastrian communities throughout the Middle east exterminated. The Buddhists of Afghanistan wiped out. The wholesale destruction of the north of Africa (the Roman Empire's breadbasket). The instigation of major incidents to include the Balkan wars, the Israel/"Palestinian" conflict, the rape and attempted genocide of South Sudanese. The Barbary pirates being the main sellers in the slave trade whilst raiding the Mediterranean coast (just look at how few cities were established there where it SHOULD be utilised much more; this is a direct result of them coming up from north Africa).

But yeah, the religion is different today and there's only one reason to think that it isn't....a person is a racist. There got it out before y'all did.

Spin worthy of a politician. The old switcheroo.

He said "No" to the point about "literal translation", and you switched it to "don't actually believe.".

I would say 99% of Christians don't take the literal word of the Bible....otherwise they'd be stoning every man in Pattaya for starters.

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I do not agree with this statement -it is just a few extremists who cause the problems-in historical terms so called Christians have killed more in the name of their religion:



'Muslims and christians are like oil and water they dont mix the only people that cant see this are our PC leaders.'

It is attitudes like ronwparker's "it's just a few extremists" that got Europe int this situation. ISIS has recruited something like 20,000 new troops in the last few months, over 4,000 from Europe. Islam is on a roll to world domination, unless it is stopped in the short term by military action and in the long term by compulsory education to counter the rubbish spouted in the pulpits and mosques all over the world. IT is not a few extremists. It is a political movement unbounded by any state frontiers to an ideological overthrow of the world as we know it that if not checked, will turn most of the world into 7th century Arab caliphates within 50 years. Even your moderate Muslims will not like it but they will be powerless because they will be declare apostates and will have to conform or be killed as well. We and our kids will have to convert or be killed.

China alone has military troops totalling some 7 million or so.

I think it's a little hysterical to call recruiting 20,000 people 'on a roll to world domination'.

I didn't say they had 20,000 members. I said that they had increased my 20,000 in just the last few months. If that doesn't scare you, it should. Perhaps Thailand could lend it's aircraft carrier and a few hundred tents to China to transport their 7 million troops to the Eurozone to help France etc. Not that it would be any help because how do you decide who to kill? It would be an easier war to fight if the enemy wore uniforms and you could see who was actually your enemy. Like walking around in the Thai deep south. Which one of the 999 Muslims you passed today, might be planning to plant a bomb or ambushing rubber workers tonight or school teachers tomorrow. This is a faceless enemy with no scruples. Anyone not wearing a beard or burkah is their enemy and quite a few of their own are also marked for execution as apostates as soon as they can do it safely. And if they do die in the service of Allah, it's major draw lotto night. Straight to paradise and his 72 virgins.

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