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Grand Mufti of Australia slammed over Paris attacks comments


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Mufti slammed over Paris attacks comments
Beau Donelly

SYDNEY: -- The Grand Mufti of Australia is under sustained pressure to clarify comments he made in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks that suggested racism and Islamophobia were partly to blame for the massacre.

In a statement released on Sunday, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed​ offered his condolences to the families of victims and warned against fear-mongering.

His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed.

"These recent incidents highlight the fact that current strategies to deal with the threat of terrorism are not working," Dr Mohammed said.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/national/mufti-slammed-over-paris-attacks-comments-20151117-gl0x8e.html

-- Sydney Morning Herald 2015-11-17

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"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

Because thebterrorists are not acting in accordance with islam. They are not real muslims.

Yes buddhists, christians and hindus have been doing quite a bit of terrorism. Buddhists against muslims in myanmar. Hindus against christians in india. Its only that those acts are not committed in western countries that western people identify more closely with that it just doesnt seem to matter.

A day before Paris was the Beirut massacre. Cant find the Lebanon flag colours on any monuments. Cant find the outrage, cant find western people in the street demonstrating.

The muffti is totally correct. Though i agree he could have waited a while. But he is correct although the timing of it can be called a Trumpism.

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"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

Timing is everything.

I rank the Mufti up there with Archbishop Pell as religious leaders with EQ's in the negative. Pell for his basic silence on child abuse in the Catholic church.

And both of them need to go.

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"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

Timing is everything.

I rank the Mufti up there with Archbishop Pell as religious leaders with EQ's in the negative. Pell for his basic silence on child abuse in the Catholic church.

And both of them need to go.

I think most people - well, OK, perhaps Westerners - would opine that Terrorism is the cause of Islamophobia, not the result.


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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

And most of the victims of the Muslim terrorists are...........other Muslims.

They must be the "good" Muslims, right?


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"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

Timing is everything.

I rank the Mufti up there with Archbishop Pell as religious leaders with EQ's in the negative. Pell for his basic silence on child abuse in the Catholic church.

And both of them need to go.

I think most people - well, OK, perhaps Westerners - would opine that Terrorism is the cause of Islamophobia, not the result.


Islama phobia is just the latest whipping boy of the rednecks. Even if there wasn't terrorism they'd have found another reason by now.

These blokes are as predictable as they are unimaginative.

Transport them back 30 years and it would have been the Vietnamese. 60 years and it would have been the '<deleted>'. 70 years the Japanese. Federation the Chinese. Before that, the Irish of course.

Same lines which spew out of their mouths, regardless of the era. As said, these fellas aren't very imaginative.

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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

Because thebterrorists are not acting in accordance with islam. They are not real muslims.

Yes buddhists, christians and hindus have been doing quite a bit of terrorism. Buddhists against muslims in myanmar. Hindus against christians in india. Its only that those acts are not committed in western countries that western people identify more closely with that it just doesnt seem to matter.

A day before Paris was the Beirut massacre. Cant find the Lebanon flag colours on any monuments. Cant find the outrage, cant find western people in the street demonstrating.

The muffti is totally correct. Though i agree he could have waited a while. But he is correct although the timing of it can be called a Trumpism.

I can't believe that people are still making naive comments like this. ISIS is following the Koran to the letter. Islam is NOT a religion of peace.

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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

My first sojourn outside of Australia in 1969 was to Indonesia where all but the Balinese are muslims.

They were normal everyday people doing normal everyday things.

The terrorism that we face today was instigated by the Arabs and only copied by the Asians.

I believe that we are somewhat blaming a religion for what has been done by extremists.

If we do not want their religion in our countries then we should ban them but we will not.

You can go to the farthest reaches of the Australian outback and there you will find a Chinese family. They know full well how to assimilate.

The problem with the arabs is that they will not assimilate.

They lack the moral fibre of the Chinese and that is why they hide behind their religion.

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I agree with him too about the root causes, and so does this interesting article from the BBC about playing into the hands of ISIS with knee jerk reactions and Islamophobia. That's exactly what they want.

"To maintain the flow of recruits in the long term, the jihadists need to make Muslims feel more vulnerable and alienated in Western societies."


Personally, I can understand knee jerk reactions and the heart wrenching grief of the victims' loved ones. If anyone did what the ISIS terrorists did to any of my loved ones I would have murder in my heart. But hopefully cooler heads will eventually prevail.

I agree his timing was bad.

Edited by dexterm
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I agree with him too about the root causes, and so does this interesting article from the BBC about playing into the hands of ISIS with knee jerk reactions and Islamophobia. That's exactly what they want.

"To maintain the flow of recruits in the long term, the jihadists need to make Muslims feel more vulnerable and alienated in Western societies."


Personally, I can understand knee jerk reactions and the heart wrenching grief of the victims' loved ones. If anyone did what the ISIS terrorists did to any of my loved ones I would have murder in my heart. But hopefully cooler heads will eventually prevail.

I agree his timing was bad.

Cooler heads have prevailed for many years, and still we question the whys and wherefores of terrorists.

One problem with the terrorist - any terrorist - threat is the media's tendency to apply a nametag to the likes of cowards such as the so-called 'Jihadi John', thus according them celebrity status.

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How does one become a Grand Mufti? Is there an election?

Hmmm.... When I was in the army 'mufti' was wearing civilian clothes. So, I suppose if you had been a general or similar, that would qualify you - as opposed to the ordinary rank and file merchant like me.

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Ah, the religious authority and example for the 12,000 Syrian migrants Australia is accepting, what could possibly go wrong?

The first group has arrived & guess what religion - surprise, surprise... they're Assyrian Christians.

Edited by simple1
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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

Because thebterrorists are not acting in accordance with islam. They are not real muslims.

Yes buddhists, christians and hindus have been doing quite a bit of terrorism. Buddhists against muslims in myanmar. Hindus against christians in india. Its only that those acts are not committed in western countries that western people identify more closely with that it just doesnt seem to matter.

A day before Paris was the Beirut massacre. Cant find the Lebanon flag colours on any monuments. Cant find the outrage, cant find western people in the street demonstrating.

The muffti is totally correct. Though i agree he could have waited a while. But he is correct although the timing of it can be called a Trumpism.

Can you find the French flag on Lebanese monuments?
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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

And most of the victims of the Muslim terrorists are...........other Muslims.

They must be the "good" Muslims, right?


I think it is universally noted that innocent people are the victims of islamic jihadists, primarily among them innocent muslims.

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Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

My first sojourn outside of Australia in 1969 was to Indonesia where all but the Balinese are muslims.

They were normal everyday people doing normal everyday things.

The terrorism that we face today was instigated by the Arabs and only copied by the Asians.

I believe that we are somewhat blaming a religion for what has been done by extremists.

If we do not want their religion in our countries then we should ban them but we will not.

You can go to the farthest reaches of the Australian outback and there you will find a Chinese family. They know full well how to assimilate.

The problem with the arabs is that they will not assimilate.

They lack the moral fibre of the Chinese and that is why they hide behind their religion.

I think this is a very interesting point.

Edited by arjunadawn
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For those who lost their lives rest in peace and for their loved ones may you receive the support needed.

Just as divided we are on TV the world are. Human kind is easy to devide but impossible to unite and thus we are in a continuous state of war. With modern technology we can watch a live war in our homes and can easily be swayed by centrally controlled media (+- 6 people control most of the worlds media) into the mindset of us against them. In todays controlled society (controlled by law, media, political correctness, social pressure, social media etc) truth has become a very scares commodity. In the process of finding the truth one needs to set aside preconceived ideas and entrenched views and this creates unease in most people. This unease prevent most people from ever discovering the truth.

One of the truths of todays world is that we are lead by weak/evil/bad/incompetent/bought/corrupt leaders, but we can only blame ourselves for this because we voted them in (not talking about Thailand). We have become complacent, as long as I am making money/living my life the politicians can do what they want to do attitude. This complacency will lead to fascism in our home countries if we let this trend continue, but lets not go there now. This allowed leaders like Bush and Blair to deceive us and led us into an unjustifiable war. A war that has cost the lives of 500 000 people in Iraq. I know what I would have done if Iraq was my country and I think all of us must be honest with ourselves, we would have fought back in every way possible (is that not what we are seeing ?). Unfortunately our leaders have been involved in destabilising the middle east for years with our silent consent. Syria is just the latest chapter if that history. A country that have had religions tolerance for centuries have been turned into a hell hole of hate and destruction. We have created a powder keg that is about to blow. Worst yet is that these people we like to hate has strong support among those living in western countries. They find their support among the unemployed youth, the youth that feels isolated from society, those who feel discriminated against or those that just see the ones we view as evil as their hero's. Interesting to note that a study found that Hollande had as much support as ISIS had among the French youth +- 16% (the Muslim population in France is only 10%). The implication of this is that you can bomb Syria/Iraq/Libya until everyone is dead and you will still have a problem. What the solution is I don't know, but I do know what we have been doing in the past will not bring about the results we are seeking.

Here is some articles that I have read recently in my quest for the truth.









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"His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

He's totally right.

Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

Have you not recognized the likelihood that his condolences are for the muslim victims of French police gunfire?

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How does one become a Grand Mufti? Is there an election?

You see who has got the longest strip of bacon.

You get elected:

the Grand Mufti of Australia is elected by the Australian National Imams Council

From here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Mufti_of_Australia

The current one is the guy quoted in the OP, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed.

A previous one - 1992 to 2007 - said this while suggesting that a group of Muslim men recently jailed for many years for gang rapes were not entirely to blame:

"If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it..whose fault is it - the cats or the uncovered meat?

"The uncovered meat is the problem."

He went on: "If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (veil), no problem would have occurred."

Women, he said, were 'weapons' used by Satan to control men.

His comments, reported yesterday in the nationally-circulated newspaper The Australian, created a storm of outrage.

From here: http://goo.gl/JEKPoG

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